Why Sunday?

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    Is Sunday a scriptural day of worship as the RCC would have you believe?

    Was Jesus resurrected on the First day?

    The tomb was found empty on the first day.

    Mat 28:1  In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.
    Mat 28:5  And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified.
    Mat 28:6  He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.

    Mar 16:1  And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him.
    Mar 16:2  And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun.
    Mar 16:6  And he saith unto them, Be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: he is risen; he is not here: behold the place where they laid him.

    Luk 24:1  Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them.
    Luk 24:3  And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus.
    Luk 24:4  And it came to pass, as they were much perplexed thereabout, behold, two men stood by them in shining garments:
    Luk 24:5  And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead?
    Luk 24:6  He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee,

    Joh 20:1  The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre.

    The only sign that Jesus gave that HE was the Messiah was that He would be in the tomb three Days and three Nights.

    Mat 12:39  But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:
    Mat 12:40  For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

    No one can get three Days and three Nights from Friday afternoon to Sunday morning.

    Friday night = one night
    Saturday =one day
    Saturday night = one night
    Sunday morning= ?
    This is two nights and one day.

    Because the next day was an ANNUAL Sabbath Jesus was taken off the cross and placed in the tomb.

    Joh 19:31  Since it was the day of Preparation, and so that the bodies would not remain on the cross on the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a high day),  the Jews asked Pilate that their legs might be broken and that they might be taken away.

    This was NOT a normal weekly seventh day Sabbath this was an annual Sabbath day of unleavened bread.

    So in order to get the three days and three nights that Jesus said He would be in the tomb Jesus dies on:

    Wednesday afternoon at sunset= one Night
    Thursday night= one night
    Friday night = one night
    This equals three Nights

    Thursday=one day light
    Friday= one day light
    Saturday -one day light
    This is Three days

    In order for Jesus NOT TO BE MADE A LIAR He was in the tomb from Wednesday sunset thru Saturday sunset.
    Then His tomb was found EMPTY on the first day of the week.

    So why do people worship on Sunday?  The RCC has said that Christ was raised on the first day!  But as you can see scripture says our Lord stayed in the tomb (Matt.12:39-40, John 19:31) Three days and three nights AS HE SAID and was raised on the seventh day Sabbath, Saturday.

    Because of their lie the RCC has called their false sabbath day the resurrection day after a pagan goddes of fertility Istar or “Easter”.

    One should ask what do “bunny rabbits laying eggs” have to do with Christ resurrection?


    The RCC admits changing the seven day Sabbath to the First day Sunday.  She will be the first to tell you there is NO scripture that changes the Sabbath day of God.

    The Truth—Jesus was resurrected on the seventh day Sabbath of God.


    The tradition of men and the Harlot ——Christ was resurrected on the first day

    Remember Jesus said the ONLY SIGN He was going to give WAS THAT HE WOULD BE IN THE TOMB “three days and three nights”

    God bless,



    Hi Ken :
                I've heard many speakers speak on this , ” Sunday ” but I never heard it called a “harlot” with capital letters. My salvation is not based on a day but on a life, mine. My one and one relationship with Jesus our Lord and our King of Kings. Thee only true living Son of God. Read Jer. 31 : 31 and read beyond and see that your wisdom is not under the new testament in Christ blood pertaining to this subject. Carnalness hinders the Spirit of God.  We are suppose to be sainst of God, not sowing discord, but replying with kindness, meekness, goodness, gentleness, with long suffering and joy, and love. To make a point we do not have to be worldly minded. Ken, God bless you and I enjoy the good things you write, so keep on keeping on for Jesus. You study hard and that is what makes you interesting and an help to me to understand many things I haven't heard before. ………………….thehappyman


    The happyman,

    Brother as you know when we accept Jesus and meet Him is that the end? Or are we to grow in His word and truth?

    We are in the end days when knowledge is to increase. This is what the Spirit is proclaiming TRUTH that has been hidden all these centuries. The scriptures are their for you to SEE if you and others want the truth.

