Eliyah replied to the topic Did paul do away with the law? in the forum Truth or Tradition 18 years, 4 months ago
Eliyah has returned,Nick, the very scriptures you gave proves that Shaul=Paul was talking to un-circumcised converted Gentiles in that he told themQuote to not let anyone judge them for observing THE SABBATH( ie- 7th day, not sunday either), nor of THE NEW MOON( ie-the first day of the month observance), or of THE HOLYDAYS( ie- the feast sabbaths…[Read more]
Eliyah replied to the topic Who is this Jesus? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 19 years ago
Ah ha, that's exactly right IS 1:18, and there is ONLY ONE FATHER YAHWEH and YAHSHUA MESSIAH, and all the others and rest of the nation's deities , they worship is devils or demons ( See also 1 Cor.10:19-21) for all the gentiles sacrifice or worship to demons not YAHWEH Elohim.And Paul said there was ONLY ONE YAHWEH ELOHIM, and only ONE Yahshua…[Read more]
Eliyah replied to the topic Should Eliyah be invited back? in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 19 years, 1 month ago
Heaven or T8,I told you before, if I have said something to you or anyone else that you have taken the wrong way, then I'm sorry for that, and please forgive me, that was not, and is not my intention. OK ? But I really am sorry if I have offened you, however, all i have written is true nevertheless.How many times do I have to keep re-peating…[Read more]
Eliyah replied to the topic Should Eliyah be invited back? in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 19 years, 1 month ago
Quote Has eliyah commited a sin against any of the brothers that are members? If so then please show me how and if not why do you rebuke him? Just let him know to stay on topic if you want order in the topic so there is no confusion, otherwise let him speak as he wants about a question asked. Now some of the things said could be relevant and…[Read more]
Eliyah replied to the topic Should Eliyah be invited back? in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 19 years, 1 month ago
Well this is not a million dollar advertizement but if others wants to try out a very nice discusson forum here it is.http://spiritual.servertalk.in/index.php?mforum=spiritual
Eliyah replied to the topic Being accuse or singled out for off subject topics in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 19 years, 1 month ago
Another new scriptural discussion fourm.http://freeforums.bizhat.com/index.php?mforum=Eliyah&showforum=1
Eliyah replied to the topic Should Eliyah be invited back? in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 19 years, 1 month ago
New message scriptural boardhttp://freeforums.bizhat.com/index.php?mforum=Eliyah&showforum=1
Eliyah replied to the topic Should Eliyah be invited back? in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 19 years, 1 month ago
Quote I am not against you or your teaching. I am certainly open to the possibilty that we should shun all that is Greek (even language) and return to the Hebrew names of God etc. I have even stated this in some earlier posts, before you came here.Then why not do it if you really love ABBA YAHWEH and YAH'SHUA Messiah ?Quote But I have 2 hats. One…[Read more]
Eliyah replied to the topic Should Eliyah be invited back? in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 19 years, 1 month ago
T8 or Heaven,and everyone.I have nothing against you either, what makes you think that ?However, you really should do some investigating on those idol titles you mention, because in the scriptures there are only two classes of people in the endtime.1 are those who really love Yahweh with all their heart mind and soul, and they are sealed through…[Read more]
Eliyah replied to the topic Should Eliyah be invited back? in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 19 years, 1 month ago
Why do you assume i'm against you T8 ?Seem the other way arroundanyone wanting to post any topic can at..http://www.freeforums.net/forum_s….7497591
Eliyah replied to the topic Being accuse or singled out for off subject topics in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 19 years, 1 month ago
Or even this one…http://www.freeforums.net/forum_s….7497591
Eliyah replied to the topic Being accuse or singled out for off subject topics in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 19 years, 1 month ago
You very well read what I wrote, and it means what it says as Messiah said.PS for anyone wanting to discuss any scriptural topic without being banned or hassarased for their belief, try coming here, discuss all the scriptural topics you want.Yes even T8 or heaven is invited too.http://eliyah.forumup.org/viewforum.php?f=1&mforum=eliyah
Eliyah replied to the topic Should Eliyah be invited back? in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 19 years, 1 month ago
Now why don't you appoligize for accusing me falsely?
Eliyah replied to the topic Should Eliyah be invited back? in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 19 years, 1 month ago
I don't remember ever clicking to vote, but whatever you talking about, I APOLIGIZE, but for what? I was not talking nasty to you, just sayng the same words as Messiah did, He must have talked nasty too then did He?
Eliyah replied to the topic Being accuse or singled out for off subject topics in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 19 years, 1 month ago
Quote In the Ball Gaad discussion itself you engaged in some pretty nasty name calling tooOnly the devil digs back up past forgiven offences between brethren to use them against a person, as i said before as Messiah also said, ye are of your father the devil and lust of your father you will do, when he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own, for he is…[Read more]
Eliyah replied to the topic Being accuse or singled out for off subject topics in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 19 years, 1 month ago
Yes because all these posts tell aboutWHO the one you call FATHER ' god ' and ' je'sus ” really was and is related to this topic, however I never said or mentioned the baal topic in my posts, that is in your own imagination, and as I said before, I posted the link as you asked me to do inorder to conserve valuable forum space.And you would not…[Read more]
Eliyah replied to the topic Should Eliyah be invited back? in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 19 years, 1 month ago
Quote Yes it is a normal process for others to vote on things in Forums. Other forum(s) have actually banned Eliyah for the same conduct as we have. Unlike other forums that banned him permantly, this one gave him a chance to come back if he kept his Ball Gaad topic to that discussion. Then we are accused of being disrespectful and showing no…[Read more]
Eliyah replied to the topic Being accuse or singled out for off subject topics in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 19 years, 1 month ago
Mr. Bob, I never said that you said that I spammed, however, I did say that T8 or Heaven accused me of spamming, in which I only did what he asked me to do, and that was to post a link to the article and not use up valuable forum server space, and that is exactly all that I have done is what he asked me to do himself.That is why I asked him the…[Read more]
Eliyah replied to the topic Should Eliyah be invited back? in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 19 years, 1 month ago
Quote It wouldn't make much sense if you were to invite yourself back, no?Also, about the “100%” thing you mentioned in the other topic; the percentage is of the members who actually voted (i.e. 2 opposing votes are 50%-50%), and not the members.Is. 1:18 – These types of polls are very common on message boards. If an administrator feels undecided…[Read more]
Eliyah replied to the topic Should Eliyah be invited back? in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 19 years, 1 month ago
It says Quote You have already voted in this poll when I have clearly not voted in this poll at all yet, how come i wonder, is the poll already rigged by you against me ?
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