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- March 8, 2012 at 3:10 am#283535
ParticipantQuote (Marlin1 @ Mar. 08 2012,09:38) Wakeup, If I say something about the Pope, everybody knows who I am talking about. For there is only one at a time.
And his name is called the “vicar of the Son of God”.
The Lord Jesus Christ is our Lord.
And his name is called the “Word of God” Rev 19:13God Bless
Marlin1.His name is the THE VICAR OF THE SON OF GOD?
Any nonsense will do,as long as it fits your doctrine,that is deeply in your mind and you are in love with it.
You know very well that, its not a name: of the current pope,and the previous ones.THE VICAR OF CHRIST IS NOT A NAME,BUT A TITLE.
Your interpretation does not work,therefore you need to force a square peg into a round hole.
The love of finding the truth is not in you.
There can not be a proper debate if one does not go by the rules.It is nonsense.wakeup.
March 8, 2012 at 4:56 am#283569Pastry
ParticipantThat is exactly right, wakeup.
A name can also be a title, it is what this man claims to be, the vicar of Christ.
The pope has an inscription on his “triple” crown, in Latin, it says; Vicarivs Filli Dei, meaning, vicar of the Son of God.
Aren't crowns for kings? like the Bible says; and a crown was given him, Rev. 6:2.
Do you know what the “triple” crown stands for?
I would not call some one else a “square peg”, lacking roundness your self.
March 8, 2012 at 5:00 am#283573Marlin1
According to your logic, which is flawed this SCRIPTURE is not TRUE.
REV 19:13 † And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his NAME is called The Word of God.
This scripture PROVES your LOGIC is FLAWED, not mine.
Sorry Wakeup, I know you disagree, it won't be long now, before we know for sure.
God Bless
MarlinMarch 8, 2012 at 1:45 pm#283681Wakeup
ParticipantQuote (Pastry @ Mar. 08 2012,14:56) That is exactly right, wakeup. A name can also be a title, it is what this man claims to be, the vicar of Christ.
The pope has an inscription on his “triple” crown, in Latin, it says; Vicarivs Filli Dei, meaning, vicar of the Son of God.
Aren't crowns for kings? like the Bible says; and a crown was given him, Rev. 6:2.
Do you know what the “triple” crown stands for?
I would not call some one else a “square peg”, lacking roundness your self.
Georg.What is the name of the number one man in america?
Is his name president?And I did not call marlin a square peg,but his doctrine that does not make sense,and forcing it to make sense.
You are just triying to make me look bad,this is not the right spirit.
March 9, 2012 at 8:45 am#283857Pastry
ParticipantQuote (Wakeup @ Mar. 08 2012,23:45) Quote (Pastry @ Mar. 08 2012,14:56) That is exactly right, wakeup. A name can also be a title, it is what this man claims to be, the vicar of Christ.
The pope has an inscription on his “triple” crown, in Latin, it says; Vicarivs Filli Dei, meaning, vicar of the Son of God.
Aren't crowns for kings? like the Bible says; and a crown was given him, Rev. 6:2.
Do you know what the “triple” crown stands for?
I would not call some one else a “square peg”, lacking roundness your self.
Georg.What is the name of the number one man in america?
Is his name president?And I did not call marlin a square peg,but his doctrine that does not make sense,and forcing it to make sense.
You are just triying to make me look bad,this is not the right spirit.
I'm trying to make you look bad?I couldn't do a better job in that, as your doing, even IF I tried.
March 9, 2012 at 8:32 pm#283884Wakeup
ParticipantQuote (Marlin1 @ Mar. 08 2012,15:00) Wakeup, According to your logic, which is flawed this SCRIPTURE is not TRUE.
REV 19:13 † And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his NAME is called The Word of God.
This scripture PROVES your LOGIC is FLAWED, not mine.
Sorry Wakeup, I know you disagree, it won't be long now, before we know for sure.
God Bless
Marlin1.His NAME has always been the word of God.Thats what he is.
Jesus has always been the word of God. God: his Word: the Holy spirit.
In the beginning was the word.
This is what all can not understand,Just as Jesus said.
In Luke 10:22.wakeup.
