Yahweh's Name at the End of the Age.

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    Since the early 1930s the sacred Name of the Heavenly Father, Yahweh, has been proclaimed in earnest. The earliest Sacred Name pioneers realized that most readers of the Scriptures were ignorant of Yahweh’s great Name. The omission of His Name and substitutes for it can be traced to early Scripture translators who followed superstitious Jewish traditions against using the Name Yahweh.

    Few translators were conversant in Hebrew, and detested anything Hebrew or Jewish, just as many do today. They could neither read nor speak Hebrew fluently and resorted to the Greek translation of the Old Testament known as the Septuagint, bypassing the original Hebrew texts.

    From the Greek Septuagint was made the Latin version of the Old Testament. From the Latin came our English Translations.

    Septuagint Had Yahweh’s Name

    The original Greek Septuagint of the Old Testament had Yahweh’s Name (known as the Tetragrammaton—meaning four letters) inscribed in gold letters in Hebrew: hwhy( read right to left) . Later copyists, being ignorant of Hebrew, substituted the Greek words “Kyrios” and “Theos” with the excuse that if the Tetragrammaton were sacred in the Hebrew, Kyrios and Theos were sacred in the Greek.

    The translators of the 1611 K.J.V. English translation, the highly revered King James “authorized”(??) version, followed the custom of earlier Scripture translators in supplanting the sacred Name Yahweh with the substitute English titles “Lord” and “God.”

    Names Are Not Translated.

    These titles are in no way a transliteration of Yahweh’s Name, for His Name is the essence of the Hebrew word of existence. His Name actually means He exists because He chooses to exist. He exists and brings all things into existence. “Yahweh” is defined as One who will be whatever His people need of Him. He will be their Helper, Deliverer, Provider, Healer, Guide, Strengthener, Savior—whatever they need.

    Substitute names and titles cannot serve as translations, for the human mind cannot put into one word all that is meant by the Name Yahweh. These common substitutes conceal the holy Name of our Creator Yahweh and make Him to appear as nothing more than just another deity, much like the pagan deities of heathendom.

    Hebrew names are generally transliterated (brought over into a different language through same or similar sounds), a conventional practice in going from one language to another. Names stay the same, but may have an ethnic accent. One can listen to a foreign news broadcast and easily pick up familiar proper nouns such as Washington, Bush, Yeltsin, Kohl, and Arafat. These names are not changed in translation.

    True Scripture readers are acquainted with such familiar Hebrew names as Adam, Reuben, Dan, Asher, Ruth, Noah, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Daniel, and Amos. These Hebrew names give us no problem, and no one advocates finding English substitutes. But when it comes to the All Mighty One of the universe, carnal man rebels against the plain Scriptural teaching that Yahweh is the Memorial Name He has revealed to His people by which He expects to be remembered,( Exodus 3:14-15)

    Yahweh gave 3 Memorials to His people, the First is His Memorial Name ” Yahweh “( Exod.3:14-15), the Second is the Memorial Passover and deliverance from Egypt( Exod.12), and the Third is the Memorial of Creation( Gen.2:2) Seventh Day Sabbath( Exod.16, Exod.31).

    Why is it that the most important name of all—the personal Name of the Creator of the universe, Yahweh—seldom appears in our English Scriptures? The memorial Name Yahweh has been erased from most English translations. So has the Savior’s Name, Yahshua.

    The revered King James Version uses other titles and substitutes for Yahweh’s most holy Name. “God” is not a name. It’s a title. “Lord” is not a name, but an inferior title. “Lord” is from Old English hlaford, which is from hlafweard, meaning “keeper of the loaf.” A lord is the farmer who doles out the bread to his servants. Thus, to call Yahweh by the inferior title “Lord” (“keeper of the loaf”) is demeaning to our majestic Sovereign of the universe.

    “Jehovah” is a linguistic hybrid. There never was nor is there now a “J” in either the Hebrew or Greek alphabet. Rotherham calls this substitute name a “monstrosity.” He never was called Jehovah until about 500 years ago. What was His name before that?

    In the last few decades several English Translation publishers have restored the sacred Name Yahweh, which appears almost 7,000 times as originally given in the Scriptures. Larger Bible publishers continue using erroneous substitutes, except for a few of the more enlightened, such as the Anchor Bible and Jerusalem Bible.

    Yahweh’s Name continues to gain more acceptance among sincere Scripture believers. Proof of His Name is easily found in popular dictionaries and encyclopedias.

    Adversary’s Name Remains Unchanged.

    While Yahweh’s Name has been removed or disguised in most Translations of Scripture in favor of a substitute title, the Hebrew name for the devil, Satan, appears time and time again. Strange, isn’t it, that the Adversary’s name Satan appears unchanged in our English Translations, 16 times in the Old Testament and 35 times in the New Testament, according to Young’s Concordance? Yet Yahweh’s Name is hidden by replacement titles.

