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  • #97833

    Pythagorus – I agree with your insightful posts about Israel. Just so you know your opinion is not so completely one-sided here. Some refer to it as shitzrael – lol.


    Quote (theodorej @ June 03 2008,02:17)

    Quote (seek and you will find @ June 02 2008,21:27)

    Quote (stosh64 @ June 02 2008,09:16)
    Anyone seen this video sermon?  Really makes ya think.

    Come Lord Jesus!!!

    Sorry, but my screen is silent, I guess I am not to watch it. I am gettimg old and will not be around in 2012 anyway.

    Greetings Mrs….We are all getting old and each and every one of us have a purpose….2012 is not that far away….My bet is nothing is going to happen….things could happen before or perhaps after,but Iam sure nothing will happen in this year let alone 12/21/12….Winter soltice (pagan holyday)….

    tj –

    So you are “sure nothing will happen in this year let alone 2012”. Really? Under what authority do you make that claim? What qualifies you to make the statement that you are “sure”? Your opinion? Or did GOD tell you? Please let us know! Maybe you are a prophet…

    Once again you are confusing the physical with the spiritual re 2012. Whether or not the Winter Solstice is a “pagan holy day” or not is completely irrelevant to my point, which has everything to do with the planetary alignment within our galaxy at that time.


    Quote (Samuel @ June 02 2008,15:16)
    Thank You,

    However, I must tell you that it is not of my own accord that I would make such a post.  If anything good has come out of me at all then it is not of me…it is of GOD.

    I only hope that anything that I might say can help someone.  I'd love to hear things from other people as well…for example I did not know about that I-Ching thing…Come to find out it was very interesting to find out that it is basically the same thing.  Isn't that rather odd how different cultures from all around the world can come up with the almost excat same predictions?  What really puts a twist on it is the fact that they had nothing to do with each other…or no knowledge of what the other one was doing…or did they?  Who knows?  GOD knows.

    Well either this site or my internet browser is messing up it keeps lagging out  out …it may actually be my ISP.

    So I'm done for now.  Later. May GOD be with you all!

    Samuel –

    I agree with stosh, that was a great post. You have some connection….continue to pray about it and ASK God for further clarification, and I believe you will get it. Or get more of it.

    Now you know why I say what I do about 2012. There is a third source independent of the Mayans and the I-Ching that also arrives at a calendar timeline that ends in 2012. I cannot remember the name right now. Much more in-depth study that is beyond my capability has been done on what will be the physical position of the earth and sun relative to the Milky Way galaxy on 12/21/12. This is the physical aspect of the phenomenon, aside from the spiritual.

    As I have said earlier, I look for evidence to support claims made by any source. Just like forensics. That stuff doesn't lie.

    Good luck in your pursuit of the truth and keep posting.



    Greetings all –

    To those who claim 2012 to be paganism/astrology/bunch of dumb indians etc…you better READ UP on it before you start spouting what you THINK. What do you know about the Chinese I-Ching, written 6,000 years ago? When does it end? Same time – 2012. The Mayans (not the Aztecs lol) were brilliant mathematicians. If you haven't studied them, then you don't know what you are talking about.

    Samuel – I agree, lies that are most believed are those that are intermixed with some truth – that is what convinces people that they're real

    I did read all of your post. I believe you may have some sort of psychic tie to another plane/dimension. I believe some people have that capability. Too many crimes solved by psychics etc. I have crazy dreams too, but none have ever come true and most are nonsense. If some of those you have had have actually come true, then I think more of them will come true. I completely understand your sense of uneasiness…

    If anybody out there has in-depth knowledge of this country's financial system, you will also know that it is on the brink of a massive implosion, and that imminent collapse is a mathematical CERTAINTY. So major upheaval unlike any ever experienced will be happening, soon….