    Why did the Roman Catholic Church change the Sabbath to the first day? What was her reason for doing so? Dan. 7:25

    God bless you,



    Quote (kenrch @ Sep. 25 2007,19:20)
    Is Sunday a scriptural day of worship as the RCC would have you believe?

    Was Jesus resurrected on the First day?

    The tomb was found empty on the first day.

    Mat 28:1  In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.
    Mat 28:5  And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified.
    Mat 28:6  He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.

    Mar 16:1  And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him.
    Mar 16:2  And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun.
    Mar 16:6  And he saith unto them, Be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: he is risen; he is not here: behold the place where they laid him.

    Luk 24:1  Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them.
    Luk 24:3  And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus.
    Luk 24:4  And it came to pass, as they were much perplexed thereabout, behold, two men stood by them in shining garments:
    Luk 24:5  And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead?
    Luk 24:6  He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee,

    Joh 20:1  The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre.

    The only sign that Jesus gave that HE was the Messiah was that He would be in the tomb three Days and three Nights.

    Mat 12:39  But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:
    Mat 12:40  For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

    No one can get three Days and three Nights from Friday afternoon to Sunday morning.

    Friday night = one night
    Saturday =one day
    Saturday night = one night
    Sunday morning= ?
    This is two nights and one day.

    Because the next day was an ANNUAL Sabbath Jesus was taken off the cross and placed in the tomb.

    Joh 19:31  Since it was the day of Preparation, and so that the bodies would not remain on the cross on the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a high day),  the Jews asked Pilate that their legs might be broken and that they might be taken away.

    This was NOT a normal weekly seventh day Sabbath this was an annual Sabbath day of unleavened bread.

    So in order to get the three days and three nights that Jesus said He would be in the tomb Jesus dies on:

    Wednesday afternoon at sunset= one Night
    Thursday night= one night
    Friday night = one night
    This equals three Nights

    Thursday=one day light
    Friday=    one day light
    Saturday  -one day light
    This is Three days

    In order for Jesus NOT TO BE MADE A LIAR He was in the tomb from Wednesday sunset thru Saturday sunset.
    Then His tomb was found EMPTY on the first day of the week.

    OK, take a break right here. I have no disagreement with any of this but I do want to point out your statement here: “In order for Jesus NOT TO BE MADE A LIAR He was in the tomb from Wednesday sunset thru Saturday sunset.“.

    If Yeshua was in the tomb until Saturday sunset, then according to scripture where a day is sunset to sunset, then you yourself affirm that he rose on the 1st day. Scripturally, the 1st day is Saturday sunset to Sunday sunset, correct?

    And if you look above, each record of Mary and the others finding the empty tomb point towards the morning of the 1st day, which would be close to the “day” portion of the 1st day. Thus, there was a whole “night” where Yeshua could have risen.

    Is there any scriptural evidence that states that Yeshua was to rise on the Sabbath?

    So why do people worship on Sunday?  The RCC has said that Christ was raised on the first day!  But as you can see scripture says our Lord stayed in the tomb (Matt.12:39-40, John 19:31) Three days and three nights AS HE SAID and was raised on the seventh day Sabbath, Saturday.

    Note he was in the tomb until Saturday sunset. At sunset, the 1st day would have started and the 7th day ended, correct?

    Because of their lie the RCC has called their false sabbath day the resurrection day after a pagan goddes of fertility Istar or “Easter”.

    One should ask what do “bunny rabbits laying eggs” have to do with Christ resurrection?


    The RCC admits changing the seven day Sabbath to the First day Sunday.  She will be the first to tell you there is NO scripture that changes the Sabbath day of God.

    The Truth—Jesus was resurrected on the seventh day Sabbath of God.


    The tradition of men and the Harlot ——Christ was resurrected on the first day

    Remember Jesus said the ONLY SIGN He was going to give WAS THAT HE WOULD BE IN THE TOMB “three days and three nights”

    God bless,


    I do not like Sunday being called Sabbath either.


