Why i am still catholic

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    Please understand that I am not trying to promote or advertise the RCC in this post. I have been asked a few times by genuinely well-meaning people why I still go, and it is hard to explain, so while i got the time from being home sick I will try to give an answer. First though please understand I do not want to be bashed for what I believe, and why I do the thing's i do. Please let this be informative and nothing more. I think there are many good churches out there besides this one and I will not say one is better than the other.

    First, I was led to believe in scripture that one has to have a child-like disposition of faith. When you were children, I don't think you walked into school and started debateing about all the issues being disected here. I think we all learned about Jesus and were taught he was God's son and we needed him and he loved us. I wish it could have stopped there, but we humans are prideful and selfish as to our own views so we have to argue it out.

    To me, The Jews were the example of things to come. If you read 1 and 2 Kings, you see where all over the place, men have always erred over time and done things point blank wrong in the law. Over and Over I read where impious kings mislead the people to bring God's wrath and punishment. I think that is true to this very day. Nobody has a monopoly on truth. I think when Jesus gets here he will show every church that they were flawed, some more than others, as stated in the letters to the churches in Revalations. My church is no exception, but, we are an organized system attempting to be God's children. Better thn the other institutions who stand for alot less nobler causes. But anyway here is where i stand on my church-

    What I like-
    1. I like that my church is one of the only ones that I know of that makes any effort to hold married people to an accountability. It's not perfect but it is better than nothing. I have seen over and over where a man or woman gets involved in an affair, dumps the mate, and then goes to another church like nothing happened.
    2. I have only been to confession 4 or 5 times in my whole life, but when I went I needed it. There are many times I sin and ask God to forgive me, and try to do better, and I know that I am forgiven. But there has been a few crisis points in my life where I really needed that personal advice and forgiveness.
    3. I like the eucharist and wine every sunday. I feel very fed and consoled. I do believe it is like he said “This is my body”, and “This is my blood”' do this in rememberance of me. I say my most profound and direct prayers to God after communion. Also since my teenagers days, I get confort in what we say right before communion “Lord I am not worty to recieve you, but only say the word and i shall be healed” When I wasn't as close to God as i should have been, this has comforted me, in knowing that jesus could guide me at will, and he could forgive me even though I am not worthy. It helped.
    4. The fellowship I enjoy. I am a people person, and like to be with other christians personally, and my family.

    Now- As you Anti -Catholic people are raging, I will tell you what I don't like-

    1. I do not like statues, in any form except the cross.
    2. I do not like that the priest cannot marry.
    3. I do not like that the pope is referred to as “holy Father”
    4. I do not like that the higher ups think that ours is “the church” , and salvation is mostly exclusively ours. Thats where the abuse scandle came from. It's hard to claim you are perfect when Father Evil molested a kid. And then cover it up. These men will pay, but there are many, many genuine gentle and faithful servants to the Gospel. Before anyone blast me to hell with this keep in mind something else- Molestation is not in just our church. The bad thing is like I said, they tried to sweep it under the rug to save face, and when they got sued, the propertys ans liability were tied to entire dioceses. Other churches liabilitys stop at the property line. I'm glad that it finally came to light, and they are protecting children now. I took the class because you have to be trained and pass a background check before you can even be around the kids now.
    5. I do not like the idea of asking the intersession of anyone to gain access to God. I got a direct line and use it on a daily basis.

    Now, you can say to yourself “self, why in the world does he still go?”
    I tried changing churches, when I got disallusioned in the system. The first was Baptist. Not a good fit for me. The second was Messiaonic Jewish. Good place, but I fely that they were regressing back int the old laws too much . I was so storm-battered and lost. i didn't feel like I belonged anywhere. The i had an experience with God. he impressed on me that he sends test to people to see how close to his law one will follow, even when it is popular not to. He told me- You don't heve to intercess anyone, nor have you. I know you love me and that's what counts, more than where you go to church, and that you love others. It doesn't really matter, because as a matter of doctrine they are all wrong, but they can be rich in love. zI experience more love at this church than anywhere else. People have started to understand why i dropped out of the K of C. i marbleized the walls of the back of the church, and wrote an inscription on a wall in front of the Tabernacle (where the eucharist is kept) Which says – Jesus is “The King”. It was like making love to God. Good and Bad, I am here, and pray God personally comes and has a discussion with all the church leaders. Something huge is about to happen, and I am giddy with anticipation. peace Mark


    Mark, I havent read this I don't have the time right now, but my whole family are catholic and my mother also doesnt agree with the things that happen a lot, but she says that Rev says to stay put untill he returns, so, thats what she says anyway…. which is why this thread interested me…read it properly later.


