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    W,Quote (Wakeup @ Jan. 20 2014,03:28)Does God kill and make alive?Did God allowe the serpent to tempt Eve?Can the serpent do it without permission?Did God create light and darkness?Did God create the deaf and the dumb?Is there EVIL in a city and God did not do it?Who created the night?Who created the great flood,is it not God?Is there a flood, and…[Read more]

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    W, No, just no.

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    W,Many hear the calling, receive the cleansing waters, walk on with their journey, then are chosen, receive the spirit from above, penetrating their inner being, so are complete, so long as they stay on the path there being only one.

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    Quote (Wakeup @ Jan. 19 2014,19:17)Many christians are baptised with water,but a few are baptised with the Holy spirit.A few have been given knowldge.W,According to you..A few are baptised with the Holy Spirit.and a few have been given knowledge.Who might those few be?Quote False teachers are baptised with water.False teachers can be baptised with…[Read more]

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    Quote (sonofGod @ Jan. 19 2014,16:16)The apostles were baptized in holy spirit on the day of Pentecost, yet Peter in Acts 2:38 calls it baptism in the name of Jesus Christ'While Peter was still saying this, the Holy Spirit fell on all who heard the word. And the believers from among the circumcised who came with Peter were amazed, because the gift…[Read more]

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    Quote (Wakeup @ Jan. 19 2014,01:09)Colter.God is NOT evil,but can also do evil.He can do everything.He has no limits.God created good and evil for us to know good ,and evil.Evil had to be created; and He is the only creator of all that is created.wakeup.W,God does not create evil. Man creates evil.' Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being…[Read more]

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    Quote (t8 @ Jan. 18 2014,00:08)Colter and others. Please refrain from quoting all the time. I personally cannot follow a conversation, when I have to sift through 70% noise or repetition.Most of the time, a normal post is better. It stands out and is easier to read. If you are replying to a post from further back, then yes you can quote. It is…[Read more]

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    Quote (Wakeup @ Jan. 19 2014,01:18)2Besee.You are contradicting the written Word of God.How do you feel about that?Jesus said: No one can come to the Father but by ME.It is not good to seek after strange flesh.What are you doing?wakeup.Wakeup, 'Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.'What is wrong with praying that?

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    Quote (Wakeup @ Jan. 17 2014,20:03)Quote (2besee @ Jan. 17 2014,17:33)Have you ever read the writings of the Eastern Monks, Hermits, Dessert Fathers, Mystics.I read the Bible in a different order – Genesis through to end of OT, skipping the wisdom books, NT, then back to the wisdom books (Job, Psalms), finish. What seemed chaos, has now ended with…[Read more]

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    Quote (Wakeup @ Jan. 17 2014,20:03)How easy it is to fall away.And how much easier it would be for you to GO away!

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    Quote (Colter @ Jan. 13 2014,23:46)Hi 2besee,Nice, heart felt post. I agree. When I first read the OT I was stunned at how messed up it is, how God is portrayed compared to how he was in Jesus and is in spirit.Keep doing what you’re doing, God can be found quite apart from the writings of Holy men.Have you ever read the writings of the Eastern M…[Read more]

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    Quote (Colter @ Jan. 11 2014,04:48)Looks like the same tricky spirits from your closet wrote the errors of the Bible:101 CONTRADICTIONS—Old Testament from  http://www.innvista.com/culture/religion/bible/contraot.htm Old Testament 1.       Man was created equal, male and female. Gen.1:27.Woman was created as a companion to the man only after he re…[Read more]

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    Quote (bodhitharta @ Jan. 08 2014,09:44)Quote (2besee @ Jan. 07 2014,20:05)Quote (bodhitharta @ Jan. 01 2014,05:42)What I am saying is why be concerned about it since it will occur regardless of what you study or think and regarding those who have a lack of knowledge isn't the message of the Gospel all you need to share? Endless speculation does…[Read more]

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    Quote (bodhitharta @ Jan. 01 2014,05:42)What I am saying is why be concerned about it since it will occur regardless of what you study or think and regarding those who have a lack of knowledge isn't the message of the Gospel all you need to share? Endless speculation does nothing to focus the mind on loving and living a life of Christian devotion…[Read more]

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    2besee replied to the topic The times that we are in in the forum Other Faiths 11 years ago

    Quote The entire conversation is foolishYes you are right. I should have been out of this place weeks ago, when I first said I would be. So I'm out of hn now.And this time I won't be looking back, like lot's wife did.

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    2besee replied to the topic The times that we are in in the forum Other Faiths 11 years ago

    Quote 2Besee.1.You say God's kingdom is now:But God said otherwise.(the opposite). (contra).Matthew 13:24-3024 ¶ Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like unto a man which sowed good seed in HIS field.25 But while men slept, there came his enemy and sowed tares among the wheat,and went his way.26 And when the…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 01 2013)Anyway, you now have all the facts you need to sort this out.  You can consider those FACTS, and let logic run its course in your mind – or you can let your PERSONAL FEELINGS tell you that “son” just “sounds better to you” than “gods”.The choice, as always, will remain yoursYes, I will believe all of the other…[Read more]

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    2besee replied to the topic The times that we are in in the forum Other Faiths 11 years ago

    Fukushima – Fuel rod removals – One bad slip would result in a global catastrophe.www.globalresearch.ca/why-tepco-is-risking-the-removal-of-fukushima-fuel-rods-the-dangers-of-uncontrolled-global-nuclear-radiation/5359188

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    2besee replied to the topic The times that we are in in the forum Other Faiths 11 years ago

    Mounting tensions between China, the US, and Japan.www.theweek.co.uk/world-news/56305/will-chinas-new-air-defence-zone-lead-war-japan

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