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- July 14, 2006 at 2:36 pm#22154
ParticipantIf ya realized that Jesus is God, you would begin to realize a lot more. He is 100% God and 100% man. I am not going to argue this point with anyone, but it is relavent(not sure if that is spelled correctly). And in many other versions it says I AM, not just I was. Making Reference to Exodus. Jesus Himself is not created, He always was, is , and will always be.
Unfortunately not all Bibles are the same, they are all translated differently. Some are more literal than others, some are more historical than others(they take you back to where the passage was said, to get a geographical location), and some are easier to understand. Unfortunetely they are all just about right. The difference in translations comes down to the Diety of Christ. Was Jesus God, or just another great prophet man? My bible says He is God, and there is basically only one translation, that I know of, that says otherwise. That is the NWT. All other translations state Jesus is 100% God/100% man.
Read Jeremiah 10 and ask yourself whom he is talking about. You would be keen to find out that he is talking about The image of the invisible God and noone has seen God, no not one. Except Jesus Christ. Now remember that Jesus was also a man, but he was diety.
Now you say that Jesus was not God, but how can the fullness of God(which is eternal) be in a mere man? It doesn't jive. OPEN YOUR EYES AND STOP BEING BLIND TO THE EVIDENT TRUTH!June 1, 2006 at 4:11 pm#19875OneoftheLordsGenerals
ParticipantI took some time to look through the NWT yet was confused on how JW's deny the Trinity when their own translation says its true. Explain these passages(which i have read in context) from the NWT for me if ya can;
1 Tomothy 3:16
Isaiah 9:6- how can Christ be the Eternal Father, if He is created? eternity is without beginning or end.
Hebrews 13:8
John 20:28
Phillipians 2:6
1 Timothy 6:14-16
Hebrews 1:2-3
Titus 2:13
2 Peter 1:1and many more. but here are a few. Chew on these and get back to me.
June 1, 2006 at 3:38 pm#210335OneoftheLordsGenerals
ParticipantI honestly don't care. Its not that one becomes close minded by denomination. I can pretty much tell what ya believe by the way you speak or what view you hold. But the division is already there. We are all not brothers and sisters in Christ. I say what I say now, not in disrespect to other beliefs but to clarify where i stand. Anyone who accepts the word of God and what it teaches is my brother or sister.
Jws are not my brothers, Christadelphians are not my brothers, buddist, mormons, maryolgy Catholics, and all other sects that do not adhere to the deity of Christ and The teaches of our tri-une God are not my brothers. Scripture shows the Tri-uneness of God. People say i am not open minded and shut things out cause they are from certain denominations. Well isn't that what you do when i show you where it speaks about the trinity in scriptures.
JW's say they are the only true church, mormons say they are the only true church, and most Catholics(not all) say they are the only true church. Well you all can't be the true church and you can't say i am your brother in Christ when we don't believe the same(doctrine that is key to salvation). I as a born again christian say that The Christendom church of today isn't the true church. The true church is the Body of Christ(true believers). It has no walls. Denominations and religions are the tools of Satan to divide God's people. Now it has happened and we are so far from unity in Christ. Throw down the chains of false teachings. Jesus is God. This is truth, believe or don't. You have to live with the decision you make, not me.June 1, 2006 at 3:38 pm#14421OneoftheLordsGenerals
ParticipantI honestly don't care. Its not that one becomes close minded by denomination. I can pretty much tell what ya believe by the way you speak or what view you hold. But the division is already there. We are all not brothers and sisters in Christ. I say what I say now, not in disrespect to other beliefs but to clarify where i stand. Anyone who accepts the word of God and what it teaches is my brother or sister.
Jws are not my brothers, Christadelphians are not my brothers, buddist, mormons, maryolgy Catholics, and all other sects that do not adhere to the deity of Christ and The teaches of our tri-une God are not my brothers. Scripture shows the Tri-uneness of God. People say i am not open minded and shut things out cause they are from certain denominations. Well isn't that what you do when i show you where it speaks about the trinity in scriptures.
JW's say they are the only true church, mormons say they are the only true church, and most Catholics(not all) say they are the only true church. Well you all can't be the true church and you can't say i am your brother in Christ when we don't believe the same(doctrine that is key to salvation). I as a born again christian say that The Christendom church of today isn't the true church. The true church is the Body of Christ(true believers). It has no walls. Denominations and religions are the tools of Satan to divide God's people. Now it has happened and we are so far from unity in Christ. Throw down the chains of false teachings. Jesus is God. This is truth, believe or don't. You have to live with the decision you make, not me.June 1, 2006 at 3:38 pm#210606OneoftheLordsGenerals
ParticipantI honestly don't care. Its not that one becomes close minded by denomination. I can pretty much tell what ya believe by the way you speak or what view you hold. But the division is already there. We are all not brothers and sisters in Christ. I say what I say now, not in disrespect to other beliefs but to clarify where i stand. Anyone who accepts the word of God and what it teaches is my brother or sister.
