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    Quote (Not3in1 @ Jan. 14 2008,15:23)Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 15 2008,08:18)But if he didnt come once then Christ is a fraud and our faith is in vain.Unless you believe Christ did all the miracles and healings and rose from the dead and yet is not the Messiah.But this is exactly the concern and exactly what Tow is trying to say……that…[Read more]

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    And as usual, Nick tries to deflect. You believe them, right? Stop focusing on me and focus on what is before you.

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    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 14 2008,15:18)Quote (Not3in1 @ Jan. 14 2008,16:59)What I am trying to say is that the OT does not imply the Christ will come twice.  Am I wrong?not3But it dosnt imply his coming will only be once either.Trinitarians, the true masters of the argument from silence!Quote Where is the scripture that says “all the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Towshab

    Quote (seek and you will find @ Jan. 14 2008,14:32)I find it really ironic when one reaches out and nobody responds. Is it because nobody reads it, or is it that nobody cares about me anymore? It certainly makes me wonder. I had this up for 24 hours, and no replies. Lets see what the next 24 hours will bring me.Peace and Love Mrs.IM4Truth :blues: :blues:Sorry…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Towshab

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 14 2008,14:16)Hi Tow, But it does show that the NT you quote includes the intercessory between God and man, Jesus Christ. The NT certainly reveals the hidden aspects of the messiah's visit to be fully expounded on his return.God chose to keep some aspects secret even from the angels and principalities until Christ came.As…[Read more]

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    Quote (Son of Light @ Jan. 14 2008,13:15)All good points Tow,The answer is Jesus wasn't the pharisee messiah.  He was an essene messiah.  Different scriptures and different eschatology.Just curious, but do you have access to the Essene Torah?

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 14 2008,13:34)Hi tow, You said”Don't forget the next verse:Rom 16:26  but has now been disclosed and through the prophetic writings has been made known to all nations, according to the command of the eternal God, to bring about the obedience of faith–but then you forgot the next verse27To God only wise, be glory through…[Read more]

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    Is it true that if you get enough spirit you will see pink elephants?

  • Profile picture of Towshab

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 14 2008,12:38)Hi not3, These are matters of which even the angels were ignorant. –Snicker–And you expect the Jews to have accepted him if he was a mystery they have never heard of? You are baiscally saying they were expecting what was revealed to them in Tanakh but was given someone totally different. Don't you find…[Read more]

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    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 14 2008,10:21)Quote (Towshab @ Jan. 14 2008,22:54)Quote (Is 1:18 @ Jan. 14 2008,00:46)Quote (Towshab @ Jan. 14 2008,07:51)Leave it to Ken to show the true nature of Christian love.All I have ever seen you do here is taunt people Towshab. Every post in this thread from you was of that nature. What a poor…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Towshab

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 14 2008,10:13)Quote (Towshab @ Jan. 14 2008,23:06)Quote (Stu @ Jan. 14 2008,01:47)That's simply unbelievable.  Why did others follow?  Peer pressure, or the need for approval from parents or other adults.  If the bible was submitted for a censor's rating today, it would be certified for 18 and above on its co…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Towshab

    Quote (Stu @ Jan. 14 2008,04:39)Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 14 2008,19:47)Hi not3, Because you believe in Jesus who is the truth and the Word of God and he revealed for us the depths hidden in the OT.But is doesn't say he will 'come a second time', though? Not even the 'hidden depths' of the OT say so? What reason is there for people waiting,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Towshab

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 14 2008,02:47)Hi not3, Because you believe in Jesus who is the truth and the Word of God and he revealed for us the depths hidden in the OT.From http://www.answers.com/circular%20reasoning=======================================”Beg the question” – Take for granted or assume the truth of the very thing being questioned.…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Towshab

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 13 2008,21:54)Hi not3, After his death the resurrected Son of man went back to heaven and was given the kingdom by GodDan 7 13I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him. 14And there was given him…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Towshab

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Jan. 13 2008,21:25)Tow writes:Quote What will the King Messiah accomplish and fulfill?(1) Build the 3rd Temple (Eze 37:26-28, Mic 4:1).(2) Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isa 43:5-6, Isa 27:12-13 & 11:12).(3) Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease. (Isa 2:4, Isa 11:6,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Towshab

    Quote (Stu @ Jan. 14 2008,02:07)Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 14 2008,18:57)For your information, the other three that followed after the little girl were adults well over 18.So I suppose you wouldnt let your 10 year old decide for themselves what they want to believe? Or would you make them believe what you want?So tell me do you make your…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Towshab

    Quote (Stu @ Jan. 14 2008,01:47)That's simply unbelievable. Why did others follow? Peer pressure, or the need for approval from parents or other adults. If the bible was submitted for a censor's rating today, it would be certified for 18 and above on its content. Ten year olds really should not have access to such nasty fiction, and therefore…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Towshab

    Quote (Is 1:18 @ Jan. 14 2008,00:46)Quote (Towshab @ Jan. 14 2008,07:51)Leave it to Ken to show the true nature of Christian love.All I have ever seen you do here is taunt people Towshab. Every post in this thread from you was of that nature. What a poor representative you are of your judaic faith, you have written nothing to commend it to me.…[Read more]

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    Quote (kenrch @ Jan. 13 2008,20:13)Quote (Towshab @ Jan. 14 2008,13:07)Keep it up Ken. Right now, you're helping me in showing the true nature of Jesus. You are doing more damage to Christian faith than ever have. Thanks for the help.Is that reverse physiology like the way you think about Jesus the true Messiah?Why Not: Who is Jesus?Physiology?

  • Profile picture of Towshab

    Keep it up Ken. Right now, you're helping me in showing the true nature of Jesus. You are doing more damage to Christian faith than ever have. Thanks for the help.

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