    We understand the importance of Yahweh’s Name and are dedicated to doing all in our power to make His Name known. We are committed to carrying out our Savior’s promise, “I will declare your name to My brethren. In the midst of the assembly I will praise you,” (Psalm 22:22).

    The Savior attested that He had manifested Yahweh’s Name to the brethren, and added, “They have kept your word,” (John 17:6).

    “His Name Is Yahweh—So What?”

    Most theologians freely admit that His Name is Yahweh, but ignore the hundreds of Scriptural admonitions concerning His Name’s importance. They would themselves be indignant if someone referred to them simply as “hey you,” “guy” or “woman,” especially with those who know them by name. Yet, they display the attitude that His Name is of no significance.

    Many sincere believers who contend that they are fully obedient in all things commanded in the Scriptures, often have difficulty when it comes to invoking His Name. They adamantly refuse to go on toward perfection and utter His Name Yahweh.

    The Name Is the Person

    Frequently is heard, “I don’t worship a name. I worship a Person.” This apparently absolves one of having to invoke His Name Yahweh and so gives one the right to call that “Person” whatever comes to mind or whatever suits one’s mood at the time.

    But Yahweh NEVER allowed us to call Him whatever we wish! We are commanded to call upon the only Name He Himself has revealed to us. That Name is Yahweh! His Name embodies all He is and what He can be to those with whom He is in covenant relationship.

    In willfully calling Yahweh by a substitute, people are denying His Name and giving glory to another.

    Did not the Apostle Paul say in 1Corinthians 8:5, “There are gods many and lords many”? Note in 2Corinthians 4:4 that Satan is called “the god of this world.” It is sheer rebellion to refuse to call upon Yahweh’s Name, which He clearly said is His memorial unto ALL generations, (Exodus 3:15).

    We hear many talk about having a personal relationship with Him. How can one know Him (or anybody) personally and not know or call on his personal Memorial name?

    Arguments That Fall Flat.

    There are other arguments and excuses such as, “You are trying to say that unless I pronounce a certain Hebrew name as you do, I have no salvation.”

    Rest assured that He Who created all things also created man’s tongue to pronounce His Name Yahweh. No one seems to have a problem with other Scriptural Hebrew names like Daniel, Ruth, and Saul, so why resist the most vital Name of all? (Acts 4:12 )says there IS no salvation in any other name,
    because “Yahweh” MEANS salvation!

    Another argument says there were no vowels in the Hebrew alphabet, so we cannot know how to pronounce His Name. Think a minute! There are no vowels in the entire Hebrew Old Testament from( Genesis 1:1 to Malachi 3:5). Yet translators had no trouble translating the text.

    Some will contend that the pronunciation has been lost. The (Encyclopedia Judaica says His Name was never lost (Vol. 7, p. 680). The pronunciation is as we have spelled it—Yahweh. Rebellious man seeks all sorts of excuses to justify his stiff-necked attitude instead of submitting to the Creator in humility and entering the close relationship through His revealed, personal Memorial Name.

    Believers Given His Name.

    Paul reveals that the whole spiritual family of the Most High will be called by His Name Yahweh. He says in (Ephesians 3:14-15), “…I bow my knees unto the Father of the Master Yahshua Messiah of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named.”

    Speaking of the end of the age, the Scriptures reveals that all mankind will acknowledge that His Name is Yahweh. There is coming a time when Yahshua will be sent back to this earth to put down all rebellion and sin and will then rule with a rod of iron, (Revelation 2:26-27).

    Malachi wrote of those at the end of the age who hate and reject His Name now. He quotes Yahweh saying, “…O priests, that despise My Name. And you say, ‘Wherein have we despised Your Name?’” (1:6). In the end Yahweh will receive the worship He demands.

    How can people be called by the Name “Yahweh” in the Kingdom, yet refuse to bow to Yahweh’s clear command now? Will His people miraculously acquire a love for Yahweh’s Name in the Kingdom while hating it now? Notice that obedient humans, not angels, are called by Yahweh’s Name.

    Praise Him by His Name Yahweh!

    We no longer present incense and sacrificial animals in worship but offer our obedience through spiritual sacrifices: “You also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to Yahweh by Yahshua Messiah,” (1Peter 2:5).

    (Hebrews 13:15-16) shows “a sacrifice of praise” is “the fruit of lips that confess His Name.” Confessing Yahweh’s Name is indeed a spiritual sacrifice!

    Notice what it does not say. It does not say confessing His “person.” Or confessing His works. Or confessing Him as “L-rd” It says confessing His Name Yahweh!

    How can people confess His true Name when they have never heard His Name, but have only heard idol pagan titles?

    His Name Among the Gentiles.

    Do you confess His Name? Does not Malachi say that our sacrifice of praise is by those who confess His Name? This is in opposition to those who despise His Name, (Malachi 1:6). His command is that we confess and call upon His Name Yahweh.