Jws are not my brothers, Christadelphians are not my brothers, buddist, mormons, maryolgy Catholics, and all other sects that do not adhere to the deity of Christ and The teaches of our tri-une God are not my brothers. Scripture shows the Tri-uneness of God. People say i am not open minded and shut things out cause they are from certain denominations. Well isn't that what you do when i show you where it speaks about the trinity in scriptures.
JW's say they are the only true church, mormons say they are the only true church, and most Catholics(not all) say they are the only true church. Well you all can't be the true church and you can't say i am your brother in Christ when we don't believe the same(doctrine that is key to salvation). I as a born again christian say that The Christendom church of today isn't the true church. The true church is the Body of Christ(true believers). It has no walls. Denominations and religions are the tools of Satan to divide God's people. Now it has happened and we are so far from unity in Christ. Throw down the chains of false teachings. Jesus is God. This is truth, believe or don't. You have to live with the decision you make, not me.April 8, 2006 at 7:17 pm#12549OneoftheLordsGenerals
ParticipantThe only true church is the Body of Christ. A church needs not four walls or popes tah lead it. Neither the Jws or The Catholic are the true church. Yah lost the meaning. Jesus said upon you Peter i will build my church(The Body of Christ/true believers).
Claims that one is the true church is boastful and proud. 1 Corinthians speaks of boasting. Boast in the Lord not in yourselves. You say I am the true church and boast that God has chosen you over all others. Pride comes before the fall.
It is in God, in Jesus Christ that our hope lies, not in man.April 8, 2006 at 6:58 pm#14828OneoftheLordsGenerals
Participanti am trying to erase my account completely and if anyone has info on how to do so let me know. ty
April 8, 2006 at 6:56 pm#18347OneoftheLordsGenerals
ParticipantRemember that at times one speaks of the man Christ Jesus and then whom he really is(God). But the two are not seperate but one. Both 100% man and 100% God. How this is possible is due to the Sovereingty of God. All things are within his control.
Again if man can be three(body, spirit, and soul) and still be one man, why can't God? I mean we see God revealing himself and we deny it. We say how can God be both three and one, HE IS GOD THATS HOW. Not three seperate Gods, but one.
I am sating, so in order to get a response one must pm me.p.s. for the reference of me leaving, i found it impossible to do so. Noone has taught me how to erase my entire account.
April 3, 2006 at 11:01 pm#18312OneoftheLordsGenerals
ParticipantQuote (Cubes @ April 02 2006,18:49) Question for Trinitarians: How many Gods do you see in John 1:1? How do you interpret or support your claim?
Jhn 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
One God, i have never denied that. Athanasian Creed is a good way to explain the veiw. Also try reading A.W. Tozer, very insiteful writer. Check out this site.March 22, 2006 at 6:15 pm#19844OneoftheLordsGenerals
ParticipantI am glad you have all the answers t8. That way there is no mysteriousness of God left to argue or talk about. If man can be three(body, soul, and spirit), yet still one, why can't God? Is God not allowed to be both three and one? God in all his omnipotence can't possibly pull that off could he t8? If ya answered no to any of those questions then i guess we don't believe in the same God.
Remember that God is not constrained by 'bad math', time or anything. He is self-existant, he answers to noone. I mean the whole world could say that 2+2=5, but it wouldn't take away from the truth that 2+2=4.
Why would you use Christ as an example to live your life if you don't believe he is God?
John 1:
15But as the One Who called you is holy, you yourselves also be holy in all your conduct and manner of living.16For it is written, You shall be holy, for I am holy
God wants us to follow him and want to be more like him. Be holy as He is Holy. Yet we are commanded to follow after Christ, he is our example. Hence why we are called christians, meaning little Christ.
So if he isn't Dietythen why do you follow Him and His teachings?And if He is a god why do you follow after other gods?
March 22, 2006 at 5:48 pm#11897OneoftheLordsGenerals
ParticipantReligion and denominations are manmade. Man made religion because he wanted to feel pious. Man made denomination, because what the church was teaching at the time didn't suit him. In some cases it was actually good that someone broke from the church(the church of four walls/roof).
But in all reality their should be no denominations, their should be unity in the Body of Christ(true believers/not those seeking religion but seeking after God[Trinity in unity]). I don't wanna hear the arguements from anyone saying,' God isn't tri-une', because what you would have to say we have already discussed.March 22, 2006 at 5:48 pm#210143OneoftheLordsGenerals
ParticipantReligion and denominations are manmade. Man made religion because he wanted to feel pious. Man made denomination, because what the church was teaching at the time didn't suit him. In some cases it was actually good that someone broke from the church(the church of four walls/roof).
