Who really is baal gad ?

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    “The word god, on the conversion of the Teutonic races to Christianity, was adopted as the NAME of the one Supreme Being, the Creator of the universe, and of the Persons of the TRINITY.”

    Do you believe this Elijah?

    I'm going to go read your other first posts on baal=lord.


    Do you believe this Quote from your own Organization from the same Encyclopaedia Britannica David?


    In ( The Watchtower, announcing Jehovah's Kingdom, January 15th, 2005 issue, called ' Can You control your future', Page 18 ).. “””Quote

    In time, these so-called Christians ADOPTED PAGAN FESTIVALS, PRACTICES, AND TEACHINGS, even labeling them ” Christian “. For example, Christmas has its origin in rites involving the worship of the PAGAN DEITIES Mithra and Saturn. But what induced professed Christians TO ADOPT THESE UNCHRISTIAN CELEBRATIONS ? Says “” The New Encyclopaedia Britannica ( 1974) “” Christmas the festival of the birth of Jesus Christ, was established in connection with a fading of the expectation of Christ's imminent return””

    Unquote of the JWs Article from Encyclopaedia Britannica

    They quoted from the same Encyclopedia Britannica concerning the pagan ” christmas ” that Protestants keep too.

    What's the difference? Or do they just pick and choose what paganisim they want to accept and keep, but throw the rest out?


    Now, here are the JW'S pointing out the pagan origin of “” christmas “” from ( The Encyclopaedia Britannica).

    Well, WHY don't they also look into the same (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1911 edition) under the pagan origin word ' god ', that was also ADOPTED BY CHRISTIANITY upon conversion of the Teutonic races??

    Didn't Messiah say, that ye behold the splinter in your brother's eye, but, behold, you have a rafter in your own eye?

    What did Messiah call those who did such ? He called them Hypocrits.

    Go back and read the ( Britannica 1911 edition ) article that was previously given, and its address where you can read it for yourself.

    What's the difference in so-called christians ADOPTING THE PAGAN “” Christmas and Easter “”, and also ADOPTING THE PAGAN WORD TITLE OF ' god ' from the TEUTONICS and BABYLONIANS?

    What's the difference in YHWH'S Eyes??

    Is it ok to accept a ” little paganism “, but not a whole lot of paganism to YHWH?




    why won't you answer MY question? What are YOU afraid of?


    Also, just curious if there are any English Bible that don't have the word “god” in it?


    Yes David there is a English Translation that does not have those idol pagan titles in them.

    It is called “” The Scriptures “” by the “” Institute for Scriptures research “” which I prefer, because it is the closest literal translation from Hebrew to English and without the pagan titles and words.

    Now answer those questions in thee ABOVE POSTS?


    Yes, I believe ” christmas and easter” is pagan, like the JW article above says, but I also believe and know that the pagan ” g-d “” is pagan too.

    Now WHY DON'T THEY THE JWs TOO? What is the difference to YHWH?

    There is no difference to YHWH, it is all the same to Him, paganism is paganism. there is no such thing as accepting a little bit of paganism, but not accepting a lot.

    There is no difference to YHWH, not in His sight!


    Is there any such thing as accepting a little bit of sin to YHWH, but not accepting a lot of sin??

    There is no difference in His eyes, and you had better wake up to that fact.


    Elijah, when did Gad become a euphemism for God?


    All these title words “” god, gad, gud, gott, guth “” are all related to the title name Babylonian deity of “” gad, guwd, gawd “, which are pronounced as same, which are Strongs Hebrew Dictionary Numbers 1408, 1409, 1464 “”, which is mentioned in ( Isa.65:11) and the Book of Joshua.

    Even the English Dictionaries have proven this also as James H.Strongs plainly define.

    Now David, WHY do you not answer my questions in thee ABOVE posts?


    Now I've given you WHEN in thee above post, and where those words really originate, and IF you will check into this using a Strongs Hebrew Concordance and other Hebrew interlinteraries concerning thee above words you will find this to be so.

    Now, please answer those questions in thee ABOVE POSTS?


    Fine. OK. Fine.
    First, on the Baal Gad thing of yours.

    This is in responce to Elijah's very first posting of Baal Gad. I've tried to go through everything he said.

    ISAIAH 65:11
    ““But YOU men are those leaving Jehovah, those forgetting my holy mountain, those setting in order a table for the god of Good Luck [Gad] and those filling up mixed wine for the god of Destiny.”(The KJV used the word “troop” in translating Gad. This is one possible definition of “gad,” but I’m not sure it makes sence here. (*See Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary definition of gad below)

    THE WORD: “baal”
    In the Scriptures, the Hebrew word bá`al is employed with reference to
    (1) a husband as owner of his wife (Ge 20:3);
    (2) landowners (Jos 24:11, ftn);
    (3) “owners of the nations” (Isa 16:8, ftn);
    (4) “confederates” (literally, “owners [masters] of the covenant”) (Ge 14:13, ftn);
    (5) owners or possessors of tangibles (Ex 21:28, 34; 22:8; 2Ki 1:8, ftn);
    (6) persons or things having something that is characteristic of their nature, manner, occupation, and the like, for example, an archer (literally, “owner of arrows”) (Ge 49:23), a “creditor of the debt” (literally, “owner of a debt of his hand”) (De 15:2), “anyone given to anger” (literally, “owner of anger”) (Pr 22:24), “judicial antagonist” (literally, “owner of judgment”) (Isa 50:8, ftn);
    (7) Jehovah (Ho 2:16);
    (8) false gods (Jg 2:11, 13).