    Mark! You have to do what is right, however if you believe that people are more important then God, you are doing God a dis serves….. There is a lot that you dislike about the Church and there I agree with. I also agree that other Churches are not the answer either. Is it easy to come out of any system that teaches trinity for instance, no. And there are certain Scriptures that has taught us to come out of Her my people.

    Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

    Scripture also taught us to worship in Spirit and in Truth. Even though you know how wrong the Church is, you don't take those Scriptures into consideration???
    Please don't understand me wrong. I don't have to say anything to you, that would be so much easier for me. I a m saying this to you, because I have come to know what a good hearthed person you are. And for that reason I am saying this to you..
    Jesus also said this in
    Mat 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

    Mat 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

    Mat 7:24 ¶ Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:

    The rock is Jesus, and we build our Spiritual building on Him….again no offense meant….
    Peace and love Irene



    I always want you to be truthful to me. If you feel it, say it. Thats the way i am . I think that is being honest, and i do think you genuinely care about me and thats why you tell me what you do. It's actually very sweet, because I know from the way you write you really believe what you say about me and the church, and are trying to help me. You also have helped me to grow in relating to other christians without getting out of shape when they think otherwise and contradict me. thank-you.

    With that in mind, remember that i too have a relationship with God. the only way you can see why and how I believe is to re-live my life in my shoes, which as you know is impossible.  It would be very easy for me to quit going there, and play golf or fish instead. But like you said, I have to do what my concience tells me to, and I beg for guidance from God on a continual basis. Babylon to me is the US and the world for that matter now, and I believe God is coming and he will take us out of it, and keep us safe.   I get alot of satisfaction in knowing, that as I was writing the bishop, and the three priest i have had over the last 20 years , even though they all knew me well, they replied NOTHING, because they couldn't. That made me feel proud to be Jesus' brother, because I feel I am doing what he did with the sanhedrine. I know it is the truth. They can't say it wasn't told to them. They might say “well he seemed to be nuts” , well he will tell them “They thought I was to, Mark did what I asked of him, he loved you even though you were wrong,i gave him the strength to do it, you have no excuse” It is really the road Jesus have given me Irene. He loves me, and i can't wait to understand why this had to be so confusing. Love to ya'll-Mark


    Mark! I thought I had put this up, but I don't see it. I found this on the internet… that is where we found it before in 1985 when we left the Church. Thank you for your reply. I will make this my last post about this subject. i don't believe in debating something over and over again….also I wrote in that article about what happened before we left. We had contacted the Minister of the World Wide Church of God. Every time He came, afterward we called on our Pastor. The last time we talked to Him, He told Georg and I quote:” God is calling you.” He too knew something and stayed. I was very active in that Church. I started a Woman's Organization, and a rosary Society. It was that Maria had other Children that got me the most. We never read the Bible back then, and I believe the reason they did away with the tiara is because many left the Church back then. When we left we shocked our friend. We made new friends, but unfortunately they too went back to believing in the trinity and all Holidays like Easter and Christmas. it was the hardest thing we ever did. But today I am glad we did.
    Ok this is mylast post about this subject, I don't like to debate it to death.
    Peace and love to you always Irene

    History Papal tiaras were worn by the popes of Rome and Avignon from Pope Clement V (d. 1314) to Pope Paul VI, who was crowned in 1963. Pope Paul VI abandoned the use of his own tiara after the Second Vatican Council, symbolically laying it on the altar of St. Peter's Basilica, and donating its value to the poor. However, his 1975 Apostolic Constitution Romano Pontifici Eligendo on the manner of electing the Pope, still envisaged that his successors would be crowned.

