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  • #38583

    Eliyah has returned,

    Nick, the very scriptures you gave proves that Shaul=Paul was talking to un-circumcised converted Gentiles in that he told them

    to not let anyone judge them for observing THE SABBATH( ie- 7th day, not sunday either), nor of THE NEW MOON( ie-the first day of the month observance), or of THE HOLYDAYS( ie- the feast sabbaths of YHWH–not the modern holidays)

    Now why would Paul tell Gentile converts to NOT LET ANYONE JUDGE THEM for the observances of these days, IF they were abolished at Messiah's death?

    Furthermore, why would Paul even mention them at all to them, if they had already been abolished?

    The verse says

    A SHADOW TO COME–ie future tense– not past tense, as Paul looked forward to Messiah's return

    Why would Paul these Gentile converts who had never observed the SABBATH, HOLYDAY FEASTS, and THE NEW MOON DAY, when according to traditional christianity, that these days were done away at the cross- as they call it?

    These verses PROVE that Paul told Gentile converts to not let anyone judge them for observing these days, or otherwise, why would Gentile converts being judged in reguard to DAYS THAT SUPOSEDLY HAD BEEN DONE AWAY, and that they never observed before and them being Gentiles?

    Yes Nick, the law of YHWH still is binding as Paul himself said that he served and obeyed it with the mind ( See Acts 24:14; Rom.7:22-25), and faith does NOT make void the law as Paul plainly said in ( Rom.3:31) rather we establish the law, however, circumcission is now of the heart not the flesh.


    Eliyah C. big as life, and still on the net!


    Ah ha, that's exactly right IS 1:18, and there is ONLY ONE FATHER YAHWEH and YAHSHUA MESSIAH, and all the others and rest of the nation's deities , they worship is devils or demons ( See also 1 Cor.10:19-21) for all the gentiles sacrifice or worship to demons not YAHWEH Elohim.

    And Paul said there was ONLY ONE YAHWEH ELOHIM, and only ONE Yahshua Messiah, and all the rest are false idol deities-ie gods.

    Paul also said there was NOT THIS KNOWLEDGE IN EVERY MAN EITHER about there being MANY lords and god deities( 1 Cor.8:7), people better stop worshipping idol gods or deities, for there are many ” lords and gods or deities “, Paul writes and says so, but ONLY ONE YAHWEH ELOHIM and Yahshua Messiah.


    Heaven or T8,

    I told you before, if I have said something to you or anyone else that you have taken the wrong way, then I'm sorry for that, and please forgive me, that was not, and is not my intention. OK ? But I really am sorry if I have offened you, however, all i have written is true nevertheless.

    How many times do I have to keep re-peating myself ?

    Or, did you not read on the page before this one of I quote…

    I love you T8 or Heaven, because the scriptures say that if we love our neighbors, we will not suffer sin and coming judgment to come upon him if we know the truth, or why would i even bother to point this out to you, I have nothing to lose or to gain either way.


    If I leave this forum, it will die spiritually, its almost dead already, or have you not noticed that, however, like I said before, if you really want me to, I will keep my word.


    Has eliyah commited a sin against any of the brothers that are members? If so then please show me how and if not why do you rebuke him? Just let him know to stay on topic if you want order in the topic so there is no confusion, otherwise let him speak as he wants about a question asked.
    Now some of the things said could be relevant and others may not be. To Heaven or T8 or whoever is trying to 'ban' eliyah, if it is related topics let him speak. To eliyah, please use the PM to answer the off topic questions or inquiries. See it is that simple.

    I have sent T8 PM but I never received any relies, that is why I asked also what sin have I sinned against anyone on the forum, even T8 which is Heaven also who is playing 2 different people on the forum.

    Everyone else on the forum knows that i have not sinned against them, and not even T8 or Heaven.

    Even in the trinity topic T8 got off subject like veryone else did, I wonder if Heaven who is also T8 reprimanded himself for doing the same as everyone else did in getting off topic?? That is wha I asked what sin have I done ?

    New forum open for discussion..


    Well this is not a million dollar advertizement but if others wants to try out a very nice discusson forum here it is.


    I am not against you or your teaching. I am certainly open to the possibilty that we should shun all that is Greek (even language) and return to the Hebrew names of God etc. I have even stated this in some earlier posts, before you came here.

    Then why not do it if you really love ABBA YAHWEH and YAH'SHUA Messiah ?

    But I have 2 hats. One is as T8 a man seeking the truth with all his heart, and the other as “SuperAdmin” whose job it is to administer the Forum and make sure that things are running smoothly. So it is not t8 that you have offended but the Admin guy.

