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    I still believe a lot about what Ron taught too – ie. XMas, Easter etc etc.

    I must add I learned all the things I still believe with another group FIRST, not PKG.


    Hi there,

    It took me a while to think of that too – that indeed he was acting like the Pope.

    I am not sure Irene as to which comments you say are not right exactly – you see Ron doesn't say he is Jesus, but if you don't believe Ron, he says that you are not believing God/Jesus (the message) – this is common knowledge, for all to see and hear.

    When my mother was disfellowshipped, she was also told that because she didn't believe Ron, she didn't believe God/Jesus – was rejecting God Himself. She was then told that she no longer had Gods spirit.

    Just a tiny example: GFW: Page 24, first para : “God has given to Jesus Christ the timing for the seals to be opened, and Jesus Christ in turn has given the timing to me.”

    So, God gave the 'message' to Jesus, then Jesus gave it to Ron. That has resulted in all this “If you don't believe me, you don't believe God” – again, that is why are current PKG member on this forum is calling me AntiChrist.

    They believe if you reject the message (Ron's books/sermons/interviews), then you are rejecting the messenger (God).

    This is the way COG-PKG works.

    I have seen it over and over again. I am not sure if this is common in other COG groups, when I was a member of ICG (GTA group) there was none of this sort of talk.

    I still believe a lot about what Ron taught too – ie. XMas, Easter etc etc.

    Have a great day all.


    I agree Theodorej, I think it just takes some time to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and then effectively disipher what is right.

    There is the challenge!

    I have learned through all this where my trust actually was (thought it was in God – but it was in man).

    To be honest, I am glad to have learned this lesson.

    Thanks Karmarie for your post – we can understand each other.

    Bedtime here in Aus – 'night all :)


    When I left in January this year, there were only 2 left in South East QLD, with I think the 1 left in Cairns. I'm hoping that other areas have experienced the same exodus – but you just don't know.

    I mean this was for QLD alone – I am not sure about the other areas of Australia now that I have left.


    Hi Karmarie,

    When I first joined PKG nearly 2 years ago, I think worldwide there were 800 members – but I am only guessing. I imagine that has dwindled somewhat, however he apparently is getting new converts.

    Put it this way, in my little group in QLD Australia when I joined, and counting all those that joined (and left subsequently) – there were all up CH, MS, LH, MH, NU, SP, A?, R? and myself – making 9 in total. There was about 12 in NSW, and I think the same in Melbourne – and I think 1 in Perth, and there is 1 in Cairns – thats in the whole of Australia (population about 20 million now I think).

    When I left in January this year, there were only 2 left in South East QLD, with I think the 1 left in Cairns. I'm hoping that other areas have experienced the same exodus – but you just don't know.

    Ron really isn't reaching that many people now. Like I mentioned previously, I told approximately 70 people about Ron, handed out copies of his books etc. Ron always said they wouldn't believe it UNTIL things began to happen (which first time around was April 2008) – obviously, most people I told were waiting and watching out of couriosity and out of concern for me.

    Nothing happened – so they stopped waiting and watching. Sad thing is, anything else that is good the man had to say (and I believe there was a lot – but of course you have to imagine I need to question EVERYTHING now) was subsequently also ignored by all the people I had told.

    Ron really does not deserve any attention anymore I feel – the only reason I am giving any attention to him is to share my experiences with others to help me get over this, and at the same time if it stops others getting involved all the better.

    I found one of the most painful aspects of their group, is that if you reject Ron, you are rejecting JESUS Himself. Now, that is just pure blasphemy – I just did not see it before. Ron is putting himself right up there NEXT to Jesus. If you doubt Ron, you doubt Jesus. If you reject Ron, you reject Jesus.

    That is why Ptr775 called me AntiChrist – I am 'anti' Ron, so they think I am 'anti' Jesus. It really is sick – but you can imagine that sort of fear alone keeping people at PKG. They probably also think I have committed the unpardonable sin, and will burn in gahenna fire – all this, just because Ron's prophecies didn't come true (twice), and I didn't want to keep following him.

