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- June 15, 2003 at 12:53 am#15300
ParticipantWow, 15 pages of posts and counting. This is one very important subject.
In order to understand the true nature of God, it is necessary to do much reading and praying. In order to not repeat what many have already said here, I would simply direct you to our website below where we have over 300 papers posted on every subject important for salvation. The heresy of the trinity is one major topic that is covered in probably at least 10 different papers from every angle you can imagine. T8 had it right very early on in these posts and now it seems that this topic has begun to digress into trying to prove something that is false by using other false documents such as made up creeds and the like. If the various creeds are actually an issue, we even have a paper covering what was the original apostle’s creed if there ever was one officially…
Christ was an Elohim, the first-born of the creation (protokoos) and became the only-born (monogene) son of God here on earth. John 17:3 puts it quite plainly: "And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the One True God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." These two seperate beings cannot be equal in any way shape or form with regard to seperate HYPOSTASES in one OUSIA as Augustine would like us to believe. And certainly not in rank either. God the Father is uncreated, Christ was created. The Holy Spirit is the power of God by which we have communion through Christ. It is the power that allows God to search our minds and hearts, not some seperate being that has to telepathically communicate back to God what we said and did, etc.
Anyway, I don’t want to sound like I’m babbling so go to our website and read some of the lower numbered papers like #002 and #003. The’ll give you a good feel for the major reasons why belief in the trinity is the purest form of breeching the first commandment.
(Edited by Underground2012 at 8:57 pm on June 14, 2003)
(Edited by Underground2012 at 8:59 pm on June 14, 2003)
June 15, 2003 at 12:36 am#18977Underground2012
ParticipantGL and any others who are interested.
Christian Churches of God is a subordinate Unitarian church that keeps the Sabbath and full calendar of God. You can find our homepage below to begin your journey.
Although I agree with T8, I also know that if we can help it, we should not ‘forsake’ the assembling. We do that right here on the forum, to be sure, but there are physical elements of the church that have to be partaken in, such as the three feasts each year, being baptised, having your feet washed, etc, and taking the sacrament of the Lord’s supper. These are important elements of the faith that were given to all generations to perform in faithfulness, as the book of James explains faith and works. They go hand in hand.
I know for a fact GL that we have church members very close to and inside Toronto, and several more in Ontario. If you are being called into the body, the living temple, the communion of the saints, then CCG may be for you. Check us out, and when you’re ready, make your request know to the secretary or fill out the online request for fellowship, and someone will contact you.
Hope to see you at one of the feasts!
June 15, 2003 at 12:18 am#26779Underground2012
ParticipantHello everyone, I found this forum by searching for the book of Enoch, and have been impressed by the caliber of posts and the avoidance of the common tendency to resort to character attacks. I think I have found another home.
With regard to Hell, I have seen that there have been posts that have addressed the fact that there are multiple words to describe it, and one really cannot understand the concept without owning a Strong's dictionary, or at least having an online reference such as among others to rightly divide the word of God.
At my church homepage you will find 300+ papers dealing with almost every subject you could fathom with regards to the one true faith of the One True God. Prove any of them wrong and I'll give you a lollypop!:smile:
It is true that there are at least three concepts, described in multiple languages that Trinitarian power seekers have purposely translated “Hell” in order to control the minds of many generations. The truth is far from this single concept of Hell, as was necessary to scare people into all kinds of other perversions of the truth.
The three concepts that are represented by a KJV bible with the translated word “Hell” are:
1. Sheol (Death or the grave)
2. Ghenna (hellfire, lake of fire)
3. Tartaroo (angelic prision)There are entire websites dedicated to just these concepts and what they represent, and they are fairly easy to find such as:
For the time being, let us suffice the matter to say that in summary, God is NOT the God of eternal everlasting punishment, i.e. the little old granny who lived a wonderful life but stole a candy bar when she was 12 has to rot in hell for eternity because of that sin…etc.
1. Death. The bible says it is appointed once for man to die then the judgment. All who die basically lay in the dust until one of the two resurrections. There is no “hell” for them, no purgatory. This is scripture. The only two recorded are Enoch and Elijah who were taken, and it is possible that God transported them through time until Revelation 11 where they will appear as the two witnesses in Jerusalem. The other exceptions to death are the elect who are alive at the second advent of Christ sometime before 2027 who will be transformed in the twinkling of an eye. They will not experience death either. For all those who are resurrected in the second resurrected, and have an additional life of most likely 100 years, who do not repent THEN, will not be written in the book of life, will be allowed to die, and then their bodies will be cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death, and final. You are simply blotted out.
2. The next concept is Ghenna, which is also the valley of Hinnom in the OT. This is where the pagans sacrificed their children to the god Molech and burnt them in the fire, and where every Asherah pole, idol, altar, and killed sinner was taken in the OT to be burnt by the brook Kidron. In Jesus' day it had become the town dump or Jerusalem, where all garbage, dead bodies, and feces were put and burnt. It had a horrible smell, contained maggots (the worm that did not die) the vultures (where the corpse is there the eagles will gather) and had unquenchable fire as a city the size of Jerusalem would produce much of the three objects I list above. The fire burned day and night like a big incinerator. Jesus preached this concept, immediately recognizable to all people as a spiritual concept of what will happen to you once you exhaust God's options at the end of the second resurrection and judgment. If you stand there at the judgment seat of Christ and the elect, and thumb your nose at the system, you will be judged, allowed to die, and cast into the furnace of ghenna. In revelation this is a lake of fire, but the greek words actually are better translated “divine crisis” or “decision” as we understand the word crisis. You will be asked to decide once and for all, and if God cannot reform you in His lake of fire because of your rebellious spirit, then the fire itself will consume you utterly, and wipe your memory from the face of the earth, the second death. Our God is a consuming fire, not an everlasting torturing fire…..
3. The third concept is Tartaroo, which is the angelic prision. The legion of demons begged Jesus not to send them into the “pit” instead into a herd of swine, and revelation says that Satan will be bound and cast into the pit for 1000 years before the judgment, but will be loosed for a short while. This is some interdemensional plane, such as death or Sheol above, where the angels probably can do nothing, nor do they know anything. They are placed in suspended animation as it were. We know from Einsteins theory of relativity, that Energy=Mass X Speed of light squared. God is way above this crude physical representation of what energy is, and he could remove any element He pleased for an example of reducing them to temporary nothingness, able to be reconstituted at the very word of God. Just look at black holes…dark matter…etc.
Just remember, God is not willing that any should perish (notice it does not say eternally burn in torment) but that all should have life in His son.
Even though the scripture is pointing to a moment in the future where Satan does not repent and is cast into the lake of fire along with death and hades, etc. to be incinerated, it does not mean that it has come to pass as of yet, and Satan still has a chance to repent and be saved when he is converted into flesh and all the nations look upon him and remark “is this the man who made the nations tremble??”
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