alex replied to the topic Is Hell eternal? in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 11 months ago
Had Adam and Eve eaten from the tree of Life in the sinful state they were in, THEN that soul would have lived in that death state forever and would not have been able to die or be destroyed or perish or been even able or have or see the need or desire to repent. God only know what the end would have been. Thank Him for those Cherubims He saw…[Read more]
alex replied to the topic Is Hell eternal? in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 11 months ago
If we are created in God’s image and were restored by His Spirit on Pentecost, and still do not grasp, understand, comprehend, imagine or reason, etc, how or why The Loving Lord Jesus would or could want to “torment” anything or everything, beast or man, forever, then perhaps there’s been some true meanings lost in the…[Read more]
alex replied to the topic Basic logic in the forum Truth or Tradition 8 years, 11 months ago
Jesus said, “….destroy this temple and I will raise it up…” The speaker was the Father, Spirit, living inside the “temple” body of the son of Mary, Jesus. Jesus is the son of God, son of man (wo-man). The Life in Him was the Life of the Father, the Spirit (God is Spirit), not the sperm of Joseph. Jesus said “we will come to you” in John 1…[Read more]
alex posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago
Since God is Spirit, John 4.24 and Jesus said, “destroy this temple and I will raise It up…”, and if God raised Jesus’ body from the grave (Acts 2&4&10&13.30), I’d believe what Paul said in Ro 8.11 about that same Spirit being in me and you. I do believe that God is that same Spirit that raised the body. So, God is in me and you and that’s the…[Read more]
alex became a registered member 8 years, 11 months ago
Hi Alex,