Why i am still catholic

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    Dt 21:22 If a man guilty of a capital offense is put to death and his body is hung on a tree,
    Dt 21:23 you must not leave his body on the tree overnight. Be sure to bury him that same day, because anyone who is hung on a tree is under God’s curse. You must not desecrate the land the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance

    1Pe 2:24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.

    Gal 3:13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.”

    Ac 10:39 “We are witnesses of everything he did in the country of the Jews and in Jerusalem. They killed him by hanging him on a tree,
    Ac 13:29 When they had carried out all that was written about him, they took him down from the tree and laid him in a tomb.

    this is the way the law must be applied,

    there is no cross the cross comes from paganism,there never was a cross in Jewish religion nor in there believe of the scriptures,

    to my little knowledge anyway.
    and you are not the only catholic there are hundreds millions of them.

    quantity does not make it true or the truth.



    I love what the world knows it stands for. My Lord and my God and savior Jesus Christ's sacrifice for us. I don't need to split hairs on specifics, I know what it means to me, and it does not offend God. Peace-Mark


    Plus what a “Taw” symbol is. Can you disprove this? Peace=Mark


    Quote (mikeangel @ June 13 2011,13:17)
    Plus what a “Taw” symbol is. Can you disprove this? Peace=Mark


    where in scriptures it says that the wooden stick of suplice as to be honored?

    why would Christ come to this earth to create a worship of that symbol?

    why is it that you can not see that it is the fact that he made that sacrifice for us it could have been in a different way that he died ,what is importante to remember is not the symbol but the action and for this action thanks to given to his father God because that is how he give us his grace.

    so it is through Christ dead NOT THROUGH THE SYMBOL THAT WE ARE SAVED

    the symbol would be idolatry



    Hey pierre,
    I do not worship the symbol. I only worship God. My concious has no problem with it or the fish symbol on my truck. If yours does then it would be a sin for you to do it. Almost everything in this world has a symbol or Flag. The devils is the pentagram. The Jews is the star of david. ETC. This is just a symbol representing my christian faith. I You have a problem with most things earthly that is worship to God. You won't say exactly what you consider correct worship and where, but I have heard you criticise almost  everything anyone else has mentioned to my knowledge. You told me one time it was wrong to take communion. You also coomplained about holding hands and saying the Our Father. Tell it brother-What do you consider correct worship? As God lives tell me what Pierre did to worship God this week? Exclude disagreements and discussions on here. Talk is cheap with God. No offense. Sincerely, Mark


    Quote (mikeangel @ June 13 2011,15:41)
    Hey pierre,
    I do not worship the symbol. I only worship God. My concious has no problem with it or the fish symbol on my truck. If yours does then it would be a sin for you to do it. Almost everything in this world has a symbol or Flag. The devils is the pentagram. The Jews is the star of david. ETC.  This is just a symbol representing my christian faith. I You have a problem with most things earthly that is worship to God. You won't say exactly what you consider correct worship and where, but I have heard you criticise almost  everything anyone else has mentioned to my knowledge. You told me one time it was wrong to take communion. You also coomplained about holding hands and saying the Our Father. Tell it brother-What do you consider correct worship? As God lives tell me what Pierre did to worship God this week? Exclude disagreements and discussions on here. Talk is cheap with God. No offense. Sincerely, Mark


    you did not tell me what you did this week ,why should I,but just to be nice ,I am like you a human and so do the same thing that most of humans do,but above all I do all things for God and thank him for the truth he has given me,

    it is true that we live in a difficult era with all what going on in the world and so many changes in the past 50 years it is upside down ,and yes it is not easy to do what is right ,but scriptures tells us what not to do ,some like you told me if you believe it then it is a sin ,so when i would sell drug (cocaine) to young people it would be ok if i believe it is ok ,and so with stealing ,murdering ,lying,deceit,ect,;

    you know many learn to steal only with a few cents,it is the trill of it that make them go,so it is with all the other things.

    most people do thing and believe things because it is “cool”or accepted by there peers ,

    when you follow the scriptures you are following Gods word and so obey Christ the forerunner of mankind the grace of God.

    so what is not accepted by scriptures i not of God ,it does not matter if we like it or not,

    the way to Christ has been set long ago and not by you or me or anyone else but by God,now either you believe this or not ,thats your choice ,I have already made my mind to follow Christ and Gods word.

    Pierre ,your friend


    Pierre, You cannot follow the law. You can try, and have a heart to, but you cannot a-follow the law, or b-justify yourself by thinking you do.

