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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 08 2007,05:29)Hi MS, Philosophy is vanity. It gets a bad rap in scripture.Acts 17″ 16Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry. 17Therefore disputed he in the synagogue with the Jews, and with the devout persons, and in the market daily with…[Read more]

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    That was pretty robust Stu, but it didn't really answer the question. It demonstrated some interpretations of scientific data on processes, but did not demonstrate anything beyond processes.The bible says God rested after creation. To me this says he set in motion these processes that do not require him to directly intervene in order for them to…[Read more]

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    Quote (Stu @ Dec. 08 2007,00:50)Quote (Morningstar @ Dec. 08 2007,00:23)I think God sustains the universe and occasionaly intervenes in acts that many would call a supernatural manner.  Which would actually be a very natural act just not understood.An intervention would have to be 'extra' to the laws such a deity had original set in place…[Read more]

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    Is paradise and heaven the same place?Not according to the aprocrypha. Some hold these books don't have any scriptural merit and maybe so. However, these books demonstrate what believers considered true at that junction of history.

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    Quote (Stu @ Dec. 07 2007,20:56)Quote (Morningstar @ Dec. 07 2007,18:59)Quote (Stu @ Dec. 07 2007,18:44)Quote (Morningstar @ Dec. 07 2007,17:19)In the end whatever results as the final irreducable “thing” is God to me.  Even if the final reduction truly demonstrated a string of cyclical functions like the infinity symbol illustrates, then that…[Read more]

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    Quote (Stu @ Dec. 07 2007,18:44)Quote (Morningstar @ Dec. 07 2007,17:19)In the end whatever results as the final irreducable “thing” is God to me.  Even if the final reduction truly demonstrated a string of cyclical functions like the infinity symbol illustrates, then that collective is God.Thus defining God is the real intent of my focus.So on…[Read more]

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    Quote (Stu @ Dec. 07 2007,18:50)Quote (Morningstar @ Dec. 07 2007,17:12)I also don't believe in the “supernatural” in the sense that word is used.I believe that whatever is considered supernatural, if indeed true is actually natural but not understood.Now, if one means beyond or outside of nature or beyond understood nature then I would agree with…[Read more]

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    In the end whatever results as the final irreducable “thing” is God to me. Even if the final reduction truly demonstrated a string of cyclical functions like the infinity symbol illustrates, then that collective is God.Thus defining God is the real intent of my focus.

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    I also don't believe in the “supernatural” in the sense that word is used.I believe that whatever is considered supernatural, if indeed true is actually natural but not understood.Now, if one means beyond or outside of nature or beyond understood nature then I would agree with that.

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    Quote (Stu @ Dec. 07 2007,16:56)Hi MorningstarQuote I know beyond doubt there is a God it is only a matter of defining him / her / it. Regardless of whether God is a bearded man sitting on a throne in heaven or a quantim hiccup that manifests itself in a singularity that produces a big bang, God does exist.   For me God is the irreducible first…[Read more]

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    Quote (IM4Truth @ Dec. 05 2007,17:16)How many days had the original Jewish year?300 days330 days360 days390 daysPeace and Love Mrs.360 i think

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 06 2007,14:53)Quote (Morningstar @ Dec. 06 2007,14:33)Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 06 2007,14:27)Hi MS, I AM seems like one being describing Himself.This logic to me seems like a traditional and philosophical approach to the meaning of that name/title.Is it I AM THAT I AMIs it I AM WHAT I WILL BEScholars are sure “exactly”…[Read more]

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    Quote (Morningstar @ Dec. 06 2007,14:33)Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 06 2007,14:27)Hi MS, I AM seems like one being describing Himself.This logic to me seems like a traditional and philosophical approach to the meaning of that name/title.Is it I AM THAT I AMIs it I AM WHAT I WILL BEScholars are sure “exactly” is meaning even.Did Jesus use this…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 06 2007,14:27)Hi MS, I AM seems like one being describing Himself.This logic to me seems like a traditional and philosophical approach to the meaning of that name/title.Is it I AM THAT I AMIs it I AM WHAT I WILL BEScholars are sure “exactly” is meaning even.Did Jesus use this expression when he said “I AM?”I know t8…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 06 2007,14:18)Quote (Morningstar @ Dec. 06 2007,14:05)its the difference betweenTHE ELOHIM YHWH (the most high YAHWEH God)andthe yhwh elohim  (the yahweh gods) or for Nick's sake the yhwh bossesHi MS, One God identified Himself as “I am who am”.We should not go beyond scripture and apply it to others should we?See this…[Read more]

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    Quote (t8 @ Dec. 06 2007,13:43)Quote (Morningstar @ Dec. 06 2007,10:56)Quote (t8 @ Dec. 06 2007,08:30)He went by the name YHWH?Or he represented YHWH?bothAre we called Jesus because we are in his name?Jesus is translated as YHWH SAVESMaybe mine will be YHWH has mercy (just fun speculation)Ephesians 5:1414For this reason I kneel before the Father,…[Read more]

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    its the difference betweenTHE ELOHIM YHWH (the most high YAHWEH God)andthe yhwh elohim (the yahweh gods) or for Nick's sake the yhwh bosses

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    Quote (t8 @ Dec. 06 2007,13:43)Quote (Morningstar @ Dec. 06 2007,10:56)Quote (t8 @ Dec. 06 2007,08:30)He went by the name YHWH?Or he represented YHWH?bothAre we called Jesus because we are in his name?we get our new names at the end.

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 06 2007,11:10)Hi, As Heb 1 tells us God has used many means of expressing His words over the eons. Prophets and angels have spoken for God and only recently has the Son been used. So to say that God has always spoken his words through Christ is incorrect.I dont mean that was his sole means of communicating. It was his…[Read more]

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    Quote (t8 @ Dec. 06 2007,08:30)He went by the name YHWH?Or he represented YHWH?both

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