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    Irene!Just another side-point here. You made mention, that the Holy Spirit was Jehovah's mind, now didn't you? Indicating to me, that you knew Jehovah's mind. Paul doesn't agree with you at all, for note what he stated about that particular mind: “For WHO has come to know THE MIND OF JEHOVAH that he/she may instruct him?” But we do have the mind…[Read more]

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    Quote (Cindy @ May 25 2009,12:39)TexasAgain, you have no clue of what you're speaking off.Jesus in control of God's Holy Spirit? give me a brake.The Holy Spirit is God's mind, no one is in control of that but God himself.The reason Jesus had to ascend to heaven first, before the Holy Spirit was send was; had God, for whatever reason, not excepted…[Read more]

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    Quote (Cindy @ May 25 2009,12:39)TexasAgain, you have no clue of what you're speaking off.Jesus in control of God's Holy Spirit? give me a brake.The Holy Spirit is God's mind, no one is in control of that but God himself.The reason Jesus had to ascend to heaven first, before the Holy Spirit was send was; had God, for whatever reason, not excepted…[Read more]

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    Quote (Cindy @ May 25 2009,06:45)Texas  I am not going to answer a question like if we have been Baptized or not.  First of all it is none of your business, it is God's. Nobody said that our knowledge of the Bible is Superior then yours. I was defending my Husband to your post, where you say that He knows nothing. I am not going to say anything e…[Read more]

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    Hello! Irene & Georg!To take what I told you before, a step further. Let me ask, you both: Do you actually know, by scripture, what it is that you have to do, in order to receive of the Holy Spirit?Now, I conclude from your replies to me, that you believe that your knowledge of the Bible, is far superior to mine. In as much as you try to refute…[Read more]

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    Quote (Cindy @ May 24 2009,14:18)TexasFirst let me explain to you, my wife things for her self, and she speaks for her self; at times she things she has to defend me because she loves me, but she is not my counselor, I speak for my self.The scriptures below are my reply to another of your posts. They are prove you are wrong with your assessment on…[Read more]

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    Quote (Texas @ May 24 2009,11:12)Quote (Cindy @ May 24 2009,06:58):D :D :D You sure are funny, you really think that I care and get red in my face?  We know  how arragant you are. I am 70 and no man can do that to me.Have a nice day, I let my Husband take care of this later.Irene :D :D :DIrene!Judging from your comment here, arrogance is no stranger to you e…[Read more]

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    Quote (Cindy @ May 24 2009,06:58):D :D :D You sure are funny, you really think that I care and get red in my face?  We know  how arragant you are. I am 70 and no man can do that to me.Have a nice day, I let my Husband take care of this later.Irene :D :D :DIrene!Judging from your comment here, arrogance is no stranger to you either, now, is it? What d…[Read more]

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    Quote (Cindy @ May 24 2009,02:49)Texas  You are telling my Husband that He does not know much?  You are so wrong, maybe He does not always explain to others they way you might like, but let me tell you, He studies 4 hours in the row. He has read every Book of the Bible. You owe Him an apology. I dislike people like you, who think they know it a…[Read more]

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    Quote (Cindy @ May 23 2009,10:24)TexasYou didn't answer your own question; who are the people referred to as the apple of God's eye?The ISRAELITES, you didn't know that, did you?GeorgGeorg!Oh! But I did answer my own question! You was not paying attention to what I wrote. You're wrong about them being the Israelites. Obviously you havn't read…[Read more]

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    Quote (charity @ May 21 2009,10:07)by using the words of prophets the 2 edged sword is sharpened to cut any that shall attempt to use it… Texas t bone.. men have righteously chastened Jesus and twisted iniquity (EVIL) to appear as good, AN good then is not understood as garments are rolled in the blood curdling battle.Dear warriors for any…[Read more]

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    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ May 21 2009,03:55)Hi TexasJesus said…“WATCH OUT FOR FALSE PROPHETS. THEY COME TO YOU IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING, BUT INWARDLY THEY ARE FEROCIOUS WOLVES. BY THEIR FRUIT YOU WILL RECOGNIZE THEM”. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad f…[Read more]

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    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ May 21 2009,06:58)Quote (Texas @ May 20 2009,14:05)Quote (WorshippingJesus @ May 21 2009,05:02)TexasAlso, why would you keep creating new threads on the same subjects? You are just messing up this board. Why dont you search the board first to see if there is a title that you can put your subject under before you created…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Texas

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ May 21 2009,05:02)TexasAlso, why would you keep creating new threads on the same subjects? You are just messing up this board. Why dont you search the board first to see if there is a title that you can put your subject under before you created unnecessay threads? Or just create a thread that says “The truth according to…[Read more]

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    Quote (Cindy @ May 21 2009,04:43)Texas  Why do you find it necessary to tell us about J.W. We do have one at least here on this site.          W.J. said something about you being a Prophet? We already had some J.W. come to our house,          for the most time, they have been very nice. I agree some with W.J. and you know what He          said…[Read more]

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    Georg!One final note! Recall that old adage: “There are NONE SO BLIND as those WHO WILL NOT SEE!” Texas!

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    Quote (Texas @ May 20 2009,10:11)The Apostle Luke made mention of the Apointed Times of the Nations, at Luke 21:24, in these words, in part: “and Jerusalem will be trampled on BY THE NATIONS until the Apointed Times of the Nations are fulfilled.”No one today, would be able to tell, with any accuracy, just when these fortold times would end! That…[Read more]

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    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ May 20 2009,11:16)Hi texasQuote (Texas @ May 19 2009,18:18)“Therefore see to it that what is said in the Prophets does not come upon you, 'Behold it you scorners, and wonder at it, and vanish away, because I am working a work in your days, a work that you will by no means believe even if anyone relates it to you in…[Read more]

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    Quote (Cindy @ May 20 2009,13:35)TexasI had replied to you on this very subject on “Worldly Wisdom”, just as you had charged me to do, however, just as I posted it, “heaven” moved it to a more proper forum; I have no idea were that is, I was hoping it would still surface; since it is not, I will take up the challenge again.Luk 21:24 And they shall…[Read more]

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    Quote (Not3in1 @ May 20 2009,02:51)Quote (Texas @ May 19 2009,07:07)Quote (Not3in1 @ May 19 2009,06:26)I adore “flowery speakers”; they challenge my theories, they stimulate my mind, they help increase my vocabulary, and they help me to see a much larger picture!I can encourage you with the news that most everyone here has a true heart for the…[Read more]

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