    Also, anybody listen to RW's Sabbath sermon today? I did. It appears to me that he is now back-pedalling on dates. If I heard correctly, he now claims that all this tribulation he has been predicting could happen “any time” between now and the end of the 2 1/2 year period that began April 17th. So those holding their breath until July 16th or whatever – you're gonna turn blue cause it probably ain't gonna mean anything.



    Here's my two cents, fwiw.

    I believe in many things that others call “conspiracies”, simply because of the EVIDENCE. JFK assassination, 9/11 was an inside job, etc. To believe that airplanes actually caused the towers to collapse is to believe that the universal laws of physics, which have held true since the beginning of time, were somehow not once, not twice, but three times, suspended on that day, for all three towers to have collapsed at free-fall velocity. It's flat-out, physically IMPOSSIBLE unless they were demolished.

    Anyway as far as UFOs, I've never seen one, and I don't believe in them. I think they are either classified projects man is working on, or demons. Not “life from another planet”. And did you catch the pope recently “blessing” the existence of UFOs?? That's MAJOR. When Christ returns, now all the catholics will think it's a UFO visiting them. lol…

    The one thing I don't understand is CROP CIRCLES. They are in no way man-made, regardless of those two guys who claimed to have done them. They are caused by heat, and appear instantaneously. The designs are virtually perfectly symmetrical from the air, something no human could ever duplicate on the ground.

    And Samuel, right on brother. The earth is about to be seriously rocked unlike any time in history. 2012 folks, read up on it. The EVIDENCE is there for all to study, if you dare.

    Anyway Peace,


    Quote (TimothyVI @ May 15 2008,09:08)

    Quote (Broncs453 @ May 15 2008,08:08)

    Quote (theodorej @ May 14 2008,23:57)
    Greetings Broncs….Let us not forget….We can not agree as to whether Jesus would know when the end is…but in same breath we acknoledge the scriblings of an ancient trib of canabals that sacraficed their own young on an alter before a hideous sun God….For all we know the Myans could be a monumental fraud with respect to their technology….Let us not forget the Conquistador with spears and bows and arrows conquered their decendents in the early centuries…

    Tim –

    How much do you know about the Mayans?  They did worship the sun, which has to do with the fact that they were expert timekeepers.  Modern day scholars have said they were mathematical geniuses, far advanced for their time.

    Have you even seen or studied a Mayan Calendar?  I have.  Whatever their primitive customs, rituals, or whatever were, are irrelevant to this discussion.  The point is that they were around for 1,000 years and they were expert mathematicians.  Their work has been analyzed and their ancient calculations have been proven by scientists to be  correct.  There is no basis for “fraud” here.

    If there is, please direct me to where this information can be found.


    Don't know why you are asking me this.
    I never mentioned Mayans.

    But I have seen the Mayan calendar. And I do know that it ceases in the year 2012. Don't know why though.


    I'm sorry Tim my bad. I meant to say to theodorej, as he was the one who commented on the Mayans.

    The Mayan calendar ends in 2012 because that is supposedly the “beginning of a new age”. The Chinese I-Ching, written 5,000 years ago, also ends in 2012. The earth will experience a polar/axis shift at the end of that year that could completely transform it.



    Quote (Jodi @ May 15 2008,06:41)
    Hi everyone,

    I am unconvinced that RW and his wife are the two witnesses. With that being said, I however personally would not be surprised if the end was soon. I at least feel that there is a good possibility that there could be an end to our country and its prosperity as we know it. This nation has been richly blessed with knowledge. It is quite amazing to see the technology that has advanced within the past 100 years and even more so in the past fifty and even now more so in the last ten. Even though we have received so many blessings, Americans are growing increasingly wicked, and our nation is raising a next generation of vain self seekers whom have a totally lack of work ethic, respect, and empathy for others. Cable television shows just how nasty our culture is becoming. I would not be the least bit surprised if God gives us a swift kick in the pants.