    His immediate successor, Pope John Paul I, decided against a coronation, replacing it with a ceremony of what was called “Inauguration of the Supreme Pontificate”. After John Paul I's sudden death, Pope John Paul II told the congregation at his Inauguration [1]:

    “ The last Pope to be crowned was Paul VI in 1963, but after the solemn coronation ceremony he never used the tiara again and left his Successors free to decide in this regard. Pope John Paul I, whose memory is so vivid in our hearts, did not wish to have the tiara; nor does his Successor wish it today. This is not the time to return to a ceremony and an object considered, wrongly, to be a symbol of the temporal power of the Popes. Our time calls us, urges us, obliges us to gaze on the Lord and immerse ourselves in humble and devout meditation on the mystery of the supreme power of Christ himself. ”

    Though not currently worn as part of papal regalia, the continuing symbolism of the papal tiara is reflected in its use on the flag and coats of arms of the Holy See and the Vatican. Until the reign of Benedict XVI the tiara was also the ornament surmounting a Pope's personal coat of arms, as a tasseled hat (under which a 1969 Instruction of the Holy See forbade the placing of a mitre, a second hat)[2] surmounted those of other prelates. In a break with tradition, Pope Benedict XVI's personal coat of arms has replaced the tiara with a mitre. This particular mitre contains three levels reminiscent of the three tiers on the papal tiara.[3] However, in the coat of arms of the Holy See and of the Vatican City State Pope Benedict XVI decided to keep the tiara, not a mitre.


    P.S. I know that the trinity is a major sticking point. Also this is where I stand-

    John 4:24 “God is spirit”  Irene has 2 parts- flesh and spirit. Your spirit is you , as well as your flesh. But you are human, and are not composed of the pure spirit that came down and became man. He was and is the only human that was and is perfect, the son of God. Now, The spirit that is and was in him was from God. So we have three things here- God, spirit (God is spirit), and Jesus. What I say is they are of one accord. He was with God from when the world began.Whatever one wants to term it, It doesn't make much differance what they call it, it's God to me. Also, from John, He and the Father are one. I can't possibly comprehend it, and thank God I don't have to. i just have to love God, all of him, and do as he asked me to as best as I can.One consolation to those who think I worship in vain-, at least i don't promote satan or budda or allah or the new age crap.

    One thing that hampers me- I am stuck between two things, because I know that God is all that matters. I am stuck between who I am and who i want to be. I want to be God's right hand man for the church. I wish i could go into the bishops office and say “God wants to make some changes” . he would reply “Are you alright” , Then God would stick him to the ceiling facing the floor, and he would say “you were saying”, and I would tell him whatever God told me to tell them. I don't care if I was known for it or not, I just wish God would straighten it out. No matter how much I pray or do or witness, God is not calling me. I trust him, maybe someone else. I was brought up in spirit in 07, and he told me to get ready, and it got bad, and is getting worse, so I know he is there for me. but i want to do more for him. The only thing I have experienced lately is a dream where I had a snake by the neck, but I think I worked myself into that. Anyway sorry for rambling- Peace and love to ya'll-Mark


    Hey Irene,
    I found this quote in wiccapedia-

    Some Protestants, especially Seventh Day Adventists, claim that papal tiaras have an inscription “Vicarius Filii Dei” (that, according to them, is a Pope's title), which they associate with the number of the Beast. Catholic apologists generally note that “Vicarius Filii Dei” is not an official papal title, and that there is no evidence about tiara having such inscription.[30][31

    In reading the article, I was actually impressed that in 63 Pope paul took the tiera and laid it on the altar and would not wear it, as a symbol of humility, and stated that all glory belonged to the Lord. Since then no pope has ever worn one. Peace-Mark


    Quote (mikeangel @ Feb. 25 2011,11:48)
    P.S. I know that the trinity is a major sticking point. Also this is where I stand-

    John 4:24 “God is spirit”  Irene has 2 parts- flesh and spirit. Your spirit is you , as well as your flesh. But you are human, and are not composed of the pure spirit that came down and became man. He was and is the only human that was and is perfect, the son of God. Now, The spirit that is and was in him was from God. So we have three things here- God, spirit (God is spirit), and Jesus. What I say is they are of one accord. He was with God from when the world began.Whatever one wants to term it, It doesn't make much differance what they call it, it's God to me. Also, from John, He and the Father are one. I can't possibly comprehend it, and thank God I don't have to. i just have to love God, all of him, and do as he asked me to as best as I can.One consolation to those who think I worship in vain-, at least i don't promote satan or budda or allah or the new age crap.

