Why the Roman Church not –The–Harlot.

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  • #285488

    Quote (Wakeup @ Mar. 17 2012,09:30)

    Quote (Pastry @ Mar. 17 2012,08:00)

    Quote (Wakeup @ Mar. 16 2012,23:19)

    Quote (Pastry @ Mar. 16 2012,12:29)
    Wakeup and Marlin1

    Yes, the three prophesies I mentioned, were for Israel only.

    Jer.25:29. For lo,I BEGIN to bring evil on the city which is called by my name(JERUSALEM),and should ye be utterly unpunished? ye shall not be unpunished: For I will call for a sword upon–ALL THE INHABITANTS OF THE EARH,saith the Lord of Host.

    I just copied this from your post.

    You are absolutely correct, God “WILL” punish the whole world, but there is one more tribulation for the Israelis to come.

    Zec 14:2   For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.  

    This will be Israel's last tribulation, and this is what Jesus referred to when he said.

    Mat 24:29 ¶ Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:  

    “”OF THOSE DAYS””, these are the days you just read in Zec. 14:2; the Bible does not say how long these days will last, but then God will punish the rest of the world.

    Zec 14:3 ¶ Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.  

    Zec 12:9   And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.  

    God will DESTROY ALL NATION that fought against Jerusalem.

    I think this is quite sobering, what nation is not against Jerusalem (Israel)?

    This will not be WW3, it will be God's war.



    God is going to punish israel,then the world.
    God is going to gather the armies against israel,then God is going to destroy them that war against israel.
    they are the same; they are not two different wars.


    First time you understood any thing I said.




    I will rest easy tonight.



    Quote (terraricca @ Mar. 16 2012,05:45)

    Quote (terraricca @ Feb. 02 2012,11:32)

    Quote (Devolution @ Feb. 02 2012,09:08)
    Hi Pierre,

    If i misunderstood you, then i apologize bro.

    Were you speaking to Wakeup, or the ones answering him?

    Lol, darn, now i'm confused.


    ok, here it is again ;

    Rev 18:20 Rejoice over her, O heaven!
    Rejoice, saints and apostles and prophets!
    God has judged her for the way she treated you.’ ”

    Rev 18:24 In her was found the blood of prophets and of the saints,
    and of all who have been killed on the earth.”

    because of those verses i can not see truth in any one explanation ,because those verses are ignored .


    read those two scriptures carefully,it says 1)Rejoice, saints and apostles and prophets!
    God has judged her for the way she treated you,

    so Babylon as the be represented sins the beginning from the first prophet right ?

    2) In her was found the blood of prophets and of the saints,
    and of all who have been killed on the earth.”


    for now i wait for your answers ,but there is more



    you never answered my question so here it is again;



    Since you did not humble yourself and admit your error concerning the 10 horns on the 7 headed beast, how i showed you the scripture plainly stating that only one head out of the 7 had the 10 horns, not all 7 heads with the horns distributed amongst them as you self interpreted, i expect you to make your case first.

    And since you did not admit your error, nor acknowledge it…i rightfully have the upper hand of justification from God, meaning i do not need answer your questions since you have already disregarded and ignored the plain scripture i gave you as you demonstrated by your silence on that matter and your now ongoing testing of me hoping to justify yourself in the process…

    Know this, i need not justify myself to you, nevertheless i will answer you on this, but my answering you is a politeness i choose to undertake for now without being obligated under Gods commands concerning those who ignore His truths when shown to them as you certainly did, His guidelines on these matters thus freeing me of obligation towards answering you at all on any matter.

    I do know where you are going with this question Pierre from the question itself, and already have the answer, nevertheless, declare your understanding for all to see, make your position clear so when i give you the answer, you do not then say that you knew it all along.

    I will answer at my leisure, subject to my waning patience for all these unfruitful tail chasing debates i am reading.


    Quote (Devolution @ Mar. 17 2012,22:35)

    Quote (terraricca @ Mar. 16 2012,05:45)

    Quote (terraricca @ Feb. 02 2012,11:32)

    Quote (Devolution @ Feb. 02 2012,09:08)
    Hi Pierre,

    If i misunderstood you, then i apologize bro.

