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    Quote Is this something we can do?Yes it is, when a person is ready, that means they accept Christ without any reservationsand truly believe in the holy Ghost,A persons faith can and will move their consciousness into their piece of Gods Spirit or their innerself.When you can do this you will get a whole new view of this place and the next.And if…[Read more]

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    TJStarfire replied to the topic love among all in the forum Faith 18 years, 4 months ago

    I agree, and I don't see any one religion that teaches the core beliefs of Christ.and today most religions openly reject that ghosts and spirits can be anything but evil.

  • Profile picture of TJStarfire

    Yep I got the same message as Kenrch almost all day yesterday (the 14th)

  • Profile picture of TJStarfire

    Quote The bible, whether or not it is complete, is all the Word of God. It is all written by the Holy Spirit of God through men, and that is why is is so beautiful, so harmonious and resonant with truth.If you cannot yet see this then seek the gift of that Spirit yourself.When/if you can move your consciousness into your spirit, (baptism into the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of TJStarfire

    Quote Starfire: It is the same question that I ask you now: How say ye that I preach hatred and another way when I follow Christ's own example?I don’t necessarily say that you yourself preach hatred,I do say that any person who accepts or supports those doing violence to others are not Christians. They are wolves in sheeps clothing.Luke 3 And t…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of TJStarfire

    Quote TJStarfire has said the what is left of the bible is only for disputes etc. Who would agree or disagree?Thats not exactly true, but it is close to what I believeThe Bible is a group of verbal and written teachings handed down through time, changing hands through wars and rumors of wars, at times lost then recovered sometimes whole and…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of TJStarfire

    Quote Is there any other source of writing to be looked to in comparison or placed authoritatively beside or above the holy scriptures?There have been a lot of written doctrine that was taught before and at the time of Christ which the enemies of Christ did not include in our modern bible. I have taken those all into account even then teachings of…[Read more]

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    TJStarfire replied to the topic love among all in the forum Faith 18 years, 5 months ago

    Quote No problem. We all have to give answers at times in the wrong forum but then we really have to redirect the thread.Well then I see we need to redirect every post here. ??? I don't see one yet answering this threads question.Which religion actually practices Christianity? :p

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    I grew up on a ranch where I learned the quickest way to determine the nature of any beast is to look at its teeth.So now, when I want to know who is of GOD and who is following the fallen I look at their teeth figuratively speaking of courseif they preach peace and harmony among all they have the teeth of sheep, if they accept or preach any of…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of TJStarfire

    Quote You misunderstand.What I meant is that if you want us to listen to you at least show scripture correctly and show you respect it as truth.I don't use anything out of context, I don't care if anyone listens to me, that is up to the Holy spirit and after two thousand years of being edited by the enemies of Christ the scriptures left in what we…[Read more]

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    TJStarfire replied to the topic love among all in the forum Faith 18 years, 5 months ago

    Sorry if i touched a sore spot in some However, We are told to beware.Matt 7 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits.

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    Quote You quote writings from 200 C.E. as though they were scripture. You say you've never gotten a response, I still maintain that scriptures show that early Christians were just as prone to error as we are (as I submitted earlier). We should be following the teaching of scriptures, not other writings which support our view point. SeekingTruthIf…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of TJStarfire

    Quote I'm not good with Old English. What are you trying to say? DAVIDThat wasn't me saying that, it was Christ saying (You are to suffer this far)

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    TJStarfire replied to the topic love among all in the forum Faith 18 years, 5 months ago

    Quote Hi,This forum is about “love among all”. Please use the appropriate forums.I wasn't the one who first brought in the counter point of those who turn against Christ.When talking about being required to Love, what is wrong with the mention of those who preach Hate?

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    TJStarfire replied to the topic love among all in the forum Faith 18 years, 5 months ago

    Quote How does NOT defending those whom you love violate the command to love your enemy, and to do good to them that hate you? (Please do not confuse defense with avenge).Tell me how love is demonstrated towards my enemy by my not defending the sheep and laying down my life for them? And tell me if this is the point that Jesus was making with…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of TJStarfire

    According to the Doctrine taught at the time of Christ this explains what you are asking. and I heard His voice: 'Fear not, Enoch, thou righteous man and scribe of righteousness: approach hither and hear my voice. And go, say to the Watchers of heaven, who have sent thee to intercede for them: “You should intercede” for men, and not men for you:…[Read more]

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    Quote The second death is the end. What he is saying that the second death is another “age”. ??? Another AGE in the fiery pit.

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    David,What point did Christ make after the sword was used?Suffer ye thus far?Then He let them put Him to death, RIGHT?

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    TJStarfire replied to the topic love among all in the forum Faith 18 years, 5 months ago

    NO PERSON can be a follower of Christ if they turn their back on;Love your enemy, do good to those who Hate you…Any spoken claims contrary to that is not only bearing false witness to GOD,But also makes one an oath breaker before GOD.

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    Hi DavidQuote Funny.Yes, but we're discussing the good news, the message that is to be preached in all the inhabited earth. How will this take place? Electronic Rumors?Those can sweep the world in hours and spread across countriesby word of mouth in a couple of days.

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