March 9, 2012 at 9:40 pm#283896Pastry
Participanthelllllooooo, hellooo, helllloooo, wakeup
So you're saying the Holy Spirit became flesh?
I know, its been a bumpy right for you.
March 9, 2012 at 10:20 pm#283899Wakeup
ParticipantQuote (Pastry @ Mar. 10 2012,07:40) helllllooooo, hellooo, helllloooo, wakeup
So you're saying the Holy Spirit became flesh?
I know, its been a bumpy right for you.
Georg.You are getting more silly everyday;
and I never said the Holy spirit became flesh,this is in your negative mind.You still can not comment on my answer to Ed,can you.
March 9, 2012 at 10:20 pm#283900terraricca
ParticipantQuote (Pastry @ Mar. 10 2012,14:40) helllllooooo, hellooo, helllloooo, wakeup
So you're saying the Holy Spirit became flesh?
I know, its been a bumpy right for you.
georgthis is cute
March 10, 2012 at 2:32 am#283919Pastry
ParticipantQuote (Wakeup @ Mar. 10 2012,08:20) Quote (Pastry @ Mar. 10 2012,07:40) helllllooooo, hellooo, helllloooo, wakeup
So you're saying the Holy Spirit became flesh?
I know, its been a bumpy right for you.
Georg.You are getting more silly everyday;
and I never said the Holy spirit became flesh,this is in your negative mind.You still can not comment on my answer to Ed,can you.
I checked every page, can't find what your talking about.These are your words.
Marlin1.His NAME has always been the word of God.Thats what he is.
Jesus has always been the word of God. God: his Word: the Holy spirit.
————————————————————–If I was mistaken, explain.
March 10, 2012 at 3:02 am#283925Marlin1
We will just use your logic here.
Quote His NAME has always been the word of God.Thats what he is.
Jesus has always been the word of God. God: his Word: the Holy spiritAnd his NAME has always been the vircarius filii dei
It is who he claims to be, the “vicar (instead) of the Son of God”Wakeup, I am not trying to make you look bad, I truly am trying to show you error.
If you truly believe what you teach comes from God and you don't have to throw out scripture to prove it. Then stick with what you believe and God will sort it out in the end.
God has a provided way and it is the only way to life. And it is not any church denominational doctrine, for they all teach from the Tree of Knowledge.
God Bless
MarlinMarch 10, 2012 at 2:35 pm#283985Wakeup
After all those years of study and you still dont know who the word of God is? He is the one that created everything.
without him(the word) was not anything made that was made.Jesus created all.
compere pslm.33:6 BY THE WORD OF THE LORD WERE THE HEAVENS MADE; and all the host of them by the –BREATH OF HIS MOUTH–.HIS BREATH= HIS WORD.
March 10, 2012 at 2:55 pm#283986Wakeup
ParticipantQuote (Marlin1 @ Mar. 10 2012,13:02) Wakeup, We will just use your logic here.
Quote His NAME has always been the word of God.Thats what he is.
Jesus has always been the word of God. God: his Word: the Holy spiritAnd his NAME has always been the vircarius filii dei
It is who he claims to be, the “vicar (instead) of the Son of God”Wakeup, I am not trying to make you look bad, I truly am trying to show you error.
If you truly believe what you teach comes from God and you don't have to throw out scripture to prove it. Then stick with what you believe and God will sort it out in the end.
God has a provided way and it is the only way to life. And it is not any church denominational doctrine, for they all teach from the Tree of Knowledge.
God Bless
Hi Marlin1.And why should you try to make me look bad?
VERSE 9. With all power and signs and lying wonders.
( which of the POPES has ever done this???)Please mention some.REv 13:16. And he caused –ALL–small, great, rich,poor, free, bond, to receive a mark.INCLUDING THE ATHEISTS AND AGNOSTICS,AND MEN WITH NO RELIGION.
How would you apply this to them?REv. 13:17. AND THAT NO MAN might buy or sell,with out the number.
How can the atheist,and the agnostics,and men with no religions receive the mark; since you say that the mark is not physical. But a certain doctrine.Can you also explain the two horns of rev 13.
You need a lot of explaining to do if you want to sell your doctrine.
March 10, 2012 at 10:10 pm#284071Marlin1
VERSE 9. With all power and signs and lying wonders.
