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- May 9, 2015 at 2:10 am#796839
ParticipantAll Muslims worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob(Israel), Jesus, Moses, Noah…etc
When someone tells you this and you deny what they say you are trying to tell The God of Israel who worships Him
are you in charge over His creation that you can decide for Him?Is The God of Israel a Christian or a Jew?
Why is it some Christians and Jews believe that they own God, where is it written that these people own God, if you own God how is it possible that you get punished for doing wrong? The truth is you are simply a creation of God.
Moses was taught a Name to give to the Children of Israel Moses had not heard this name before if he had God would not have taught him the name, many people say this name all sorts of ways or guess it’s spelling they use YHVH,YHWH, or they say Jehovah or Yahweh plus many others do you think that calling God Jehovah means He is not Yahweh? still yet Abraham would have never heard any of those names God was known to Abraham as God Almighty, El Shaddai is that a different God? No, Is Elohim a different God, no but some simply want to own God. Is His name not EL ECHAD The One God? Yes it is
El-Rachum God of Compassion. The first time the word “God” appears in the Bible, it is in Genesis 1:1, when it states:
Genesis 1:1 B’reshit bara ELOHIM et ha-shama’im, V’et ha-arets. translated to In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
Ezra and the Prophet Daniel called their God as “Elah”.
So why would Christian try to find fault with a religion that acknowledges the existence of the exact same God they do; this is the reason they would erroneously claim that Eloh, Alah, and Allâh are different Gods.
How is it that some people believe they can rob God or condemn God’s creation from worshiping Him?
May 9, 2015 at 6:49 am#796844NickHassan
ParticipantHi BD,
They worship another god men have ben deceived into worshiping.
May 9, 2015 at 7:40 am#796853NickHassan
ParticipantHi BD,
Your greatest delusion is that you worship the God of Israel.
May 9, 2015 at 2:59 pm#796905bodhitharta
ParticipantSo are trinitarians deluded into thinking they are worshiping the God of Israel?
May 9, 2015 at 6:02 pm#796911Ed J
ParticipantHi BD,
Do you honestly think that the God of Israel,
who gave humanity the Torah and the Gospel, would
then say the complete opposite and CONTRADICT BOTH? …get REAL!No BD, ‘al-Lah’ is instead the fallen angel Lucifer (also called satan)
who came to Muhammad – Muhammad is the false prophet of Revelation.See biblical ref. Gal.1:8, 1Cor.11:14
May 9, 2015 at 6:17 pm#796913Ed J
Participantislam does not SERVE The GOD of ISRAEL
islam SERVES the fallen angel LuciferMay 9, 2015 at 7:48 pm#796914Proclaimer
ParticipantNo person owns the God of Israel, but he does own Israel.
Further, those who reject the son, reject the Father who sent him.
May 10, 2015 at 2:39 am#796939bodhitharta
ParticipantGod owns Everything @t8
You and everyone on this planet is subject to the same God, only deaf, dumb and blind people think God is limited to the scope of their belief system
When you eat @EDJ do you think people that do not believe what you believe do not eat? Who feeds these people? Where does all sustenance originate?
God created 1 Man and you are all byproduct of that 1 man but you make yourselves divided and then attempt to Lord over God Himself but where is your proof?
And they say: “None shall enter Paradise unless he be a Jew or a Christian.” Those are their (vain) desires. Say: “Produce your proof if ye are truthful.”
( سورة البقرة , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #111)
None of you will show me proof about Christians or Jews being the only ones to enter paradise if so show me this proof.
Or have they a ladder, by which they can (climb up to heaven and) listen (to its secrets)? Then let (such a) listener of theirs produce a manifest proof.
( سورة الطور , At-tur, Chapter #52, Verse #38)
May 11, 2015 at 3:55 pm#797091Proclaimer
ParticipantGod is not limited to any person’s belief system. Nobody is saying that.