    It is sad, but I think now the people who are still there know deep down they are wrong, but they stay anyway. The only thing to do is be there for them when this all ends. NOTHING, and I truly mean, NOTHING can be done for them.

    I am 36 years old – so not really a spring chicken. I have NEVER experienced ANYTHING like this in my life.

    But hey, things like this make you stronger if you do not allow anger to last too long, and be careful not to let bitterness seep in. I think I am doing OK, but I do have bad days!! I am mainly angry at myself for staying after it was proven he was false by the failure of his first timeline. Again, when you invest so much of yourself into a 'man', you just can't imagine he could be wrong. So I followed him into timeline 2, purposely ignoring the evidence.

    You also really do not want to face the fact that God is not leading you – THAT is the thing that is TRULY agony (and another reason why I believe most people stay with Ron – they do not want to admit this to themselves).

    I guess a good analogy is when you tell a lie, you tell it long enough you end up genuinely believing it. The mind is really an amazing thing.

    Interesting too – another quote from Ron's own book:-

    GFW: Page 26/27, Lies: “Lying is the outcome of people being right in their own eyes and stubbornly holding to their own viewpoint, regardless of EVIDENCE to the contrary.”

    If only he would take his own advice! :D


    Hi Keith,

    I haven't studied cults at all – so I hope you are wrong!

    But there is a LOT to be concerned about that is for sure.

    There are just so many layers to all this!

    Thanks again, writing things certainly helps me heal – I was in PKG for nearly 2 years – others have been in a LOT longer than me. If it has been this hard for me, I hate to think what it will be like for them.

    All anyone can really do is be there for people when all this ends.

    There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that can be done for current members – anyone who reads what Ptr775 has written would know this. It's just so frustrating though isn't it!!

    Sad thing is, they feel frustrated at us because we 'are just so blind and want to ignore the truth'.

    I would never dream of calling someone AntiChrist – but for PKG, it is just so easy. Again, I should know, because sadly, I used to do the same.


    Hi Keith,

    I am sure Ptr775 won't go away. Many cannot help themselves despite what the ministry tells them.

    I have not come to the place where I would put Ron in the same boat as Koresh or anything like that – but Ron is a VERY cruel man.

    It is not until you leave that you realise this.

    First of all, he writes 2 books – one of which tells us to look at the SIGNS he has written about, that these SIGNS coming to pass in the TIMING he specified PROVES he is God's Final Witness.

    When timeline 1 failed, he turned it all around on his believers – suddenly telling us NOT to look at the signs, and accused us of looking at things physically instead of spiritually. It was mental and spiritual torture – I do not believe for one minute however, any of this will become physical.

    In saying that though, I will be extremely surprised if at the end of all this some will not have committed suicide.

    You know what the saddest thing in all this is? His books, interviews and sermons were so clear cut. He was so confident, and at the same time so humble. Everything he said made sense, and it was easy to believe God was 'calling' us to this knowledge.

    It was to be by RON'S PROPHECIES COMING TO PASS EXACTLY AS HE STATED, that would (I believed) once and for all get rid of all the confusion out here in religion. That is WHY RON'S BOOKS WERE WRITTEN!!

    Finally, we would know who to listen to.
    Finally, we would know the truth.
    Finally, we would know what to do.
    Finally, Jesus was coming back!!

    But, his failure of 2 timelines now – he has not kept his word, and continues to lay claim to being the Witness, something he has no right to.

    This has led to more confusion out there – as people who are in PKG, people who have left, and people who love PKG members and are worried for them – well, it is creating heartbreak and more confusion.

    When presented with EVIDENCE that Ron is FALSE (by his own words, and by the Bible in Duet) – all a member can say is 'that we are blind', that 'we are AntiChrist', and that we are not 'called' – what about addressing the facts about Ron's false prophecies, and his broken words? What about ALL the errors now obvious in his book that I have outlined? They can not be addressed however, because of the 50th 'truth' and God 'putting things in their minds' – but fact is, the book is WRONG as I have shown.

