Who really is the faithful slave?

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    Let us reason on this appointment for a moment! Let's assume that we have been unemployed for a long time. Then, late one Friday afternoon we are intervieved by a prospective employer. At the end of the interview it is decided upon that we will be hired, and we are to begin our employment the following Monday. Now, when we first arrive at our new place of employment to punch in for the first time, would our new employer meet us at the time clock and hand us a weeks wages, when we have not as yet begun producing for this new employer? No! He would not, now, would he? Now, if anyone knows of a place such as that, please inform me as to their exact location, because I would wish to be employed there too! Now, this may sound like a rather silly illustration, but, I think the reasoning here is sufficient to make my point!

    Now, if my memory serves me right, I believe the first printing of the Watchtower Magazine was put out in the year 1879! So, from that year until now, is a total of one-hundred and thirty years. For, as far as I know, the Governing Body has been telling us that for all of that time period they had already received their appointment as that 'Faithful Slave' and that appointment constituted them as 'God's Organization.' 'God's heavenly Woman!' They was also teaching their followers that The Holy Spirit was guiding and directing them throughout all of that time period. So, according to them, they had already received their wages, as God's appointed Channel! Even before the Christ had received his! Does the Bible actually support what they say, as to being the 'Faithful Slave' 'God's Appointed channel' 'God's Organization' between himself and mankind? I do not believe that it does that at all!

    Consider this also! For all of that time period, they have established a long record of one hundred and thirty years of failed predictions and false prophecies, in spite of having the Holy Spirit on them. That is a matter of recorded History, and cannot be denied, or argued! Now, does not that FACT tells us that Jehovah's Holy Spirit has not been on that Organization at all? Does Jehovah's Holy Spirit make errors in teaching this so-called 'Fathful Slave' if, in fact, that Holy Spirit was to be upon them for all of that time period? Would that Holy Spirit establish a record as long as that, of failed predictions and false prophecies? What an insult that would be to the God of the Bible! What an insult! {John 14:26;16:13- 1 John 2:17}

    Now, if, as I have indicated here, the Governing Body does not contain the 'anointed Brother's' of Christ, the 'Faithful Slave' of the parable in Matthew 24:45; and is not 'Jehovah's Channel of Communication' not 'Jehovah's Organization!' Some may be wondering, just where are these anointed ones at this time, and who are they and when exactly will they receive their appointments? Who would know exactly who they all are, and just where they are located? When they would actually receive their appoinments? No man on this earth would know, who they are or where they are located, nor would they know at exactly what period of time they all would be gathered and appointed; and who it was that did this gathering work of this particular class. Now, the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society will make claim, that those ones have been gathered by them, and are in their ranks! That, though, is impossible, for it is only the Christ would know precisely the answers to all of those questions! There would be no way for the Governing Body to know exactly where these ones are, or where to locate them, but those questions, only the Christ would know the answer to, and they are not too difficult questions to answer, for the Angels, as to where and who they are, and exactly what time period they would be gathered, and appointed.

    All of that will be revealed to us, as I cite this next scripture that will answer some of those questions! Reading now from Matthew 24:29-31 where it tells us this, about that: “Immediately AFTER the tribulation of those days the Sun will be darkened, and the Moon will not give its light, and the Stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And THEN the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and THEN all the Tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with Power and great glory. And he will SEND FORTH HIS ANGELS with a great Trumpet sound, and THEY WILL GATHER HIS CHOSEN ONES together from THE FOUR WINDS, from ONE EXTREMITY OF THE HEAVENS TO THE OTHER EXTREMITY.” Quite clearly, the Christ would know where exactly all of these ones were, and he would be the only one to know who they were, and where they were; and a very simple matter for him to reveal this information to his Angels, who would do all of this gathering work under his direction. Don't miss the point here, what the preceding scripture has revealed to all of us. Everything foretold here to happen is actually happening when the Christ takes ACTIVE CONTROL of the heavenly Government, and has not as yet, been fulfilled; so the gathering together of this Faithful Slave Class has not even begun as yet, so how in the World could they ever be among the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society? That is impossible, to say the least! They are all still scattered all over this earth, and that is what that scripture revealed to us.

