Neil replied to the topic Head number seven, Rev. 17:10 in the forum Prophecy 17 years, 7 months ago
makes sense to me!!
Neil replied to the topic Have a good testimony? in the forum Visions & Testimonies 17 years, 7 months ago
Hi, Im in the military, and I have been told my whole life that there is something about me…?? well while I was at my MOS school, everyone got to pick their duty station on where they wanted to go. Everyone was going where they wanted to go. I prayed that night to the Lord that he would send me where he would want me to be. The next day, they…[Read more]
Neil replied to the topic This is my God in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 17 years, 7 months ago
hi I just found this site and i had an encounter with the lord the day I found it. Pertaining to this story that M wrote, i began to read the arguments that people began put up. I couldnt stand it any longer especally since i read this vision that someone had 12 years ago. I believe soly that it not only is a real Vision, but I believe that you…[Read more]