    Were you speaking to Wakeup, or the ones answering him?

    Lol, darn, now i'm confused.


    ok, here it is again ;

    Rev 18:20 Rejoice over her, O heaven!
    Rejoice, saints and apostles and prophets!
    God has judged her for the way she treated you.’ ”

    Rev 18:24 In her was found the blood of prophets and of the saints,
    and of all who have been killed on the earth.”

    because of those verses i can not see truth in any one explanation ,because those verses are ignored .


    read those two scriptures carefully,it says 1)Rejoice, saints and apostles and prophets!
    God has judged her for the way she treated you,

    so Babylon as the be represented sins the beginning from the first prophet right ?

    2) In her was found the blood of prophets and of the saints,
    and of all who have been killed on the earth.”


    for now i wait for your answers ,but there is more



    you never answered my question so here it is again;



       Since you did not humble yourself and admit your error concerning the 10 horns on the 7 headed beast, how i showed you the scripture plainly stating that only one head out of the 7 had the 10 horns, not all 7 heads with the horns distributed amongst them as you self interpreted, i expect you to make your case first.

       And since you did not admit your error, nor acknowledge it…i rightfully have the upper hand of justification from God, meaning i do not need answer your questions since you have already disregarded and ignored the plain scripture i gave you as you demonstrated by your silence on that matter and your now ongoing testing of me hoping to justify yourself in the process…

       Know this, i need not justify myself to you, nevertheless i will answer you on this, but my answering you is a politeness i choose to undertake for now without being obligated under Gods commands concerning those who ignore His truths when shown to them as you certainly did, His guidelines on these matters thus freeing me of obligation towards answering you at all on any matter.

        I do know where you are going with this question Pierre from the question itself, and already have the answer, nevertheless, declare your understanding for all to see, make your position clear so when i give you the answer, you do not then say that you knew it all along.

       I will answer at my leisure, subject to my waning patience for all these unfruitful tail chasing debates i am reading.


    I am so sorry but I have now check it wand cannot find thatt scripture ,please can you show me by quoting the scripture so I can see it ????

    And please forgive me I had no idea that it was this that was holding you back from our conversation,




    Since you did not humble yourself and admit your error concerning the 10 horns on the 7 headed beast, how i showed you the scripture plainly stating that only one head out of the 7 had the 10 horns, not all 7 heads with the horns distributed amongst them as you self interpreted, i expect you to make your case first.

    And since you did not admit your error, nor acknowledge it…i rightfully have the upper hand of justification from God, meaning i do not need answer your questions since you have already disregarded and ignored the plain scripture i gave you as you demonstrated by your silence on that matter and your now ongoing testing of me hoping to justify yourself in the process…

    Know this, i need not justify myself to you, nevertheless i will answer you on this, but my answering you is a politeness i choose to undertake for now without being obligated under Gods commands concerning those who ignore His truths when shown to them as you certainly did, His guidelines on these matters thus freeing me of obligation towards answering you at all on any matter.

    I do know where you are going with this question Pierre from the question itself, and already have the answer, nevertheless, declare your understanding for all to see, make your position clear so when i give you the answer, you do not then say that you knew it all along.

    I will answer at my leisure, subject to my waning patience for all these unfruitful tail chasing debates i am reading.

    first to all you have written to me ;DITO

    now for your answer for your supposed question you ask me what is untrue I check all the quotes in here; anyway here it is to confront your lies;

    Revalation 13;1 INV
    And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name.

    Rev 13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy KJV.

    Revelation 13;1 And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads; and on its horns were ten diadems, and on its heads were blasphemous names NRSV

    REV 13:1 And the dragon stood on the sand of the seashore.
    Then I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns were ten diadems, and on his heads were blasphemous names NAS

    I have checked also many others but same thing;

    so you are just a arrogant , egotistical,and ignorant to the truth of God and a deceiver preaching deceit .

    take your time I am not in a hurry to ear from people like you.


    Quote (terraricca @ Mar. 17 2012,18:11)

    So Pierre,

    HERE is what YOU declared….of which YOU say i have LIED about & made up…HOW can one forget what one teaches as though he never taught it ????????????????????