    Oh I'm so very sorry, you are right Jesus was resurrected a second before sunset Saturday.

    Anyway you look at it NO ONE can get “three days and three nights” from Friday night to Sunday morning.

    This is one reason why people keep the first day of the week because they thought (as we all did) that Jesus was resurrected on Sunday along with bunny rabbits that lay eggs :laugh:

    Do you know how many years I read those same scriptures and did not realize that the tomb was “found empty” on Sunday.  He “has” risen the angel said.

    Why because that's what we were taught ALL OUR LIVES.  The truth is coming out for His people to come out of the Harlot and the father of LIES.

    Praise His Holy Name, Amen.


    It is so simple yet so hard.  Once you have learned who the Harlot is and the lie of the Trinity, seems it would be easy to accept the truth.  Perhaps my passion for the Sabbath is TOO great.  But brother the Sabbath is the truth and is important.  I believe deep down you believe that.  In fact I believe deep down most people believe that. But are fighting a spiritual war with their flesh as Paul says He does the very thing he does not want to do and the things he does he doesn't want to do.

    If I am to blame from keeping any one to keep the Sabbath I pray the Lord replace me NOW!  As I said I seek NO glory for we can do nothing all the glory goes to His Son Jesus the Christ, and my LORD, Amen,

    God bless everyone,




    The Sabbath has become your idol. It is plainly evident. Let me show you your own reasoning. (Event = Gregorian = Jewish)

    1st night = Wednesday night = 5th night
    1st day = Thursday = 5th day
    2nd night = Thursday night = 6th night
    2nd day = Friday = 6th day
    3rd night = Friday night = 7th night (Sabbath)
    3rd day = Saturday = 7th day (Sabbath)
    Ressurection = Saturday night = 1st night
    Tomb found empty = Sunday morning = 1st day

    Now if you say that Yeshua was resurrected on the Sabbath, you have less than 3 nights and 3 days! The sign of Jonah would have been incomplete because he said 3 nights and 3 days.

    Gen 1:5  God called the light day, and the darkness He called night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day.

    So by scriptural definitions, 3 days equals three periods of daylight, and 3 nights equals 3 periods of darkness. The third period of daylight ended on sunset (the end) of the 7th day, which began the 1st day.

    And because you are so obsessed with being right in all things related to the Sabbath, you went on to mention Friday when I specifically said I agreed with you on the days and nights. But your blindness won't let you see that. I can't recall how many times you've totally missed things like things because a brick wall is more movable than you. I bet you're hard to work on the potter's wheel.

    BTW, we're not your people. We would like to call you brother but you have distanced yourself and raised yourself to another level.


    Quote (kenrch @ Sep. 27 2007,06:13)
    This is one reason why people keep the first day of the week because they thought (as we all did) that Jesus was resurrected on Sunday along with bunny rabbits that lay eggs

    I never realised that all people have believed this. I for one have never had an opinion on it.

    I was never brought up in a mainline denomination, so therefore I was not subjected to this tradition. I would assume that there are many who don't care about times and dates, whether it was Saturday, Sunday, or whatever.

    Surely it would be a section of the population that holds to Sunday being the day the Lord rose, regardless of whether that is correct or not.

    When Easter comes around the only thing that I get excited about is the holidays and the time I get to share with my family.

    Personally I think that you are free to teach what you do, but I think you major on such things too much, and as long as you are aware that we are are totally accountable for what we teach.

    Surely you should just teach what you believe to be true and if people read and ignore it, and you also happen to be teaching truth, then it is it not up to each individual to decide?

    After all, God never tramples on our free will, even if we make the wrong decision.

    Also, if it were so important, then why is it not taught clearly in scripture. Why is it not spelled out regarding the actual day? After all the elementary teachings of Christ are clear and repeated, so why not the actual day that our Lord rose from the dead.

    Why do we have to work it out given circumstantial evidence if it is of utmost importance?