    Several people have brought up the fact that there have always been wars, and famines and natural disasters. As well, we all know that man has always been sinful. I believe however that sin and some of it's consequences have grown in astronomical proportions not just within governments and authorites, but within the heart of individuals. The well being of so many Americans is in a very fragile state. Things such as internet pornography is ramped in men, and depression has a major hold on men, woman and even our youth. Of course turning to God and changing ones lifestyle can't help, but a pill will.

    The worse sign is that our culture is not only accepting sinful behavior, it is fully embracing it, as if it were cool. Like I mentioned previously, this can readily be seen on cable television.

    I do believe that it is quite possible that this country could soon be in a world of hurt, of which the majority of people are not prepared for, which no doubt will make things all the more worse.

    I think we all know it is not a matter of 'if', but when! I pray that it comes, let's get it over with. Praise and Honor to the Will of YHWH.

    I don't know if many of you are following what is going on in Myanmar, but it is truly a tragedy. The ruling military regime in that country is indeed a powerful adversary. Personally I would like to take my pink AK 47 my husband custom built for me and blow those bastards away. What they have been doing to their own people is just unimaginable.

    Greetings Jodi,

    I agree with you on most everything. I am still not 100% convinced that RW and his wife are the 2 witnesses. He is either a complete lunatic and really needs to check his meds, or he may be correct. That said, those on here seem to think I and others just “follow the man”, like we have drunk the Kool-Aid and can't think for ourselves. Sorry, that's not me. I have my own feelings for the future that continue to be molded by things I learn and experience.

    I personally believe that the US govt is a Zionist organization that not only wants to destroy the middle class, but bring about the destruction of the US and a new one world govt. It has been a goal of theirs for a long time, starting with the formation of the Federal Reserve in 1913. The REAL control of this country lies in the hands of a few elite banking families.

    Bin Laden, Bush (and Clinton) families go way back, Bin Ladens have been Bush's business partners. He's the convenient tool they used to distract people while they systematically looted our financial system, and give them a reason to attack Iraq. War is BIG BUSINESS. For the oil companies, for the defense companies, for all interests of the politicians. We have now spent $700 BILLION on the Iraq War. Most of it going to line these people's pockets. They couldn't care less how many of the “peasants” lives they have to sacrifice to get what they want. It's all an act.

    McShame, Obamamama and Hitlery are all the same. It's all a grand illusion to make you think you really have a say in who's going to be elected. Amerika the free! LOL

    High gas prices will soon cause a halt to the delivery of food and supplies, which will eventually lead to rioting and GWB to declare martial law. Don't think it can't happen in this country. Are you prepared for if and when it does? If you have people most worried about food and shelter, the last thing they're thinking about is being taken over by a foreign government.

    My prediction: This summer will bring mayhem and an escalation of natural disasters etc that are happening right now. In 2009? I'll be right here, provided I haven't been blown to bits before then.



    Quote (theodorej @ May 14 2008,23:57)
    Greetings Broncs….Let us not forget….We can not agree as to whether Jesus would know when the end is…but in same breath we acknoledge the scriblings of an ancient trib of canabals that sacraficed their own young on an alter before a hideous sun God….For all we know the Myans could be a monumental fraud with respect to their technology….Let us not forget the Conquistador with spears and bows and arrows conquered their decendents in the early centuries…

    Tim –

    How much do you know about the Mayans? They did worship the sun, which has to do with the fact that they were expert timekeepers. Modern day scholars have said they were mathematical geniuses, far advanced for their time.

    Have you even seen or studied a Mayan Calendar? I have. Whatever their primitive customs, rituals, or whatever were, are irrelevant to this discussion. The point is that they were around for 1,000 years and they were expert mathematicians. Their work has been analyzed and their ancient calculations have been proven by scientists to be correct. There is no basis for “fraud” here.

    If there is, please direct me to where this information can be found.



    Quote (gtfoxy @ May 15 2008,06:19)

    Quote (Broncs453 @ May 14 2008,17:08)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ May 14 2008,16:09)
    I'm facinated – what changes will happen in 2012 as a result of this pull?

