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- January 2, 2015 at 1:51 pm#788016
ParticipantIsaiah 25:1-2 Lord, You are my God, I shall exult and praise You, for You have done wonderful things, long planned and sure. You have turned cities into heaps of ruin, fortifications into rubble. Buildings are swept away, never to be rebuilt. For this, many cruel nations will then respect You and treat You with awe.
Isaiah 25:4a & 9 Truly, You have been a refuge to the poor and a help to the needy in their distress, a shelter from the tempest and shade from the heat. On that Day, people will say: See this is our God – we have waited for Him and He will deliver us. This is the Lord, for whom we have waited, let us rejoice and exult in His deliverance.
Isaiah 25:4b & 11-12 For the enmity of the godless is like a storm, like the desert heat, but You silence the clamour of the foe and their noise dies away. For the hand of the Lord will come upon this mountain and the inhabitants will be trampled under Him, as straw is trodden into a dunghill. They will try to escape, but the Lord will bring down their pride, despite their clever plans. He will destroy the fortified defences, they will be brought down to dust.
Isaiah 26:4-6 Trust in the Lord forever! For He is an eternal Rock, He humbles all those high and mighty dwellers of a towering city. He levels it to the ground – lays it to the dust, so that the oppressed may tread it underfoot.
Reference: REB, NIV, KJV. Some verses condensed.
These prophesies are written in present and past tense, as though they have been fulfilled. But we can see they haven’t as yet, so this is written like it is because its fulfilment is certain and sure. The Lord’s plans, wonderful things to happen and we who ‘trust in the Lord and wait for Him, will rejoice in His salvation’.
You silence the enemy – The godless nations who conspire to destroy Israel. Psalm 83:13-17, Isaiah 34:2-3
despite their clever plans – They devise a cunning plot and prepare their weapons. Psalm 83:2, Isaiah 22:8
this mountain – this refers to the holy Land. Micah 4:2
the inhabitants trampled – All of the Middle East virtually wiped out. Ezekiel 30:2-5
cities ruined – The fire storms and earthquakes of a huge CME will do this. Isaiah 17:1-3, Habakkuk 3:12-13, Revelation 6:12-17
the proud dwellers of a tall city – Babylon; the ungodly peoples. Jeremiah 50:22-24, Revelation 18:8
fortresses and defences into rubble – All military installations, missiles, etc will be destroyed. Psalm 76:3, Amos 5:9
nations will be in awe – All false religions and gods will be discredited. Isaiah 2:17-18, Isaiah 66:17
refuge to the poor and needy – This is a metaphor for the Lord’s righteous people. Isaiah 41:17, Psalm 70:1-5
He will deliver us – those who keep the faith and trust the Lord. Psalm 72:12-14
shade from the heat – the terrible fire ball of a superheated coronal mass ejection. Isaiah 31:5, Isaiah 60:2, Zephaniah 2:3, Psalm 61:1-5
on that Day – The Day of the Lord’s vengeance and wrath, the next prophesied event. His enemies are punished, but His people are protected and will soon move into the holy Land, to fulfil their destiny.
January 18, 2015 at 8:28 pm#788354keras
ParticipantOur Hope for the Future
It seems that there are as many views of what God has planned for the end of this age, as there are people who study the subject. But there is only one actual future for us and those who teach false theories will be judged more severely. James 3:1
Then there is the bulk of Christians, who just simply don’t want to know, or find the prophetic Word just too hard to comprehend.