    Read( Malachi 1:11), “For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same, My Name shall be great among the Gentiles; and in every place incense shall be offered unto My Name, and a pure offering; for My Name shall be great among the heathen, says Yahweh of Hosts.”

    Remember that incense is a type of prayer, (Revelation 8:3-4). We are to invoke His Name in our prayers. It is to be a pure offering, not adulterated with idolatrous title names of other nations deities of man’s devising.

    Astoundingly, in this short verse of (Malachi 1:11), He mentions His personal Name Yahweh three times! He does not say His “person” shall be great among the heathen. He does not say His power, character or wisdom shall be great among the gentiles, but emphasizes His Name. While the other attributes assuredly will be great, it is important that Yahweh’s Name be supreme.

    Furthermore, Yahweh castigates the priests (who are to teach knowledge, Lev. 10:11) and warns that if they will not give glory unto His Name, “Behold, I will corrupt (rebuke) your seed( children), and spread dung upon your faces, the dung of your solemn feasts; and you shall be carried off with it,” (Malachi 2:3).

    Those blessed with such knowledge (Deut. 17:9-11), including the knowledge of His Name, must give glory to Yahweh’s Name. He threatens that dung will be spread upon their faces (making them unworthy). They will be carried out with the offal and refuse when they should be receiving the blessings!

    The Apostle Peter says believers are a “royal priesthood,” (1Peter 2:9). John says we are a “kingdom of priests,” (Revelation 5:10). Thus, Malachi’s( 2:1-4) ancient condemnation of priests carries over to today’s N.T. Kingdom of Priests as well.

    Deception at the End.

    Prophecy says we can expect many imposters who will pretend to be deliverers of mankind. The Savior warned that many false messiahs( Matt.24:24) would come. He also said that one coming in his own name would readily be accepted( John 5:43).

    The world in general will not recognize Yahshua when He comes in the Name of Yahweh. The undefiled, perfect Deliverer will to them be just another of the many deceivers to come on the scene.

    Bible passages reveal clearly at the end of the age the necessity of trusting in His Name. (Joel 2:31-32 )reads, “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood before the great and terrible day of Yahweh comes. And it shall come to pass, that whoever shall call on the Name of Yahweh shall be delivered; for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be those that escape as Yahweh has said, and among the remnant those whom Yahweh does call.”

    Deliverance Through the Name

    Notice that deliverance is promised to those who call upon Yahweh’s Name. Not those who call upon His person, His character, His being or His power. Invoking His Name will bring His promised DELIVERANCE!

    (Psalm 91) deals with death, destruction and persecution that will befall many at the end of the age. Yahweh promises protection to His people. He is our refuge and fortress, verse 2. We will see the reward of the wicked, verse 8.

    Of those truly faithful who love Him and know His Name, Yahweh says,“Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he has known My Name,” (Psalm 91:14).

    When called upon, Yahweh will answer and also be with those in trouble to deliver them and show His salvation. He will do this for those who know and call upon His Name.

    Clearly, all these injunctions prove that He expects us to invoke His Name, Yahweh.

    (Psalm 83) deals with the end of the age, naming ten nations from the Palestine area that will attempt to annihilate Israel.

    Yahweh takes vengeance upon that wicked generation and will make them as stubble, as a burning fire. Then the Psalmist adds,“Fill their faces with shame; that they may seek Thy Name, O Yahweh,” (Psalm 83:16).

    When Yahweh sees that the sins of the people are full, He will destroy those who destroy the earth. Those left alive will feel ashamed and seek Yahweh in Whom is deliverance.

    Mankind must seek Yahweh by Name when He moves with His mighty power and miracles to save His people from the snare of the enemy. Many will follow satanic deceivers who pledge relief from life’s burdens as troubles intensify.

    By then the world will have been entirely fooled by the Man of Sin who promises peace and deliverance.

    It is only through Yahweh’s intervention that things are set straight. Then Yahweh will be given the credit and honor and His great Name will be made known, as we read,“That men may know that You, Whose Name alone is Yahweh, are Most High over all the earth,” (Psalm 83:18).

    Through His great power and miracles Yahweh will deliver His people just as He did ancient Israel in Egypt. Those on earth will then learn that only the One Whose name is Yahweh will have the ability to respond to their needs. In Yahweh’s Name is safety and deliverance—”I will be what my people need.”

    Those Who Fear Yahweh

    ripture solemnly declares that nations will have been calling on the names of other deities when they should have been calling upon Yahweh.

    His Name will gain increasing importance as we head into the very end of the age and the establishment of His Kingdom. Wickedness will abound and rebellion against Yahweh, His laws, and Name will be rampant. But there will also be a humble, dedicated remnant that will both adhere to and revere the importance of His Name.

    Notice:“Then they that feared Yahweh spoke one with another and Yahweh listened and heard, and a book of remembrance was written before Him, for them that feared Yahweh and that THOUGHT UPON HIS NAME. And they shall be mine, says Yahweh of hosts, even my own possession, in the day that I make [do this]; and I will spare them as a man spares his own son that serves him,”( Malachi 3:16-17).

