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    Quote (ftk @ Sep. 05 2011,04:16)Quote (Ed J @ Sep. 05 2011,00:11)Quote (ftk @ Sep. 04 2011,22:38)Job never blamed God for his pain and suffering.Hi Tim,The Scriptures seem to disagree with you here on this point as well…Job 9:22 This is one thing, therefore I(Job) said it, He(God) destroyeth the perfect and the wicked.Job 27:2 As God liveth, who[Read more]

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    Quote (ftk @ Sep. 05 2011,22:46)Pierre: God will let you do anything.Hi Tim,This is a false statement.1) God wouldn't let Balaam curse the children of Israel.2) God wouldn't let Pharaoh keep the children of Israel as slaves. 3) God wouldn't let the Apostle Paul (Shaool) be killed by those taking an oath to kill him.God blessEd J (Joshua…[Read more]

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    Quote (csaliba @ May 08 2011,01:00)Now these are the seven spirits of God1 spirit of the Almighty God  The father,the son, and the Holy Spirit.1 spirit of the Father1 spirit of the Son 1 spirit of the Holy spirit.1 spirit of Both the Father and the Son. represented in Michael the chief defender of heaven most powerful archangel1 spirit of Both…[Read more]

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    Quote (csaliba @ May 07 2011,05:48)When you reflect and pray the Holy Spirit to give you light you will be aware  that Moses was Jesus incarnated in him.Hi csaliba,How does God giving you light connect to this statement?Kila

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    Quote (csaliba @ May 06 2011,17:33)According to John we will eventually become godsHi csaliba,What do you mean by that?Isn't that what the serpent told Eve?Kila

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    Kila replied to the topic in the forum Kila 13 years, 6 months ago

    Quote (jbl @ Mar. 13 2011,18:50)Hello,My name is Jordan (aged 21) and as of a matter of a few days ago I have lost my father to suicide. He struggled his entire life with drug and alcohol abuse which left him withdrawn and chronically depressed. I loved him and miss him and assure you he was a very good man who did believe strongly in God.For the…[Read more]

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