    To all I believe the reason Jesus never gave us a Day is because He only wants us to keep Passover. That is what He commanded; not to keep His resurrection. Why, because that is the sacrifice that He made for us, and We should remember that always. If I would have a Church were they would teach all my beliefs, I would also say that we should wash each others feet. That is an example that Jesus gave us also. It not only shows humility, but also Love for our Brothers in Christ.

    As far as the 3 days are concerned. He died right before Sunset on Wednesday Night. Remember the Apostle had to hurry and get Jesus Body from the cross and Bury Him before the Annual Sabbath started. So from that point to right at the Sunset before Sunday He rose.
    Wednesday to Thur. one night, Thurs, one Day, Thurs to Friday second night, Friday second day, Friday to Saturday 3 night, Saturday 3 Day. Sunday morning when the Woman came to the tomb it was empty. End of the Sacrifice of Jesus. Glory to God on High. Thank Him for all that He has done for us. There is so much Peace and Love when we walk in the Spirit. It is so great also when we do sin, I have found how it hurts. So we then can go right the way to our Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ and ask Him for forgiveness of that Sin and He will quickly forgive us. Thanks and Honor to our God.

    Peace and Love Mrs.:D :D :D


    sorry I meant Saturday Sunset when He rose, not Sunday.


    BTW, there is another reason some like to refer to the 1st day as the Lord's day: it coincides with the 1st day of creation. Since Yeshua is the firstborn of creation, and his new life signifies a new creation, there is another some support the 1st day as “Lord's Day”.


    keyonn I do not agree with keeping Sunday. That is a Day that came from the Babylonian Sun-God. When Constantine changed the Calender He also changed all the Holidays and made Sunday the official Day of rest. I do not belief that the first Christians kept Sunday. I do belief they gathered on a Sabbath, but not because they thought it was a must. Like Paul said some esteems one day and another esteems every day alike. He also said not to stop meeting, tho. Again for me I like to keep every day alike, praise God every day. Pray to Him every day. The Holy Spirit lives in me and that is why I belief to keep every day alike. If you want to keep the Sabbath that is up to you. I have nothing against that. Just be convinced in your own mind Paul said.

    Peace and Love Mrs.:D :D :D



    Actually, since I am not in any church right now, I AM trying to keep the Sabbath. But it is a learning process. Sadly, since I have looked into it, it seems that the majority of those who keep the Sabbath as Jews do (at least the times, not necessarily all the rules) are very arrogant and boastful people. They typically see themselves on a higher level than those who do not, and that has probably been my biggest stumbling block in this. That is why I am taking it slow. I do not want to find myself in that same crowd. It is supposed to be a joy, not a bragging right.


    keyonn You are a surprise to me. You actually gone to a Church that keeps the Sabbath? Wow.
    Most think like the Catholic Church do, that their Church is the only true Church. Most if not all
    use scare tactics. You know what I belief what the true Church is, first of all it is spiritual and
    second of all, they are all spread around the world.

    One Day we will all come together.

    Another thing, my Husband and I came to all what we belief now by studying by our-self.
    No man showed us about the Old Covenants and the New Covenant. Now we come on this site
    and some belief the same. Who do you think told us all? Gods Holy Spirit is at work in us.
    I still have to cringe a little when Ken brings up the Sabbath constantly, but I am learning not
    to get to upset about it. The first time He accused me of not having Gods Holy Spirit I got so
    angry that I had to ask God for forgiveness. I hope and Pray that you will understand more and
    more what is expected of us. Just watch yourself that you do not get drawn into a men's
    command. That is easy to do, if you are not grounded in what your beliefs are. I hope you
    have a good relationship and Faith in Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father, nothing else
    matters. Just Love God with all of your Heart and your neighbor as thyself. Christ fulfilled all.
    The Sermon on the Mount is important. How many really live by that.
    I know I have fallen short of it. Now where I understand it, I am to old and to
    sick to do something about it. All I can do is pray.
    I went through the War in Germany I was 5 years old, I remember the bombing and I
    see those children in other Countries, I have to cry. How I would like to take those little once
    into my arms and protect them.