    Also, the bible didn't say there would be a future time that Jesus would know the time of his coming.  You are adding this part to the story to help your mind along in believing it could be true.  And who the heck reallly knows, bro, you could be right-O!  :;):

    There are a number of websites that have very detailed information if you Google 2012.  Also several different independent sources all arrive at the same time – 2012.  The Mayan calendar, the Chinese I-Ching and others.  There is a diagram of where the sun and earth will be relative to each other and the Milky Way at that time on one of those sites.  

    Massive gravitational pulls could cause catastrophic changes and completely transform the earth, changing the shape of land masses, locations of oceans, and generally re-arrange the whole planet.  I have heard that the North and South poles may become the new Equator and vice versa.  It will be the greatest astronomical force ever exerted on the earth by far.

    Some of those sites have very detailed info and know much more than I about it.  Suffice it to say if this is indeed the kind of event that it is being projected to be, the most significant event I can envision occurring at the same time would be the Second Coming.  IMHO.


    I think the single largest impact, of foreseable mass distorions of orbit would come from the Moon. Over the last few milling years the Moon has been moving away form the earth at a rate of app. 3.8cm/yr. It is acknowledged in the scientific comunity that changes in the moons orbit have made many dramatic changes to ocean locations. The Sahara dessert for example was once a living ocean, now a barron desert.

    Oh the power of God Almighty, Creator or Heavens and Earth!

    The moon may play an important role. Without it, the earth would be wobbly and unable to maintain steady rotation. Centrifical force etc. Take it out of the picture and who knows what might happen.



    Quote (seek and you will find @ May 14 2008,20:08)
    The only thing that I know is that Israel became a Nation again in 1948 and this Generation will not pass away till all will be fulfilled. The Bible tells us that a Generation is 70 years. So that takes us to 2018.
    Peace and Love Mrs.

    So, “the Bible tells us that a Generation is 70 years” does it? Really? Where exactly? Please quote scripture where this is found.

    Don't believe you.

    A “generation” can be interpreted as anywhere from 33 years to 100 years or more. I believe that it is 60 years because that is a long-term business cycle exhibited by several different markets.

    That puts us to 2012.



    Quote (Not3in1 @ May 14 2008,16:09)
    I'm facinated – what changes will happen in 2012 as a result of this pull?

    Also, the bible didn't say there would be a future time that Jesus would know the time of his coming.  You are adding this part to the story to help your mind along in believing it could be true.  And who the heck reallly knows, bro, you could be right-O!  :;):

    There are a number of websites that have very detailed information if you Google 2012. Also several different independent sources all arrive at the same time – 2012. The Mayan calendar, the Chinese I-Ching and others. There is a diagram of where the sun and earth will be relative to each other and the Milky Way at that time on one of those sites.

    Massive gravitational pulls could cause catastrophic changes and completely transform the earth, changing the shape of land masses, locations of oceans, and generally re-arrange the whole planet. I have heard that the North and South poles may become the new Equator and vice versa. It will be the greatest astronomical force ever exerted on the earth by far.

    Some of those sites have very detailed info and know much more than I about it. Suffice it to say if this is indeed the kind of event that it is being projected to be, the most significant event I can envision occurring at the same time would be the Second Coming. IMHO.



    Quote (Not3in1 @ May 14 2008,04:13)

    Quote (theodorej @ May 14 2008,04:00)
    Greetings Bronc…..The essense of trading is simply this Iam selling because my feeling is a stock is going down….your buying because you think it is going up….Iam in the business of liquidating technology….And I must say Iam having a field day on wall street….The securities industry is replete with folks who are ethically challenged (present company not included)and for that reason our foreign investors eg.Treasury Bond buyers et al.are nervous…..Junk Bonds ,Dirivitives,ETFs and hedge funds will be our undoing…..Oh lets not forget the lack of liquidity… (Tsunami 290,000…4 mil.displaced) Lets talk about China…


    It sounds like you are speaking in tounges!   :;):   All this lingo for buying and selling…..


