OneoftheLordsGenerals replied to the topic John 8:58 in the forum Scriptural Teachings 18 years, 7 months ago
If ya realized that Jesus is God, you would begin to realize a lot more. He is 100% God and 100% man. I am not going to argue this point with anyone, but it is relavent(not sure if that is spelled correctly). And in many other versions it says I AM, not just I was. Making Reference to Exodus. Jesus Himself is not created, He always was, is , and…[Read more]
OneoftheLordsGenerals replied to the topic I John 5:7 in the forum Truth or Tradition 18 years, 9 months ago
I took some time to look through the NWT yet was confused on how JW's deny the Trinity when their own translation says its true. Explain these passages(which i have read in context) from the NWT for me if ya can;1 Tomothy 3:16Isaiah 9:6- how can Christ be the Eternal Father, if He is created? eternity is without beginning or end.Hebrews 13:8John…[Read more]
OneoftheLordsGenerals replied to the topic Denominations in the forum View Points 18 years, 9 months ago
I honestly don't care. Its not that one becomes close minded by denomination. I can pretty much tell what ya believe by the way you speak or what view you hold. But the division is already there. We are all not brothers and sisters in Christ. I say what I say now, not in disrespect to other beliefs but to clarify where i stand. Anyone who accepts…[Read more]
OneoftheLordsGenerals replied to the topic Denominations in the forum About Believers Place 18 years, 9 months ago
I honestly don't care. Its not that one becomes close minded by denomination. I can pretty much tell what ya believe by the way you speak or what view you hold. But the division is already there. We are all not brothers and sisters in Christ. I say what I say now, not in disrespect to other beliefs but to clarify where i stand. Anyone who accepts…[Read more]
OneoftheLordsGenerals replied to the topic Denominations in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 18 years, 9 months ago
I honestly don't care. Its not that one becomes close minded by denomination. I can pretty much tell what ya believe by the way you speak or what view you hold. But the division is already there. We are all not brothers and sisters in Christ. I say what I say now, not in disrespect to other beliefs but to clarify where i stand. Anyone who accepts…[Read more]
OneoftheLordsGenerals replied to the topic True church in the forum Faith 18 years, 11 months ago
The only true church is the Body of Christ. A church needs not four walls or popes tah lead it. Neither the Jws or The Catholic are the true church. Yah lost the meaning. Jesus said upon you Peter i will build my church(The Body of Christ/true believers). Claims that one is the true church is boastful and proud. 1 Corinthians speaks of boasting.…[Read more]
OneoftheLordsGenerals replied to the topic I am leaving/check out the 3days/nights forum in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 18 years, 11 months ago
i am trying to erase my account completely and if anyone has info on how to do so let me know. ty
OneoftheLordsGenerals replied to the topic I John 5:7 in the forum Truth or Tradition 18 years, 11 months ago
I am glad you have all the answers t8. That way there is no mysteriousness of God left to argue or talk about. If man can be three(body, soul, and spirit), yet still one, why can't God? Is God not allowed to be both three and one? God in all his omnipotence can't possibly pull that off could he t8? If ya answered no to any of those questions then…[Read more]
OneoftheLordsGenerals replied to the topic Denominations in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 18 years, 11 months ago
Religion and denominations are manmade. Man made religion because he wanted to feel pious. Man made denomination, because what the church was teaching at the time didn't suit him. In some cases it was actually good that someone broke from the church(the church of four walls/roof). But in all reality their should be no denominations, their should…[Read more]
OneoftheLordsGenerals replied to the topic Denominations in the forum View Points 18 years, 11 months ago
Religion and denominations are manmade. Man made religion because he wanted to feel pious. Man made denomination, because what the church was teaching at the time didn't suit him. In some cases it was actually good that someone broke from the church(the church of four walls/roof). But in all reality their should be no denominations, their should…[Read more]
OneoftheLordsGenerals replied to the topic Denominations in the forum About Believers Place 18 years, 11 months ago
Religion and denominations are manmade. Man made religion because he wanted to feel pious. Man made denomination, because what the church was teaching at the time didn't suit him. In some cases it was actually good that someone broke from the church(the church of four walls/roof). But in all reality their should be no denominations, their should…[Read more]
OneoftheLordsGenerals replied to the topic I am leaving/check out the 3days/nights forum in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 18 years, 11 months ago
The name thing is to verify what i meant by i am what my name is(two post up)
OneoftheLordsGenerals replied to the topic I am leaving/check out the 3days/nights forum in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 18 years, 11 months ago
My name is One of the Lords Generals, i fight the battle that matters. May God be gracious to you all.
OneoftheLordsGenerals replied to the topic I am leaving/check out the 3days/nights forum in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 18 years, 11 months ago
The reason why I am leaving is because David is trying to get me to fall over my words and belittle me in order to prove my words are false. Also the forums have gotten outta control. Any believer should leave this forum, it has so many things to talk about, but the ones you talk to don't change their mind. You discuss to no avail and it distracts…[Read more]
OneoftheLordsGenerals replied to the topic Worship God the Father only? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 18 years, 11 months ago
And I do know what I am talking about(And this information comes from not just one person but many Hebrew/Greek scholars, maybe you should tell them they are wrong too.), it is you who tries to belittle my words and make me angry. And you no longer will be able to do that, for I am leaving and shaking the dust from my shoes. You have not accepted…[Read more]
OneoftheLordsGenerals replied to the topic Worship God the Father only? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 18 years, 11 months ago
again David i am not wasting my time. You will never change your approach, nor will I. And yes you are informed and I know again you will try to make me look like a fool. So i end it here. I pray God will reveal himself to you, and you will realize that the belief system in which you follow(JW) is a cult. Not just marked by almost every other…[Read more]
OneoftheLordsGenerals replied to the topic Is taxation by secular governments approved by God in the forum Scriptural Teachings 18 years, 11 months ago
For the paying taxes part i say read Mark 12:13-17. He says to be in this world, not of it. So paying taxes and living life(paying rent, eating, etc.) is being in the world, and paying tribute(giving to false gods), worshipping this worlds god(s), etc. is being of the world.
OneoftheLordsGenerals replied to the topic three days and three nights in the forum Scriptural Teachings 18 years, 11 months ago
I have not allowed emotion to control, nor have i been ingrained to believe such. I don't care what day it was, i am happy that it happened. In Matthew 12:40 I see what you are saying, although in Matthew 16:21 it says on the third day. So does that mean that there is a contradiction in the Word of God or are these statements the same somehow.I am…[Read more]
OneoftheLordsGenerals replied to the topic Worship God the Father only? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 18 years, 11 months ago
David you’re a JW. Not saying that as a derogatory( I am not sure if this is spelled correctly) statement, but you have been indoctrinated for many years into believing what you believe. Your belief system has changed through-out the ages. When I say your, I don't mean yours specifically. See at the council of Nicea a man by the name of Arius b…[Read more]
OneoftheLordsGenerals replied to the topic SCRIPTURAL COMMON SENSE Vs CONFUSION in the forum Scriptural Teachings 18 years, 11 months ago
Scriptural common sense verse confusion. How many here use the NW translation? Cause those people are the only people who can argue against the Trinity. NIV, NASB, KJV, Amplified, NLT, etc. all have scripture pointing to the doctrine of the trinity. Even that is iffy for them. And yes, the doctrine of the Trinity may not have been preached by the…[Read more]
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