    Now, this is the time period that they all will receive their appointments, and at that time, could well be described as the 'Faithful Slave' of the Parable in Matthew 24:45 because now they will have all earned their wages, as it were! They will all now be described as conquerers, for they could well be described at this time, as a 'Faithful Slave!' The true Faithful Slave of the Parable in Matthew 24:45.

    The account in Revelation has much to say about these ones who will conquer, and it would be instructive to look up the following cited Chapters and verses of scripture, to further enlighten ourselves: {Revelation 2:7,11,26-3:12,21 – 1 John 5:4,5} Now, one of these preceding scriptures will tell us exactly when this “Faithful Slave Class” receives their appointments or authority, for Revelation 2:26,27 reveals just exactly when that will be, for it says there: “And to him that conquers and observes my deeds DOWN TO THE END I will give authority over the Nations, and he shall shepherd the people with an iron rod so that they will be broken to pieces like clay vessels, the same as I have received from my Father.” So, these ones in order to receive their appointment as the Faithful Slave, had to first conquer and observe the words of Jesus right 'down to the end,' in order to receive of that appointment. Now, could it be said that the Governing Body, in 1879 had already 'conquered', and that they had 'observed the words of Jesus right down to the end?' Even more, could it be said, that they were 'Fully put to the test?' Or that they had 'remained faithful even to death?' Those are ridiculous ideas, to say the least! Are they not?

    So, who would know better than the Christ exactly when those appointments are made? Is that the only scripture in the Revelation account that reveals the time period when these appointments are made? Absolutely not! There is yet one more that will further explain the truth of this matter, and it is found at Revelation 11:17,18 where we learn this: … “We thank you, Jehovah God, the Almighty, the one who is and who was because you have taken your great power and begun ruling as king. But the Nations became wrathful, and your own wrath came, and the APPOINTED TIME for the dead to be judged, and to give their reward to your slaves the Prophets and to THE HOLY ONES and to those fearing your name, the small and
    the great, and to bring to ruin those ruining the earth.” So, when the Governing Body took on that favored position for themselves, the appointed time for that to occur, had not as yet arrived! As I have pointed out: “They had jumped the Gun!” We see from this scripture that the appointed time was, and is, still yet future!

    So, we see, that ever before the 'Faithful Slave' was appointed, the Christ would first have to receive his authority to begin ruling as King, then the 'Faithful Slave would receive all of their appointments! As we have seen, thus far, these anointed Brothers of Christ would have to be first, 'fully put to the test!' They would have to come off as conquereres. They would have to remain 'faithful, even to death,' only then would the “Faithful Slave of the parable in Matthew 24:45 receive their appointments to that office, and not before that!

    Jesus passed on this information to the Apostle John, when he made this statement at Revelation 2:10 where we learn this: “Do not be afraid of the things you are about to suffer. Look! The Devil will keep on throwing some of you into prison that you may be FULLY PUT TO THE TEST, and that you may have tribulation Ten Days. PROVE YOURSELVES FAITHFUL EVEN TO DEATH, and I will give you THE CROWN OF LIFE.” So, this is what they all had to do, in order to receive any appointments from the Christ, and those appointments would only come, when the Christ becomes fully active in kingdom power, as I have scripturally shown the case to be. {Revelation 12:10-13}

    That is what the Holy Writings reveals to us, and that is what the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society, has failed to appreciate. They have seriously jumped the gun by appointing themselves as the 'Faithful Slave Class,' in the parable in Matthew 24:45 when they are absolutely nothing of the kind!

    There is absolutely no possible way that the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society has the 'Faithful Slave' in their midst, because the true 'Faithful slave' has not even been appointed as yet, not even gathered as yet, and will not be untill the Christ becomes actively operational towards this earth! When he actually takes his 'all authority' and begins ruling as the foretold king of God's Kingdom!

