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  • #4045

    that brings me to another question…

    Why did God make that tree in the first place, and why were humans flawed in such a way that it was inevitable that they ate the fruit?

    And wouldn’t going to heaven or #### be relative? If you worship one god that will send you to #### for doing something, but others worship a god that will send you to heaven for the same thing, how is it possible to know which is true?

    (Edited by Raven at 5:53 am on Feb. 3, 2004)


    Why is sex a sin? If god didn’t want us to do it, he wouldn’t have given us privates, or made it possible in any way. If humanity was sentenced to die out, then why create them in the first place? Another question is why must we remain pure in order to get into heaven? Why must we fight human nature? Once again, if god wanted a perfect race, wouldn’t he have created us perfectly? and if we are created in gods own image, then wouldn’t God have the same flaws that humanity has? Shouldn’t that be judged on our accomplishments rather than how pure we are? Call me ignorant, but I don’t understand some of the reasoning. Don’t get me wrong, I respect you all, but I’ve had some questions.

    Thanks, and Peace.

    EDIT: oops, I posted this in the worng forums. sorreh.
    can an admin move this to general?
    (Edited by Raven at 7:18 pm on Jan. 31, 2004)

    (Edited by Raven at 7:20 pm on Jan. 31, 2004)

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