    Also you did not answer my sincere question. You answered by asking it back to me. Anyway I will answer it. During the week, and I know this is too much information for some, I have for beginnings a tradition of reading the bible on a throne fitting for my position- a toilet. I have done this for as long as I can remember. My kids joke about it. I just tell them “good stuff goes in, bad stuff goes out”. Sometimes I get so interested in it that I get lost in it and my legs go t sleep, so I hobble to the Kitchen table and keep going. Those mornings I am almost always late for work, but I can't fire myself thank goodness. I've been reading about David lately.  I ponder what I read and reflect on it the rest of the day. Before any of that,when I first get up before I put the coffee on, I ask God to come on the clouds and rule the world and stop the suffering. Anyway, on the way to work I say the our father, one sentance at a time, and think of how it fits me at the time that day. I many times a day tell God I love him. I tell him to tell my dad hello for me and I miss him. The rest of the day i worship God by showing every person i come in contact some affection, and treat my customers as good as I can, no matter how ugly they are to me at times. I take seriously Jesus commands to love others, and I try to as much as others will allow me to. I make concious efforts to not look at other women and treat others as I want to be treated. I think I did good this week. Today like any other Sunday I got up at 3.30 and got ready and went downtown to cook breakfast for the homeless. I do the buiscuits. Buttermilk from scratch. 320 a week. My sister does the bacon. My sister and I are on the social outreach committee, she is the head. They pay her a small salary for doing it, but she donated it all back into a account that we use when people we become aware of need help. then I went to church. I keep my eyes closed most of the time, and meditate on God and feel his spirit. I take communion, and after being fed I pray for my family, the community, the country, the world, and the lost. I beg him to change the world and stop the suffering and defeat the devil. I leave the rest up to him, he's lots smarter than me. Tomorrow I start all over again. Next week will be differant because for the first time I will be proclaiming God's word to the whole church as a lector. Now, your turn. Sincerely,Mark


    “Why i am still catholic” looks the same to me as “Why I still belong to the first denomination”.

    To me a more important question is, “Why I am still part of the Body of Christ”.
    This statement is more meaningful and relevant.


    New International Version (©1984)
    Then he said to them all: “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.


    Quote (t8 @ June 13 2011,12:06)
    “Why i am still catholic” looks the same to me as “Why I still belong to the first denomination”.

    To me a more important question is, “Why I am still part of the Body of Christ”.
    This statement is more meaningful and relevant.

    Thanks T8. My answer to that question would be because I love him and know without a doubt that he made me and what I can see and feel. I belong to the body of christ, universal. I have no doubts about that. I do want Jesus to come and eliminate all denominations and us all be one mind, one spirt, and one church. I do not think that is possible untill he returns. Peace. Mark


    Quote (mikeangel @ June 13 2011,18:51)
    Pierre, You cannot follow the law. You can try, and have a heart to, but you cannot a-follow the law, or b-justify yourself by thinking you do.

    Also you did not answer my sincere question. You answered by asking it back to me. Anyway I will answer it. During the week, and I know this is too much information for some, I have for beginnings a tradition of reading the bible on a throne fitting for my position- a toilet. I have done this for as long as I can remember. My kids joke about it. I just tell them “good stuff goes in, bad stuff goes out”. Sometimes I get so interested in it that I get lost in it and my legs go t sleep, so I hobble to the Kitchen table and keep going. Those mornings I am almost always late for work, but I can't fire myself thank goodness. I've been reading about David lately.  I ponder what I read and reflect on it the rest of the day. Before any of that,when I first get up before I put the coffee on, I ask God to come on the clouds and rule the world and stop the suffering. Anyway, on the way to work I say the our father, one sentance at a time, and think of how it fits me at the time that day. I many times a day tell God I love him. I tell him to tell my dad hello for me and I miss him. The rest of the day i worship God by showing every person i come in contact some affection, and treat my customers as good as I can, no matter how ugly they are to me at times. I take seriously Jesus commands to love others, and I try to as much as others will allow me to. I make concious efforts to not look at other women and treat others as I want to be treated. I think I did good this week. Today like any other Sunday I got up at 3.30 and got ready and went downtown to cook breakfast for the homeless. I do the buiscuits. Buttermilk from scratch. 320 a week. My sister does the bacon. My sister and I are on the social outreach committee, she is the head. They pay her a small salary for doing it, but she donated it all back into a account that we use when people we become aware of need help. then I went to church. I keep my eyes closed most of the time, and meditate on God and feel his spirit. I take communion, and after being fed I pray for my family, the community, the country, the world, and the lost. I beg him to change the world and stop the suffering and defeat the devil. I leave the rest up to him, he's lots smarter than me. Tomorrow I start all over again. Next week will be differant because for the first time I will be proclaiming God's word to the whole church as a lector. Now, your turn. Sincerely,Mark


    first of all I never talked about the law ,so you are driving the subject out of the road ,

    I beg him to change the world and stop the suffering and defeat the devil

    why would you beg God ?

    if you would understand scriptures that he made available to us all ,where he says all the things that he has done to bring this world back , under his will and even send his own son to be the principal agent to fulfill that will,

    the reason for the misery of the world is the refusal to submit to Gods will ,and it will increase before God will make a stop to it,

    what you do to “help others ” you believe you do good ?