    One thing that hampers me- I am stuck between two things, because I know that God is all that matters. I am stuck between who I am and who i want to be. I want to be God's right hand man for the church. I wish i could go into the bishops office and say “God wants to make some changes” . he would reply “Are you alright” , Then God would stick him to the ceiling facing the floor, and he would say “you were saying”, and I would tell him whatever God told me to tell them. I don't care if I was known for it or not, I just wish God would straighten it out. No matter how much I pray or do or witness, God is not calling me. I trust him, maybe someone else. I was brought up in spirit in 07, and he told me to get ready, and it got bad, and is getting worse, so I know he is there for me. but i want to do more for him. The only thing I have experienced lately is a dream where I had a snake by the neck, but I think I worked myself into that. Anyway sorry for rambling- Peace and love to ya'll-Mark

    OK About the trinity, I could just say go to that tread. right now mikeboll64 is debating with Keith(WJ)
    Peace and Love Irene


    Hello all,

    Just to drop a line and tell you all that I think about you and pray for your well being and peace. I have been blessed with loads of work, and due to losing all my help when it was slow I am by myself. Please pray that I find some good people to help me.

    I completed the lector training in my church, and will be installed memorial day weekend, and will get to read the word of God to the church in June. I have to thank Mikeboll and WJ for their debates for my inspiration to do that. I realized that John 1:1 tells me that the word is God, and in doing this I will be ministering directly to God, and am really looking forward to it.

    P.S. Karmarie- I hope you read this and send me a message, I think of you often and hope you are well and blessed. Love-Mark


    IMO the Catholic Church is not the original Church or the Church as they like to think, but the first denomination.
    Pre-Catholic Church we had the Body of Christ.

    Out of the Roman Empire came the Holy Roman Empire and then the Roman Catholic Church. It served that empire well and that empire survived beyond its natural expiry date as a result.

    Is it a coincidence that the Harlot of Revelation rides the back of the beast? And if the RCC is the mother of denominations, then all the other denominations are her daughters, even if they are somewhat rebellious toward her.

    I think the best thing is to belong to the Body of Christ and see the Church as spiritual and not some denomination with its own hierarchy and in competition with other denominations.

    Jesus said that when we are one, then the world will believe that he is the Christ. I think the denominational system is the strategy that the enemy employs to keep us divided.

    Then again, we deserve the denominational system if we are carnal minded.


    Hi Mark! I am happy for you that you are able to talk about God with them. However, are you going to tell them also how you feel about certain things in the Catholic Church? Someone once said that if you belong, you will also be made responsible for what they teach. I just made a post to Paladin telling Him how hard it was for me to leave. But today I am glad that we made that step…. I will not judge anyone, but I do care for you…. So good luck to you and yours, Peace and love Irene


    Hey Irene and T8,

     As a matter of fact, I did tell them. In numerous letters, I have stated my differances. I have even tried to leave. I tried to attend many other churches also. I came to the fact that all churches are flawed in some way, and are run by humans and are imperfect. I feel that my church in particular has many, many flaws, much of which make them in line with the pharasees, who put alot of importance on human precepts which Jesus pointed out to them was not good, like I have. But I have come to the fact that I do not have to participate in the things that I do not agree with, and to me, much of this is a test. I do not say roserys, I do not intercess anyone but God etc. etc.  I do fellowship with other christians, and other denominations. I enjoy going to church and praising God publicly and recieving communion. The signs God has given me and the peace that has filled my life tell me that he has not rejected me. I feel like I have walked through the furnace and not been burnt.

    Also, about the beast and the whore and babylon- Yea, it might be the rcc, the world is dark and loves darkness, and that might be, but I dont think so. I think a much better fit to the modern day Babylon is the US and the rest of the world for that matter.  Whatever we want to kill we kill, ar live we let live. We have built such a world dominating empire that we are almost untouchable. We have built this country literally on the rituals and symbols of masonry. The groundbreaking to the capitol was a masonic ceromony where George Washington laid the cornerstone in full masonic dress. Washington D.C. was designed around symbols of masonry. The statue of Liberty, is actually a roman Goddess, designed and built by masons! Libertas I think is her name. We have spread materialism and pornography and rock-and-roll over the entire world, much more fitting the whore to me than the rcc.The church may be flawed, but it promotes Jesus as savior and Lord, and I love the good in it. Peace yall-Mark


    Quote (mikeangel @ May 16 2011,23:58)
    Hello all,

    Just to drop a line and tell you all that I think about you and pray for your well being and peace. I have been blessed with loads of work, and due to losing all my help when it was slow I am by myself. Please pray that I find some good people to help me.