But God speaks truth and that truth is received by men, but often mistranslated or skewed. Then there are deceivers that speak lies in the name of God.
What we know about God is he has a son and those that reject him reject God.
He sent a line of prophets into the world, but upon rejection, he then sent his son.
So what will God do with those who mistreat, ignore, hate, or deny him?
You do not have to believe the message that God sent his son into the world. That is the thing about having the ability to choose.
And as someone once said, “you are free to choose, but are not free to choose the consequence”.
May 12, 2015 at 5:43 am#797144bodhitharta
God is not limited to any person’s belief system. Nobody is saying that.
But God speaks truth and that truth is received by men, but often mistranslated or skewed. Then there are deceivers that speak lies in the name of God.
What we know about God is he has a son and those that reject him reject God.
That is not the truth t8, those who reject Jesus are rejecting God calling him son is nowhere said to be needed not to mention the fact that the Prophecy does not say he IS the son of God it says “He will be called the son of God” furthermore you not only call Jesus the son of God ALL Christians and Jews say they are the children of God, The Jews give some higher status just like the Christian gives Jesus special status but all in all the bible claims Angels and men are God’s children and here’s the thing, if Adam is the son of God then ALL of humanity are the children of God whether they sin or not therefore either it is accepted as a “saying” that was just used a lot or it creates all sorts of issues.
The Jews call ‘Uzair a son of Allah, and the Christians call Christ the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouth; (in this) they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah’s curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth!
( سورة التوبة , At-Taubah, Chapter #9, Verse #30)
It is a fact that pagans often called thier kings and leaders sons of heaven or God
Horus, the God of Kings in Ancient Egypt
Horus is one of ancient Egypt’s best known gods, as well as one of its oldest.
Horus was also seen and worshipped as the male child of Osiris and Isis (Har-pa-khered, literally “Horus the Child”, from which the Greeks created the name of Harpokrates), though either this god was originally a separate deity with whom the ancient falcon god was fused, or the falcon deity was incorporated into the Osirian family in very different form, because here he is depicted as a divine human infant. Another reference to him as a child of Isis is as Harsiese who, in the Pyramid Texts, performs the vital “Opening of the Mouth” ceremony on the dead king.
He sent a line of prophets into the world, but upon rejection, he then sent his son.
He sent his Messiah/Christ and it is Christ Jesus that must not be rejected, Jesus said that eternal life was to know the ONLY true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent….notice Jesus didn’t say “and your son that was sent” notice it says that at the Name of Jesus every knee will bow it doesn’t say at the name “son of God” it is not even mentioned
So what will God do with those who mistreat, ignore, hate, or deny him?
Will God punish those who call Jesus the Messiah and not punish those who say there is no Messiah or even still those who deny his other followers like Muslims…Jesus clearly said he had other followers John 10:6 And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd.
Do you also get offended when all the other old sayings are not employed such as “sheep” If I say t8 you are not a sheep nor is Jesus an actual shepherd would you then be offended or would seem to make perfect sense that Jesus cannot be a lamb and a shepherd unless these are simply sayings of old
You do no have to believe the message that God sent his son into the world. That is the thing about having the ability to choose.
And as someone once said, “you are free to choose, but are not free to choose the consequence”.
So when I believe that God sent Jesus Christ into the world that is a different belief? seriously t8? Which one of those statements are specific? my statement leaves no question: who was sent into the world? Jesus Christ
Here is the simple math, in the Bible there is ONLY ONE CHRIST JESUS but there are MANY, MANY called sons of God
Because here is the main issue at hand John 9:22 (His parents said these things because they feared the Jews, for the Jews had already agreed that if anyone should confess Jesus to be Christ, he was to be put out of the synagogue.)