    Yahweh will work miracles and vengeance at the end of the age. He will save His people, and give special attention to those who know Him and call upon His Name. This we are told in (Revelation 11:18):“And the nations were angry, and Your wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that You should give reward unto Your servants the prophets, and to the saints, and THEM THAT FEAR YOUR NAME, small and great; and should destroy them which destroy the earth.”

    Those who do not know Yahweh and do not call upon His Name will be completely taken in by the end-time delusions of Satan’s master plan. They will suffer His wrath, as we read in(Psalm 79:6): “Pour out Your wrath upon the heathen that have not known You, and upon the kingdoms that HAVE NOT CALLED UPON YOUR NAME.”

    A plea is made for both help and forgiveness and Yahweh’s tender mercies to preserve His people for the glory of His Name:“Help us, O Elohim of our salvation, for the glory of Your Name: and deliver us, and purge away our sins, for Your Name’s sake,”( Psalm 79:9).

    This is also corroborated in (Proverbs 18:10) “The Name of Yahweh is a strong tower; the righteous runs into it and is safe.”

    The Name Yahweh embodies all the omnipotence, wisdom, salvation, lovingkindness, omniscience, and mercies that He bestows upon those who love Him and in obedience that call upon His Name.

    My People Shall Know My Name.

    An Israelite is one who overcomes and keeps all His commandments by the help of Yahweh’s Spirit indwelling him
    “Therefore, My people shall know My Name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am He that does speak: behold, it is I,” (Isaiah 52:6).

    This chapter clearly speaks of “Yahweh’s return to Zion” at the end of the age, verse 8. It deals with the Millennium ahead, thus bringing to our attention the importance of proclaiming His Name even while others are blaspheming it, shown in verses 5 and 7. Knowing His Name identifies His people for they are called “The people of Yahweh:”

    “If my people, which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chron. 7:14).

    Those who reject Him, His Name, and His ways will perish. His deeds will ever be engrained in the minds of all people, and they will know that His Name is Yahweh Who has always been in control and now will establish a righteous Kingdom.

    End-time Assembly Honors Name

    Revelation, the last book of the Bible, winds up with key insights into the importance of Yahweh’s and Yahshua’s names.

    (Revelation 2:3 )commends the Ephesian Assembly, saying that for the sake of the Savior’s name they “have borne, and have patience, and for My Name’s sake have laboured, and have not fainted.”

    The Assembly at Pergamos is commended for holding fast to His Name: “I know your works, and where you dwell, even where Satan’s seat is: and you hold fast My Name and have not denied My faith…”( Revelation 2:13).

    The faithful ones in Philadelphia are highly commended and given the advantage because of their faith and their having not denied His Name: “I know your works: behold, I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it: for you have a little strength, and have kept My word, and have not denied My Name,” (Revelation 3:8).

    Notice that the chosen ones who overcome will be given special privileges. “Him that overcomes will I make a pillar in the Temple of my Elohim, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the Name of my Elohim, and the Name of the city of my Elohim, [which is] new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my Elohim: and My New Name,” (Revelation 3:12).

    And, “And the nations were angry, and Your wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that you should give reward unto Your servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear Your Name, small and great; and should destroy them which destroy the earth,” (Revelation 11:18).

    Also,“And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against Elohim, to blaspheme His Name, and his Tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven,”( Revelation 13:6).

    Now notice Yahweh's people are sealed with His name in their minds or foreheads which is what they know and believe..“And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty [and] four thousand, having his Name and His Father’s Name written in their foreheads,” (Revelation 14:1).

    “Who shall not fear you, O Yahweh, and glorify Your Name? for You only are holy: for all nations shall come and worship before You; for Your judgments are made manifest,” (Revelation 15:4).

    “And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the Name of Yahweh, which has power over these plagues: and they repented not to give Him glory,” (Revelation 16:9).

    “His eyes [were] as a flame of fire, and on His head [were] many crowns; and He had a name written, that no man knew, but He Himself,” (Revelation 19:12).

    “And He [was] clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and His Name is called The Word of Yahweh,” (Revelation 19:13).

    “And they shall see His face; and His Name shall be in their foreheads,” (Revelation 22:4).

    If we honor Yahweh’s Name, He will do the same with our name too.“He that overcomes, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his Name out of the book of life, but I will confess his Name before My Father, and before His angels, (Revelation 3:5).

    I'm sure most all true believer and followers of Messiah would not ” want their name blotted out of the Lambs Book of Life would you ? “

    Well, Yahshua Messiah said “”( Matt.10:32-33; Luke 12:8) 32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

    If you do not want your name blotted out of the Lambs Book of Life, then should youblot out their true Names out of the same Book?

    If you do not confess their true names before men, then can you expect Yahshua the Messiah to confess your name before the Heavenly Father Yahweh ?

    Think about it.

