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    Rev.3 – He who overcomes, I will make a Pillar in The Temple of My GodAnd (he Shall Go Out No More). I will write on him the name of My God & the name of The City of My God, The New Jerusalem, which comes Down 0ut 0f Heaven from My God.I will write on them My new Name (husband's name).The Great Multitude will be before the Throne Of God and serve…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Pandora

    ~ Yes, on earth His Eternal Spirit may dwell with us.But, the destination of His brideis to dwell with His Eternal Spirit. ~

  • Profile picture of Pandora

    I meant God.It still does not change the meaning of the message.And you know it.If this is all it takes for you to think I present a false doctrine?Then I'm at the wrong place.Peter tells us that we are a Royal Holy Priesthood. – The Jews say they are of it. – The Catholics say their are of it. – The Jewish/Christians say they are of it.You…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Pandora

    Yes, go to the site http://www.deadseascrolls.comand exuast every linkYou have no idea of all the research and instutions that have been involved with The Dead Sea Scrolls.Most Christians don't know!Do you think Israel would want you to know this?Does not God's people suffer from lack of knowledge?God has not given you a spirit of fear.So why fear this?…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Pandora

    Oh yes my friend. It's already been proven.I'm just repeating what others have found.From research years ago. That has been established in many documents.In many instutions.By Jewish and non-Jewish Scholars and non-religious Scholars.It's not new. But it is suppressed.Which many of these Scholars proclaimed years ago!But with interests in the old…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Pandora

    Further more, Jesus not only rebuked the Priests in the Temple.He called them sons of their father the devil!There is much talk about Israel setting up another Temple with Priests as they had in their Law 0f Moses.Priests 0f God are suppose to anoint God's King for the Kingdom 0f God.Will Israel be ready thento anoint Jesus with their praisesas…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Pandora

    Christians believe that God's Zadokite Priesthood on earth was changed by Him.When Jesus became 0ur High Priest In Heaven;after .But the truth, of God's Priesthood To Himself 0n Earth?Was changed by mere men alone, first!Because of corruption.His Priest's were to maintain His Holy Fire within His governing of the people.But Israel wanted to govern…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Pandora

    Of course The Priesthood had to be changed.But not done away with.Nor high jacked. – Three years ago the Holy Spirit led me into studing the true Zadokite Priesthood.I had never heard of any one else doing this for today. – Then He led me to many others that had not only been studing about it. But Teaching it and Worshiping God by it.Some of them…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Pandora

    So glad you are.As I've been waiting for God to show me where He wanted me to lay this foundation.And He led me to this web site. – So, there is alot of things to consider.And the time of their considerations has come.Knowing that the Zadokite Priests at Qumran;as did the other Priests in the the Temple of Jerusalem.Who were the apostate Zadokite…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Pandora
  • Profile picture of Pandora

    Yes, I do.And one other reason is because it was read by the (real) Jewish Zadokite Priests in Qumran.At the time of Jesus and John the Baptist.The Priesthood, Jesus and John the Baptist did not rebuke which was out in the wilderness of Judean hills at The Dead Sea.These Priests left the Temple. And wrote of “The Teacher 0f Righteousness”!They…[Read more]

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