But in all reality their should be no denominations, their should be unity in the Body of Christ(true believers/not those seeking religion but seeking after God[Trinity in unity]). I don't wanna hear the arguements from anyone saying,' God isn't tri-une', because what you would have to say we have already discussed.March 22, 2006 at 5:48 pm#210414OneoftheLordsGenerals
ParticipantReligion and denominations are manmade. Man made religion because he wanted to feel pious. Man made denomination, because what the church was teaching at the time didn't suit him. In some cases it was actually good that someone broke from the church(the church of four walls/roof).
But in all reality their should be no denominations, their should be unity in the Body of Christ(true believers/not those seeking religion but seeking after God[Trinity in unity]). I don't wanna hear the arguements from anyone saying,' God isn't tri-une', because what you would have to say we have already discussed.March 18, 2006 at 5:02 pm#18247OneoftheLordsGenerals
ParticipantHere are some sites for JWS on this forum
I myself am not a catholic but i found it on their site, didn't get to read every arguement, but the questions are good.
(some of these sites are for non-trinitarians, jw's, mormons and others/not just for jw's)CHECK OUT SITE ABOVE, VERY GOOD SITE.
March 18, 2006 at 4:32 pm#14824OneoftheLordsGenerals
ParticipantThe name thing is to verify what i meant by i am what my name is(two post up)
March 18, 2006 at 4:31 pm#14823OneoftheLordsGenerals
ParticipantMy name is One of the Lords Generals, i fight the battle that matters. May God be gracious to you all.
March 18, 2006 at 4:30 pm#14822OneoftheLordsGenerals
ParticipantThe reason why I am leaving is because David is trying to get me to fall over my words and belittle me in order to prove my words are false. Also the forums have gotten outta control. Any believer should leave this forum, it has so many things to talk about, but the ones you talk to don't change their mind. You discuss to no avail and it distracts us from the real battle. OUT THERE IN THE WORLD.
It is a ploy by the enemy to take the believers away from the battle, and distract them with this forum. I am as my name says. I have been distracted by this forum, so I go and fight the real battle, the one where lives are changed. I am sorry to go, but please heed these words. Run as far away from this forum as you can(and if you must, do not argue a point just state yours and let it be). May the love, peace, and mercy of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ be upon you. AMENMarch 18, 2006 at 4:16 pm#11854OneoftheLordsGenerals
ParticipantAnd I do know what I am talking about(And this information comes from not just one person[me] but many Hebrew/Greek scholars, maybe you should tell them they are wrong too.), it is you who tries to belittle my words and make me angry. And you no longer will be able to do that, for I am leaving and shaking the dust from my shoes. You have not accepted what is true.
May the Peace of Jesus Christ be upon you all.March 18, 2006 at 4:11 pm#11853OneoftheLordsGenerals
Participantagain David i am not wasting my time. You will never change your approach, nor will I. And yes you are informed and I know again you will try to make me look like a fool. So i end it here. I pray God will reveal himself to you, and you will realize that the belief system in which you follow(JW) is a cult. Not just marked by almost every other belief in 'Christendom'(such a collective word, i don't like to sum all christian branches into one), but to the government also. Its a cult that has had a strong grip on people and confuses and pushes those farther away.
One of the Memebers and a big founder(actually co-founder) stated that Jesus was to come back in some year and when He did't come it was changed to a different date many times. Then it was said he came invisibly.Matthew 12:
22 And if those days had not been shortened, no human being would endure and survive, but for the sake of the elect (God's chosen ones) those days will be shortened.
23 If anyone says to you then, Behold, here is the Christ (the Messiah)! or, There He is!–do not believe it.
24 For false Christs and false prophets will arise, and they will show great signs and wonders so as to deceive and lead astray, if possible, even the elect (God's chosen ones).
25 See, I have warned you beforehand.
26 So if they say to you, Behold, He is in the wilderness (desert)–do not go out there; if they tell you, Behold, He is in the secret places or inner rooms–do not believe it.
27 For just as the lightning flashes from the east and shines and is seen as far as the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.
All others please beware of this same trap. May the love of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit be upon you. Glory to Yahweh.
I no longer will read anything after this, so please don't adress it to me. Thank you.
March 18, 2006 at 3:52 pm#18245OneoftheLordsGenerals
ParticipantI wipe my hands of it. You did not win, for you to have won i would agree. But this is a waste of time. Neither of us are going to change our veiw points. And when i said a box i meant that you can't contain him in a small area. With the trinity doctrine there is no limit. God is still a mystery to us. The triangle represents what we see . But he is not limited to a triangle. As men we try to define him so we can understand him. See we all technically put God in a box, but my box has no lid. What i can grasp i can grasp and what i can't i can't. I am finished with the discussion. I will be leaving this heaven net all together. adious
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