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    So when does one become a christian or can be considered saved by christ?



    So what happens to the seed that are sown on the path? I know what Mark 4:15 says but when can one consider themself a christian? Once they are sown on good ground. You have to remember there is multiple types of gound mentioned in the parable of the sower.

    I know from experience that when i first came to know Christ that i still had alot of thorns to cut down. Actually i was initially sown on rocky ground when i became a believer. Sort of a Sunday Christian. Went to church on sundays but still lived my secular life during the week.



    So where does believing in christ come in?



    So what does save or give someone Salvation?



    Hi DG,
    So knowing about Christ and repenting is sufficient?
    More was required of the one we say we follow.


    are you asking me that question?
    I asked you if someone repents but doesnt not believe is he saved?



    Ok so how do you repent if you dont first believe in christ?

    1 John 4:13 says i have written these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you hve eternal life.

    So are you saying that if someone repents they are saved whether or not they believe?



    So do you not think that you must accept christ before you can walk in the spirit. You can believe jesus is the Messiah but not accept him as your lord and savior.

    People can believe in something but not accept it as part of their life.



    you say peter talked about salvation at the pentecost. Thats true.
    Paul talked about salvation in Romans.

    You said Romans were written to saved people. Ok. As believers we are called to spread the Good News to all the earth. Are you going to write a letter to saved people telling them how to be saved as in the Romans 10:10 and 10:9 and 10:13. If not whats the point of those passages.

    Romans 10:10 says “With the heart one believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth one confesses, resulting in salvation.”
    So your right that repenting as peter talked about in Acts is part of salvation.

    And if you read Romans 10:9 “If you confess with your mouth, “jesus is lord” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
    And if you read Romans 10:13 “For everone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

    John 3:3 says I assure you: Unless someone is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of heaven.

    John 3:5 says “I assure you: Unless someone is born of water and the spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.”

    So what does that tell you? I believe that it says believing in Christ is the first step. Accepting Christ as your lord and savior is Being born again so that you can see the kingdom of heaven.

    Second is repenting and being baptized so that you can enter the kingdom of heaven.

    If someone doesn’t make that first step repent will do nothing without believing first.

    So what would you tell someone who is not saved?
    Would you tell them to just repent your sins and they will be forgiven?
    Or would you tell them to believe in Christ and accept in as your lord and savior then repent your sins so that they can be forgiven through Christ?

    You can repent your sins all day long but if your not going through Jesus Christ what is it good for. Does it accomplish anything if you do not know Jesus Christ as your Lord?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 29 2008,13:50)
    Hi DG,
    Romans was written to the SAVED.
    Check Ch1.


    Could you explain then if we just repent and dont except christ as our savior how we are saved.

    Are we  not saved through christ. So if you dont accept christ then repenting would be useless.

    There is a whole group of people “the Jews” that dont accept christ as their savior but im sure they repent. What about them. They are a God fearing people but they dont accept christ.



    So if it isnt written that accepting Jesus Christ doesnt save us then what does Romans 10:9-13?

    Im not saying once saved always saved. I believe that once you know the truth your held accountable for your actions.
    People can get saved one day and then go back to the way they were before. I feel like true christians are those who
    pick up their cross everyday and carry it. They are willing to go the extra mile to help anyone in need.

    Romans 3:23 says all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

    I agree with you that we need to repent.

    It took 1 day for God to get the isearlites out of Egypt.
    It took him 40 years to get the Egypt out of the isearlites.

    It only takes those few words to accept Christ as our lord and savior.
    It takes our entire lives to strive for perfection. and its a daily battle against this world.


    Hello all,

    I stumbled upon this forum from searching about the history of the trinity. I am a new Christian. Before I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior I was pretty much agnostic. I didn’t really care if there was a God or not. I lived a completely secular life style.

    After reading through the first 7 or so pages of the discussion I skipped to the end to see when the last post was. To my amazement it was still going on. I got to thinking to myself. Maybe they are not asking the right question.

    Maybe instead of debating over whether or not Jesus Christ is “God the son” as part of the trinity. We should ask ourselves, “What would change if I did or didn’t believe that?” We all agree that Christ is the “Son of God” or “Gods only son” And I think most of us would agree that Christ was fully man. And we know from scripture that he out ranks the angels and is at the right had of God the father. So we can conclude that he is fully man, but he is also more than human. He is the word of God.

    Would we not still go through Christ to get to the father?
    Would we not still pray through Christ so that our prayers would be heard by the father?
    Would we still bow down to him as Philippians 2:10 says?
    Would we not still be saved by accepting Christ as our lord and savior and believing that God raised him from the dead?
    If we deny Christ before man, would he not still deny us before his father.
    Would we still need to strive to be a good servant of Christ? 1 Tim 4:6
    Would we not still be his sheep? And him the shepherd?
    Did he not still die for our sins?
    Is he not still the lamb of God?
    Is he not still going to come back as our king?
    Wouldn’t the world still have been created through him?

    Later on in that passage it says for us to labor and strive for godliness because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the savior of everyone, especially of those who believe.

    I believe if you truly love someone you would die in their place. I think that really defines love. That being said, “For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son.”

    God himself is eternal so he couldn’t die for us even though that’s how much he loves us. So he sent the Word, his son, his own words which he used to speak this world into existence, which is a part of him, to this world to become flesh and to dwell among us and be the ransom for our sins.

    Think about this. Growing up your younger brother tells you “Dad says we need to come home in an hour.” Did your dad tell you to come home in an hour? You know his word told you to come home in an hour, right? His word has the same authority as he does, right? His word, in the physical sense, is not him, but people are judged everyday by their word. Do we say then if we are being judged by our word that it isn’t us?

    We can pray silent all day long but there is just something about when we make our prayers audible. When our thoughts become audible words it has more power. God said…and it was done. God spoke this universe into existence.

    God did what he would not let Abraham do to Isaac on the mountain. Isaac was the promise, the covenant, between Abraham and God. God made Abraham a great nation and through his blood line, God made his word flesh.

    We are limited to so much in this world but God is limitless. Time isn’t a factor to him as it is with us. We can only perceive 4 dimensions, x, y, z, and time but we can’t really explain what time actually is. We just know its there and it’s in constant motion. So how can we expect to be able to comprehend Gods true self?

    I think when we start to try and go over every little detail about every little thing we loose focus on the big picture. Sure, we need to pay attention to detail to the bible, but not loose focus on what really matters.

    Accepting Christ as savior believing he rose from the dead. Giving our life to him in full submission. Give up all sins and striving for perfection. Saying yes to God one day at a time, one choice at a time. If we stumble we need to get right back up and our next choice needs to be a yes for God. We need to love God and love our neighbor as ourselves.

    So really what would that one little detail do to your faith?

    I will leave you with something to ponder. In ever instance that Gods Audible voice is heard on earth there is a physically representation of God here on earth. Be it the burning bush or the angel of the lord. So has anyone ever thought that God gave his audible voice a permanent physical form? In the form of a man named Jesus Christ. So that he could dwell among his people. Give his own life for the salvation of his creation out of love. Something that he wouldn’t allow Abraham to do to Isaac.

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