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    Quote (942767 @ Nov. 27 2007,09:24)Quote (Morningstar @ Nov. 27 2007,05:52)1 Timothy 5 talks about the biblical basis for Nuns.  However, the teaching mutated into it's current form.It is not biblical to prohibit clergy however.The list of widows and virgins consisted of women who if they could not take care of themselves do to the limited…[Read more]

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    1 Timothy 5 talks about the biblical basis for Nuns. However, the teaching mutated into it's current form.It is not biblical to prohibit clergy however.The list of widows and virgins consisted of women who if they could not take care of themselves do to the limited occupational roles of unmarried women back then could be put on a list.They were…[Read more]

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    Quote (Jodi @ Nov. 17 2007,06:25)I believe it is Great IMAGINATION of the human mind and self pride that has created the doctrine of fallen angels mating with humans. Yes ancient religions have gods mating with humans, which came about so certain individuals could claim authority and manipulate their fellow people. God’s having sex with humans w…[Read more]

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    Quote (Stu @ Nov. 15 2007,21:48)Hi JourneyQuote which one came first, egg or chicken?   my daughter answered 2 eggs first then out of the 2 eggs came the 2 chicken and and produced more…  then i asked her, where did the 2 eggs come from? she answered from GOD! Did you explain to her that she has not actually said where the eggs came from?My s…[Read more]

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    Quote (Towshab @ Nov. 15 2007,22:53)Quote (Morningstar @ Nov. 15 2007,01:49)God did not sacrifice his son.Jesus paid the ransom to satan.  christ died in our place.  paying the debt to the one who has the power of death, satan.He set the captives free!!!1 corinthains 2 6Yet among(H) the mature we do impart wisdom, although it is not(I) a wisdom o…[Read more]

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    I forgot to mention that last quote from Enoch.The book of Enoch if you aren't aware is almost entirely about the fallen angels who left their first estate and came down to earth women.

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    Quote (Towshab @ Nov. 15 2007,12:56)Pulled from the Pre-existence thread++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Nov. 08 2007,17:23)TowShab……> It says in the new Testemant (no offence intended), that God so loved the world that He Gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes on Him should not parish. Lets conceder…[Read more]

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    The Great Council / The Godhead / The Family in Heaven In the beginning when God divided up the nations he appointed over each nation a divine son to be a watcher and a guardian. Each son was to be a regent (one who rules in another's place and with their authority) who would guide the people and represent the Father who is invisible and cannot…[Read more]

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    Quote (Jodi @ Nov. 15 2007,18:24)Morningstar I would really like for you to give me your biblical evidence. Yes you are right that I just might say it means something else, however that does not mean I won't learn something from what you have to share.Peace and goodnight, I've got to get to bedok i will give it a shotgnight. :)

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    Quote (Jodi @ Nov. 15 2007,18:00)Quote (Morningstar @ Nov. 15 2007,16:42)Quote (Jodi @ Nov. 15 2007,16:11)Quote (Morningstar @ Nov. 15 2007,15:27)If Christ was our ransom.Who was the ransom paid to?I'm not sure what point you are trying to make with this question, especialy since the answer I believe is quite obvious.The payment goes to God, so…[Read more]

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    #1 False religion-you can't be serious as to think such a thing cannot come from the human mind itself, after all Eve thought the act of eating something could give her knowledge.Response: I do think religious thought sprang from the mind of man. I just believe that it had a hard start from the fallen sons of God. Every ancient pagan religion…[Read more]

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    Quote (kejonn @ Nov. 15 2007,17:02)Jodi,Been hanging out with any Christadelphians lately? Certainly not an insult, I am close to their theology myself.I assumed she was Christadelphian, but I am not sure.

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    Quote (Jodi @ Nov. 15 2007,16:11)Quote (Morningstar @ Nov. 15 2007,15:27)If Christ was our ransom.Who was the ransom paid to?I'm not sure what point you are trying to make with this question, especialy since the answer I believe is quite obvious.The payment goes to God, so that through Christ's death He can forgive us.oh so you believe the…[Read more]

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    If Christ was our ransom.Who was the ransom paid to?

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    Quote (Jodi @ Nov. 15 2007,13:50)Quote (Morningstar @ Nov. 15 2007,13:33)Quote (Jodi @ Nov. 15 2007,13:20)Quote (Morningstar @ Nov. 15 2007,12:10)makes me think of the old adage:The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing men he didn't exist.The greatest trick the devil (weak mind of man) ever played was convincing himself that he was…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Morningstar

    Quote (Jodi @ Nov. 15 2007,13:20)Quote (Morningstar @ Nov. 15 2007,12:10)makes me think of the old adage:The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing men he didn't exist.The greatest trick the devil (weak mind of man) ever played was convincing himself that he was to good to be at falt for his own sins. No wonder the PRIDE of man is a…[Read more]

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    Jesus cast out a legion of mental illnesses into a herd of swine?The lake of fire has been prepared for our mental illnesses?A bunch of mental illnesses left their first estate and are being held in gloomy chains of darkness?A mental illness gave the law to moses?We are to become like the angels in heaven at the ressurection… oops I mean like…[Read more]

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    makes me think of the old adage:The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing men he didn't exist.

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    Quote (Jodi @ Nov. 15 2007,11:37)Quote (Morningstar @ Nov. 15 2007,07:43)You are on to something here.  However, I don't believe your conclusions are accurate.The angels that fell have not much to do with satan.Satan is not a “fallen angel”.  He was created as an adversary by God.The fallen angels are the other sons of God who governed the other n…[Read more]

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