    I completed the lector training in my church, and will be installed memorial day weekend, and will get to read the word of God to the church in June. I have to thank Mikeboll and WJ for their debates for my inspiration to do that. I realized that John 1:1 tells me that the word is God, and in doing this I will be ministering directly to God, and am really looking forward to it.

    P.S. Karmarie- I hope you read this and send me a message, I think of you often and hope you are well and blessed. Love-Mark

    Thanks Mark.

    My Dad does the Eucharist, and the readings when it's his turn. My Mum plays the Music and organises it. They ask me to go to Church with them sometimes. But I don't.

    When I joined the Adventist Church, they said the RCC is the Antichrist. I didn't believe them, because Catholics don't deny Christ. Then they started saying that there would be a forced Sunday Sabbath (worldwide), but I didn't believe that would happen, so I left.

    I miss going sometimes though.

    Love to you and your family Mark.


    Hi Mark

    I hope you find the way;

    Mt 6:24 “No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.
    Lk 16:13 “No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.”

    we have for a while served two masters but then as Jesus said you leave one for the other.



    Quote (mikeangel @ Feb. 25 2011,08:24)
    Please understand that I am not trying to promote or advertise the RCC in this post. I have been asked a few times by genuinely well-meaning people why I still go, and it is hard to explain, so while i got the time from being home sick I will try to give an answer. First though please understand I do not want to be bashed for what I believe, and why I do the thing's i do. Please let this be informative and nothing more. I think there are many good churches out there besides this one and I will not say one is better than the other.

    First, I was led to believe in scripture that one has to have a child-like disposition of faith. When you were children, I don't think you walked into school and started debateing about all the issues being disected here. I think we all learned about Jesus and were taught he was God's son and we needed him  and he loved us. I wish it could have stopped there, but we humans are prideful and selfish as to our own views so we have to argue it out.

    To me, The Jews were the example of things to come. If you read 1 and 2 Kings, you see where all over the place, men have always erred over time and done things point blank wrong in the  law. Over and Over I read where impious kings mislead the people to bring God's wrath and punishment. I think that is true to this very day. Nobody has a monopoly on truth. I think when Jesus gets here he will show every church that they were flawed, some more than others, as stated in the letters to the churches in Revalations. My church is no exception, but, we are an organized system attempting to be God's children. Better thn the other institutions who stand for alot less nobler causes. But anyway here is where i stand on my church-

    What I like-
    1. I like that my church is one of the only ones that I know of that makes any effort  to hold married people to an accountability. It's not perfect but it is better than nothing. I have seen over and over where a man or woman gets involved in an affair, dumps the mate, and then goes to another church like nothing happened.
    2. I have only been to confession 4 or 5 times in my whole life, but when I went I needed it. There are many times I sin and ask God to forgive me, and try to do better, and I know that I am forgiven. But there has been a few crisis points in my life where I really needed that personal advice and forgiveness.
    3. I like the eucharist and wine every sunday. I feel very fed and consoled. I do believe it is like he said “This is my body”, and “This is my blood”' do this in rememberance of me. I say my most profound and direct prayers to God after communion. Also since my teenagers days, I get confort in what we say right before communion “Lord I am not worty to recieve you, but only say the word and i shall be healed”  When I wasn't as close to God as i should have been, this has comforted me, in knowing that jesus could guide me at will, and he could forgive me even though I am not worthy. It helped.
    4. The fellowship I enjoy. I am a people person, and like to be with other christians personally, and my family.

    Now- As you Anti -Catholic people are raging, I will tell you what I don't like-

    1. I do not like statues, in any form except the cross.
    2. I do not like that the priest cannot marry.
    3.  I do not like that the pope is referred to as “holy Father”
    4. I do not like that the higher ups think that ours is “the church” , and salvation is mostly exclusively ours. Thats where the abuse scandle came from. It's hard to claim you are perfect when Father Evil molested a kid. And then cover it up. These men will pay, but there are many, many genuine gentle and faithful servants to the Gospel. Before anyone blast me to hell with this keep in mind something else- Molestation is not in just our church. The bad thing is like I said, they tried to sweep it under the rug to save face, and when they got sued, the propertys ans liability were tied to entire dioceses. Other churches liabilitys stop at the property line. I'm glad that it finally came to light, and they are protecting children now. I took the class because you have to be trained and pass a background check before you can even be around the kids now.
    5. I do not like the idea of asking the intersession of anyone to gain access to God. I got a direct line and use it on a daily basis.