    Group: Regular Members
    Posts: 12297
    Joined: Oct. 2009
    Posted: Feb. 29 2012,18:03 QUOTE
    The statue: The four beasts: The meaning:

    The head of Gold; Babylonians.

    Breast and arms of silver; LION

    Belly and thighs of brass; BEAR Greeks

    Legs of iron; Leopard Rome

    feet and toes; dreadful and terrible; Romans./next generation out come ;Rome does not be taking over by
    world power ,but one power comes out of it but not a single one a
    coalition ,
    The beast in dan.7:4., Who is this beast?

    the Rev 13;1/2 beast with seven heads;

    Head 1/Egypt -one head one horn one crown

    Head /2 Assyrian -one head -one horn -one crown

    Head 3/Babylon -one head one horn-one crown

    head 4/Medo-Persians one head -two horns -two crowns

    head/5/ Greeks -one head -one horn -one crown

    Head 6/ Roman-one head -one horn -one crown

    Head 7/dreadful and terrible coalition power/extension including all previous powers (or left overs) ONE HEAD -THREE HORNS -THREE CROWNS

    there is also an eighth power out of the seven;this take longer to explain;;


    notice that all world powers coming out of the sea in Daniel and in Revelation,

    So there you have it.
    I spoke TRUTH.
    I did NOT lie or fabricate.

    Do you even forget the doctrines that you teach now do you?
    Or does your doctrine merely change with the wind? Alter to suit the times or whoever YOU perceive to be “winning” a debate? As though it were about winning and not about the truth?

    Do you know what this means:

    Luke 8:18
    Take heed how ye hear, for whosoever hath, to him shall be given; and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have.

    Take heed Pierre…it seems that this is happening to you too…just like it DID with Goerg…

    Ed J

    Quote (Devolution @ Mar. 18 2012,16:40)
    the Rev 13;1/2 beast with seven heads;

    Head 1/Egypt  -one head one horn one crown

    Head /2 Assyrian -one head -one horn -one crown

    Head 3/Babylon -one head one horn-one crown

    head 4/Medo-Persians one head -two horns -two crowns

    head/5/ Greeks -one head -one horn -one crown

    Head 6/ Roman-one head -one horn -one crown

    Head 7/dreadful and terrible  

    Hi D,

    I agree with this part of your post, but I suggest that you consider the seventh was the ottoman empire.
    The eighth being 'Muhammadin islam'(Rev.13:11 / Rev.17:11); know that ALL SEVEN ARE NOW ISLAMIC.

    Rev 17:12-13 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have
    received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
    These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the [leopard beast].

    Your brother
    in Christ, Jesus.
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)



    Since you supposedly never saw my reply to the above post, here AGAIN is the scripture which UNDOES your self interpretation of every head having it's own horn & crown:

    Daniel 7:19-20
    19> Then i would know the truth of the fourth beast…etc
    20> And of the TEN HORNS that were in IT'S HEAD….etc

    Notice that?….IN…IN…IN It's head…the fourth beast's headfourth beast = ONE head….10 horns in IT'S head!!!!!! NOT all seven heads!!!!!
    This is Gods written word…NOT MINE…

    So quoting all these corrupted versions of scripture at me means nothing.
    Have you learnt nothing about the ongoing watering down and altering of the bible and by WHOM & WHY it is happening & has been happening SINCE the 1611 KJV??????????

    DON”T you know which bible is CONFIRMED the most ACCURATE on the planet by the discovery of the dead sea scrolls??????
    1611 KJV….the ONLY ONE worth reading…100% UN-TAMPERED!!!
    Even KJV's directly following that one are TAMPERED WITH….

    ALL the mainstream “Christian” world plays this stupid little game of comparing all these versions…the large flock loves doing this folly…
    Can't you see that comparing corrupt versions with corrupt versions still bears the same result…and that is….confused corruption…

    Wake up Pierre…the doors are soon to slam shut….time is NOT on your side.

    Go back to your first love Pierre…the truth!!
    And THEN you might see what has become of your perceptions.


    Quote (Ed J @ Mar. 18 2012,16:59)

    Hi EdJ,

    Sorry bro, you misunderstand…i do not agree with that understanding i quoted…i was quoting something Pierre said he never posted of which i was debating against..

