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    Specifically, what is the real problem?

    I can quote a Bible translation all day long on here but when people will  reply as if the scripture does not say what I understand it to say,  then I have to use other words to clarify how I believe it does. Like a Bible commentator uses other words to explain the text, so do I. If I were to use t…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Lightenup

    Hi Berean,

    Thanks for your question? Please specify which terms that I use that, according to you, do not convey Biblical concepts.

    Thanks, LU


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    Actually, Peter did the merging of the titles into the same person…twice, not me. He also calls Jesus our Lord and Savior in the same chapter with the very same Greek structure. This is undeniable.

    2 Peter 1:1…To those who through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ have received a faith as precious as ours:

    2 Peter 1:11and…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Lightenup

    Good words Proclaimer:

    You said:

    Further, if Jesus is CALLED “The Lord, then he is the Lord right.

    HE is called the Word of God, then he is the Word of God.

    Similarly, he is called Jesus, so he is Jesus.

    Simple stuff.

    I might add if Jesus is CALLED “OUR GOD AND SAVIOR” then he is our God and Savior, right?

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    Mike, you have only answered my questions with questions.

    Please clearly answer my questions with a yes or no.

    Mike, I’ve been answering a lot of questions for you but you do not answer my questions. Is Jesus the only begotten Son of God in John 3:16?

    Also, Mike can you call Jesus your God and Savior?

    No more answers from me till you answer t…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Lightenup


    Please answer my two questions before I continue answering your questions.

    Here they are, for your convenience:

    Mike, I’ve been answering a lot of questions for you but you do not answer my questions. Is Jesus the only begotten Son of God in John 3:16?

    Also, Mike can you call Jesus your God and Savior?

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    You said:

    Exodus 23:20-22… Behold, I am sending an angel before you… Pay attention to him….since My Name is in him… If you will listen carefully to his voice and do everything I say, I will be an enemy to your enemies…

    Kathi, do you think the word “name” in this passage refers to God’s literal name?

    Without researching the passage,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Lightenup

    John 3:16

    “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

    John 17:5 “Now, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.

    Mike, I’ve been answering a lot of questions for you but you do not answer my que…[Read more]

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    For us there is one God team or Godhead, the Unity of Yahweh…the Father who is the only true God and the Son, Jesus Christ, the only begotten God who is our one Lord. They are never acting solo and should not be thought of as two different gods. They rule together, side by side on the throne, not independently of each other.


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    You said:

    Do you also agree with me that it’s silly to think that a bonafide member of the Most High God will rule from the throne of one of the Most High God’s servants?

    A bonafide member of the Unity of Yahweh emptied Himself to become a bondservant to make propitiation of sin for the entire world and after He did that, He regained all…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Lightenup


    You said:

    And even if the singular neuter is the original, it certainly doesn’t mean what you think it does – as I painstakingly pointed out clearly in that same post.

    The verse is all you need to see that the Father has given HIS name to the Son and they are ONE. That is enough to show the Unity of Yahweh.

    You gave opinions that vary fro…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Lightenup

    Hello Mike,

    I just got back from being out of town.

    Regarding begotten…

    There are two instances of the Son as being begotten:

    He was begotten:

    1. from the Father before creation
    2. from the dead on the third day after His crucifixion
  • Profile picture of Lightenup


    You wrote:

    This is purely the NT writers’ imagination and the Christian dogma. There is nothing available in the Hebrew Bible to support it.

    I would think that, you , as a skeptic, would be merely skeptical, but with that statement, you write as if you are an authority and know for sure of what you wrote.

    I’m skeptical about you b…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Lightenup


    Thanks for your prayers, I’m already much better.

    Regarding John 17:11, go to the interlinear and look at the pronoun “which” and you will see that it is neuter and singular just like the word “name” not male and plural which it would be if it meant to refer to “those”.

    That proves that it is the Father’s name that was given to Jesus and…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Lightenup


    You asked:

    1.   Is there any explicit scriptural indication that Peter and John were aware of this “Yahweh Unity”?

    2.  Is there any explicit scriptural indication that Peter and John ever taught us about this “Yahweh Unity”?

    If yes, then please identify the particular words from Peter and/or John where they teach us these things.  Thanks.

    [Read more]

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    Hi gadam123,

    How do you, being a skeptic, determine truth? Also, why are you here on HN?

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    You said:

    And if Jesus is a member of the “Yahweh” against whom the nations raged, then as the anointed one OF that Yahweh, Jesus would be an anointed one of… Jesus!

    Jesus would be the anointed one of  the Yahweh Unity. The Yahweh Unity is called Yahweh, not Jesus. Jesus is the name of one of the members who became flesh as the Messia…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Lightenup


    You said:

    We can keep doing this, verse by verse, for the entire Bible.  Or are you ready to concede that the word “god” always refers to a person (or a physical representation thereof) who is thought to have powers over nature and the affairs of man?

    I already showed you “whose god is their belly” so that would dispel your “always refe…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Lightenup


    You said:

    But any way you slice it, the Father and Son – according to what the scriptures actually teach (and not what you WANT them to teach) – are two different gods… one of them unbegotten and invisible, and the other one begotten and visible.

    If they are two different gods then they would be gods to different people groups but they…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Lightenup

    Hi Mike,

    I have been not feeling well (thanks for asking) but will try to address a question here and there.

    Starting with this:

    You asked:

     If “begotten” is simply a metaphorical way of saying that God has set a new king on an old throne, then it would most certainly also apply to Solomon, and all the kings who came after him.  So if that…

    [Read more]

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