    Well, all I can say is as the scriptures do, “” a double minded person is unstable “”, then IF it were me, I would stop playing 2 people, because in the end only one will be judged, do you want to lose eternal life, and be judjed because of the administrator guy to please others or to please YAHWEH ELOHIM and YAH'SHUA MESSIAH our Redeemer ?

    If I had the choice of running a board to please others against my will, then what purpose or relationship would I really have with THE TRUE FATHER YAHWEH and Messiah , is a relationship with other people merely to please them for their support worth more than my relationship with the true FATHER YAHWEH ELOHIM and Messiah?

    I'll tell you something T8, my wife and I live only on $ 600 us dollars a month, now I'm in a place where i can't work because i'm almost cripled because of dead discs from my tail bone to my neck, and live with constant pain, because i lifted heavy weights up to 400 pounds for 14 years.

    I have no support from people, and do not ask then either, and after an electric bill of 95 dollars, and telephone because od emergencies of 30 dollars, and vehicle insurance of 145 dollars( which i can't drive right now and neither does my wife) then the internet bill of 17 dollars , not counting my wif's nescessities, how much do you think I have left to buy food for the rest of the month ? about 400 to live and buy cleaning supplies and food each month.

    It gets tough, but i don't ask anyone for support, I would rather HAVE ABBA YAHWEH AND MESSIAH, not the support of people, because if i had to choose, it would be YAHWEH AND MESSIAH.

    You better start thinking about who you would rather obey and please, had we rather not obey and please YAHWEH ELOHIM And Messiah?

    Now what kind of real trouble have you had from me, other than getting off topic, which I never done no different than you or the others who also got off topic too?

    I am not against you or your teaching. I am certainly open to the possibilty that we should shun all that is Greek (even language) and return to the Hebrew names of God etc. I have even stated this in some earlier posts, before you came here.

    Then you know that what I'm telling you is the truth in my posts don't you?

    I know, I've already been there a long time ago, and even I cannot dis-prove my own posts, I tried that years ago, they cannot be dis-proven with original texts of scriptures.

    I'm not trying to force anyone to do anything , however, I point out that YAHWEH ELOHIM and Messiah expects everyone that they must now make a choice, its either YAHWEH ELOHIM and MESSIAH, or it is the Babylonian sun GOD deity satan the devil.

    I am not against you or your teaching. I am certainly open to the possibilty that we should shun all that is Greek (even language) and return to the Hebrew names of God etc. I have even stated this in some earlier posts, before you came here.

    Then what is stopping you brother?

    Who's forum is it then, yours , or YAHWEH ELOHIM AND YAH'SHUA Messiah's, who's its head, you, or YAHWEH ELOHIM and YAH'SHUA, who is the head of the body or Assembly?

    Paul plainly told us, THAT SATAN IS THE god= idol deity or elohim OF THIS AGE OR WORLD ( 2 Cor.4:4) hand has blinded the minds of them that believe not.

    So who's forum is it, yours( yes YAHWEH HAS MADEYOU CUSTODIAN OVER IT) but is it YAHWEH ELOHIM and Messiah's, or is it god satan's as its head?

    I love you im Messiah T8 or Heaven, no matter what you may think or say about me.

    That's the same I also told Nick too.

    Your choice who you want to turn the forum over to, whether YAHWEH ELOHIM AND MESSIAH or the god satan .

    Eliyah Collette


    T8 or Heaven,and everyone.

    I have nothing against you either, what makes you think that ?

    However, you really should do some investigating on those idol titles you mention, because in the scriptures there are only two classes of people in the endtime.

    1 are those who really love Yahweh with all their heart mind and soul, and they are sealed through the Spirit ( Eph.1:13) by having the Father's NAME( it does not say title) in their foreheads or minds( Rev.7:2-9) even that great multitude which no man could number ( Rev.7:9) are sealed with the Father's name of YHWH= YAH( Exod.15:2; Psalms 68:4) short for YAHWEH in their foreheads, and they call upon His NAME ( it does not say title) the same as Eliyahuw The Prophet did in ( 1 Kings 18:24; and Joel 2:32; and Acts 2:21 and Rom,10:13) both Peter and Paul quoted from ( Joel 2:32), and the Name in ( 1 Kings 18:24 and Joel 2:32) is YAHWEH.

    2. Then there is the other class of people who are either deceived or purposely and wilfully unbelievers, and they call on the idol title name of ” god and lord ” that the religious Babylonian mother and her harlots have in their minds or foreheads, which is also the same religious deity of the 4th beast of Daniel ( which is John's 1st beast) of the title name of LORD=Baal GOD =JUPITER that they call on every day, and have that idol title name in their foreheads or minds ( See Rev.13:15-17 and Rev. 17:5, which are the names of blasphemy, and ( Rev.13:3-4 and Rev.13:8 ) say these WORSHIP the dragon or satan( Rev.12:9) through deception and the 1st ( Roman deity) beast kingdom, and those who do so, do not have their names written in the lamb's book of life either.