    You are still young, you have so many opportunities to witness for Jesus. Look in the inner City
    look for those children that run around loose, that have no Home. All they have ever
    known is miseries. Whatever you do to these little once you have done unto me.

    Peace and Love Mrs.:) :) :)


    Quote (kejonn @ Sep. 27 2007,14:31)

    Actually, since I am not in any church right now, I AM trying to keep the Sabbath. But it is a learning process. Sadly, since I have looked into it, it seems that the majority of those who keep the Sabbath as Jews do (at least the times, not necessarily all the rules) are very arrogant and boastful people. They typically see themselves on a higher level than those who do not, and that has probably been my biggest stumbling block in this. That is why I am taking it slow. I do not want to find myself in that same crowd. It is supposed to be a joy, not a bragging right.

    Those churches follow the Sabbath to the letter and Not the Spirit.

    But then again would you as a father reward a disobediend child for breaking you rules?

    Anyone who wants to too can keep the Sabbath. It just what makes a christian different from a heathen. There is NONE except the Blood of Jesus.

    It's just a choice. We are all born under sin. We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

    If all of God's children were obedient than there would be no need for Rev. 18:4.

    Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, “MY” people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

    God bless,



    Hi Ken.

    Don't you think it is somewhat of an insult to say that Sunday is the harlot's day?

    All days should belong to God. All is really his.

    It's not like God owns 6 days and Satan owns 1.

    I know that 6 – 1 is a pretty big win if you are talking about soccer, but Satan isn't that good to have scored even 1 goal here if you ask me.

    Sure Satan steals things all the time, but how could he steal or own 1 day of the week. Can Satan own all pine trees in the world, can he own the letter Z?

    To those who are holy all things are holy.

    I mean how do you spend your Sundays?

    Are you allowed to pray on Sunday for example? Or are you too scared that you might be influenced by the Harlot?


    Quote (t8 @ Oct. 01 2007,13:48)
    Hi Ken.

    Don't you think it is somewhat of an insult to say that Sunday is the harlot's day?

    All days should belong to God. All is really his.

    It's not like God owns 6 days and Satan owns 1.

    I know that 6 – 1 is a pretty big win if you are talking about soccer, but Satan isn't that good to have scored even 1 goal here if you ask me.

    Sure Satan steals things all the time, but how could he steal or own 1 day of the week. Can Satan own all pine trees in the world, can he own the letter Z?

    To those who are holy all things are holy.

    I mean how do you spend your Sundays?

    Are you allowed to pray on Sunday for example? Or are you too scared that you might be influenced by the Harlot?

    NO! It happens to be the truth.  The RCC is the Mother of Harlots and the one who changed the Sabbath to SUNDAY.

    How could Sunday not be the Harlot's day.

    t8 I worship and spend time with God everyday NOT just on HIS Sabbath.

    What do you do on Sunday t8?  I do what I need to do on Sunday and the rest of the “work” week.

    On the Sabbath the world is mowing the lawn, washing cars, ETC.  On the Sabbath of GOD (not the Harlot or the RCC) I rest from all worldly work and am separate from the world.

    How are we to come out of HER if we don't acknowledge who she IS? Rev.18:4

    t8 Are you saying that you reject and refuse to keep the forth commandment of GOD?

    AND have I become your enemy for telling you the truth?

    God bless,

    Ken :)


    Seems to me like the RCC is the enemy…am I right?



    Quote (Samuel @ Oct. 13 2007,17:58)
    Seems to me like the RCC is the enemy…am I right?


    No you are wrong! Satan is the enemy. The RCC is his agent. The mother of harlots.

    Eph 2:2 in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience–

    Eph 2:3 among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind.

    Eph 2:4 But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us,

    Eph 2:5 even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ–by grace you have been saved–
    Eph 2:6 and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus,



    No you are wrong! Satan is the enemy. The RCC is his agent. The mother of harlots.

    Of course Satan is the enemy…thanks for helping me word this a little better. It just seems to me that the RCC is the device of Satan every corner that I turn here lately. May the Lord help us through these workers of iniquity and blasphemy.

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