    Did the Christ ever mention that there would be some Body of Men taking this position that did not belong to them? Yes! He did! {Matthew 24:24}
    At Matthew 22:11-13 we find these words explaining what will occur with the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, as well as the entire empire of false religion on this earth today; for they all believe that they are heaven bound, when, such, is not the case at all! Just prior to the end of this system of things, “When the King came in to inspect the guests he caught sight of a man not clothed with a marriage garment. So he said to him, 'Fellow, how did you get in here without a marriage garment?' He was rendered speechless. Then the King said to his servants, 'Bind him hand and foot and throw him out into the darkness outside. There is where his weeping and the gnashing of his teeth will be.”

    We should remember, at this point, that this Marraige Feast mentioned here, had first application to the Israeltie Nation, as Matthew 22:1-14 brings out, specifically verse 10 shows that the invitation to the Marriage Feast was transferred over to include all of the Nation's, out of which arose Apostate Cristianity; which was foretold by the Christ at Matthew 13:24–30 –36–43! It would be, from among these that Apostate Christianity would begin to grow and flourish. But do not easily dismiss this scripture, for it says:WHEN THE KING CAME IN! In other words, when he was actively ruling in kingdom power and taken over the earths affairs! Why can this be accurately stated? For the following reasons! We know that when the Christ came into kingdom power in the year 1914 he was, not yet an ACTIVE RULING KING as he had to wait for something because of what his Father had said to him! What was that, you may ask? We know that when the Christ first arrived he 'sat down at the right hand of his Father!' {Matthew 25:31} He had to wait for something! What, and why was that? At Hebrews Chapter 1:13 we find these words about that: …”To which one of the Angels has he ever said: “Sit at my right hand until I place your enemies as a stool for your feet.”

    So, Jesus was waiting for something before he could ever make a move! What was he waiting for? For this command from his Father: “The rod of your strength Jehovah will send out of Zion, {saying} “Go subduing in the midst of your enemies.” When Jesus would hear these words, then the King would go in to 'inspect the guests.' {Psalms 110:1,2} {Matthew 22:44} {Mark 12:36} {Hebrews 1:13} It would be at that time, that the one without the marriage garment {the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society} would be cast out, and the true faithful slave would receive their appointments. So, the governing Body of Jehovah's witnesses have been sitting in the seats of the true anointed class for almost one-hundred and thirty years now, posing as the faithful slave of the parable in Matthew 24:45. Their exposure now, is emminent!

    What has actually happened with this writing? With the aid of the Holy Spirit in the hands of the Christ, I have, with this writing, put the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society, completely out of office, once and for all! {John 14:26;16:13} {1 John 2:17}

    One last final, very striking point surfaces here, and that is, it isn't only the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society that has been put out of office with this writing! It is the entire empire of Religion that encompasses and permeates our earth today, that also has been put out of office.

    Why do I say that, you may ask? For the simple reason, that this one without the marriage garment does not picture only the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society, it pictures firstly the Israelite Nation, but also the entire empire of false religion on this earth today; because they are rife with watered-down half-truths, and outright lies; and the anointed Brothers of the Christ would never allow a lie to pass through their lips, as is brought out in the Revelation account, in these following words: “And I saw, and look! The Lamb standing upon the Mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty four Thousand having his name and the name of his Father written on their fore-heads. And I heard a loud sound out of heaven as the sound of many waters and as the sound of loud thunder; and the sound was as of singers who accompany themselves on the harps. And they are singing as if a new song before the Throne and before the four living creatures and the elders; and NO ONE WAS ABLE TO MASTER THAT SONG but the hundred and forty four Thousand, who have been bought from the earth. These are the ones who did not defile themselves with Women; in fact, they are virgins. These are the ones who follow the Lamb no matter where he goes. These were bought from among mankind as first – fruits to God and to the Lamb, and NO FALSEHOOD was found in their mouths; they are without blemish.” {Revelation 14:1-5} Now, we do know that Jesus will be separating the sheep from the goats, putting the sheep on his right hand and the goats on his left, but only these sheep-like ones, who separate themselves from the religions of this World, will make it out alive after Armageddon. Everyone else will be terminated! {Matthew 25:31-46} {Revelation 18:4} {2Corinthians 6:16-18} {Revelation 7:9,10}

    So, the Organization known as the Watchtower Bible And Tract Society, and all of the main-line Religions of this World will vanish from this earth when the Christ finally swings into action! I personally, will not shed as much as one single tear when that does occur! Not one!