    Christ says if you give may your right hand not know what your left hand gives,so that all the glory of your gift gos to God your creator.if you take ego out of it you have failed to give anything worth to God.I did not say you do;

    public relation is always good for business

    I do not know one apostle that ad that quality and use it.

    the research of truth in Gods word yes apply your knowledge found in the scriptures yes ,share your new found knowledge yes,refrain yourself from all sort of wickedness yes,teach your family in the truth of God and the one he has send yes,
    we are the church and going to someone else church who does not teach the truth of God the way it is written does not accomplish the will of Jehovah God.
    did i forget some ?



    Hey Pierre,
    Yes, I believe you forgot some. You did not answer my sincere question. What specificly did pierre do to worship God this week, excluding talk about it? Especially the last commandment “love one another as I have loved you”. Show me some love Pierre! Love, Mark


    Quote (mikeangel @ June 13 2011,20:39)
    Hey Pierre,
    Yes, I believe you forgot some. You did not answer my sincere question. What specificly did pierre do to worship God this week, excluding talk about it?   Especially the last commandment “love one another as I have loved you”. Show me some love Pierre! Love, Mark


    Show me some love Pierre! Love, Mark

    the fact that i take the time out of my live to give to you Mark
    and have an exchange in the words of God to bring truth to both of us in the exchange ,

    that i may bring truth to your mind or you to mine and in God spirit of knowledge,so that we may both be saved by our true faith in God

    this is love ,and so helping the needy is good but we paid taxes to cover the needs of the needy but all may be looking like needy but are not,

    but i will and do help anyone in need that God places on my road,



    Quote (mikeangel @ June 13 2011,12:13)
    Thanks T8. My answer to that question would be because I love him and know without a doubt that he made me and what I can see and feel. I belong to the body of christ, universal. I have no doubts about that. I do want Jesus to come and eliminate all denominations and us all be one mind, one spirt, and one church. I do not think that is possible untill he returns. Peace. Mark

    Jesus said that the world might believe that he was sent from God if were one. Maybe we will never give the world a chance to see the truth in action. Although it is also written that he is coming back for a Church without spot and blemish.

    John 17:21
    that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.


    Quote (terraricca @ June 13 2011,14:07)

    Quote (mikeangel @ June 13 2011,20:39)
    Hey Pierre,
    Yes, I believe you forgot some. You did not answer my sincere question. What specificly did pierre do to worship God this week, excluding talk about it?   Especially the last commandment “love one another as I have loved you”. Show me some love Pierre! Love, Mark


    Show me some love Pierre! Love, Mark

    the fact that i take the time out of my live to give to you Mark
    and have an exchange in the words of God to bring truth to both of us in the exchange ,

    that i may bring truth to your mind or you to mine and in God spirit of knowledge,so that we may both be saved by our true faith in God

    this is love ,and so helping the needy is good but we paid taxes to cover the needs of the needy but all may be looking like needy but are not,

    but i will and do help anyone in need that God places on my road,


    You are not answering the question. I guess that is my answer. I really mean this in a loving way. Talk is cheap with God. The “lord, Lord” people in the Gospel were guilty of this. They talked and prohesyed and expelled demons with Jesus' name, but they practiced nothing, so Jesus sent them to torment. The time is getting very short. Iran is on the very last stages of having a nuke. It won't be long until they have it, and they have stated over and over again that they want to wipe Israel (from the face of the earth).How people cannot discern whats comming is beyond my comprehension. Listen to me. Love like you have never loved before, especially your enemys. Make ammends with people you have a grudge with and let go of grudges you have againse anyone. Forgive everyone. Even if it's in your house invite someone over and celebrate communion. Anything is better than nothing. The benifits will last forever. Love,Mark


    P.S. Pierre,

    You trust the government to take care of the poor with your taxes? Our government cannot find it's behind with two hands and a roadmap, much less then take care of the poor. It must be better up there :p


    Yeah love Terrarica I know you can. I know deep down you are probably really nice and kind. And you know I do like your posts alot Terrarica. When your not being mean.