    It is very sad indeed.

    You see, EVERYONE can think God has put things 'in their mind' – a Catholic, a Protestant, a Jew, a Buddhist etc etc – but who is RIGHT?


    Well, it hasn't – Ron is false.

    People are hanging on to Ron for a multitude of reasons – a few I have raised here.

    None of this will end well for the members, but thankfully, there are few.

    I personally am looking forward to Wayne & Chris, Nathan & Sharna talking to me again – I miss them terribly (if they talk to me again).

    I am not against any PKG member, I am frustrated at them – yes. But I miss the ones I knew, and know all to well what they think of me (as Ptr775 has indicated).

    It hurts yes, but I am now moving forward – with love in my heart, with a jump in my step – feeling the resemblence of joy return to my being.


    PS. Are you sure you want to welcome me? I am not short of words!! :O


    Hi all,

    Thought I would share another piece I posted on Mike's blog:-

    I know I said this last week, but again, why does God’s most formidable prophet of all time feel the need to look at what his critics are saying? Why does he care?

    Yes Ron, I will admit I have been miserable – let me explain……

    You see, on the 17 April, 2008 (USA time) – I was sick to the stomach as I turned on the Television expecting some ‘powerful event’ that was newsworthy, beginning the process of destruction of 1/3 plant life and tens of thousands of deaths over a period of 45-90 days.

    I had handed out your business cards and warned as many loved ones as I could. I had handed out your books, as you told us too, as possible. People had asked me about the ‘truths’ and I shared with them God’s plan of salvation, His love toward us, His correction toward us, and how to prepare as best as possible – both physically and spiritually for what was about to hit this planet.

    I told them of the Sabbath, His Holy Days, that Christmas was nothing but a pagan festival. People were very respectful of my beliefs, and had the attitude of ‘wait and see’ if you turned out to be true – by what you were saying coming to pass exactly as stated by you. They were not laughing at you – at least, not then.

    When questioned, I always turned them to your books or to your sermons (or both) as you taught us.

    Your prophesy of Tribulation Timeline Number One did not occur. Then you told us we should take a good hard long look at ourselves for being disappointed this destruction did not take place. (We weren’t disappointed about that Ron, we were beginning to be disappointed that perhaps we were following false prophet).

    I waited until the specified 45-90 days for continuing destruction of the effects of the first trumpet blown, and ‘if by Pentecost’ 2008 these things did not come to pass, well, you would declare yourself a false prophet.

    Up until this time, EVERY DAY I lived, I did not know what destructive event would take place – believing it was imminent. This creates a lot of internal stress. All the while, trying to grow in your knowledge of Godly behaviour, and desire to learn of His ways, so you can be obedient. Your very survival depending on it, but looking at yourself through a microscope hoping that was not your only reason for being obedient. Wanting with all your heart to be open to God, and allow Him to mold and fashion you (whilst watching TV with your heart pounding waiting for the Thunders to increase their destructive power, or nukes to be detonated in the USA). You told us it would be like the show ‘Jericho’ – and we wanted to prepare our minds for human suffering, burnt bodies and thinking of how to deal with our pets humanely when the time came. This is only natural, when believing the events you prophesied were going to come to pass.

    This is how we lived each day – whilst still trying to function normally in society – work, eat, sleep and for me, trying to be a good wife to my unbelieving husband (who was also waiting and watching).

    My friends and family by this time, were extremely concerned. You see Ron, they were watching and waiting too – the ‘worldly’ people were waiting to see if what you had said would come to pass. The thing is Ron, is that these people lumped EVERYTHING taught by you in the one box. The Sabbath and your failed prophecies – both FALSE. The Holy Days, and your failed prophecies – both FALSE. Christmas being pagan, and your failed prophecies – both FALSE. They asked if I was going to go to the Christmas parties now, and would I start to work on Saturdays. What I am saying, is that they believed EVERYTHING you said – was FALSE. Are you beginning to see the damage now Ron? I feel this was especially sad, as you had written the books for the WORLD – so they could see who God was working through. All they could see, was that He was not working through you.