    If you agree with him, i'd ask you to reconsider by reading Daniel ch 7.


    Ed J

    Hi D,

    Pleas watch this video…

    Your brother
    in Christ, Jesus.
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Devolution @ Mar. 18 2012,23:40)

    terraricca,Mar. wrote:

    So Pierre,

    HERE is what YOU declared….of which YOU say i have LIED about & made up…HOW can one forget what one teaches as though he never taught it ????????????????????


    Group: Regular Members
    Posts: 12297
    Joined: Oct. 2009
    Posted: Feb. 29 2012,18:03 QUOTE
    The statue:                                     The four beasts:                                  The meaning:

    The head of Gold;                                                                                     Babylonians.      

    Breast and arms of silver;                  LION

    Belly and thighs of brass;                   BEAR                                                            Greeks

    Legs of iron;                                     Leopard                                                           Rome

    feet and toes;                                  dreadful and terrible;                             Romans./next generation out come ;Rome does not be taking over by
                                                                                                               world power ,but one power comes out of it but not a single one a
                                                                                                                coalition ,
    The beast in dan.7:4., Who is this beast?

    the Rev 13;1/2 beast with seven heads;

    Head 1/Egypt  -one head one horn one crown

    Head /2 Assyrian -one head -one horn -one crown

    Head 3/Babylon -one head one horn-one crown

    head 4/Medo-Persians one head -two horns -two crowns

    head/5/ Greeks -one head -one horn -one crown

    Head 6/ Roman-one head -one horn -one crown

    Head 7/dreadful and terrible  coalition power/extension including all previous powers (or left overs) ONE HEAD -THREE HORNS -THREE CROWNS

    there is also an eighth power out of the seven;this take longer to explain;;


    notice that all world powers coming out of the sea in Daniel and in Revelation,

    So there you have it.
    I spoke TRUTH.
    I did NOT lie or fabricate.

    Do you even forget the doctrines that you teach now do you?
    Or does your doctrine merely change with the wind? Alter to suit the times or whoever YOU perceive to be “winning” a debate? As though it were about winning and not about the truth?

    Do you know what this means:

    Luke 8:18
       Take heed how ye hear, for whosoever hath, to him shall be given; and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have.

    Take heed Pierre…it seems that this is happening to you too…just like it DID with Goerg…

    Show me were in scriptures it says that the ten horns and the ten crowns are on one head

    If you cannot then you will call me truthful and right

    I know what I have said and written

    If you show me that scriptures I will do what is required from me .


    Quote (Devolution @ Mar. 19 2012,00:02)

    Since you supposedly never saw my reply to the above post, here AGAIN is the scripture which UNDOES your self interpretation of every head having it's own horn & crown:

    Daniel 7:19-20
       19> Then i would know the truth of the fourth beast…etc
       20> And of the TEN HORNS that were in IT'S HEAD….etc

    Notice that?….IN…IN…IN It's head…the fourth beast's headfourth beast = ONE head….10 horns in IT'S head!!!!!! NOT all seven heads!!!!!
    This is Gods written word…NOT MINE…

       So quoting all these corrupted versions of scripture at me means nothing.
    Have you learnt nothing about the ongoing watering down and altering of the bible and by WHOM & WHY it is happening & has been happening SINCE the 1611 KJV??????????

    DON”T you know which bible is CONFIRMED the most ACCURATE on the planet by the discovery of the dead sea scrolls??????
    1611 KJV….the ONLY ONE worth reading…100% UN-TAMPERED!!!
    Even KJV's directly following that one are TAMPERED WITH….

    ALL the mainstream “Christian” world plays this stupid little game of comparing all these versions…the large flock loves doing this folly…
    Can't you see that comparing corrupt versions with corrupt versions still bears the same result…and that is….confused corruption…

    Wake up Pierre…the doors are soon to slam shut….time is NOT on your side.

    Go back to your first love Pierre…the truth!!
    And THEN you might see what has become of your perceptions.