But in our Bible, we are told: God does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants. Amos 3:7 Paul says: We are not in the dark, the Day of sudden destruction will not come upon us like a thief. 1 Thess. 5:1-6
We see in 2 Thess. 2:11… God puts the wicked under a compelling delusion, which makes them believe what is false. Then in Isaiah 29:9-14, talking to us, that is: the Christian peoples, the Laodicean Church of today, we are…. pitiful wretches, we attend ‘church’ but our hearts are far from the Lord. Our worship is by rote and made up of rules taught from men. Therefore once more the Lord will astound His people, shock and amaze us. Most of us won’t know His plans, because the wisdom of the wise will be removed and the discernment of the intelligent will be lost. Matt. 11:25
The Day is coming; When the wicked and godless will vanish and all who love evil will be cut down. Isaiah 29:20-21, Isaiah 66:15-17, Psalm 83, Rev. 6:12-17
Then: In that Day; the deaf will hear the words of scripture and the blinded will see through the impenetrable darkness. Isaiah 29:18 & 24 The lowly will once again rejoice in the Lord, as the Holy Land is regenerated into a fruitful garden Land. Ezekiel 36:8, Amos 9:13-15, Isaiah 35
That Day of fire and tempest, Malachi 4:1-3, is not a Day for all who believe in the Lord to panic or be frightened, for Righteousness will rise among them, as the Lord heals the wounds [of spiritual and physical exile, Ezekiel 37] inflicted upon His people. Isaiah 30:25-28, Zephaniah 3:8-10, Revelation 7:9-17
This is what we look forward to, our great hope for the future:
Ezekiel 34:11-16 Now, [that is: after the Day of the Lord’s wrath against the nations] I, Myself will search for and gather My people, I will rescue them for wherever they are scattered after that Day of cloud and darkness. I shall lead them out of the nations, Micah 2:12-13, and bring them home to their own country. I shall make a Covenant with them to ensure peace and prosperity and they will have good leaders. Ezekiel 34:23-31, Jeremiah 30:21, Hosea 1:11
After they are settled, Jeremiah 30 & 31, the Lord will summon Gog to come down from the north and invade the Land recently restored from ruin, whose people are gathered from many nations and are now settled and prosperous. Ezekiel 38:8 This is in order for the Lord, through His people, to show Himself great and holy to the nations. Ezekiel 38:16
Later, the Leader of the One World Government, a ten region confederation, Daniel 7:24, Rev 17:12-13, will come to the new nation of Beulah, Isaiah 62:1-5, and make a seven year treaty of peace with them. Daniel 9:27, He will break it at the mid-point and invade Beulah. Zechariah 14:1-2 But this will trigger the Great Tribulation trumpet and bowl punishments. 1260 days later, the Lord Jesus will Return, destroy those attackers of Jerusalem, bind up Satan and commence His Millennial reign.
January 22, 2015 at 9:51 pm#788405keras
Participant2 Esdras 3:17-22 Lord, You rescued Jacob’s descendants from Egypt and led them to Mt Sinai. There You made the heavens bow down and by Your glory, gave the Commandments to the Israelites. But You did not take away their evil hearts and thus enable Your Law to bear fruit in them. For as Adam sinned, so all his offspring are inveterate sinners and the good of the Law came to nothing.
2 Esdras 4:23-37 Why has Israel been scattered among the nations? Why are Your people, those whom You love, living in the godless nations? Why has the Law of our fathers and our Covenant with You, been discarded? Our lives are short, are we even worthy of Your pity? What will He do for us, we who bear His Name?
Those who are living at the end of the age will see and marvel. This present age is full of sorrow and weakness, people are unable to grasp what is promised in due time for His godly people. Until the full crop of evil has been reaped and the ground on which it was sown has been cleansed, there will be no room for the place where the good will be sown. Terrible will be the harvest, one seed of evil has produced a great crop of godlessness!
But when? How long must we wait? The reply: Do not be in a hurry for yourselves alone, the Most High is concerned for the many. The same question is asked by the righteous in the storehouse of the souls: How long must we stay here? [Revelation 6:10-11] As soon as the tally of those like yourselves is complete. The Lord has measured and numbered the ages, He will alter nothing, the appointed time must be reached.
2 Esdras 6:17-28 The time draws near when I shall come to judge the earth’s inhabitants, a time when I shall enquire into the wickedness of the wrongdoers and the time when Zion’s humiliation will be over. All will see this judgement at the same moment – a loud trumpet blast will strike terror into all who hear it. Whoever is left after all that will be saved and will see the salvation that I bring. Wickedness will be blotted out, but faithfulness will flourish and truth will be revealed.
2 Esdras 9:1-12 Watch carefully, when you see earthquakes, insurrections, unstable governments and panic among the leaders, then you will understand that the time is near for the Most High to begin to judge the world. The times determined by the Most High are marked; the beginning by portents and miracles, the end by manifestations of power. All who come safely through, thanks to their good deeds or the faith they have shown, will survive the dangers I have foretold and will witness the salvation I shall bring to My Land, the special area set apart for eternity as My own.
Then those who have neglected My ways, will be taken by surprise, their contempt for their Maker will bring them to destruction. All who disdained My Laws while freedom was still theirs, who scornfully dismissed the idea of penitence while the way was still open, all these must learn the truth through torments after death. The just will be saved, the world is theirs and for their sake it exists. Reference: REB Apocrypha. Some verses condensed.
