Bastian replied to the topic Who is this Jesus? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 19 years ago
Hi Nick and All,In Daniel Michael is one of the chief princes. That means that there are others like him, he is not unique. He is the prince over Israel that is what sets him apart. He contended with the devil over the body of Moses. I find it odd when Michael became a flesh being made a little lower then the angels he commanded demons, he had…[Read more]
Bastian replied to the topic Definition of Church in the forum Scriptural Teachings 19 years ago
Luke 1426 If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple.
Bastian replied to the topic Trinity – Jesus is God in the forum Truth or Tradition 19 years ago
Because He was the Logos.
Bastian replied to the topic Definition of Church in the forum Scriptural Teachings 19 years ago
False fellowship is worse than no fellowship at all, as those who seem alone can at least cling to the head of the Body.Amen NickAll of the Churches I have attended are headless. They make their pastor the head of the body. I call this pastor worship. I am not talking about respect. This goes way beyond respect. When the Holy Spirit reveals truth…[Read more]
Bastian replied to the topic Definition of Church in the forum Scriptural Teachings 19 years ago
Kenrch,A very good and valid point I might add. David said in an earlier post that he sees a lot of disagreement about our beliefs. I answered him by giving an example of Paul, and Peter and how the Holy Spirit worked in their lives. God is not doing a new thing today. However, I do see the Holy Spirit at work in believers. Let me explain. As…[Read more]
Bastian replied to the topic Trinity – Jesus is God in the forum Truth or Tradition 19 years ago
Jesus origins are old from, ancient times. His genealogy goes back to Adam. It would be nice if I knew what I was answering. Do you believe Jesus to be God incarnate? B.
Bastian replied to the topic Trinity – Jesus is God in the forum Truth or Tradition 19 years ago
Nick,Paul is talking about the resurrection. How do you get Jesus existed before he was born on earth from this passage?Presently we are in the image of Adam. At the resurrection, we will be in the image of Christ. The first Adam became a living being. The last Adam, BECAME a life giving spirit (after he was glorified) As with the earthy so are…[Read more]
Bastian replied to the topic Definition of Church in the forum Scriptural Teachings 19 years ago
Also David I know you must have posted it somewhere on the board. Could you tell me where to find a post on why you believe Jesus is Michael. I know that JW's believe this, but I don't know why. Take Care, Bastian.
Bastian replied to the topic Definition of Church in the forum Scriptural Teachings 19 years ago
Hiya David,Let me preface this by saying that “God is NOT doing a new thing now. Okay, that is settled. Paul, and Peter were not in agreement, not because of human folly, but because the Holy Spirit was taking Paul to a place were the other apostles had not been lead. Several times in scripture Paul refers to MY GOSPEL, not the gospel. God…[Read more]
Bastian replied to the topic Definition of Church in the forum Scriptural Teachings 19 years ago
David,I am one hundred percent certain that God will accomplish what He has set out to do. The good news of the Kingdom will be preached to all the World, don't sweat the small stuff:D As far as the “let us do our own thing mentality” if doing my own thing is sinning, that's bad, if doing my own thing is following the lamb where ever he goes,…[Read more]
Bastian replied to the topic Eternal torment in the forum Truth or Tradition 19 years ago
Hiya Nick, you wroteHi Bastion,Speaking of Isaiah, what do you make of the scripture at the end of Isaiah that Jesus quoted in Mk 43-48? He was speaking of the lake of fire. What book did you mean Mk 43:48 does not exist.Bastian
Bastian replied to the topic Trinity – Jesus is God in the forum Truth or Tradition 19 years ago
The Trinitarian doctrine is not only unsound; it is also illogical. I know all things are possible with God, but God uses logic in His creation he sets limits and boundaries in what He created. Therefore two plus two will always be four. The first post in this forum states “If you do not believe in the deity of Christ you are lost” please show me…[Read more]
Bastian replied to the topic Judgements in the forum Scriptural Teachings 19 years ago
Nick,I will repost here what I posted in the other forum.This judgment has nothing to do with resurrection, saints, or the white throne. It is a judgment of the Nations at the second coming. When this takes place the first fruits in Christ have already been resurrected. I am sorry I don't understand your post about the outer and inner man. Could…[Read more]
Bastian replied to the topic Eternal torment in the forum Truth or Tradition 19 years ago
Nick,Mark 43-48 ? Isaiah 66 is referring to when Messiah establishes his earthly kingdom. He will rule the Nations with a rod of iron. The first order of business when he is king will be to judge the Nations.Matthew 25:31 -32 But when the son of man comes in his glory and all the angel with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne.All the…[Read more]
Bastian replied to the topic Eternal torment in the forum Truth or Tradition 19 years ago
Hi David,Thanks for the invite, but since I do not believe that the soul continues after death as the scriptures plainly teach there is no purpose in getting into a debate about the existence of hell.I will leave this forum with one last scriptureIsaiah 26:13O Lord our God, other masters besides you have ruled us;But through you alone we confess…[Read more]
Bastian replied to the topic Eternal torment in the forum Truth or Tradition 19 years ago
David,About the rich man and LazarusMatthew 13:10-11Matthew 34 He did not speak to them without a parable. A certain king, a certain creditor, a certain poor widow, etc. Jesus used parables to teach those that understood greater spiritual truths.According to popular Christian teaching, they did not go to heaven and hell because Jesus had not gone…[Read more]
Bastian replied to the topic Eternal torment in the forum Truth or Tradition 19 years ago
Finally my reply to David I have set before you life and death (Deuteronomy) If we are born with immortal life in us why John 3:16.John 11:25 I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE he that believes in me though he DIE, yet shall he LIVE; and whosoever lives and believes in me SHALL NEVER DIEAdam was not created in God’s image. We bear the image of…[Read more]
Bastian replied to the topic Eternal torment in the forum Truth or Tradition 19 years ago
Hello David,Almost immediately after I posted here my computer crashed. It was an awful mess I won’t go into detail but I was almost certain all was lost. It took me a while but everything is up and running. I just wanted you to know I was not ignoring you.
Bastian replied to the topic Eternal torment in the forum Truth or Tradition 19 years, 1 month ago
Hi David,I agree with everything you posted. Also, in Genesis man became a living soul when God breathed life into him. Outside of God there is no life. Only God has life unto himself, and now Jesus his Son also has life unto himself becoming the first born of many. That is why eternal life is a gift. When a person dies the soul goes back to…[Read more]
Bastian replied to the topic Jesus, Michael? in the forum Truth or Tradition 19 years, 1 month ago
Hi Everyone,I registered today. I usually do not post on message boards, but I liked what I read here.Jesus is not Michael. Hebrews 1:13To which of the Angels did God ever say, sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a foot stool. Have a great day B.