    We pray that you will be among those who love, honor, and call upon the ONLY Name that truely gives salvation.

    Eliyah C.


    Acts 17.22
    ” …….Men of Athens, I observe you are very religious in all respects. For while I was passing through and examining the objects of your worship, I also found an altar with this inscription
    'To an unknown God'
    What therefore you worship in ignorance I proclaim to you. The God who made the world and all things in it , since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made of human hands;”

    In which language did Paul speak?
    In which language was the inscription?
    What words were written?
    Did Paul identify with or object to the words used?
    Does our God agree with Paul?


    Greetings Nick, where have you been? We were starting to get worried about you. I sent you a message.

    You said and asked “”

    Acts 17.22
    ” …….Men of Athens, I observe you are very religious in all respects. For while I was passing through and examining the objects of your worship, I also found an altar with this inscription
    'To an unknown God'
    What therefore you worship in ignorance I proclaim to you. The God who made the world and all things in it , since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made of human hands;”

    In which language did Paul speak?
    In which language was the inscription?
    What words were written?
    Did Paul identify with or object to the words used?
    Does our God agree with Paul?

    Ah, I'm glad you brought this up too, for I was later going to post an article concerning this ( Acts 14 and Acts 17 ) about foreign idols and deities that is specifically mentioned in Acts.

    He most certainly DID OBJECT, because he preached to them Yahshua Messiah( not JE'ZEUS SOTER either) and the resurrection( Acts 17:18).

    Now, let's back up to Acts 17:16 where it is written that “” he( Paul) saw the city GIVEN WHOLLY TO IDOLATRY“”.

    Paul did NOT identify with their pagan idol deities here, for if he did, then the words of “” he saw the city given wholly to Idolatry verse 16, and he preached to them Yahshua and the resurrection verse 18 would mean absolutely nothing, and would not have been written in this text here.

    I will give you an example, I speak and write English, however, I'm not on this forum speaking with the idolatry titles such as ' l-rd and g-d ' either, I've been speaking and using the true names and not pagan substitutes, but it does not mean that because I'm here on this forum where you are using them these titles, that I'm condoning the use of, or using such idolatry words.

    As I've said before, all we have of the N.T. is copies of copies of copies, and each time the scriptures were translated into other cultures languages, they merely substituted their own pagan deity title in place of the true Name of Yah and the true title of EL which is in the Hebrew.

    Such same substitution as was done when you compare ( Matt.4:4; Luke 4:4) with ( Deut.8:3) of Messiah's own words as He quoted from Deut.

    Another Example that answers your questions, is by looking at (Acts 24:14) when Paul said that he believed and worshipped the “” Greek Th-os, English G-d “” of his fathers in the LAW AND THE PROPHETS, which would those laws include ( Exod.20;2-7; Exod.23:13; Deut.5:7; Joshua 23:5-7).

    Well, if we believe Paul( and I certainly do), he would never have committed Idolatry to the Law as he certainly said he believed and followed in ( Acts 24:14).

    Also, the Greek title of “”th-os “” was ascribed to the deities of “” ZEUS and Jupiter “” in those days, and they were explicitly condemned by Paul in (Acts 14) and to the Greeks and Romans, ZEUS AND JUPITER was their supreme ” Th-os ” deity see ( Acts 14).

    Furthermore, IF Paul had used the modern name of ” Je'SUS SOTER= IHS= Nimrod “, then those in ( Acts 17 ) would have
    NEVER accused Paul of “” being a setter forth of strange g-ds ( Acts 17:18), which proves Paul never used that name either.

    Just because that Greek word of ” the-s ” and the English word of ” g-d ” is used in ( Acts 17:23) in the modern texts does not mean that Paul did actually use those idol pagan deity words, as Messiah never actually said that word of ” g-d ” in ( Matt.4:4; Luke 4:4) compared to ( Deut.8:3) either.

    Now, I have a question or two for You Nick.

    Why did Yahshua Messiah speak to Paul in the Hebrew tongue Acts 26:14 , and not in any of the several other tongues or Languages that Paul Knew and could speak ??

    Also, just because I'm on this forum pointing out to YOU those Idolatrus pagan words, does that mean that I use these pagan words myself in worship?

    Have you ever really done a study of the words idol and idolatry and explore their true definitions meanings ?

    As IF that I will ever receive a true scriptural answer to those questions.

    Eliyah C.


    Quote (Eliyah @ Sep. 26 2005,04:10)
    Greetings Nick, where have you been? We were starting to get worried about you. I sent you a message.

    You said and asked “”

    Acts 17.22
    ” …….Men of Athens, I observe you are very religious in all respects. For while I was passing through and examining the objects of your worship, I also found an altar with this inscription
    'To an unknown God'
    What therefore you worship in ignorance I proclaim to you. The God who made the world and all things in it , since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made of human hands;”

    In which language did Paul speak?
    In which language was the inscription?
    What words were written?
    Did Paul identify with or object to the words used?
    Does our God agree with Paul?