January 29, 2015 at 12:46 pm#788495keras
ParticipantThe Holy Land, cleared and cleansed by the Lord:
Deuteronomy 4:25-40 ….if you do what is wrong in the eyes of the Lord, He will scatter you among the nations. [But if you] seek the Lord, you will find Him. ….. the Lord will not forget the covenant that He made with your forefathers.
Deuteronomy 32:31-34 The enemies of the Lord have no Rock like Israel has.
Their harvest is like that of Sodom and Gomorrah. Their fruit is like snake poison. The Lord keeps His punishment in reserve, sealed up until the Day of disaster. v22
The Day of My enemies downfall is near, their doom is fast approaching.
Vengeance is Mine, says the Lord – I will repay.
Deuteronomy 32:41-43 When I have sharpened My flashing sword and set My hand to judgement, then I shall punish My adversaries and wreak vengeance on My foes. I shall make My arrows drunk with blood, My sword will devour flesh and pour out the blood of My enemies.
Rejoice with Him, you heavens, for He will avenge His people. He will punish those who hate Him and cleanse His peoples Land.
Deuteronomy 33:29 Blessed are you, Israel, set free. The Lord shields and guards you. Your enemies are conquered, they will pay homage to you.
Psalm 68:20-23 Our God is a God who saves, to the Lord belong all who escape from death. God Himself smites His enemies, those proud sinners with their long hair.
The Lord says; I shall bring My people back from Bashan and the sea. So that you can bathe your feet in the blood of your enemies and your dogs will lick it up.
Reference, REB, NIV, KJV. Some verses condensed.
“Blessed is Israel, set free!!! Your God shields and guards you.” Wonderful promises to His righteous people, true descendants of Jacob and those grafted in Christian believers. Romans 11:17 The Land will be cleansed and they will be brought from exile and from every nation and language, Rev. 7:9, to occupy all of the Promised Land. They will seek their God and He will respond, He will guide and protect them as He did for their forefathers.
Bruce McKerras http://www.logostelos.info
January 29, 2015 at 4:05 pm#788497NickHassan
ParticipantHi Keras,
So there will be no need for backyard shelters?
January 30, 2015 at 3:35 pm#788517keras
ParticipantThis is a tricky question: do we need to take shelter during the terrible Day of the Lord’ s wrath, or do we just trust that He will save and protect us?
The answer is both. That Day will be so extreme, with fire, massive earthquakes, storms and tsunamis, that nothing will be good enough for total safety. We are told to take shelter, Isaiah 26:20-21, but must also maintain our trust in Him. Isaiah 30:15
As the CME mass approaches, people will be terrified, Ezekiel 7:15-17, Jer. 6:24-26, so some preparation is warranted.
January 31, 2015 at 9:49 am#788529NickHassan
ParticipantHi Keras,
Whosoever wishes to save his OWN LIFE will lose it.
January 31, 2015 at 3:48 pm#788534keras
ParticipantI bet you won’t stand out in the open the Day the sun is darkened by an enormous approaching mass of superheated hydrogen!
What you quote above has nothing to do with the DoL. Its a spiritual exhortation.
January 31, 2015 at 8:07 pm#788537NickHassan
ParticipantHi Keras,
Do you understand all prophecy?
Is your god too weak to protect you?
January 31, 2015 at 9:33 pm#788540NickHassan
ParticipantHi Keras,
Fear is your message.
Peace is our promise
February 1, 2015 at 1:03 pm#788577keras
ParticipantWhat I present is what the Prophetic Word says.
If that scares you and you choose to deny the truth of what God has planned, then it’s your problem, not mine.
February 1, 2015 at 1:06 pm#788580NickHassan
ParticipantHi Keras,
Why would we want to follow your way of fear?
February 2, 2015 at 8:29 am#788606keras
ParticipantYou have a comprehension difficulty?
How many times do I have to say what I present is what the Bible tells us?
Yes, the Prophetic Word does promise peace – eventually. But only to those who stand firm thru the testing times ahead.
I am a messenger. You don’t like the message, so you abuse the messenger. Not very smart!
February 2, 2015 at 8:37 am#788607NickHassan
ParticipantHi Keras,
Do you need a shelter to hide from the wrath of God?
You cannot frustrate the ways of God.
The sons of God are not to face that wrath.
February 3, 2015 at 8:18 am#788678keras
ParticipantAs thee is no sensible discussion of end time issues here, I will leave you all to your ignorance.
Matthew 7:6
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