    I understand your wanting to believe the end is near because you are convinced by this Weinland fellow.  However the bible itself tells us that even Jesus doesn't know when the end will come!  How do you pretend to predict it?

    Mandy –

    I don't WANT to believe the “end is near”. And how do you know I am “convinced by this Weinland fellow”?? I happen to agree with him about coming future events (not sure about the witness part but following closely), but I have felt this way for much longer than knowing about Ronald Weinland. I happen to believe in the 2012 transformation, which will occur around the time RW claims Jesus Christ will return.

    If you know about the astronomy involved with 2012 (which I do), then you know that the earth will experience a gravitational pull unlike anything it ever has in the history of man. An axis shift will occur, as the sun will be in the center of the Milky Way galaxy for the first time in 26,000 years on the winter solstice, Dec 21, 2012. I believe that the physical changes that will occur at that time are related to the return of Jesus Christ.

    The Bible says that Jesus didn't know at the time the Bible was written. But if he is opening the seals, clearly he knows now.



    Quote (theodorej @ May 14 2008,04:00)
    Greetings Bronc…..The essense of trading is simply this Iam selling because my feeling is a stock is going down….your buying because you think it is going up….Iam in the business of liquidating technology….And I must say Iam having a field day on wall street….The securities industry is replete with folks who are ethically challenged (present company not included)and for that reason our foreign investors eg.Treasury Bond buyers et al.are nervous…..Junk Bonds ,Dirivitives,ETFs and hedge funds will be our undoing…..Oh lets not forget the lack of liquidity… (Tsunami 290,000…4 mil.displaced) Lets talk about China…

    tj – that may be your “essense” of trading but it is not mine. I don't trade off of “feelings”. I am strictly a technician. If an uptrend begins, I buy. If a downtrend begins, I sell. Then I cover the position before it reverses.

    I agree with you – there will be a meltdown in treasuries when foreigners (mainly China) finally stop buying them. They don't even have to sell any – just stop buying. We need their purchases just to pay the interest on our debt. It's a billion-dollar Ponzi scheme.



    Greetings Tim/TJ/Mandy,

    Thanks for your responses. Most will not be convinced, and I am not surprised. The Bible states that many will deny until the very end. If most believed that “the end is near”, I would think that it wasn’t. I expect to be in the vast minority.

    Maybe it would help if you knew what I do for a living. I trade the Tbond and Russell 2000 stock index futures. In order to have any long-term success, you must be willing to sell when others are buying and buy when others are selling. It’s the masses who always lose in the stock market, because they follow the crowd that is led to slaughter by the professionals. For example, if you get a hot stock tip from your barber or anybody else like that, you can be sure it’s time to sell.

    So perhaps you can see why I expect most to be unconvinced of what is happening. If they were, I would not be.

    While true there have always been natural disasters, they have not been of quite the magnitude and frequency we have been seeing lately. They are just increasing, that’s all. And yes tj, this is just the beginning. Don’t expect any “announcements on a global scale” as I don’t believe there will ever be any. You’ll hear from many who will wonder what in the heck is going on, but it will be a small minority that will know and understand. Like a frog in water slowly being brought to a boil – by the time he finally realizes he’s cooked it’s too late.

    China death toll now over 12,000 and counting. Heard on the news there were over 900 tornadoes in the first three months of this year. Find me a historical time frame where that has ever happened before.



    Quote (TimothyVI @ May 13 2008,11:05)
    Hi Broncs,
    You might have more credibility if you got at least close on your facts.
    The earthquake in CHina has killed somewhere between 107 and 150 peop;e.
    this was not even a bad one compared to some that China has had.

    The last serious earthquake in China was in 2003, when a 6.8-magnitude quake killed 268 people in Bachu county in the west of Xinjiang.

    China's deadliest earthquake in modern history struck the northeastern city of Tangshan on July 28, 1976, killing 240,000 people.



