Why the world doesn't understand?

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    It is a very sad thing to consider, that this entire World, alienated from God, as it is, doesn't understand one word in the Bible! It's true that the Clergy of Christendom will stand in their pulpits delivering sermons to their flocks; but, being as they themselves, do not understand what they are teaching, and they are not able to make their flocks understand; there is a whole mess of scripture twisting going on, that leaves them all in a state of mass confusion; for that religious confusion can be seen, not only in the places of worship of Christendom, and on these so-called Christian Boards. It encompasses this entire World, because no scriptural truth can be found anywhere on this earth; with the exception, that is, from those who constitute the ones foretold to be no part of this World. Find them, you will find the real truth of the Bible! They, though, are not that easy to find; and when they are found no one who makes up a part of this World, will give them a listening ear. To this World, they are annoying individuals, who expose all of their false teachers for being what they are, exposing as they would do as Jesus and his Apostles would do all of their false beliefs and teachings. {Ephesians 2:11-2} {Acts 4:1-4} {Matthew 13:13-15}Isaiah 60:1-3}

    These ones who were not any part of this World, would be the only ones who would understand the Bible. That is borne out for us at John 17:14 where we read: “I have given YOUR WORD TO THEM but the World has hated them, because they are NO PART OF THIS WORLD, JUST AS I AM NO PART OF THIS WORLD.” These ones that was no part of the World, and they showed that then, at that time, and they would show that now, too, as well. They would do that by separating themselves from the entire empire of Religion, known as: BABYLON THE GREAT! They would further show it, by refusing to approve of, and serve the Governmental Authorities that rule all over this entire Globe!

    The main reasons for these ones being the only ones who were in possession of the true knowledge, and why none of the World of mankind would not possess that knowledge Jesus himself showed. Why those who was a part of this World would not come to this knowledge, Jesus himself will give us the answer to that question, for he stated at John 14:15-17 where we read: “If you love me, you will observe my commandments; and I will request the Father and he will give you another helper to be with you forever, the spirit of the truth, WHICH THE WORLD CANNOT RECEIVE , because it neither beholds it nor knows it. You KNOW IT, BECAUSE IT REMAINS WITH YOU AND IS IN YOU.”

    So, here is the main reason for the Religious confusion we see now, anywhere we look in this World. The entire World is lacking that main ingredient for gaining the accurate knowledge of the truth, because they are not able to gain the Holy Spirit so necessary for taking in this life-saving knowledge.
    Now, just what is it that aids these ones who are NO PART of this World, to gain their knowledge? And what is it that these ones lack, who are a part of this World that hampers their spiritual growth? The following cited scriptures will explain both cases. None of this is anything new to all on this Board! I have mentioned it more than a few times! The first scripture is, as follows:
    “But the helper, the holy Spirit, which the father will send in my name, that one will teach you all things and bring back to your minds all the things I told you.” {John 14:26} “All the things I have heard from my father I have made known to you.” {John 15:15} Now this doesn't apply to those who was a part of this world!
    Keep in mind that Jesus did not send this Holy Spirit to those that was a part of this world; it was only to the ones who was not a part of this world, those to whom he had 'given ' his word to, and to none else! There's yet more!

    “However, when that one arrives, the spirit of the truth, he will guide you into all truth, for he will not speak of his own impulse, but what things he hears he will speak , and he will declare to you the things coming.” {John 16:13} Once again, this does not apply to those who make up a part of this World. It applies only to those who was no part of this World! One last scripture that shows how and why their knowledge would increase.

    Speaking only to those that Jesus had given his word too, John writes: “And as for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to be teaching you; but as the anointing you received from him is teaching you ABOUT ALL THINGS, and is no lie, and just as it has taught you, remain in union with him.” {1 John 2:27}
    So, these ones who was no part of this World had quite a bit done for them to aid them in coming to an accurate understanding of the Holy Writings, but there was even more done for them than that, as I will go on to show. Keeping in mind though that absolutely none of the preceding was done for those who was a part of this World, as is the case with what will follow, as I will now show.
    This is one other major thing that has not been done for those who constitute a part of this World: “To YOU [those not a part of this world} it is granted to understand the sacred secrets of the kingdom of the heavens, to those other people {those a part of this world} it is NOT GRANTED.” {Matthew 13:11-15}
    Another very essential thing: “Then he opened up their minds {those not a part of this world} fully to GRASP THE MEANING OF THE SCRIPTURES.” {Luke 24:45}
    No mystery now, is there, in why this World is Bible illiterate? That has been fully explained thus far. No mystery at all about it whatsoever!

    There will come a time when all of the weeds planted by satan will all be uprooted and cleaned out. That will be the time when all of the survivors will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. A time when all will be in complete harmony, one with the other, worshipping the Father shoulder-to-shoulder. All united in the same mind and the same line of thought, for that has always been Jehovahs purpose, and anything he has declared to happen will, most certainly happen! It's only a matter of time, now! {Matthew 13:24-30-36-43} {1 Corinthians 1:10} {Zephaniah 3:9} {John 4:19-24} {Joel 2:32}

    In closing, I would like to cite one last and final scripture at Ezekiel 33:33! This scripture, of course, would be applied first to his ancient Prophets, next to the Christ, his Apostles, and all of his first Century followers; as well as, those today who are no part of this World. It states here: “And when it comes true – Look! it MUST COME TRUE —-they will also have to know that A PROPHET HIMSELF HAD PROVED TO BE IN THE MIDST OF THEM.” Texas!


    Hi texas,
    How will you learn to understand the bible unless you take the proper approach?
    Reliance on inference is folly


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 11 2009,09:04)
    Hi texas,
    How will you learn to understand the bible unless you take the proper approach?
    Reliance on inference is folly

    I've already taken the proper approach! That is the reason that I understand the Bible so well! You have to be a complete idiot to call what I wrote inference. You really are spiritually blind, arn't you!

    Why don't you hit the bricks and stop bugging me Nick! Texas!


    Hi texas,
    You could continue to teach falsely that Jesus is also an angel called Michael but wisdom would suggest you should stop doing so and only teach what is written.

    Why have you become unteachable?

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