    God is my witnes ,you are the blind or deceitful person I have seen so far,read what I have written my beast is not find in Daniel ,because it has seven heads and only Revelation has seven heads beasts ,and I have shown that the scripture was Revelation 13:1/2

    So stop calling me untrue is a insulte at the higher level ,standing before God and Christ

    So prove your words what you have written are witnesses to both of us,


    Quote (terraricca @ Mar. 18 2012,19:03)

    Quote (Devolution @ Mar. 19 2012,00:02)

    Since you supposedly never saw my reply to the above post, here AGAIN is the scripture which UNDOES your self interpretation of every head having it's own horn & crown:

    Daniel 7:19-20
       19> Then i would know the truth of the fourth beast…etc
       20> And of the TEN HORNS that were in IT'S HEAD….etc

    Notice that?….IN…IN…IN It's head…the fourth beast's headfourth beast = ONE head….10 horns in IT'S head!!!!!! NOT all seven heads!!!!!
    This is Gods written word…NOT MINE…

       So quoting all these corrupted versions of scripture at me means nothing.
    Have you learnt nothing about the ongoing watering down and altering of the bible and by WHOM & WHY it is happening & has been happening SINCE the 1611 KJV??????????

    DON”T you know which bible is CONFIRMED the most ACCURATE on the planet by the discovery of the dead sea scrolls??????
    1611 KJV….the ONLY ONE worth reading…100% UN-TAMPERED!!!
    Even KJV's directly following that one are TAMPERED WITH….

    ALL the mainstream “Christian” world plays this stupid little game of comparing all these versions…the large flock loves doing this folly…
    Can't you see that comparing corrupt versions with corrupt versions still bears the same result…and that is….confused corruption…

    Wake up Pierre…the doors are soon to slam shut….time is NOT on your side.

    Go back to your first love Pierre…the truth!!
    And THEN you might see what has become of your perceptions.


    God  is my witnes ,you are the blind or deceitful person I have seen so far,read what I have written my beast is not find in Daniel ,because it has seven heads  and only Revelation has seven heads beasts ,and I have shown that the scripture was Revelation 13:1/2

    So stop calling me untrue is a insulte at the higher level ,standing before God and Christ

    So prove your words what you have written are witnesses to both of us,


    So it is INSULTING is it??? What i have said to you is TAME compared to your free flowing insults & accusations.

    Nevertheless….now you know how it feels.

    Not nice to be spoken to that way now is it!!!
    Maybe you should remember this feeling and know that this is how you guys make us feel so often…

    Compare YOURS & Georg's comments to us & our replies…
    You WILL see just who has been made to feel this way most often and who has been taking it without insulting back….US.

    But what good will this do? Will you even listen?

    I don't enjoy speaking like you two have been speaking, so i am going to stop, because it is not me to be so condescending…just showing you that even humble people, can, if they choose, speak exactly how you & Georg have been speaking & mocking…but we CHOOSE not too…for the Lord…and not only that, it is not in us to demean & accuse people so freely.

    So maybe you should STOP that behavior too.
    Just because Georg does it, doesn't mean you should too.

    NOW i will answer your reply concerning scripture…..

    Ed J

    Quote (Ed J @ Mar. 18 2012,17:14)
    Hi D,

    Pleas watch this video…

    Your brother
    in Christ, Jesus.
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Hi Devolution, did you watch the video?


    Quote (terraricca @ Mar. 18 2012,19:03)

    Quote (Devolution @ Mar. 19 2012,00:02)

    Since you supposedly never saw my reply to the above post, here AGAIN is the scripture which UNDOES your self interpretation of every head having it's own horn & crown:

    Daniel 7:19-20
       19> Then i would know the truth of the fourth beast…etc
       20> And of the TEN HORNS that were in IT'S HEAD….etc

    Notice that?….IN…IN…IN It's head…the fourth beast's headfourth beast = ONE head….10 horns in IT'S head!!!!!! NOT all seven heads!!!!!
    This is Gods written word…NOT MINE…

       So quoting all these corrupted versions of scripture at me means nothing.
    Have you learnt nothing about the ongoing watering down and altering of the bible and by WHOM & WHY it is happening & has been happening SINCE the 1611 KJV??????????

    DON”T you know which bible is CONFIRMED the most ACCURATE on the planet by the discovery of the dead sea scrolls??????
    1611 KJV….the ONLY ONE worth reading…100% UN-TAMPERED!!!
    Even KJV's directly following that one are TAMPERED WITH….