No mention again about being called “son of God” notice that even the Jews that were going to stone him stopped when he said “,I said I am the son of God”
John 10:36 do you say of him whom the Father consecrated and sent into the world, ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’?
saying he was the son of God was not seen as a big deal, they picked up stones when they said he maketh himself a god but ceased when he used “son of God” because it was a reasonable thing to say at that time in the Bible he was crucified for being the KING of THE JEWS i.e Messiah not for being the son of God because the person they let go his name was also Barabbas or Jesus Barabbas which ironically literally “son of the father” or “Jesus, son of the Father” respectively
what wasn’t Barabbas called? Christ/Messiah
In Islam all old sayings and figures of speech have been cleansed so the True picture emerges for the pure at heart.
Matthew 5:8 (KJ21)
8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
May 12, 2015 at 6:44 am#797147DavidL
ParticipantThe truth is found in Christ alone (as many Muslims themselves are finding)…but that does not mean Christians own the God of Israel..or have a monopoly on Christ.
..we follow Jesus because He is the way to the Father – the only way… yet He Himself said there would be many who call Him “Lord” that don’t actually know Him, or bear fruit according to His nature.
Christianity is not the way – only Christ is the way.
May 12, 2015 at 7:14 am#797157bodhitharta
ParticipantHi DavidL
The truth is found in Christ alone (as many Muslims themselves are finding)…but that does not mean Christians own the God of Israel..or have a monopoly on Christ.
..we follow Jesus because He is the way to the Father – the only way… yet He Himself said there would be many who call Him “Lord” that don’t actually know Him, or bear fruit according to His nature.
Christianity is not the way – only Christ is the way.
Muslims call Jesus Christ who he is, which is Christ Jesus the Messiah, Those who know Jesus do not call him lord according to Jesus:
John 15:14-16English Standard Version (ESV)
14 You are my friends if you do what I command you. 15 No longer do I call you servants,[a] for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.
So are you his friend or his servant? I am his friend and his God is my God, his Lord is my Lord…so that is the way and the truth and the life. this is the thing calling Jesus lord or son of God will be of no avail unless a person understand that Jesus is The Christ and we all serve The Lord God it is then we will do all he commanded of us.
Say: “O People of the Book! come to common terms as between us and you: That we worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, lords and patrons other than Allah.” If then they turn back, say ye: “Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to Allah’s Will).
( سورة آل عمران , Aal-e-Imran, Chapter #3, Verse #64)
May 13, 2015 at 7:20 am#797275NickHassan
Those that sow the wind will reap the whirlwind.
May 13, 2015 at 8:02 am#797276bodhitharta
ParticipantAre you a servant of Jesus Nick?
May 14, 2015 at 1:04 am#797351DavidL
ParticipantHow do you stand with this verse then bd..?
“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” – John 3:36
May 14, 2015 at 7:02 am#797376NickHassan
ParticipantHi Davidl,
But you do not believe in the Son of God
You say he is God.
May 14, 2015 at 9:02 am#797390bodhitharta
ParticipantHow do you stand with this verse then bd..?
“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” – John 3:36
This is totally true within the context in which it if stated outside of that context it can be more available for discussion, the context is relating to those who have experienced Jesus as Christ and believe or disbelieve, the term “son” is just a saying.
You see most of the NT is written heavy in poetics, if Jesus paid for all the sins of those who believe then how is it men still toil the earth by the sweat of their brow and women still have severe birth pains?
Once a debt is collected the person is absolutely free Matthew 5:26 And if that happens, you surely won’t be free again until you have paid the last penny.
Christian theology is that Jesus paid every last penny but the punishment is still in effect so the question is, looking at the gospel can a person be honest and really see clearly that Jesus was plotted against to be killed to be crucified and there was no him offering up himself or him being sacrificed up to God as a payment because if such a payment was made why does the debt remain and there is proof of the debt remaining
May 19, 2015 at 7:14 pm#797939Ed J
ParticipantIs the God of the bible the true God? …”Yes” or “No”
Please no speeches
May 20, 2015 at 4:37 am#797959bodhitharta
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