    Quote (t8 @ June 13 2011,17:38)

    Quote (mikeangel @ June 13 2011,12:13)
    Thanks T8. My answer to that question would be because I love him and know without a doubt that he made me and what I can see and feel. I belong to the body of christ, universal. I have no doubts about that. I do want Jesus to come and eliminate all denominations and us all be one mind, one spirt, and one church. I do not think that is possible untill he returns. Peace. Mark

    Jesus said that the world might believe that he was sent from God if were one. Maybe we will never give the world a chance to see the truth in action. Although it is also written that he is coming back for a Church without spot and blemish.

    John 17:21
    that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.

    Hey T8,

    I know this sounds silly, but in 2008 I decided to join the orthodox church, because they did not recognise the pope, and said that they did not believe in the infallibility of one man. Then I discovered that they considered and titled the apostles and other members of the church in the beginning the “holy fathers” That put me back at square one. They also stated to me that besides the effort to reconcile the two churches, that it would not ever happen because the differances were too wide. Thats not including the literally hundreds of differant churches there are today. I went back to my church in dissappointment, and pray for him to do whats impossible for us men, and come and set things straight. Peace-Mark


    Quote (t8 @ June 13 2011,17:38)

    Quote (mikeangel @ June 13 2011,12:13)
    Thanks T8. My answer to that question would be because I love him and know without a doubt that he made me and what I can see and feel. I belong to the body of christ, universal. I have no doubts about that. I do want Jesus to come and eliminate all denominations and us all be one mind, one spirt, and one church. I do not think that is possible untill he returns. Peace. Mark

    Jesus said that the world might believe that he was sent from God if were one. Maybe we will never give the world a chance to see the truth in action. Although it is also written that he is coming back for a Church without spot and blemish.

    John 17:21
    that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.

    Also T8,

    This is what I think- God is going to send the world a message I believe. I believe it will be something that is beyond coincidence. As I read on here somewhere I think “the Elijiahs will arise”. I think this will be whats in the gospel, in the parable of the ten virgins, of “the outcry”. the ones who have lived their lives to thereselves will try to “purchase oil” but it will be too late. The ones who have thier lamps full and ready will go into the wedding feast. Come on Elijiahs! Peace


    Quote (mikeangel @ June 14 2011,04:52)

    Quote (terraricca @ June 13 2011,14:07)

    Quote (mikeangel @ June 13 2011,20:39)
    Hey Pierre,
    Yes, I believe you forgot some. You did not answer my sincere question. What specificly did pierre do to worship God this week, excluding talk about it?   Especially the last commandment “love one another as I have loved you”. Show me some love Pierre! Love, Mark


    Show me some love Pierre! Love, Mark

    the fact that i take the time out of my live to give to you Mark
    and have an exchange in the words of God to bring truth to both of us in the exchange ,

    that i may bring truth to your mind or you to mine and in God spirit of knowledge,so that we may both be saved by our true faith in God

    this is love ,and so helping the needy is good but we paid taxes to cover the needs of the needy but all may be looking like needy but are not,

    but i will and do help anyone in need that God places on my road,


    You are not answering the question. I guess that is my answer. I really mean this in a loving way. Talk is cheap with God. The “lord, Lord” people in the Gospel were guilty of this. They talked and prohesyed and expelled demons with Jesus' name, but they practiced nothing, so Jesus sent them to torment. The time is getting very short. Iran is on the very last stages of having a nuke. It won't be long until they have it, and they have stated over and over again that they want to wipe Israel (from the face of the earth).How people cannot discern whats comming is beyond my comprehension. Listen to me. Love like you have never loved before, especially your enemys. Make ammends with people you have a grudge with and let go of grudges you have againse anyone. Forgive everyone. Even if it's in your house invite someone over and celebrate communion. Anything is better than nothing. The benifits will last forever. Love,Mark


    what make you believe that i do old grudges towards anyone?
    because I do not,
    and I do not rely on men at all but in God I put my trust,in no other do i rely;

    Mark God love the ones who love him ,right because the ones who love him do what he ask of them,right the same with Christ,right

    so I follow Gods will as it is spell out to me in scriptures ,not in religion.

    I do please my God Jehovah by following his directions.

    and my love is with those who share the same love for my God and obey him ,and my love for my fellow men is given to those i share the truth of God with.

    it is impossible to love or be loved by God and not obey him,and the other way around (vise versa)

    Col 2:18 Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you for the prize. Such a person goes into great detail about what he has seen, and his unspiritual mind puffs him up with idle notions


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