• Profile picture of Casiphus

    Hi Eliyah,You said:Quote These laws are Yah's and Messiah's laws, there is no scripture that says Yah's Laws are different from Messiah's Laws and commandments.By Yah's Laws, do you mean the Law of Moses then? While scriptural interpretation is a quagmire I usually prefer to avoid, didn't Jesus say on several occassions – “Moses told you thus,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Casiphus

    Hi Nick,While it is called the “Law” of Love is it actually Law in the same way that the Law of Moses was Law?Without intending to offend anyone – the Law of Moses is rather arbitrary, in the same way as a law governing speed limits is. On the other hand, the laws of physics (for instance) are very specific, based on observation, and expressed in…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Casiphus

    So the Laws of God are written on the hearts and minds of all believers? But which Laws do you think the New Covenant refers to? Are these the same as the Law of Moses, or the Law of love, or are they a composite of these, and other laws?

  • Profile picture of Casiphus

    This has become a very confusing discussion to follow!Just to clarify:Nick – you're saying that the Law (by which I assume you mean the Law of Moses, as opposed to the Law of Christ, or the Law of sin and death) was given to the Jews, and therefore does not apply to Gentiles, who if they accept Christ, come under the Law of Christ, which is love.…[Read more]

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