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    Hi Nick,Quote So you relate to scripture in the same way as to pagan myths and legends? Do they all have equal validity to you then? If not what distinguishes the bible teachings and what use are they to you now or in the future?You have completely misunderstood what I wrote. My references weren't about the validity of Near East myths, but the…[Read more]

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    Hi Soxan – sorry I haven't answered your question, but hopefully my answer to Nick will help clarify to some extent why I don't agree with the majority of arguments in support of Biblical authority.Hi Nick,Quote These claims are not shallow historical narratives and opinion but deep and serious statements of the things of God. Do you believe…[Read more]

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    Oh Nick, how about you tell me what you think this passage is talking about, and then I can tell you whether I agree with what you're saying?

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    Hi Nick,Quote But you do not believe in the bible by faith?I'm not sure exactly what you're asking, so I'll rephrase your question in a couple of different ways, and hopefully one of these will be the one you're after:Do I believe the Bible?Sure – as a series of accounts or testimonies about God and Jesus. But as with all human accounts, I think…[Read more]

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    Oh Nick, don't you believe that faith is the evidence of things unseen. By faith, then, I believe I have the Spirit of God.But that is only enough for me – it won't convince anyone else.

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    Hi Nick,It means that I believe I have the Spirit of God to guide me.Again, knowing that I have a cat, doesn't make me positive that I know what the cat is thinking.

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    A vague opinion of what?

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    I believe so. Does that make me perfect? I also have a cat named Sola, but that mere fact doesn't enable me to know the ways, heart and mind of Sola, nor am I always open to what she is trying to communicate. 😉

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    Hi Nick,That's the eternal question isn't it? ;-)Do you mean “truth” in an absolutist sense? Not being God, I couldn't tell you. However, I think we both believe that Jesus came into the world to bear witness to the truth, and that everyone who is on the side of truth takes heed to his voice?

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    Hi Is 1:18,Quote Hi Casiphus, hope you are well.I wouldnt be too surprised that the Jews do not recognise their Messiah – both Jesus and Paul fortold they would be blinded:I am well, thanks – and you? ;-)I think most Jews see Messiah as a political leader, rather than a spiritual one – and a lot of them probably aren't as eagerly awaiting his…[Read more]

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    And yet this hasn't convinced generation upon generation of scholarly Jew.To you they are prophetic utterances concerning Jesus; to the Jew they either foretell the coming Messiah, or (as in the case of Reformed Jews) reflect an eternal spiritual battle between good and evil; to the Muslim they indeed foretell Jesus the Messiah, but to them the…[Read more]

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    Hi Nick,You read Isaiah and it seems to you to be the words of God, while the Qur'an lacks substance. But a Muslim reads Isaiah and sees a prophet whose words have been corrupted by the ideas of later scribes, and whose original message is transmitted far more powerfully through the Qur'an. Taste and value are individually defined, which is why…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Casiphus

    Hi Nick,Here are some claims by some Muslims about prophecy in the Qur'an.Fingerprinting:Quote “Their skins will bear witness against them as to what they have been doing” (41:21)Establishment of Israel:Quote And after him We said to the Children of Israel, 'Dwell Ye in the promised land; and when the time of the promise of the Latter Days come,…[Read more]

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    Hi Nick, Quote One of the amazing things about the bible that shows the existence of God is that we pay any attention to the bible at all. Yet every word and comma yields truth and beauty and should be studied.I think I mentioned this before, but Muslims make exactly the same claim about the Qur'an. All religions have their sacred texts -…[Read more]

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    Hi Nick,Are you saying that Luke was a witness to the words and deeds of Jesus, or do you mean “witness” in a different sense?On this point, though, I think you'll find that the repetition is due to the fact that they both relied on the same written source (the so-named “Q”). Even the “gnostic” Gospel of Thomas uses many of these same sayings of…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Casiphus

    Hi One Spirit,Quote It's called discernmentBut isn't it the Spirit of God that brings discernment? Did the Spirit of God tell you that I was my own final authority? Perhaps I should save you from answering that question. Quote So who decides if something in scripture “passes the test”? Who decides what “approaches” constitute “best…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Casiphus

    Hi Nick,I don't think I said anything about popular choices? I think a best practice approach is quite the opposite of popular choice – popular choice implies an individualist outlook, and I find this contrary to uplifting and unifying objectives. Sure sub-cultures may seem united, but it is a unity of behaviour – a conformity – not a unity of…[Read more]

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    Now, now guys – there's plenty enough of me for all of you to tear strips off 😉Quote What sources, outside of yourself, inform you as to what is true and what is false? (i.e. If I were to say to you, “Homosexuality is a perfectly healthy, even godly, alternative lifestyle!”, where would you turn to decide if my belief is true or false?)I don't…[Read more]

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    Hi Nick,Quote No one is judging you but we all encourage each other to test all things and hold fast to what is good. Scripture is good and teachings that follow scripture are good.Well, if I had said, “Your faith does not rest in anyone, or anything, outside of yourself,” it would have been a judgement, however as I don't like to be portrayed as…[Read more]

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