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  • #68852

    Hello Kevin
    I did the same thing and have just come back.
    I think it's good to have our beliefs tested by an unbeliver, I like you am learning things I never even considered before.
    Hope to hear from you again.
    Blessings to you brother.


    Hello Mrs D
    I'm  well thank you and getting back into the good food here on Heaven Net. Hope you are well and happy too.
    Blessings to you sister.

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


    Quote (Stu @ Oct. 19 2007,18:43)

    Quote (Deborah @ Oct. 19 2007,09:31)
    Hi Stu
    What is it in you that decides what is good and what is evil,
    how do you discern right from wrong?

    Hi Deborah

    t8 started a thread on that topic in Creation & Science.  I have posted some ideas there.


    Hello Stu
    I read the links you posted and my question was answered thank you.

    I agree that how we are conditioned to think from birth comes first from our parents understanding and beliefs and secondly from interacting in society starting with our educators in school and so on. But in my case I didn't have parents who were believers in the existance of God so wasn't conditioned to believe anything pertaining to a God or gods, but still I had this question ..Why am I here, what's this all about.I remember at 13 going to a Greek Orthodox church for a wedding and observing the ritual and thinking then “who is this God”? My journey began, my family used to joke about my desire to learn more, my Great Grandmother was a Christian but she never told me about the love of God she told me to fear Him I didn't want to be a Christian. My mother began holding gatherings with her friends around a ouji board at our house once a week, I became interested and sat in a few times, when she stopped I continued on from ouji boards to more occultic activities right into my 40s, I had turned away from the idea of there being one God and thought Christianity was a myth, I wouldn't have called myself an Atheiest because I believed in a higher power operating through many gods.Evolution made perfect sense to me, it was taught in school and I believed we came from monkeys, everybody did, but the question was still burning “what's the purpose of life?” This still wasn't answered. I decided to read the Bible, a book I had avoided, because I was frustrated and increasingly unhappy with all I was doing to find the answer in the occult, and I found a Male God who punished you if you disobeyed any of His laws , my great grandmothers words came back to me time and time again, so I put the book down and continued worshipping other gods male and female. Years later still not believing I challenged the God of the Bible,”If you do exist then you are going to have to prove it to me somehow and if what the Christians say is true that I have to get Baptized and except Jesus to know the Truth, then I do, now you do your job.”
    Scriptures I was led to read were…He has set Eternity in the hearts of all… Ecclesiastes..3:11. That explained the Why part of my question.
    Ephesians 1:18..I pray also that the eyes of your heart be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints. This led me to an understanding of who God is. I 'm a believer because I do have proof He exists, I cannot supply you with my proof other than show you the Scriptures that helped me to understand and believe. For you to have visited this website in the first place is amazing to me, I know you answered that question in the PM, but I wouldn't have thought a Christian website would be somewhere an Atheist would visit unless they had the same questions not being answered.
    Blessings to you Stu.


    Hello t8
    I'm ok with my current one now just took a bit of relating too. lol. But someone else might like to use it for theirs if you can add it to the avatar selection that would be great.


    Hi Stu
    What is it in you that decides what is good and what is evil,
    how do you discern right from wrong?


    Hello 942767

    Do you know the Hebrew or Greek word for heart in Scripture?
    Just curious.
    When we give our heart to someone we are giving what we know of ourselves, but the Heart of us that only God knows is our true nature and cannot be hidden from Him, so therefore it matters not what our countenance shows we can't hide who we truly are from God.