    People are either in the one class or the other, there is no stratle poling, and no middle ground, for the true FATHER YAHWEH will NOT SHARE HIS HONOR or GLORY( and His Name is His honor) with another idol deity( See Isa.42:8). He will not accept such worship, He plainly says so.

    Which class of people do you want to be in ?

    The choice of which class to be in is yours, however, even i would not let running a forum for popularity people's sake knock me out of following the true Creator, and losing out on the great prize of eternal life, would you really ?

    Now you study about that, because judgment of the beast Rev.13:15-17)and the great mother whore and her daughters( Rev.17:5) who have those NAMES OF BLASPHEMY ON OR IN THEIR VERY FIREHEADS OR MINDS have already been pronounced on them.

    I will tell you like I last spoke to Nick by private message when he contacted me first by private message.

    I love you T8 or Heaven, because the scriptures say that if we love our neighbors, we will not suffer sin and coming judgment to come upon him if we know the truth, or why would i even bother to point this out to you, I have nothing to lose or to gain either way.

    That was the very reason i was born was to fulfill ( Rev.7:2-9; Rev.14:1; Rev.22:3-4) to seal the Father's Name of YAH( which cannot be disputed in original texts of scriptures) in telling the common people His true Name as Paul asked the questions in ( Rom.10:14), for to be sealed ” for that great multitude which no man could number Rev.7:9).

    I don't have a following of people and neither do i desire it either, I do not ask people for money or support( that alone sets me apart from the rest), and i do not belong to any organization on the face of this earth, soI do not have to speak and preach what some organization of me tell me too.

    If I did not love and care about you people, I would not have been sent here, and to tell you the truth, I've been on this forum longer than any other forum for thay very reason.

    Now the choice is up to you, which class of people you choose to be in, but remember, when you use and call on the idol title name of “GOD = Jupiter ” you are calling on satan the devil, and we have the Roman Pontifices maximus catholics to thank for all that blasphemy.

    If you bow the knee to that idol deity, you bow the knee to satan the devil( Rev.13:3-4 ; Rev.13:8 ) not YAHWEH, and he want accept such worship ( Isa.42:8).

    Now, to keep my promise, if you still want me to leave, I will do it to prove i'm a man of my word, even though others voted for me to stay.

    All the choices are yours dearly beloved, this is your forum, and you also have the choice of being sealed through the spirit( Eph.1:13) with His true Name in your forehead or mind to use ONLY HIS NAME as people don't have much longer to decide or to stay on the fence, or to strattle the fence.

    Those strattling the fence and using both ” GOD YAHWEH ” are doing it in vain or for nothing, because Isayah 42:8 makes it very plain He will not acept it and there are other scriptures too.

    It either Him YAHWEH or it is the idol demon satan who is GOD, the Father's Name is YAHWEH ELOHIM The Almighty not Yahweh god -satan.

    That's the size of it, its either the true FATHER YAHWEH ELOHIM you use and call upon in prayer and worship( John 17:11, or it is the other false father god satan ( John 8:44) that you are sealed in your mind or forehead with, and call upon and worship.

    Its now your choice, and i'm truely sorry if you think i have wronged you in any way.

    Like I said though, if you still want me to leave, I will prove my word to you, even though others wanted me to stay.

    Thank everyone who did, I only pray that the TRUE YAHWEH ELOHIM will open your minds to see this truth, for your sake , but not for mine, i'm only the messenger.

    If anyone wants to reach me I have websites and there is a new message board, though I don't know how long it will be opperated, because if no one visits it and posts to the forum, it will be removed by me, and i will keep traveling the forums.….7497591

    Eliyah Collette


    Why do you assume i'm against you T8 ?

    Seem the other way arround

    anyone wanting to post any topic can at..….7497591


    You very well read what I wrote, and it means what it says as Messiah said.

    PS for anyone wanting to discuss any scriptural topic without being banned or hassarased for their belief, try coming here, discuss all the scriptural topics you want.

    Yes even T8 or heaven is invited too.


    Now why don't you appoligize for accusing me falsely?


    I don't remember ever clicking to vote, but whatever you talking about, I APOLIGIZE, but for what? I was not talking nasty to you, just sayng the same words as Messiah did, He must have talked nasty too then did He?


    In the Ball Gaad discussion itself you engaged in some pretty nasty name calling too

    Only the devil digs back up past forgiven offences between brethren to use them against a person, as i said before as Messiah also said, ye are of your father the devil and lust of your father you will do, when he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own, for he is a liar and the father of it,and because i tell you the truth you accept or believe me not.