    Now, you can say to yourself “self, why in the world does he still go?”
    I tried changing churches, when I got disallusioned in the system. The first was Baptist. Not a good fit for me. The second was Messiaonic Jewish. Good place, but I fely that they were regressing back int the old laws too much . I was so storm-battered and lost. i didn't feel like I belonged anywhere. The i had an experience with God. he impressed on me that he sends test to people to see how close to his law one will follow, even when it is popular not to. He told me- You don't heve to intercess anyone, nor have you. I know you love me and that's what counts, more than where you go to church, and that you love others. It doesn't really matter, because as a matter of doctrine they are all wrong, but they can be rich in love. zI experience more love at this church than anywhere else. People have started to understand why i dropped out of the K of C. i marbleized the walls of the back of the church, and wrote an inscription on a wall in front of the Tabernacle (where the eucharist is kept) Which says – Jesus is “The King”. It was like making love to God. Good and Bad, I am here, and pray God personally comes and has a discussion with all the church leaders. Something huge is about to happen, and I am giddy with anticipation. peace Mark

    Greetings Mark…. Thank you!! I can relate to your post and I asked myself that very same question many many times…For the answer started with a clear understanding of the purpose of the scripture and the law it brings forth…Jesus said that “Where ever two or more are joined in prayer in my name there I will be” this statement to me trancends sectarian organized religion…When we go before the Father in prayer for wisdom on matters of spirituality it is his law that is imparted as the foundation to discern the things of God as opposed to things of the world…when we we look at the contradictions organized religion has created it becomes difficult to tell the difference between protestantism and catholism….the sinergies are obvious…lets start with the sabbath..God commanded us to keep HIS sabbaths and named them in the OT(Lev:23)not sunday or easter,christmas and days set aside to venerate varios saints(men)deemed immortal….His first commandment told us he was THEE GOD and there is no other like him Yet organized religion venerates Men by calling them saints and placing them in the heavenly realm…Next he commanded us not to make ANY graven images or likenesses there of and that includes the cross…(incidently it was stake that Jesus was crucified on not a cross)…The commandments deal with Mans relationship towards God as well as mans relationship to his fellow man…Much of the dogma as well as the doctrine of organized religion are contridictory to Gods Law and his commandments….We are told “A good understanding has he who keeps MY commandments”….We are the ecclesiastes(the called out ones)Gods church….eg.Church of God,we are not a building,we are not an organization purposed to get larger by virtue of marketing….Once we have an understanding of our purpose and our faith is founded in truth and understanding of Gods commanments..God could very well place one in the midst of the RCC church or any of the leading Protestant congegations for the purpose of teaching…IMHO


    Hey Theo!

    A pleasure to hear from you. I have been busy and decided to check on here just today and read this. I haven't been on in a long time. What a coincidence that you posted the one day I would check. As they say, there are no coincidences with God. I totally agree with you.  I believe that satan's crafty ways have done everything possible to get us to pull our focus off of him and his Father. Think of it. Satan has used Jesus' mother and good people to get us (Catholics, big C) to transgress the most  basic of commands. Who else could devise such means? Still, I believe God has allowed these stumbling blocks to test. He said we would be tested. Many just preform the rituals passed down and don't ever read the bible for themselves to discern the truth. I believe God has an ace in the hole though. He will come and straighten this mess out, and love for others and charity and faithfullness will replace pride and idolatry and unfaithfulness.

       To this end, I am getting even more giddy with anticipation of his return. As I read it, everything he said would precipitate his return is occuring. Even the nut that called for his return 5-21-11 is fulfillment. I read now that Iran is very, very close to haveing or testing a nuke. They are in the process of testing the “cold devices” (high explosive arrays without nuclear hemispheres). A few days ago, they moved uranium to a facility for further enrichment, and it is believed it will only take a few months to get it to weapons grade. Funny how the alarms aren't going off in the media, we focus on Mr. Weiner and the corrupt. I still beg Jesus to come every day, and base my hope on that. I hope you are well and blessed my friend-Peace- Mark