    In conclusion then, Jesus will only choose, during the marriage-feas
    t, his anointed Brothers, these will constitute the true appointed Faithful Slave of the parable at Matthew 24:45! As for the sheep-like ones foretold at Matthew 25:31-46 only the sheep-like ones who have obeyed the command, to, “Come out of her my people” will be separated to his right hand for survival through the great tribulation, and the 'War of the great day of God the Almighty' at Armageddon. As for the Goat-like ones they will eperience the same fate as the devil and his demons, for, they too, like them, will be thrown into the lake of fire, if they remain within the confines of Babylon The Great; for when that religious empire falls, anyone still within their ranks will fall with them. {Matthew 25:41} {Revelation 18:4; 20:10}

    As we have seen, the 'Faithful Slave' is not as yet on the scene, and it definitely is not the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society! I feel this article has proven that, beyond a shadow if a doubt!

    To tie this article all together, I should like to mention one last point that will show that my reasoning has to be correct. Now, it isn't unknown what the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society, as well as all of those who follow their teachings,will tell us all to prove that they are the only true Religion. They will tell us all, that because they have filled the entire inhabited earth with their preaching activity in harmony with what is stated at Matthew 24:14 that, that very fact stamps them as the one true Religion. What they don't realize, by saying that, is, though, rather than stamp them as the one true Religion, it in actuality does the reverse to that. Why do I say that, you may well ask? For the following scriptural reasons.

    Look now, at Jeremiah 23:20 where this statement is made, and this statement brings us down to the time of the end of this system of things. Look, now, at what this passage of scripture informs us of:

    “The anger of Jehovah will not turn back until he will have carried out and until he will have made the ideas of his heart, come true…' ” Now, this statement thus far brings us right down to our own day, because we are very likely the ones who will still be alive to experiance Jehovah's anger. Now, notice what the final words of this prophecy state: “In the final part of the days, you people {those now living} will give your consideration to it with understanding.”

    Now, these next few words are the ones that will bring the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society, and their followers, to their knees, for this is what we are now 'giving our consideration to with understanding in the final part of the Days!

    Verse 21: I did NOT send the Prophets, yet they themselves ran. I did NOT speak to them, yet they themselves prophesied.” Moving on now to verses 31,32 we read how Jehovah really feels about these false Prophets: “Here I am against the Prophets,” is the utterance of Jehovah, “the ones who are employing their tongue, that they may utter forth an utterance!” “Here I am against the prophets of false dreams, is the utterance of Jehovah, “who relate them and cause my people to WANDER ABOUT because of their falsehoods and because of their boasting.” “But I myself did NOT send them or command them. So they will by no means benefit this people,” is the utterance of Jehovah.”

    We might now, just consider some of the boasting that has been done by the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society. “We are the only organization that the Bible is not a sealed Book to!” “Listen to us, as though you were listening to the voice of God!” “Our Watchtower magazine is Jehovah's principle teaching instrument!” “We are the Mother of all of our followers!” “We are the only ones who understand the Bible!” “We are God's Organization!” We are his channel of communication!” We are the Faithful Slave of the parable in Matthew 24:45!” “You cannot understand the Bible apart from us!” We are the only ones in possession of the Holy Spirit!” On and on, it goes! It tires you out considering all of their boasting! This, though, is sufficient to show that this scripture in Jeremiah is talking about them; the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society! I can't imagine a bigger braggart than what they are! {Shortly I will put a long list of Watctower Quotes on the Board, so all can see for themselves what I'm driving at here!}

    All of their followers WANDER ABOUT because of this particular boasting, telling all about this bragging false prophet, because they have all been directed to do that very thing, in their preaching activity. They cause many to believe exactly as they believe, so, here we have a chain-reaction, going on that has developed into the millions, because they are all taught to do it very well!

    So, “Who really is the Faithful Slave?” It is definitely not the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses! I think that I have sufficiently proven that!

    Of course, few, if any at all, on this Board, will believe a word I have said here, but, what's new? I expect that anyway! Texas!

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