    Then however, the 50th truth was ‘revealed’ and I felt a lot better – thinking we had a little more time – my full belief in you, in your position and job was restored. I repented from my unbelief and bad attitude immediately.

    December 2008 came and went however, with yet another uneventful blowing of the first trumpet – and now the second timeline did not include the 45-90 day window for the second trumpet.

    My whole life revolved around you and your ministry for nearly 2 years. I lived every day with the ‘knowledge’ that was ‘given to me’ that indeed, the end time was here. I decided not to try for a child. I tithed up to 20% of my income, and gave offerings beyond my means to show my ‘Total Resolve’ whilst you were on a cruise (after all, the dollar would be worthless ‘not too far from now’). Meanwhile, Laura was on a shopping spree buying things on 3 years interest free no money down “You won’t have to pay it off after all – it’ll have all crashed by January (2009)”. (I guess Laura made a prophecy too – that also, failed – she said this to me personally during the feast of 2008).

    I wanted to be obedient to God’s true end time witness, and I loved you and I loved Laura. I loved Wayne, Chris, Nathan and Sharna and the other members of our little group.

    I emailed Wayne constantly, seeking help to overcome my wicked nature – wanting with all my heart to be right with God. I wanted to be the student you told us to be, eager for not only knowledge, but also understanding. I was told this was the way to save myself and all of my family (at least a chance) to surviving through the tribulation, and hopefully with God’s help, grace and guidance enter the millennial reign. I wanted to be the best I could be, so I could love God and show this by obeying Him – hungry for His truth – which I believed was coming from you.

    I felt truly blessed that God had ‘called’ me to you and to your knowledge.

    I still had the 3 months supply of food, water, warm clothing for the coming nuclear winter (which I purchased before timeline number one) – and I felt I was as prepared as I could be.

    My world however, fell apart in late January 2009 when I finally admitted to myself that you were false – one of the most hard decisions of my life. Your book states many things that have not come to pass – not even close. (NB. The economic ‘thunder’ is probably the only thing you could claim – however, this was one of the main things that attracted me to you – I believed, and still do believe the financial crash is yet to happen – and so do MANY, MANY other people – so what makes you any different?) The Bible warns me about false prophets – the Bible tells us to test the prophets – by what they say/prophesy coming to pass EXACTLY as they have stated. If not, they are FALSE and we should NOT be afraid of them (or of their curses!). When we asked you and your ministry about this Scripture, we were told they ‘did not have the truth’ that ‘God was not giving it to them’.

    Your own book Ron, says that the timing will be one of the things that validates you as His Witness – nothing of what you have prophesied had come to pass. You are false.

    So yes, I have been miserable – my heart has been lost, my mind dismayed, and my bank account a lot smaller – because you have called yourself God’s Final Witness and Prophet for the end time – and I believed you.

    I was crushed when it turned out you were false. I had believed God was leading me. I had believed God had led me to you. I believed you were God’s Final Witness, and I believed all your truths – but NOTHING you said would happen, happened. No lie is of the truth – therefore, the truth was not in you. What was I to do now?

    7 months after leaving PKG – I am gradually putting my life back together – learning many things of myself, my own nature – and things I need to work towards.

    I am turning this whol
    e experience into a positive one – one that has resulted in greater depth of knowledge of myself, both good and bad. A greater empathy and love for my fellow mankind. Greater ability to enter into friendships and other relationships, and a greater desire to learn of God’s ways and be obedient to those ways. I also now have a great desire for a child, to which I hope will be granted. I am now beginning to be able to watch the news without my heart leaping into my mouth!

    I have a lot of learning to do – and I am now building my foundation properly, for the first time in my life.

    I am preparing my heart, mind and spirit for such learning, and in time – yes, in time – I will learn to trust again.

    This is what you call bitter.
    This is what you call sick.
    This is what you call turning away from God.
    This is what you call turning away from the truth.

    I will let the readers decide.

