Bastian replied to the topic in the forum Free Will? 19 years ago
Hi Alta,I enjoyed reading your post. Anytime I question the type of things that you are questioning I always look to the Master for answers. We know that our Lord was tempted as we are. Yet, he never sinned how was able to do this? He always did his Father’s will, not his own, even unto death.Anytime we are outside of the will of God, we are d…[Read more]
Bastian replied to the topic Genesis 1 in the forum Creation & Science 19 years ago
continued:Again I want to restate that Genesis 1:2 is six literal days.I am going to start with the seventh dayOn the seventh day, God sanctifies his creation. Declares it very good and rests. Instead of using the standard Judeo-christian interpretation of sanctify. Let us us the word sanctify as God might have intended it. Sanctify means free of…[Read more]
Bastian replied to the topic Truth in the forum Faith 19 years ago
Help those who are hungry, help those who are afflicted, stop preaching and be God on earth. (Ad)Yes those are certainly things that we should be doing. We should be good stewards God’s representatives on the earth. Your idea was suggested in Genesis in the garden. It didn't happen then, and it will not happen now. Geez, it never changes. I will m…[Read more]
Bastian replied to the topic Truth in the forum Faith 19 years ago
Hi all how have you been doing!Ad, I am going to copy your statements, and answer them.What is evil is belief. (ad)If belief is evil, then what one believes, or believes in is evil, therefore what you believe must also be evil. Knowing is much better would not you agree! (ad)I believe it is going to rain soon, I know when it is grey and overcast…[Read more]
Bastian replied to the topic Man in the forum Rules, Help Desk & Notices 19 years, 1 month ago
Quote (kenrch @ Jan. 23 2006,22:56)Kenrch,I knew that My reply to your qouteKernch,I knew that Quote (Guest @ Jan. 20 2006,20:57)you forgot a comma between the words; word and i and you needlessly added a comma between the words; along and go.:p what is your educational back round?
HO NOoooooooooooooo! He's back!My reply to your qoute
My rep…[Read more]
Bastian replied to the topic Who is this Jesus? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 19 years, 1 month ago
Sultan,I do not have time to go into it now. I believe that the scriptures tell us that he, Jesus the Christ is the first of the New Creation. I am still confused by what you believe. At first I thought we disagreed, then I thought we agreed, now I don't know.You agreed that the word was not a he, if Jesus pre-existed as the word, what form did…[Read more]
Bastian replied to the topic Who is this Jesus? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 19 years, 1 month ago
Quote (Is 1:18 @ Jan. 25 2006,06:41)Quote (Sultan @ Jan. 25 2006,00:02)Yet the scripture clearly affirms that the Word was God, Speaking of the nature of the Word. a god describes the Word as being a person, and I don't see that in the context, and neither do the majority of translations that interpret this text outside of a trinitarian context.Hi…[Read more]
Bastian replied to the topic Man in the forum Rules, Help Desk & Notices 19 years, 1 month ago
Kenrch,the above smiles were directed to you, not the the rest of the post. I have learned english well. Maybe now I can teach myself how to post on a message board correctly ah duh
Bastian replied to the topic Man in the forum Rules, Help Desk & Notices 19 years, 1 month ago
Quote (kenrch @ Jan. 23 2006,22:56)Quote (Guest @ Jan. 20 2006,20:57)you forgot a comma between the words; word and i and you needlessly added a comma between the words; along and go.:p what is your educational back round?
HO NOoooooooooooooo! He's back!There is no need for a comma between word and I. True I could have used one. However, the p…[Read more]
Bastian replied to the topic Who is this Jesus? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 19 years, 1 month ago
Jesus had his Father’s nature. That did not make him a divine being. Jesus Christ had a perfect human nature the way God intended. Jesus truly did reflect a man made in the image of God. We humans need to make Jesus something he is not. It is difficult for us to believe that a human being could be perfect because of our own shortcomings, and i…[Read more]
Bastian replied to the topic John 19:37 in the forum Scriptural Teachings 19 years, 1 month ago
Quote (soxan @ Jan. 20 2006,07:02)ah ddd avid, thats not nice, betcha u have a big nose, pinocchio ! remember how i waited and let u guys ridicule me, and allowed u guys to prove yourselves fools. remember pinnnnnnnnnnhead? and to think a loud mouth such as yourself debating others on scholarly matters still uphold to a flawed and unethical t…[Read more]
Bastian replied to the topic Man in the forum Rules, Help Desk & Notices 19 years, 1 month ago
In you vernacular, I am a bull shitter because I don’t believe in a triune Godhead. I see. You are both intellectually challenged, and emotionally stinted, I would venture to say somewhere around the age of five or six. I am not coming down to your level by hurling insults and unfound accusations. My statements are based on observations.Only a p…[Read more]
Bastian replied to the topic Man in the forum Rules, Help Desk & Notices 19 years, 1 month ago
Is it possible for you to string two sentences together without insults, name calling, or using profanity?I know you haven't got a clue, people like you never do. Go to the other forums you posted in and check out your posts.
Bastian replied to the topic Man in the forum Rules, Help Desk & Notices 19 years, 1 month ago
Already it has become evident that this board needs Nick to keep things going, and flowing, even if some do not like, nor agree with what he has to say.I also would like to know what made him decide to leave.If it is because of personal responsiblities, that is one thing, but if he is discourged about his ministry. I would like to talk with him…[Read more]
Bastian replied to the topic Scripture Seeker in the forum Scriptural Teachings 19 years, 1 month ago
If an atheist does good, feed the poor, help the sick etc. is that person saved? If a godless person can do good, how much more is expected of someone that claims God is their Father. If one is truly a child of God one cannot help but do good works.
Bastian replied to the topic Who is this Jesus? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 19 years, 1 month ago
Adam,Don’t waste your precious time. I stopped posting in this forum after I posted the above, and the response I received from berean was “yashua is the Aleph and the Tav, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. Eliyah, Kernch, what is truth, others, and I have given ample scripture to back up our position. If this was a court of law…[Read more]
Bastian replied to the topic Rapture in the forum Faith 19 years, 1 month ago
Is it usual for Nick to not monitor his board for such a long time? I have been posting for a very short time. I am not familiar with his habits.I do hope everything is okay with him.
Bastian replied to the topic Who is this Jesus? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 19 years, 1 month ago
Yes he is. What is he the first and the last the beginning and the end of ?
Bastian replied to the topic how do you pronounce YHWH? in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 19 years, 1 month ago
Bastian replied to the topic Who is this Jesus? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 19 years, 1 month ago
berean,You stated there is no savior but Yaweh. Yaweh is savior.Saviour, or SaviorOne that saves from danger or destructionDelivererRescue, save, ransom, reclaim, redeemThere were many Saviours and deliverers spoken of in the Bible. They do not all refer to God. The book of Judges is about the (saviors) deliverers if you will, of Israel. Judges…[Read more]
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