    Ah, I'm glad you brought this up too, for I was later going to post an article concerning this ( Acts 14 and Acts 17 ) about foreign idols and deities that is specifically mentioned in Acts.

    He most certainly DID OBJECT, because he preached to them Yahshua Messiah( not JE'ZEUS SOTER either) and the resurrection( Acts 17:18).

    Now, let's back up to Acts 17:16 where it is written that “” he( Paul) saw the city GIVEN WHOLLY TO IDOLATRY“”.

    Paul did NOT identify with their pagan idol deities here, for if he did, then the words of “” he saw the city given wholly to Idolatry verse 16, and he preached to them Yahshua and the resurrection verse 18 would mean absolutely nothing, and would not have been written in this text here.

    I will give you an example, I speak and write English, however, I'm not on this forum speaking with the idolatry titles such as ' l-rd and g-d ' either, I've been speaking and using the true names and not pagan substitutes, but it does not mean that because I'm here on this forum where you are using them these titles, that I'm condoning the use of, or using such idolatry words.

    As I've said before, all we have of the N.T. is copies of copies of copies, and each time the scriptures were translated into other cultures languages, they merely substituted their own pagan deity title in place of the true Name of Yah and the true title of EL which is in the Hebrew.

    Such same substitution as was done when you compare ( Matt.4:4; Luke 4:4) with ( Deut.8:3) of Messiah's own words as He quoted from Deut.

    Another Example that answers your questions, is by looking at (Acts 24:14) when Paul said that he believed and worshipped the “” Greek Th-os, English G-d “” of his fathers in the LAW AND THE PROPHETS, which would those laws include ( Exod.20;2-7; Exod.23:13; Deut.5:7; Joshua 23:5-7).

    Well, if we believe Paul( and I certainly do), he would never have committed Idolatry to the Law as he certainly said he believed and followed in ( Acts 24:14).

    Also, the Greek title of  “”th-os “” was ascribed to the deities of “” ZEUS and Jupiter “” in those days, and they were explicitly condemned by Paul in (Acts 14) and to the Greeks and Romans, ZEUS AND JUPITER was their supreme ” Th-os ” deity see ( Acts 14).

    Furthermore, IF Paul had used the modern name of  ” Je'SUS SOTER= IHS= Nimrod “, then those in ( Acts 17 ) would have
    NEVER accused Paul of “” being a setter forth of strange g-ds ( Acts 17:18), which proves Paul never used that name either.

    Just because that Greek word of ” the-s ” and the English word of ” g-d ” is used in ( Acts 17:23) in the modern texts does not mean that Paul did actually use those idol pagan deity words, as Messiah never actually said that word of ” g-d ” in ( Matt.4:4; Luke 4:4) compared to ( Deut.8:3) either.

    Now, I have a question or two for You Nick.

    Why did Yahshua Messiah speak to Paul in the Hebrew tongue Acts 26:14 , and not in any of the several other tongues or Languages that Paul Knew and could speak ??

    Also, just because I'm on this forum pointing out to YOU those Idolatrus pagan words, does that mean that I use these pagan words myself in worship?

    Have you ever really done a study of the words idol and idolatry and explore their true definitions meanings ?

    As IF that I will ever receive a true scriptural answer to those questions.

    Eliyah C.

    Hi e,
    So you do not know the answer but derive one from your understanding? So he preached to foreigners in his tongue and not theirs and quoted words that they had not written? Hmmm.


    Nick, You never even take the time to closely read my posts.

    Just because I speak our dumb language of English does not mean that I cannot properly transliterate and explain the true names of YAHWEH and Yahshua to you.

    I just did ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS with scriptural examples.

    You seem to try to fool me into thinking that you actually read my post in 10 seconds ?


    Paul would NEVER have used the same Idolatry pagan deities that HE WAS TROUBLED IN THE SPIRIT ABOUT THAT CITY WHOLLY GIVEN TO IDOLATRY( Acts 17:16), if he himself used idol pagan words, that would be stupid for the text to even mention that incident, if Paul did use them himself.

    Think MAN Think!



    “”Now, I have a question or two for You Nick.

    Why did Yahshua Messiah speak to Paul in the Hebrew tongue Acts 26:14 , and not in any of the several other tongues or Languages that Paul Knew and could speak ??

    Also, just because I'm on this forum pointing out to YOU those Idolatrus pagan words, does that mean that I use these pagan words myself in worship?

    Have you ever really done a study of the words idol and idolatry and explore their true definitions meanings ?

    As IF that I will ever receive a true scriptural answer to those questions.

    Eliyah C.


    I posted that post the time 4:10 , and you replied to the post at the time 4:16 , and you read that post and looked up all those scriptures in 6 seconds ???

    Boy your speed gonzallas arn't you?


    Again, answer the questions Speedy Gonzallas, Ariva ariva, in 6 seconds?


