• Profile picture of beenblake

    Dear Nick,I do not expect you to trust me. Why would you? You don't know me.I am just trying to reveal what God has revealed to me. I am sharing this with you out of love. I am not special or anything of the sort. This same revelation is available to all. I am challenging you my friend. I am challenging you to call out to Jesus as God. Pray to…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of beenblake

    Dear Nick Hassan,Why did the Pharisees kill Jesus? Because He is a good person? The Pharisees accused Jesus of blasphemy which means to claim that you are God. They killed Jesus because He claimed to be God. If He was anything else, the Pharisees would not have killed Him. Rather, they killed Him because people worshipped Him and revered Him as…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of beenblake

    This website has posted a definitive argument against the trinity. I could tear this argument down and prove it wrong on every account using the bible and theological arguments, however, this would not do good for anyone. For what good is a logical debate? It does not substantiate faith. A faith based upon an argument, on the basis of the bible,…[Read more]

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