Cato replied to the topic Positive Outlook in the forum Prayer & Advice 17 years, 1 month ago
Everyone is always quick to look to the devil when they should look to themselves. Most deceptions in life come from within, because we lie to ourselves more then even others. We should remember the advice “to thy own self be true”. Remember that pride is one of the seven deadly sins and when we consider ourselves one of the “elect” , is it an…[Read more]
Cato replied to the topic Reincarnation vs the truth. in the forum Creation & Science 17 years, 1 month ago
Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 02 2008,05:33)Hi cato,Carnal matters are one's relating to bodies. Incarnation is a being beginning to occupy another being's body.Reincarnation then is to pass from one such vessel to another which only demons do.Man is an intergral being of body, soul and spirit.He does not exist before becoming conceived.Such thoughts…[Read more]
Cato replied to the topic Do you believe the theory of Evolution to be true? in the forum Creation & Science 17 years, 1 month ago
I have to support Stuart in one thing, people on this site tend to label as decieved by demons, etc., opposing points of view. I am not an Islamist and disagree on many points with the faith, but they do not teach murder, just because a small percentage of fanatics twist the Koran (as we see many people do with the Bible) does not mean that the…[Read more]
Cato replied to the topic Reincarnation vs the truth. in the forum Creation & Science 17 years, 1 month ago
There is obviously much confusion as to what reincarnation is and is not. As stated before in my post in the general questions area, reincarnation is a concept that souls are born into the material plane from a spiritual plane then upon death they return thereof to perhaps at a later time be born again in a new form. It is not a belief system t…[Read more]
Cato replied to the topic Do you believe the theory of Evolution to be true? in the forum Creation & Science 17 years, 1 month ago
Quote (Stu @ Jan. 31 2008,20:03)Hi t8 and NickHistorical facts are events for which there is good evidence that they actually occurred. The Titanic sank. There is a ship down there. Our language is based significantly on the fact of the Roman invasion of Britain, along with the other parts of language derives as a result of French invasions, t…[Read more]
Cato replied to the topic Global Warming-Fact in the forum Creation & Science 17 years, 1 month ago
First of all, the thread was on global warming, I thought here at least there was some consensus. I doubt that either Hitler or Stalin are representitive of either evolutionists or athiests, any more then Bin Laden represents the religious community. What they do represent is extremism in its worst form. As far as scripture or moral di…[Read more]
Cato replied to the topic Who is Jesus? in the forum Faith 17 years, 1 month ago
Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 30 2008,19:37)Hi and welcome cato, It would be sad if you recognised the Christ as a great teacher but did not hear his command that we be reborn.Thank You for the greeting Nick,Are you supporting reincarnation now? No, I know you do not, just a jest, but how do you know I am not “born again”, what exactly does it mean…[Read more]
Cato replied to the topic Global Warming-Fact in the forum Creation & Science 17 years, 1 month ago
They (the jihadists) missed the small print in their contracts;all the virgins have to stay that way. As far as the Hitler reference, just because someone abuses a concept or power doesn't in itself make the concept or power evil or immoral. Maybe evolution is true or not as far as humanity is concerned, but by itself it is neither good or evil…[Read more]
Cato replied to the topic Global Warming-Fact in the forum Creation & Science 17 years, 1 month ago
I think most scientists are coming around to the idea that climate change is happening and that human actions may be a strong part of it. It is still open for some debate but if it is true then the time for action is immediate. As for the part of interjecting religion into this I believe it is superfluous. That only God can destroy the earth ma…[Read more]
Cato replied to the topic Do you believe the theory of Evolution to be true? in the forum Creation & Science 17 years, 1 month ago
Stuart,That is indeed the question. If it was not nature as you seem to allude to (and for this celestial events would be considered part of nature, meteor strikes, etc.), then evolution as natural selection and random change are not the prime causes. Which would then lead to some non-natural cause. Are you implying some supernatural or ex…[Read more]
Cato replied to the topic Why I am not a Christian in the forum Faith 17 years, 1 month ago
Labels, can often be deceiving and can lead to an us and them mentality which stifles true debate, especially when we get to believer and non-believer, then well talk about “true believers”. The Muslims would paint us all infidels and many will no doubt consider me a heretic. They are not helpful but be that as it may, as far as the topic goes I…[Read more]
Cato replied to the topic Do you believe the theory of Evolution to be true? in the forum Creation & Science 17 years, 1 month ago
I believe that aspects of evolution have been widely supported by science and indicated by ample evidence of nature. Now in the human condition there is evidence but no proof, but it would seem reasonable to a rational man to assume there is some validity. Now the time frames for selection and random chance to effect these changes in humanity, i…[Read more]
Cato replied to the topic Who is Jesus? in the forum Faith 17 years, 1 month ago
For myself I am not sure whether Jesus was fully human, some divine aspect of the Diety (an Avatar per se) or some hybrid demigod. In my own view I think he was merely human but a human approaching perfection, a state which all of us have potential for but unfortunately fall way short of. In my own life I view Jesus as my saviour, a being a…[Read more]