    Ron, sometimes when people mock you, it is out of hurt – as is the case with me. The course of events and my beliefs during the last 2 odd years of my life, have caused me great distress – and most of this was because I believed you, I believed your claims – I believed in your work. Turns out however, that I was wrong – and you are wrong.

    I admitted my error, you will not.

    Sometimes I do mock you Ron, because your claims now, after the passing of time – 2 failed timelines, numerous failed specified prophecies (no new US President will take office etc, etc, etc) are becoming laughable (but inside I am shocked and deeply saddened). I guess the reason I personally mock you from time to time is therapy – it helps me work through things in some ways.

    You see, if someone hurts you, or more so, if your beliefs about someone hurt you – as my beliefs about you have hurt me – sometimes human nature lashes out. I have lashed out – and I think to a great degree, I have had the right to.

    My journey continues, and so does yours.

    In the end, I am sure I will have the bigger bowl of good fruit – and, in the end Ron, I will be happy to share my bowl with you.


    On another matter, PKG always taught us to be STUDENTS, and not TEACHERS (thereby placing yourself above God's ministry as Ptr775 is doing).

    I was a sponge, and devoured everything Ron taught me.

    I have rejected the messenger, as by Ron's own words – he is false.

    He promised to quit by Pentecost 2008 if 'no evidence of clear destruction of 1/3 plant and animal life in USA and into Canda'. He broke his promise, but I kept following him.

    (NB. There is an interesting compilation of Ron's contradictions on a site called 'Radio Free – PKG' – definately worth a look)

    It is important to note that I was ignorant to Deut. in the Bible where it says how to test a prophet – by what they say coming to pass. I willfilling ignored this scripture for months – putting it out of my mind on purpose, as I WANTED to believe Ron SO BADLY. I WANTED to believe his message, and that Jesus would soon be returning. It was absolutely heartbreaking to finally admit he was false.

    Ron prophesied in Gods name, and said it WAS from God, as I have shown. It did not come to pass. Again, by Ron's own standards, and the test that the Bible provides in Duet – he is a false prophet.

    For those who ignore the EVIDENCE of his failures, well, I wonder if they will suffer the same curses as the actual false prophet?

    I like to share my journey through all this, and be very open – as people can see and learn from my mistakes.

    It is also vital to understand the absolute arrogance in the group.

    We can see that Ptr775 (I still do not know who is he is) likes to feel he can TEACH (when Ron says not to).

    You see, PKG teaches that ONLY GOD CAN MAKE SOMEONE SEE. But the arrogance in the group makes one want to try THEMSELVES to make someone see. Again, Pride – the very aspect PKG teaches against, is the one they themselves are held captive to.

    I should know – I had the same attitude of Pride (but you do not recognise it until you leave).

    I believe people like Ptr775 refuse to acknowledge the EVIDENCE that Ron is false, because:-

    * Where would they go from there?
    * It would mean God was never leading them anywhere (Ouch!!)
    * They would be WRONG (when Pride MUST be RIGHT!!).

    I am sure that everyone here can see those characteristics playing out here.

    To be brought to nought, as I have (ie. admitting I was WRONG to follow Ron, that God was never leading me, and having the courage to LEAVE even though I did not know what was next – and still don't!) – well, that suddenly brings TRUE humility.

    Very important lessons here.

    Thank you all for allowing me the opportunity to share my very longwinded story!!

    Ptr775 – I did not continue reading your posts after you said I was AntiChrist – I have been hurt enough thankyou.

    BTW – does Wayne know you are on this forum? You are not meant to be talking with me anyway, as I am an X Member. If Wayne found out, you would probably be disfellowshipped.

    When CH was disfellowshipped from our group in QLD Australia, I have a copy of an email stating we were not to have ANY contact with him whatsoever, which is standard practice I believe in many COG's.

    Ptr775, I have noticed you 'bag' people here for giving Ron any attention at all if they don't believe him – well I put to you, why do you give any of us 'blind AntiChrists' any attention? Or are you trying to prove something?