    Quote (Pastry @ May 17 2011,09:41)
    Hi Mark!  I am happy for you that you are able to talk about God with them.  However, are you going to tell them also how you feel about certain things in the Catholic Church?  Someone once said that if you belong, you will also be made responsible for what they teach.  I just made a post to Paladin telling Him how hard it was for me to leave.  But today I am glad that we made that step…. I will not judge anyone, but I do care for you…. So good luck to you and yours, Peace and love Irene

    Hey Irene,

     I hope you are well and blessed also. Just for discussion, I don't mean to offend, When ya'll joined the WWCOG, were ya'll responsible for the wrong things they believed in? Were they perfect? I don't think so. Ya'll were following your conciouses ant trying to practice what you felt was the truth. If there were errors and flaws, you were not responsible. Case in point-Jesus was a practiceing Jew. He even taught in the Temple of God. BUT, he was keenly aware of how wrong the thoughts and attitudes and “human precepts” had gotten. He even knew that they would eventually have him murdered. In the Gospels, I can't find one place where he told his deciples to abandon it. His heart grieved for it, and he tried to get the “den of thieves” out of it, but he never to my knowledge told anyone to “abandon ship”. He did however, prophesy that it would be destroyed and abandoned, which promptly occured after he was murdered. I feel the same way about all the churches now. I love God and my fellow christians I go to church with, but I firmly believe Jesus is comming to destroy it and everything else, and rescue us from the sheperds who pasture themselves and not us.  I have read the didache, which is a very early church guide from the very earliest days of the church. I love it. It gives me a glimpse of what church and worship was like before Satan started his “divide and conquer” tactics, which is obvious from history. One of the things I read in it is about false prophets. It says that when a prophet ask for money they are false. I can think of alot of preachers and priest and tele-evangelist that come to my mind. It says that they can ask you to give monet somewhere else, like the poor, but when they get it themselves they are false. I wish we could forget all the “progressive” ways that have been adopted and go back there when the church was true. Peace and God bless- Mark


    Quote (shimmer @ May 22 2011,02:00)

    Quote (mikeangel @ May 16 2011,23:58)
    Hello all,

    Just to drop a line and tell you all that I think about you and pray for your well being and peace. I have been blessed with loads of work, and due to losing all my help when it was slow I am by myself. Please pray that I find some good people to help me.

    I completed the lector training in my church, and will be installed memorial day weekend, and will get to read the word of God to the church in June. I have to thank Mikeboll and WJ for their debates for my inspiration to do that. I realized that John 1:1 tells me that the word is God, and in doing this I will be ministering directly to God, and am really looking forward to it.

    P.S. Karmarie- I hope you read this and send me a message, I think of you often and hope you are well and blessed. Love-Mark

    Thanks Mark.

    My Dad does the Eucharist, and the readings when it's his turn. My Mum plays the Music and organises it. They ask me to go to Church with them sometimes. But I don't.

    When I joined the Adventist Church, they said the RCC is the Antichrist. I didn't believe them, because Catholics don't deny Christ. Then they started saying that there would be a forced Sunday Sabbath (worldwide), but I didn't believe that would happen, so I left.

    I miss going sometimes though.

    Love to you and your family Mark.

    Hey shimmer,
    Pray for me and wish me luck. Next Sunday I will be reading (lectoring) for the first time. I am both very excited and nervous. I really want to read it in a way that will express the urgency and meaning of what God has said. I want to do this because so many of the other readers read with flat emotion and emphasis. I don't want to over do it, but I hope I do well and make a differance. Hope you are doing well. Love-Mark


    One more thing Theo- I do like the cross for a few reasons. For whatever reason it has become the universal symbol for being christian. When a muslim or anybody else sees it they know exactly what it means, and I like that and what it stands for. Also, in the 8th and 9th chapter of Ezekiel, God explains what abominations they are doing, and what he's going to do about it. He calls a man with a writing case at his waist, and tells him to go through Jerusalem (maybe meaning the world) and mark those to be spared . In the original manuscript it was stated he marked them with a “Taw”, which in the ancient Hebrew alphabet was literally a cross. They were saved by the cross, much like we will be saved by what the cross stands for, which is the perfect sacrifice our Lord made on calvary to save us. I wish Israel made the connection. Peace



    This is where you can see the alphabet.

    Ezekiel 9:4 (NASB95)
    4 The Lord said to him, “Go through the midst of the city, even through the midst of Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and groan over all the abominations which are being committed in its midst.”

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