    China quake death toll rises to nearly 10,000

    May 12, 8:01 PM (ET)


    (AP) In this photo released by China's Xinhua News Agency, a wounded resident, center, lies on a bed..

    CHENGDU, China (AP) – The death toll from a powerful earthquake that toppled buildings, schools and chemical plants climbed to nearly 10,000 in the worst-hit province Tuesday, while untold numbers remain trapped after the worst quake in three decades.

    The 7.9-magnitude quake Monday devastated a region of small cities and towns set amid steep hills north of Sichuan's provincial capital of Chengdu. Striking in mid-afternoon, it emptied office buildings across the country in Beijing, could be felt as far away as Vietnam and in Chengdu crashed telephone networks and hours later left parts of the city of 10 million in darkness.

    The official Xinhua News Agency reported nearly 10,000 people died in central China's Sichuan province alone and 216 others in three other provinces and the mega-city of Chongqing.

    Worst affected were four counties including the quake's epicenter in Wenchuan, 60 miles (100 kilometers) northwest of Chengdu. Landslides blocked the roads early Tuesday, causing the government to order soldiers into the area on foot, state television said, while heavy rains prevented four military helicopters from landing.


    Quote (TimothyVI @ May 13 2008,11:05)
    Hi Broncs,
    You might have more credibility if you got at least close on your facts.
    The earthquake in CHina has killed somewhere between 107 and 150 peop;e.
    this was not even a bad one compared to some that China has had.

    The last serious earthquake in China was in 2003, when a 6.8-magnitude quake killed 268 people in Bachu county in the west of Xinjiang.

    China's deadliest earthquake in modern history struck the northeastern city of Tangshan on July 28, 1976, killing 240,000 people.



    Unfortunately it is you that is wrong my friend. I just saw the death total from the China quake on tonight's news, verified by more than one source. It was at least 8,600 KNOWN deaths, not including the 900 children trapped in a collapsed school. Where you get 107 to 150 people I have no idea – from what news source?

    If you are going to post suggesting I don't have the facts, please post a link to your source(s).



    Quote (t8 @ May 12 2008,22:00)

    Quote (theodorej @ May 05 2008,02:38)

    Quote (t8 @ May 04 2008,21:59)

    Quote (theodorej @ May 04 2008,00:57)

    Quote (t8 @ May 04 2008,00:27)
    April 17  is gone and the 7th seal is opened?

    If not, then is Ron a false prophet?

    Or does he still have some days left before he is found to be false?

    In New Zealand it is the 4th of May from the date of this post.

    Nothing happened in April and the 5th of May starts tomorrow in NZ.

    I wonder when 2009 come round if the explanation will be similar to the JWs explanation by saying it happened invisibly and the visible happens in the future. Either that or they could just admit they were wrong/false/duped

    Greetings t8….RW feels that things are going to happen on gradual basis within 45 to 90 days something of a noticable nature will take place perhaps catastrophic….Which will bring us up to some time in July….Hang in there !!

    What happens when July comes and goes without such a catastrophe?

    Will it be extended for a few months?

    Have a look at the JWs history. History is a teacher too.

    Greetings t8…..I cannot see to many more extensions after all the title of the book is 2008 Gods Final Witness…And there are no extensions into 09….One of RWs base prophecies that has no wiggle room is that although the US election might take place,there will be no ocupant in the white house….in 09

    thanks for the info

    OK, so there will hopefully be apologies from some in 2009 at the latest.

    Feel free to apologise  earlier (2008). This is directed at any person who has promoted this false prophet.

    And finally remember the JWs. One of their prophets said that Christ would return in 1914. When he didn't show up, they said that he came invisibly. The problem was that Christ said that every eye would see him when he came. That wasn't much comfort to the JWs who gave their houses and possessions away.