    I understand, because over 7 months ago, I was the same.

    Food for thought for all I am sure.

    Take care all :)


    Hi all,

    Ptr775 – you do not know me personally. The only ones who could attest to that is Wayne & Chris Matthews, Nathan and Sharna. None of them would be on a forum like this, being obedient to Ron's 'suggestion'.

    Just to raise a few issues. Ron stated that the first timing WAS given to him by God – but when everything FAILED, he then said he 'misunderstood'.

    Ie. GFW: Page 24, first para : “God has given to Jesus Christ the timing for the seals to be opened, and Jesus Christ in turn has given the timing to me.”

    Ron also claims that the books were written to the 3 main relegions of the World – so it would be obvious to whom God was working. Ptr775 claims that this 'testing' was to separate the sheeps from the goats.

    GFW Page 24, para 3: “However, God is going to begin removing the skepticism of the WORLD, especially once the seventh seal is opened.”

    GFW Page 51: 3rd Para: “God is about to prove that this book is telling the truth! He will do so with power unleashed beyond any that He has ever used to reveal to man that He is their Creator.” – OK, by a failed first timeline, which Ron stated was given to him by God, by not proving his final witness and ALL his other failed prophecies (no new president etc).

    Remember, Ron stated that the very VALIDITY of his 2 books would be proven by the TIMING coming to pass EXACTLY as he stated, and the EVENTS as stated EXACTLY would come to pass.

    GFW : Page 4, first paragraph: “The proof of the validity of my first book, and now this one, is in the TIMING and the destruction that follows, EXACTLY as both books describe.”

    So, then this book is a lie if instead the purpose was to separate the sheep from the goats.

    If Ron's book is true, and things need to happen EXACTLY as the books state, then why was the second witness revealed OUTSIDE the tribulation? (She was revealed during the first 'wrong' or 'misunderstood' timeline).

    GFW: Page 16, Para 2: “The other witness will be revealed to the world DURING the time of the great tribulation – WITHIN the final the and one-half years of man’s era.”

    GFW Page 51, “This book is the truth!” – Ok, so it is the 'truth', but nothing it says has come to pass. mmmmmm.

    GFW: Page 5, Last para: “NOW is the time God has chosen to begin revealing himself fully to this world.” But again, Ptr775 believes all this is to seperate the sheep from the goats.

    So which is it? Is God NOW beginning to reveal himself to the world, by using is most FORMIDABLE prophets of all time, by GIVING Ron a WRONG first timeline (Ptr775 I have shown above that Ron said he WAS GIVEN the first timeline) then giving the CORRECT 2nd timeline to another COG group first, then allowing Ron to make other false prophecies, then not proving Ron by 'delaying' the start of the Tribulation? OR, is all this just to seperate the sheep from the goats in a tiny COG-PKG group?

    GFW: Page 11, para 3: “These two witnesses will be the most FORMIDABLE prophets God has ever used in all 6,000 years of human history.”

    GFW: Page 57, para 3: “God’s 2 end time prophets will exercise great power, both in power DISPLAYED on the earth and in power of the revelation of God – more than all other prophets combined.”

    GFW: Page 57, para 4: “As I have stated, I am one of those prophets, and I am also the spokesman of both. That which I am telling you is NOT OF ME, IT IS FROM THE GOD OF ABRAHAM.” (Ptr775 : how could Ron then turn around and say he 'misunderstood', that he calculated the time himself? He says here he was GIVEN IT. Again, wasn't until it FAILED that he turned around and said he had calculated it for himself.

    Ron says that God will PROVE who he sends.

    GFW: Page 58, Para 4: “God will PROVE whom He sends. Just as prophetic events will unfold with increasing power and frequency, so will I increase in power and recognition by others because of the job God has placed before me. It is Gods purpose, and He will do it.”

    Ron states in his book that the opening of the 7th Seal (for the SECOND time in Nov 08) would be a warning to the WORLD (not just for a warning to the scattered, or those in PKG).