    ALL the mainstream “Christian” world plays this stupid little game of comparing all these versions…the large flock loves doing this folly…
    Can't you see that comparing corrupt versions with corrupt versions still bears the same result…and that is….confused corruption…

    Wake up Pierre…the doors are soon to slam shut….time is NOT on your side.

    Go back to your first love Pierre…the truth!!
    And THEN you might see what has become of your perceptions.


    God  is my witnes ,you are the blind or deceitful person I have seen so far,read what I have written my beast is not find in Daniel ,because it has seven heads  and only Revelation has seven heads beasts ,and I have shown that the scripture was Revelation 13:1/2

    So stop calling me untrue is a insulte at the higher level ,standing before God and Christ

    So prove your words what you have written are witnesses to both of us,


    The beast of revelation that you mentioned IS in Daniel.

    I will not hijack wakeups post any more than i have unintentionally already done..instead, i will post where we can debate within the correct subject matter.

    Then you can bring up whatever you want…
    point by point, subject by subject.


    Quote (Ed J @ Mar. 18 2012,23:13)

    Quote (Ed J @ Mar. 18 2012,17:14)
    Hi D,

    Pleas watch this video…

    Your brother
    in Christ, Jesus.
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Hi Devolution, did you watch the video?

    Hi Ed J,

    Sorry, i did not realize you had asked me to watch this video.

    I will watch it for you, but i have to put some more credit into my account first…i am running low atm….tomorrow i will do so.


    Ed J

    Hi Devolution,

    “Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching
    the gospel of the kingdom of God, And saying, The time is fulfilled, and
    the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.” (Mark 1:14-15)

           What does “The time is fulfilled” mean?

    This one is on the seventy weeks in Daniel 9:24-27.  
    I stalwartly suggest you watch this one too. These people
    call themselves “the church of Christ” and they are well informed.

    The time line, regarding this, starts at 15:25 through to 52:30.
    Please watch it all the way to the end count that I have given you. (37 minutes)

    Your brother
    in Christ, Jesus.
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ Mar. 19 2012,00:53)
    Hi Devolution,

    “Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching
    the gospel of the kingdom of God, And saying, The time is fulfilled, and
    the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.” (Mark 1:14-15)

           What does “The time is fulfilled” mean?

    This one is on the seventy weeks in Daniel 9:24-27.  
    I stalwartly suggest you watch this one too. These people
    call themselves “the church of Christ” and they are well informed.

    The time line, regarding this, starts at 15:25 through to 52:30.
    Please watch it all the way to the end count that I have given you. (37 minutes)

    Your brother
    in Christ, Jesus.
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Hi EDJ.

    One must read the scriptures carefully.
    In mark 1:14–15.Jesus just came baCk from the wilderness fasting for 40 days,now is his beginning of peaching.
    The time has been fulfilled; what was fulfilled? the prophesy is fullfilled,where it says that he shall come; the branch.

    Isiah 11:1.And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse,and a branch shall grow out of his roots:

    2. And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding,the sspirit of counsel and might,the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.


    Ed J

    Hi Wake-up,

    Did you watch the 37 minutes of the video that I asked you to?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ Mar. 19 2012,14:14)
    Hi Wake-up,

    Did you watch the 37 minutes of the video that I asked you to?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    yes I did for your sake,but as I told you,he is all over the place.


    Ed J

    Quote (Wakeup @ Mar. 19 2012,20:23)

    Quote (Ed J @ Mar. 19 2012,14:14)
    Hi Wake-up,

    Did you watch the 37 minutes of the video that I asked you to?

    God bless
    Ed J


    yes I did for your sake,but as I told you,he is all over the place.


    Hi Wakeup,

    I myself have believed that way for a long time now,
    I was pleasantly surprised to see him explain it so well.
    I'm glad you're now exposed to Jesus' Prophecy fulfillment.

    Perhaps you may begin to see that some stuff you a putting
    off into the future has already been fulfilled in the past. Please
    also watch the Walid Shoebat video, the one above the last one.
    And please also tell me what you think of it as well; OK, Wakeup?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

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