    “”Now, I have a question or two for You Nick.

    Why did Yahshua Messiah speak to Paul in the Hebrew tongue Acts 26:14 , and not in any of the several other tongues or Languages that Paul Knew and could speak ??

    Also, just because I'm on this forum pointing out to YOU those Idolatrus pagan words, does that mean that I use these pagan words myself in worship?

    Have you ever really done a study of the words idol and idolatry and explore their true definitions meanings ?

    As IF that I will ever receive a true scriptural answer to those questions.


    Shouting insults never has helped your credibility eliyah.


    If Paul used their own pagan name deities in Acts 17 to apply to the true Creator Yah, then why would he even point out the whole city was given to Idolatry ( Acts 17:16)?

    Also, then WHY didn't Paul accept their ZEUS and JUPITER as the name deity of the Creator Yahweh in ( Acts 14), and why did he object?


    Nick, Im not shouting.

    I use the “” CAPITOL LETTERS “” for people to “”notice“”, not to express emotion.

    So, please stop accusing me, as you have done in the past, and answer the questions.


    Hi e,
    Do you find folks take more interest when you repeat yourself so often? Surely if you were relying on the Spirit of Yahweh once would be enough and then you would seek others to tell?


    Also, then WHY didn't Paul accept their ZEUS and JUPITER as the name deity of the Creator Yahweh in ( Acts 14), and why did he object?

    Furthermore, the pagan idol title of ” G-d “ can be traced back to the deity of Jupiter in the ancient Sanskrit language in which they poured molten images that was worshipped of that deity.

    So, according to You, it would make no difference if people called the Creator a dog, horse, bull, jupiter, zeus, e.t.c. ?

    Well, that's exactly what your doing when you apply that title to Yahweh.


    Nick, you have continually insulted me on this forum, but you will never answer a question, and you love to ask them.


    You said,””

    Hi e,
    Do you find folks take more interest when you repeat yourself so often? Surely if you were relying on the Spirit of Yahweh once would be enough and then you would seek others to tell?

    I have been telling others the truth of Yah's and Messiah's true name, however, I have to return here and re-peat myself to Nicky the speedy gonzallas that asks me hundreds of questions which I answer, which then you who refuse to accept the truth, and ignors my questions asked of you.

    Well Nick, you can insultme all you want, but it want change the facts of scriptures that have been posted on this forum concerning those who use such idol titles to apply to Yah, which is practicing Idolatry by syncretisim and is vain worship, that He will not accept, but satan the devil does accept it, which you already know those scriptures in Rev.13.


    Hi eliyah,
    It becomes increasingly clear that your motivation for what you do is not just to share a beautiful truth. You seem incapable of just imparting information but treat it like a contest. You then barrage the site with repetitive, impatient and judgemental posts that edify no one but seem to serve some deeper need. Then when anyone dares question the absoluteness of your stand you retreat into the martyr role.
    Seriously Eliyah why continue to damage your credibility? Is it not truth you love after all? Surely you risk alienating yourself from those you hope to inspire? You may tarnish the very truths you claim to be promoting. If there is truth it will do it's own work without all your effort which on the surface is counterproductive.
    Is it really that you truly want to be rejected because that would make you feel like a true prophet of Yahweh? Or is it the power you can use to hurt others by your “knowledge” that fills your cup? Show a little love brother and your message may reach more ears is my suggestion.


    Nick, You said…


    Hi eliyah,
    It becomes increasingly clear that your motivation for what you do is not just to share a beautiful truth. You seem incapable of just imparting information but treat it like a contest. You then barrage the site with repetitive, impatient and judgemental posts that edify no one but seem to serve some deeper need. Then when anyone dares question the absoluteness of your stand you retreat into the martyr role.
    Seriously Eliyah why continue to damage your credibility? Is it not truth you love after all? Surely you risk alienating yourself from those you hope to inspire? You may tarnish the very truths you claim to be promoting. If there is truth it will do it's own work without all your effort which on the surface is counterproductive.
    Is it really that you truly want to be rejected because that would make you feel like a true prophet of Yahweh? Or is it the power you can use to hurt others by your “knowledge” that fills your cup? Show a little love brother and your message may reach more ears is my suggestion.

    Nick, You asked me questions and I answered them with scriptural examples which you merely brushed off and ignored, as IF you read and looked up those scriptures in 6 seconds?

    Then, instead of answering my questions, You insult me by saying…””

    Do you find folks take more interest when you repeat yourself so often? Surely IFyou were relying on the Spirit of Yahweh once would be enough and then you would seek others to tell?

    As IF i don't rely on Yah's Holy Spirit, and that I don't tell others this same truth?

    Is it not brotherly love to point truth and not suffer sin / ie transgressions of Yah's law to my fellow humans as the scriptures tells us ?

    Then you say “”

    Is it really that you truly want to be rejected because that would make you feel like a true prophet of Yahweh? Or is it the power you can use to hurt others by your “knowledge” that fills your cup? Show a little love brother and your message may reach more ears is my suggestion.