    Hello Stu,

    Isn't this a bit rich from an adherent of a belief system that includes christian cults that do exactly the same? I suppose you would complain they are not real christians…

    No I don't think so.
    What do you mean by “real christian”.
    It's not for me to judge who is real and who isn't
    I'm pleased you like my approach, it works better than garlic,lol.
    God bless


    Hello Mandy
    I totally understand where your at with this.
    Here in Australia, Halloween isn't such a big deal yet, it's not so hard not to get involved.
    A few years ago some kids turned up at my door all dressed up like witches and monsters asking for trick or treat, I happened to have some tracts for children left over from a Christian youth event I'd attended . I handed these to the kids, who weren't terribly impressed with their treats but put them in their bags and off they went. I don't know if this tract had any effect on any of the kids, but there is always the chance one of them at least got the message. I keep tracts for kids on hand around this time and if they come knocking that's what they get. I know I'm seen as a kill joy when it come to Halloween and I get told this, but I don't care, I'm willing to kill the joy in Halloween and will continue to do so. Of course it's not going to be easy to put an end to a tradition such as this one, but we have to try to get the truth about it across somehow to our kids.
    Blessings to you.


    Hey Mandy
    You can turn the sound off, it creeps me out too.
    This is not an uncommon thing. I've spoken to many women who have come out of the occult and there are similar stories so to speak when they entered into wicca. It's because this religion esteems women, gives them the most important roles and the stronger power, can you see the deception?
    It's all about power first..then save the planet second. It's a poison that few recover from if they don't get out, and even if they do it can be years of recovery, this is where I see the love of God in operation, in those who choose Jesus and repent, I see lives bought back from the dead.
    Pray for your friend she's in the hand of God. Was she a Christian before a Wiccan?


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Oct. 15 2007,18:24)
    Hi Deborah,

    This just goes to show you that there are lots of ideas surrounding Halloween and it's power. I listened to the video only part way. You see, many believe that Halloween is the most powerful time for witches and spirits, but that is not true. If you ever actually talk to a witch (like I have), or read a little about the Wicca religion (like I have), you will find that their birthdays are the most powerful time for them – not Halloween. In fact, apparently most witches don't even celebrate Halloween. Curious, huh?

    But anyway, thanks for sharing this – it is interesting!

    Hello Mandy
    I have to disagree with you on that. my past religion was Wiccan.I had 20+ years in the field, I have been forgiven much.
    To some Wiccan's their birthdays are the most powerful time for them, but only personally. And most people who practice the old religion these days are doing the Vouge version, they call white witchcraft. Hmm.
    Halloween is not about fun and gaiety, it's a deception (trick or treat) of the enemy. The thing that makes Halloween the most powerful time is the thousands who celebrate it, people are not aware of who they are rising up, giving an open invitation too ,when they participate in celebrating Halloween.
    The second video is worth a watch..


    Here is part 2.


    Hello IM4Truth
    Don't be afraid,the Victory is already won..this video isn't scary my hope is posting it to you is to give you courage and strength in knowing this.
    Yes the World is horrible and a dangerous place for those us who believe in Yeshua Messiah, but for those who don't, they love the World and will welcome the NWO. with open arms. I think it's important to speak out about satans plan,tell as many as possible .My grandsons have not been spared from being shown some information of this nature, I worry too, but worrying won't change anything, we need to stay close to Jesus and encourage each other in the Word.
    Blessings to you sister.


    Hello IM4Truth
    Google youtube and search New World Order.
    You will have to signup, but it's a simple process.
    There is some really scary stuff there, but some of it is good some rubbish.
    So are you saying it's a waste of time posting to acertainchap?
    Have a nice day.


    Hello acertainchap
    This video might be of interest to you
    Blessings. Deb


    Hi Kejonn
    Your right that color does hurt the eyes, sorry, hope this is better.


    Hi Mandy

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    I wanted this as my Avatar but it wouldn't post, so I had to choose one from the selection provided, it's ok, will do for now.
    Have a good day.
    God bless.


    Hello all
    It's Debra here, only I have changed my profile and am using Deborah now. My computer crashed and I lost everything including passwords and had to re register because I couldn't get back in. So anyway, I'm happy to hear Nicks ok, and I too wish he would come back, I learn't alot from his posts.
    It's nice to be back here again.
    God bless you all.

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