    So the way out of a false prophecy is to spirtualise it. This is what will most likely happen in this case. If this man (Ron) has any morals, he should just simply apologise and teach others where he went wrong. But most just cover up their false prophecies with more lies. It will at least be interesting to see what he does.

    Will he apologise or carry on telling lies?

    We await the verdict.

    You're kidding, right? Do you pay any attention to the news? Let's see…cyclone in Myanmar killing at least 100,000 people, multiple tornados in 3 states killing at least 22 people, 7.9 earthquake in China killing at least 8,600 people, multiple fires now burning in central Florida, ALL WITHIN THE LAST WEEK.

    Wake up. The tribulation has already begun. It will continue to get much worse over the summer. By the fall, no apology will be necessary. I think you'll be convinced by then.



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ May 08 2008,04:21)

    Quote (TimothyVI @ May 08 2008,04:02)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ May 08 2008,03:08)
    BTW, I thought the sixth seal had to be opened before the seventh? ???

    Did I miss something? Or did he just spiritualize it all away? ???


    I am surprised that you missed that WJ.
    I don't know how you could have missed hearing the mountains moving.
    But then again it was pretty dark with the sun being black and all.

    Good point.




    A part of me lauphs, but at the same time it is serious because so many lives have been and will be affected because of his deceptions.

    Many who trusted him as a God anointed prophet will loose faith and give up on God period, because they believed that they were hearing from God. Some may turn to atheism.

    No wonder the world mocks at Christianity when there are so many wackos that claim they are Christian and do the things like we saw with David Korsesh and Jim Jones.

    But you and I know that these men had nothing to do with God or the Gospel of Jesus Christ, however the world doesn't know.  :(


    Greetings Worshipper.

    With all due respect you are very arrogant person. So it's YOUR way or the highway huh?

    I was raised in mainstream Christianity (not Catholic) for over 35 years. I have read both of Weinland's books and I listen to his sermons.

    You have no idea what you're talking about. Nothing in the physical world was supposed to happen on those days except for the significance of the Pope being in the US on April 17th. HE is an agent of Satan. He amassed huge amounts of sensitive information regarding US security during his visit, including blueprints for the new Freedom Tower that is being built to replace WTC 1 and 2. This information will be passed on to military forces in Europe and the Vatican. All of the major security systems have now been irreparably breached.

    Go ahead, don't believe me.

    I have probably forgotten more than you'll ever know about this nation's financial system. I know for an absolute fact that there will be major events that you will SEE and HEAR happening very soon. The laws of mathematics and compounded interest make this a guaranteed certainty.

    And there will be no US President take office in 2009. There will be food riots this summer and all kinds of mayhem. Bush will declare martial law and a dictatorship when SHTF.

    Oh, I'm just a doom and gloomer that should spend more time reading my Bible…ROFLMAO!


    Hello All,

    If the information on this website actually comes to pass, then I suggest that RW may indeed be a true prophet.

    Rev 8:1 – When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.

    If one interprets 1,000 years as being one day in the eyes of the Lord, when considering 1,000 years as a day, “half an hour” translates into about 3 weeks.

    Three weeks from April 17th (alleged date of the opening of the 7th seal) would be about… NOW!

    PAY ATTENTION BRETHREN, for the time may be upon us!!!


    Quote (seek and you will find @ April 20 2008,11:00)
    B 453 First of all, it was said that something was to happem on the 17 of April, nothing did. I am not making fun I just feel for you. To think that R.W. could ask God for a disaster to happen? Look I am nit going to say anything else here, You have to find out by yourself who is right or wrong.
    In the meantime, may Gid keep you all and Bless you.

    Like I said, you just don't get it. Something DID happen on the 17th, you just cannot understand that it was in the spiritual realm and not the physical. You and everybody else are always looking for some obvious sign in the physical world when that is not necessarily the case.

    You have still not answered my previous question, which I have asked you twice here and will now ask for a third time.

    Have you ever listened to any of RW's recent sermons live on webcasts?

    BTW are you over 70?


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