    GFW: Page 60, Para 1: “The opening of the seventh seal will serve as a warning to the world that the final end time tribulation has come…”

    Ron states that God will humble the CHURCH AND THE WORLD and do this through events described in the book and by this very means PROVE through whom he is working (by a 'misunderstood' first timeline, failed prophecies etc). Ron also states that no signs will be used in the form of healing.

    GFW: Page 104, last paragraph : “God will humble the Church, and He will humble the WORLD through end time events described in this book. It is by this very means that God will reveal through whom He is now working. Specifically regarding his two end time witnesses, it will be by the power given to them for destruction and plagues, NOT HEALING.”

    GFW: Page 104 last paragraph: “Escalating deaths in the leadership of the scattered groups will serve as a witness of who it is through whom God is working. It will not be done through miraculous signs of healing.”

    So escalating DEATHS of scattered groups is also to serve as a WITNESS to whom God is working through. Well over 7 months into the Second Tribulation, and no deaths yet. I'm glad you have been healed 3 times though Ptr775.

    GFW: Page 107, Paragraph 3: (Note – this is written after the book went to great length to describe Elijah’s petition of God to let the people know he was His servant – and God answered by burning the sacrifice.) “I have also made a petition to the Eternal God of Abraham. My petition is that this first phase of the Fifth Thunder (note: of the 6th Seal) be fulfilled exactly as it is written here.” – FAILED. Twice now we have been in the fifth thunder of the 6th Seal – we are now in the 7th, (for the second time) – petition NOT GRANTED.

    Ron also states that the 7 thunders are a PRELUDE to the tribulation. PRELUDE means TO COME BEFORE.

    GFW: Page 110, Para 2: (NOTE: Ron has stated in the past that the thunders will continue on into the great tribulation and increase in intensity – but..) “The Seven Thunders have much to do with how God will reveal his two witnesses. These thunders serve as a PRELUDE to the final tribulation, and the greater manifestation of those 2 witnesses.”

    GFW: Page 111, Para 2: “The answer that I am who I say I am will be given by the events described in both books coming true EXACTLY has I have described. THIS WILL BE THE PROOF THAT I AM God’s end time witness and spokesman. But before great power is given to me to perform miraculous events similar to those of Moses (but with far greater power), once the seventh seal is opened (note – not delayed until the 5th trumpet of the seventh seal!) and the final three and one half years of worldwide tribulation, God has reserved these seven thunders for me to declare.”

    Page 115, last para: “BEFORE the seventh (and final) seal is opened (opened for the 2nd time Nov 08), the Seven Thunders will become so pronounced that the validity of everything written about them in the previous chapter should roar loudly in the ears of anyone who is willing to admit the truth.” (again, Ron’s petition was that the fifth thunder of the 6th seal be fulfilled exactly as written, to prove he is God’s servant – so this thunder at least should have occurred BEFORE the seventh seal was opened – for the second time. For those who argue that I may not be willing to admit the truth, well I did follow Ron for the first 2 timelines – I think that proves I was willing to admit the truth – shame it turned out to be, yes FALSE.)

    GFW: Page 118, para 1 (speaking of the first trumpet) : “When we are told that a third of all plant life will be de
    stroyed, that is exactly what it means.”

    Ron then changed the meaning of this to something spiritual, after of course insinuating that it was the green american currency burning.

    GFW: Page 118, para 1 “It should also be noted, that in the first trumpet there is fire mingled with blood. Blood means there will be much death when this event occurs. Most of it will be the death of animals and birds, but also a large number of people will die – into the tens of thousands.”

    I don't know who you are Ptr775, may have met you at the Feast briefly – but please do not claim to know me personally.

    Please also do not insult my intelligence by suggesting that I am a goat.

    I believed Ron, and I believed his Truths, I believed his BOOK – which above, on just a few items (there are many more) – HAS PROVEN FALSE.

    I leave you all with this to consider, and it has been a pleasure visiting with you all. I trust many of you can learn from my experiences which I share over on Mike's blog at Don't Drink the Flavour Aid.

    Take care,

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