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    Morningstar replied to the topic Who is Jesus? in the forum Faith 16 years, 10 months ago

    Knowing Jesus is not just about factual information. It's about a relationship.I was married to my wife for 3 years and did not realize she was really good at playing a certain musical instrument. It was really odd one day watching her pull out of an old chest her instrument and start playing it. She sounded great. Her friend was there and she…[Read more]

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    Morningstar replied to the topic Who is Jesus? in the forum Faith 16 years, 10 months ago

    Quote (Towshab @ Nov. 01 2007,15:54)Recently I was told that I could not understand matters of the bible (I assume Jewish or Christian) because I didn't know Jesus. So here is my question. Who is Jesus to you? Then ask yourself if the Jesus you know is the Jesus other Christians claim to know. Here are the basics I'd like for you reveal(1) What is…[Read more]

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    The doctrine of purgatory stems from a belief in hades and the catholic churches teachings on purchasing indulgences. The catholic church evolved it's position on hades over the centuries creating a doctrine using Jesus teachings on a person not being able to get out of Jail until they had paid the last penny for their actions. They took this as…[Read more]

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    Quote (Towshab @ Nov. 03 2007,13:09)Quote (david @ Nov. 02 2007,17:36)Quote One large error here that most Christians make. It is NOT 69 weeks, it is 7 weeks and 62 weeks but NOT compounded. The Masoretic text, with its system of vowel points, was prepared in the latter half of the first millennium C.E. Evidently because of their rejection of…[Read more]

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    Quote (Morningstar @ Nov. 03 2007,13:01)Quote (david @ Nov. 03 2007,12:56)Quote Show me satan's character from the Tanakh, not the Christian bible. The Christian bible is mixed with mythology so its views on demons and satan are swayed to that idealogy. Therefore please show me that this satan of yours is the bad guy constantly trying to outdo…[Read more]

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    Quote (david @ Nov. 03 2007,12:56)Quote Show me satan's character from the Tanakh, not the Christian bible. The Christian bible is mixed with mythology so its views on demons and satan are swayed to that idealogy. Therefore please show me that this satan of yours is the bad guy constantly trying to outdo G-d.(See Job for more information.)David…[Read more]

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    The Great Council In the beginning when God divided up the nations he appointed over each nation a divine son to be a watcher and a guardian. Each son was to be a regent (one who rules in another’s place and with their authority) who would guide the people and represent the Father who is invisible and cannot be seen or heard by man. These b…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Morningstar

    The Great Council In the beginning when God divided up the nations he appointed over each nation a divine son to be a watcher and a guardian. Each son was to be a regent (one who rules in another’s place and with their authority) who would guide the people and represent the Father who is invisible and cannot be seen or heard by man. These b…[Read more]

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    I really doubt it's Satan. He fell back in the Garden. This principality that fell was most likely another of the Sons of God who was given dominion over Tyre.deuteronomy 32:88When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when he divided mankind,he fixed the borders of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God.9But…[Read more]

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    Quote (t8 @ Nov. 03 2007,00:27)Quote (Stu @ Sep. 20 2007,20:16)Please explain my existence using the theory of god, and make it a better explanation than the scientific model!God created the cosmos and within that cosmos, he created you, by reason of processes dictated by laws that he set in motion and by giving you his spirit (possibly when you…[Read more]

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    Quote (Stu @ Oct. 31 2007,22:35)Quote (Morningstar @ Oct. 31 2007,20:07)Quote (Stu @ Oct. 31 2007,19:49)Quote (Not3in1 @ Oct. 31 2007,04:03)Quote (Stu @ Oct. 30 2007,20:05)Quote (The One @ Oct. 29 2007,13:27)Truly it amazes me to know that there are professing christians who believe that we(the created)can destroy with our actions the Creator's…[Read more]

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    Quote (Stu @ Oct. 31 2007,19:49)Quote (Not3in1 @ Oct. 31 2007,04:03)Quote (Stu @ Oct. 30 2007,20:05)Quote (The One @ Oct. 29 2007,13:27)Truly it amazes me to know that there are professing christians who believe that we(the created)can destroy with our actions the Creator's work!  That is so brazen to be almost rebellious against God.Godwill end…[Read more]

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    Quote (david @ Oct. 30 2007,11:18)Quote According to the Hebrew scriptures, the Messiah must meet the following conditions:1 – Be the “seed of the woman” that would bruise the serpent's heel (Genesis 3:15, Galations 4:4, 1 John 3:8)2 – Be the “seed of Abraham” (Genesis 12:3, Matthew 1:1, Acts 3:25, 18:18,22,18, Gal. 3:16).3 – Be the “seed of…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Morningstar

    According to the Hebrew scriptures, the Messiah must meet the following conditions: 1 – Be the “seed of the woman” that would bruise the serpent's heel (Genesis 3:15, Galations 4:4, 1 John 3:8) 2 – Be the “seed of Abraham” (Genesis 12:3, Matthew 1:1, Acts 3:25, 18:18,22,18, Gal. 3:16). 3 – Be the “seed of Isaac” (Genesis 17:19, 21:12, Matthew 1:2,…[Read more]

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    Quote (t8 @ Oct. 29 2007,14:33)But even then, the negative ones could also apply in many cases. Jesus died along with criminals. He became a curse on our behalf so we could escape the curse of the law. He became something he was not, so that we could become something we were not.BTW, there are Morning Stars (plural).He is THE Morning Star.Likewise…[Read more]

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    Quote (Stu @ Oct. 28 2007,22:36)Quote (acertainchap @ Oct. 28 2007,14:29)Some have come to the conclusion that the giants mentioned in Genesis are none other than the dinosaurs which I can say that I personally agree to. Peace Stu. :)Genesis clearly says that the giants were present alongside humans.  It also says they were the product of angels…[Read more]

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    Quote (kejonn @ Oct. 29 2007,02:38)Quote (Morningstar @ Oct. 28 2007,08:16)Quote (Laurel @ Oct. 28 2007,19:33)Wow,Why do you study men's thoughts at all?  We are told not to trust in men. We are to trust in YHWH and His instructions alone!Satan tempted Eve in the garden. Satan deceived her by saying she could be like gods, knowing good and evil.…[Read more]

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    Quote (kenrch @ Oct. 29 2007,03:36)Quote (kejonn @ Oct. 29 2007,02:38)Quote (Morningstar @ Oct. 28 2007,08:16)Quote (Laurel @ Oct. 28 2007,19:33)Wow,Why do you study men's thoughts at all?  We are told not to trust in men. We are to trust in YHWH and His instructions alone!Satan tempted Eve in the garden. Satan deceived her by saying she could be…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Morningstar

    Quote (Laurel @ Oct. 28 2007,19:33)Wow,Why do you study men's thoughts at all?  We are told not to trust in men. We are to trust in YHWH and His instructions alone!Satan tempted Eve in the garden. Satan deceived her by saying she could be like gods, knowing good and evil. This wasn't a complete lie. We all know good and evil because She was…[Read more]

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