( which of the POPES has ever done this???)Please mention some.REv 13:16. And he caused –ALL–small, great, rich,poor, free, bond, to receive a mark.INCLUDING THE ATHEISTS AND AGNOSTICS,AND MEN WITH NO RELIGION.
How would you apply this to them?REv. 13:17. AND THAT NO MAN might buy or sell,with out the number.
How can the atheist,and the agnostics,and men with no religions receive the mark; since you say that the mark is not physical. But a certain doctrine.Can you also explain the two horns of rev 13.
You make me laugh, I don't have anything to explain for my doctrine. For it is not my doctrine, it is the Lords. So if He wants anyone to have it, He will give understanding to that person. I don't believe you can receive it at this time, because it comes against your churches doctrine.
As for the answer to your 1st three questions, Future, Future, and Future. But you knew that didn't you.
As for Rev 13, you can not receive that yet. For you have to be able to receive milk before meat.
God Bless
MarlinMarch 10, 2012 at 10:35 pm#284076terraricca
anyone in a church is on milk because he feeding on food that has been shewed and digested by others before it is given out to the church attendance
March 10, 2012 at 11:26 pm#284088Wakeup
ParticipantQuote (Marlin1 @ Mar. 11 2012,09:10) Quote YOU RELY BELIEVE THAT THE POPE IS THAT MAN OF PERDITION IN 2THESS CH. 2.
VERSE 9. With all power and signs and lying wonders.
( which of the POPES has ever done this???)Please mention some.REv 13:16. And he caused –ALL–small, great, rich,poor, free, bond, to receive a mark.INCLUDING THE ATHEISTS AND AGNOSTICS,AND MEN WITH NO RELIGION.
How would you apply this to them?REv. 13:17. AND THAT NO MAN might buy or sell,with out the number.
How can the atheist,and the agnostics,and men with no religions receive the mark; since you say that the mark is not physical. But a certain doctrine.Can you also explain the two horns of rev 13.
You make me laugh, I don't have anything to explain for my doctrine. For it is not my doctrine, it is the Lords. So if He wants anyone to have it, He will give understanding to that person. I don't believe you can receive it at this time, because it comes against your churches doctrine.
As for the answer to your 1st three questions, Future, Future, and Future. But you knew that didn't you.
As for Rev 13, you can not receive that yet. For you have to be able to receive milk before meat.
God Bless
Marlin1.I dont belong to any church on the market today,for they have all been infiltrated by the evil one,but dont know it; they still believe they are on the right path.
As far as I am concerne, your answers are unsatisfactory; To me that is just answers in limbo land.THe POPE is going to control the whole earth with a doctrine?? But there are many that dont follow any religion, some of them are the learned scientists, how can you say that they will received this catholic doctrine? (the mark): What about the evolutionists?
You need to explain this.
The book of revelation is opened by the lamb;meaning its not sealed anymore,and anyone can find out the mysteries and can understand the symbols;if one truly search.
Dont just say ''you just can not understand''; In a way yes I can not follow your hazy,cloudy, answers. You can not show scriptures saying the mark is a doctrine,can you?
March 11, 2012 at 2:14 am#284119Marlin1
ParticipantQuote But there are many that dont follow any religion, some of them are the learned scientists, how can you say that they will received this catholic doctrine? (the mark): What about the evolutionists? You need to explain this.
The book of revelation is opened by the lamb;meaning its not sealed anymore,and anyone can find out the mysteries and can understand the symbols;if one truly search.
Dont just say ''you just can not understand''; In a way yes I can not follow your hazy,cloudy, answers. You can not show scriptures saying the mark is a doctrine,can you?
Wakeup, Thanks for your input.
There was a time in the history of RCC that you could not work unless you belong to a workers guild and to belong to a guild, you had to belong to the church.
Truth is for true believers, NOT UNBELIEVERS and NOT MAKE BELIEVERS.
So that takes care of your 1st two questions doesn't it.You said,
Quote The book of revelation is opened by the lamb;meaning its not sealed anymore,and anyone can find out the mysteries and can understand the symbols;if one truly search. If you truly believe that then you are deceived. If I talked to 10 Christians about the book, 10 of them would probably have revelations different. So is your God a God of confusion.
