Surgeon83 replied to the topic The End of the World in the forum Faith 20 years, 1 month ago
With the recent earthquake in the Indian Ocean and the tsunami killing thousands I think we need to realize that the end times aren't too far off. There are wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes in diverse places, the Gospel is being preached around the world, and (in case no one noticed) it's open season on Christians in the public forum. Jesus is…[Read more]
Surgeon83 replied to the topic in the forum Islam 20 years, 1 month ago
Just a quick thought (haven't been here for quite a while), it is so disgusting to see that almost all of the television programs about Jesus this past Christmas (2004) included sections dedicated to the da vinci code. This whole thing is disgusting. I am led to the Book of Revelation concerning the Harlot and the golden cup. It has been known now…[Read more]
Surgeon83 replied to the topic Understanding the Holy Spirit? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 20 years, 8 months ago
The subject of the Holy Spirit can often get quite touchy amongst people. I tend to believe that there is a trinity and that the Holy Spirit and Jesus are different persons. Jesus explained it many times by referring to the Holy Spirit as “he” and the “comforter” designating a separateness. Also, Jesus says that sins against the Father and of the…[Read more]
Surgeon83 replied to the topic How do we know? in the forum Faith 20 years, 8 months ago
I think Ringo 111's testimony and so many others' makes it clear that there indeed is a God and a spirit world. It often makes me think of the movie the Matrix; a world or “realm” existing and coinciding with our own only most people go about their lives unaware of it. I say most because these accounts as posted here make some major exceptions. I…[Read more]
Surgeon83 replied to the topic What does God want from a man? in the forum Faith 20 years, 10 months ago
I think God desires companionship more than anything else. Worship, I believe, is our way of establishing a connection to him. He desires us so much and cares for us that he sent his son who willingly died so that we could draw closer to him and be comforted by it. Many of my comments on other posts have been about the mind of God, but what God…[Read more]
Surgeon83 replied to the topic Do you believe the theory of Evolution to be true? in the forum Creation & Science 20 years, 10 months ago
I do realize that There hasn't been any observation (to my knowledge) that has found a mutation to prompt the arrival of a new species. The mutation explanation was the one given to me by my biology professors who,by the way, find it quite difficult to explain the details as to how this has seemed to occur quite frequently in the cambrian period…[Read more]
Surgeon83 replied to the topic Is there a God in the forum Faith 20 years, 11 months ago
First let me say that anyone who claims to be an atheist and then mocks a Christian for believing in God for illogical reasons is a hypocrite. They claim that they “know” or strongly believe there is no God based on the same line of reasoning that others DO believe there is a God. Essentially it comes down to a belief. I wrote a post in response…[Read more]
Surgeon83 replied to the topic Do you believe the theory of Evolution to be true? in the forum Creation & Science 20 years, 11 months ago
First of all there are many aspects of Darwin's theory that are obviously true; the first being the evolution of populations due to natural selection. The key to this mechanism of evolution is simple; Let's say there are 2 groups of ants, a red and black colony. Let's also say that there is an anteater which can notice red ants more so than the…[Read more]
Surgeon83 replied to the topic in the forum Free Will? 21 years, 2 months ago
I wonder whether or not God chooses not to know what our final destination (heaven,####) will be. If he is God, then he knows all things; past,present, and future, but if he knows what we’ll do tomorrow, then he must also know whether or not we’ll sin and whether or not we will die in sin. I suppose you can’t surprise God in such a way the he…[Read more]
Surgeon83 replied to the topic Quantum Mechanics in the forum Creation & Science 21 years, 2 months ago
Is our understanding of the universe sound? Saying that the universe came from the big bang is like saying John F. Kennedy’s assassination came from a loud pop. I do think there is something behind both bullets. Quantum theory is telling us some strange things, but the most exciting is the notion that our existence is a result or at least a…[Read more]
Surgeon83 replied to the topic Heaven? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 21 years, 2 months ago
It is interesting to note that there are many who ascribe to the belief that there is a difference between heaven and paradise. I personally believe there is. I believe the Bible mentions something about Abraham’s bosom. I believe that when we die (when saved of course) we will go to paradise. When the rapture takes place those on earth will rise…[Read more]
Surgeon83 replied to the topic Cherubs in the forum Faith 21 years, 2 months ago
I find it intriguing to investigate all the possible havenly creations of God. There are the cherubim which guard the very glory of God and must use their wings to shield their faces from the shear awesomeness of his presence. Look at the displays of the ark of the covenant; two cherubim in the middle of which God’s presence resided. I think that…[Read more]
Surgeon83 replied to the topic magic.. in the forum Faith 21 years, 2 months ago
The Bible does say that sorcery, divination, and casting spells are detestable to God. What is interesting is the Kabbalah. This sort of esoteric practice may have started out holy (used only by the priests to commune in the presence of God), but has denegrated to a state where it is now chic to practice it. You find much of it assoctiated with…[Read more]