    Nick, I don't claim to be anything and I don't claim to be that prophet as that is the TRUE Messiah's role.

    Also, if revealing true scriptural knowledge to Yah's true people is hurtful to them, then will you tell me what Yah meant when He said through Hosea the Prophet that His people are destroyed for lack of true scriptural knowledge( Hosea 4:6) that modern priests, pastors, ministers, that have led His people to believe in things that do not profit as in( Jer.) ?

    Then, you insult me again by saying “”

    It becomes increasingly clear that your motivation for what you do is not just to share a beautiful truth. You seem incapable of just imparting information but treat it like a contest. You then barrage the site with repetitive, impatient and judgemental posts that edify no one but seem to serve some deeper need. Then when anyone dares question the absoluteness of your stand you retreat into the martyr role.

    Then, you personally insult my scriptural intelligence again with the scriptural knowledge that Yah Himself has taught me( for I received it from no modern man) in my research of these scriptural truths for the last 24 years of my life to this research, and which I have posted this in the past week or so out of love and concern for you people.

    Then, you add more insult to me again by saying..

    I'm incapable of just imparting information by saying I'm judgmental in posting truth that edifies no one, and retreat into a martyr role, and that I want to be rejected.

    Nick, when I first come to this forum you were not even using the Creator's true Name of Yahweh at all, then you say i'm judgemental, because I show the scriptural reference to Idolatry worship ; which if you investigate the scriptures on idols of Baalim and their meanings and definitions you will see that such is actually worshipping satan and its the scriptures that are being judgemental not me.

    Well, you certainly have not shown any appreciation and brotherly love toward me for revealing these truths, as maybe only 2 or 3 people on here that has.

    Well, according to scriptures, there is no better Brotherly Love toward fellow human beings than to warn his people like a watchman that looks out for his neighbors very eternal life and his soul is there?

    Well who am i that you should murmer against me?

    I'm a nothing and a nobody as far as this world is concerned, but do you really think in your mind that I worry IF people are rejecting me? If they reject anything or anyone, then it is this true message and He who has revealed it to me through His very Word, which you say that you Honar and obey.

    Well, if people do not recognize true scriptural love that I have shown to people on here by pointing out true scriptural knowledge, then they should be looking into what Messiah said concerning to repent and remember their first love as He told thee assembly in Revelation should they not?

    When are you going to start pointing out true important scriptural knowledge ( Hosea 4:6) that matters to Yah and is truely important to the lives of people that has been lacking on this forum Nick instead of trying to insult me ?


    Or, will you brush and ignor thee above post and pretend to comprehend it too in 6 seconds as you did my earlier post to tour questions?

    Also, IF you complain about me “” re-peating words that have already been given to you, then please do not ask similar re-peat questions to me that you have also asked before concerning the same matter, which I have already answered.

    For if you ask re-peated answered questions, then should you not expect to receive the same re-peated answers back to those questions?

    Or, do you purposly ask those same repeated question knowing that I will respond with the same repeaded answers inorder to discredit me, after you have purposely coaxed me into repeating them to you?


    Hey Nick. You're back. I've actually missed you.

    I've pretty much came to the same thinking on Elijah. From the beginning I believed he wanted to be kicked off this site for the very reason you state, so that he could say to himself: “See, everyone hates me, I must be a true prophet.” As far as “alienating” himself as you say, it seems a common theme among Sacred Name movement people (those that believe the divine name must be pronounced in the original Hebrew) is that they are exclusionists, holier-than-thou modern day Pharisical egomaniacs. But, that's just what I'm told. Only sometimes do I get this feeling from Elijah. I also get the feeling, as you say, that Elijah is more concerned with winning debates and proving himself right, in a “contest” manner, than directing people in the right direction, or caring if people understand what he's saying, or care about people at all. If you don't immediately agree with his complicatedly long thought process, you are repremanded and sometimes with ugly words. I've already told Elijah that he doesn't help himself or anyone else by seeming to attack people. And yes, the “repetitive, impatient and judgemental posts” do become rather…repetitive.
    This is part of the reason I missed you so much. It's been mostly just him and me for a week. I'm glad to see other people posting.

    Elijah, while I've enjoyed our conversations, me speaking to you seems quite in vain, as you tend to twist things quite drastically, and then I have to spend time going back and clarifying what I actually said, which seems a waste of time. I do appreciate learning that there are thousands of people out there that subscribe to the belief that Jehovah's name need be pronounced as it was in the original language. And, the etymology of the word “god” has given me pause. But I continue to use it, so people know what I'm talking about, and since we need to talk to people about God.
    Elijah, I realize that at times we have pushed each other to say things that may seem unkind if not read with the proper feeling. I am guilty of this too, perhaps even in this post. But I ask for what Nick asks, some sign that you care about people and aren't just trying to be the guy that's right, the guy that knows it all.


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