    True people of Messiah do not do such things as digging up past forgiven offences between brethren to use it against a person, let alone using them to sway others minds, and do such things to people, however satan's ministers will though( 2 Cor. 11).

    Put that one under your black hat and wear it.


    Yes because all these posts tell aboutWHO the one you call FATHER ' god ' and ' je'sus ” really was and is related to this topic, however I never said or mentioned the baal topic in my posts, that is in your own imagination, and as I said before, I posted the link as you asked me to do inorder to conserve valuable forum space.

    And you would not even let the last 3 links even work proving who the one you call je'sus really was and is, or was that done on purpose too ?

    If that is spam then why did you tell me to leave a link especially if I had already replied to the subject, and done as you asked me to do,?Was it inorder to set me up for your accusations? There's no other reason for telling me to do such a thing, then turn arround and accuse me of doing what you asked me to do!


    Yes it is a normal process for others to vote on things in Forums. Other forum(s) have actually banned Eliyah for the same conduct as we have. Unlike other forums that banned him permantly, this one gave him a chance to come back if he kept his Ball Gaad topic to that discussion. Then we are accused of being disrespectful and showing no class. If that was the case, I can only imagine how evil those other forums are.

    No one banned me for the same conduct T8 or Heaven ( which ever name you seem to change faster than your underwear) , they banned me because I used the Correct Names YAHWEH and YAH'SHUA, and posted them.

    Another false accusation by you again, and I said before that I ( catch it now ) would NOT post to the main discussion forum, and we are not in the main discussion forum here.

    What other forums have banned me for your no proof accusing me of mis-conduct.

    I will say it as plain as Messiah did, you falsely accuse as the advarsary, and dig up past forgiven offences between brethren to use against them, and falsely accuse as your father the devil( John 8:44).

    I never mentioned the baal topic in my posts, I mere made an off subject reply back to everyone else, including you, who were diverting and posting off subject topic too, so when you could not prove that I even said or mentioned the baal topic, then you went to accusing me of spamming, because I left a link to the article as you even told me to do, so it would save valuable space on the forum.

    Then why tell me to leave a link to the articles as to not use up valuable forum space, if that was not a set up, then what else would it be? Do you want me to copy and past your remarks telling me to do this in a private message that you sent to me ?

    I'm tired of hearing you tell me to do one thing, and then turn arround and accuse me of the very thing in which you even told me to do earlier, and I'm tired of hearing your railing accusations and complaining toward me, when you are doing the very thing that you accuse me of doing.

    Everyone else was talking off subject in thr trinity topic, including you, the you come crying and accusing me like a 12 year old toward me, because I merely replied with an off subject reply , back to you and everyone else who were replying to each other with off subject topics too.

    Now why do you not answer my questions?Instead of avoiding them and accusing to divert away from the questions?


    Mr. Bob, I never said that you said that I spammed, however, I did say that T8 or Heaven accused me of spamming, in which I only did what he asked me to do, and that was to post a link to the article and not use up valuable forum server space, and that is exactly all that I have done is what he asked me to do himself.

    That is why I asked him the question of why tell me to do that, and I did what he requested, but then he turns arround and accuses me of spamming, that would look and seem like a ” set up of the person being accused ” NO ?


    It wouldn't make much sense if you were to invite yourself back, no?

    Also, about the “100%” thing you mentioned in the other topic; the percentage is of the members who actually voted (i.e. 2 opposing votes are 50%-50%), and not the members.

    Is. 1:18 – These types of polls are very common on message boards. If an administrator feels undecided on a banning of a member, a poll is set up for the members to decide.

    Does it make any sence to even ask someone to leave, and then make a vote against them unfairly accusing with no proof shown, then someone digs up brothers past forgiven offences to sway others minds, and then even set up a poll to vote asking them back ?

    Mr Bob, I've been on many many forums, this is the first time this kind of respect and dis-respect of persons, that I have ever seen happen before, and such things as this is not common or normal on any forum that I've been period.

    IS 1:18 is correct, where is T8s proof, and should any Assembly leader bring up past forgiven offences between brethren to sway others minds in their direction against anyone, or would the Creator or the Christ as you call Him dig up your past FORGIVEN offences and use them against you, even without any proof ?

    The Messiah said, that what judgement you judge, it shall be returned to you, and anyone can take that one to the bank!

    However, how many here are really thinking about all the scripture violations and dis-respect of persons that are being committed by thee accuser which has no proof, except in his own conscience and mind ?


    It says

    You have already voted in this poll

    when I have clearly not voted in this poll at all yet, how come i wonder, is the poll already rigged by you against me ?

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