I have heard this over and over, that all we need now is the bible, for we have the Holy Ghost. I tell you the truth when I tell you that that is not true.
God has always had some true believers and He has always had a message for true believers in the age that they lived.
During the reformation, when Luther, Wesley and others started coming out of the pagan church. Did they come out with all the truth, NO.
But just the same they were God's believers for the age they lived.
were they the head, no. But as Paul said, can the head say to the toe, because you are not the head, you have no part. 1Cor 12.God has been restoring His Church and today we are at the end of the 7th church age. The eagle age, the head age.
Just to name a few.
Amos says how He will do it.
Malichi says how He will do it.
Matthew says how He will do it.
Revelation says how He will do it.He has always had a true messenger to the true believers.
God said that people are without excuse, for nature proves Him.
It is up to each one of us to decide who to follow.God Bless
MarlinMarch 11, 2012 at 3:07 am#284154Pastry
ParticipantQuote (Wakeup @ Mar. 11 2012,00:35) Pastry. After all those years of study and you still dont know who the word of God is? He is the one that created everything.
without him(the word) was not anything made that was made.Jesus created all.
compere pslm.33:6 BY THE WORD OF THE LORD WERE THE HEAVENS MADE; and all the host of them by the –BREATH OF HIS MOUTH–.HIS BREATH= HIS WORD.
I'm trying to relax, so I can figure out what your talking about.
March 11, 2012 at 3:43 am#284161terraricca
ParticipantQuote (Pastry @ Mar. 11 2012,21:07) Quote (Wakeup @ Mar. 11 2012,00:35) Pastry. After all those years of study and you still dont know who the word of God is? He is the one that created everything.
without him(the word) was not anything made that was made.Jesus created all.
compere pslm.33:6 BY THE WORD OF THE LORD WERE THE HEAVENS MADE; and all the host of them by the –BREATH OF HIS MOUTH–.HIS BREATH= HIS WORD.
I'm trying to relax, so I can figure out what your talking about.
georgyou are funny
March 11, 2012 at 3:52 am#284164Pastry
VERSE 9. With all power and signs and lying wonders.
( which of the POPES has ever done this???)Please mention some.REv 13:16. And he caused –ALL–small, great, rich,poor, free, bond, to receive a mark.INCLUDING THE ATHEISTS AND AGNOSTICS,AND MEN WITH NO RELIGION.
How would you apply this to them?REv. 13:17. AND THAT NO MAN might buy or sell,with out the number.
How can the atheist,and the agnostics,and men with no religions receive the mark; since you say that the mark is not physical. But a certain doctrine.Can you also explain the two horns of rev 13.
All this should look familiar to you Wakeup.
If you were to put all the scriptures together, starting with the little horn in Dan. 7:8, 20, 21, 25;
Rev. 6:2; Rev. 13:11, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18.And if you were to check back into the history of the RCC, you would realize that all these description fit the pope.
You try to identify the symbols and descriptions of what he did, like, fire come down from heaven; mark in the right hand and forehead, etc. you can't go by the definition of your dictionary.
How do you know what the “mark of the beast” is, if you don't know who the “beast” was?You are right in questioning, how can one man convince the “whole world” to do as he commands?
It can't be done.
If you know anything about the Catholic church, you would know that during the dark, and middle ages, the church forbid any one to read the Bible, or any part of it; if you were caught doing so, you were executed. You couldn't buy or sell any religious material; unless you had the mark of the beast; again, what is the mark of the beast?Who or what is the two horn beast in Rev. 13:11?
Rev 13:11 ¶ And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
Why does it say, another beast? because the first beast was Rome.
What does, coming out of the earth, mean? Earth is symbolic for all the people, just as sea is for all the nation. He came out from the people, he was one of them that decided to become a religious leader.
In Rev. 6:2 you read, a “crown” was given him; that means, he was made a king, a ruler.
He was no king, nor did he have a kingdom; he made himself a king, a ruler; I'm speaking of the pope.He had two horns, he was a double ruler like the Roman emperors, he ruled over state and religion.
He took on the appearance of a lamb; Jesus Christ is the Lamb, but what he spoke, his doctrines, were of the devil.Georg
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