    THE WORD: HabBaal
    The term habBá`al (the Baal) is the designation applied to the false god Baal. The expression habBe`aliḿ (the Baals) refers to the various local deities thought of as owning or possessing and having influence over particular places.

    At times in Israel’s history Jehovah was referred to as “Baal,” in the sense of his being the Owner or Husband of the nation. (Isa 54:5) Also, the Israelites may have improperly associated Jehovah with Baal in their apostasy. The latter appears to be borne out by Hosea’s prophecy that the time would come when Israel, after going into and being restored from exile, would repentantly call Jehovah “My husband,” and no more “My owner” (“My Baal,” AT). The context suggests that the designation “Baal” and its associations with the false god would never again pass the lips of the Israelites. (Ho 2:9-17) The bad connotation that appears to have become attached to the Hebrew word bá`al because of its association with the degraded worship of Baal is thought by some to be the reason the writer of Second Samuel used the names “Ish-bosheth” and “Mephibosheth” (bósheth means shame) instead of “Eshbaal” and “Merib-baal.”—2Sa 2:8; 9:6; 1Ch 8:33, 34

    Each locality had its own Baal, and the local Baal was often given a name denoting his being attached to a specific locality. For instance, the Baal of Peor (Baal-peor), who was worshiped by Moabites and Midianites, took his name from Mount Peor. (Nu 25:1-3, 6) The names of these local Baals later came to be transferred through a figure of speech (metonymy) to the localities themselves, as, for example, Baal-hermon, Baal-hazor, Baal-zephon, Bamoth-baal. However, although there were many local Baals, officially, among the Canaanites, it was understood that there was actually just one god Baal.
    (Báal-gad) [Owner of Gad (Good Fortune)].
    A town in the valley plain of Lebanon at the base of Mount Hermon, on its W side. It is used to describe the most northerly point of Joshua’s conquest of the land of Canaan, as compared with the southerly point of Mount Halak in the Negeb. (Jos 11:17; 12:7; 13:5) The exact location is uncertain, but it is generally identified with Hasbaiya in the Wadi et-Teim or a site nearby.


    Definition given by Elijah:
    GAD, 1.IN THE BIBLE, a son of Jacob. 2. A tribe of Israel descended from him. 3. The land where this tribe lived. GAD, gad, interj. A mild oath or expression of suprise, disgust, e.t.c., A EUPHEMISM FOR GOD. “”

    This doesn’t mean the word “Gad” means God, rather, it is a euphemism for God. There are many euphemism’s for God.

    n : an inoffensive expression that is substituted for one that is considered offensive [ant: dysphemism]

    The following list was compiled using Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, Webster's New World College Dictionary, Roget's International Thesaurus, Rodale's Synonym Finder, and other references.

    Euphemisms for God:
    * ga
    * gad
    * gadfrey
    * gawd
    * godfrey
    * gol
    * golly
    * good God
    * good gracious
    * good grief
    * good Lord
    * goodness
    * goodness gracious
    * goodness me
    * good night
    * gosh
    * gracious
    * great Scott
    * od
    * odd
    Euphemisms for oh God:

    * egad
    * egads
    * yegads

    Euphemisms for oh my God:

    * oh my
    * oh my gawd
    * oh my goodness
    * omigosh

    Euphemisms for by God:

    * begorra (Irish)
    * b'gosh
    * by gar
    * by George
    * by Jove
    * pardie (French)


    * cheece
    * cheese
    * cheez
    * cheeze
    * gee
    * gees
    * gee whiz
    * geez
    * geeze
    * jee
    * jeepers
    * jee whiz
    * jeez
    * jeminy
    * jiminy
    * sheece
    * sheesh

    Euphemisms for Christ:

    * cracky
    * cricky
    * crikey
    * criminy
    * cripes

    Euphemisms for Jesus Christ:

    * jeepers creepers
    * jeez Louise
    * Jiminy Cricket

    Euphemisms for by Jesus:

    * bejabers
    * bejeezus
    * bejesus
    * by jingo

    Euphemisms for Lord:

    * lawdy
    * lordy

    So, what does it mean that “gad” is a euphemism for God? If “God” were a euphemism for “gad,” that may be different.

    *Source: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary
    fortune; luck. (1.) Jacob's seventh son, by Zilpah, Leah's handmaid, and the brother of Asher (Gen. 30:11-13; 46:16, 18). In the Authorized Version of 30:11 the words, “A troop cometh: and she called,” etc., should rather be rendered, “In fortune [R.V., 'Fortunate']: and she called,” etc., or “Fortune cometh,” etc. The tribe of Gad during the march through the ilderness had their place with Simeon and Reuben on the south side of the tabernacle (Num. 2:14). The tribes of Reuben and Gad continued all through their history to follow the pastoral pursuits of the patriarchs (Num. 32:1-5). The portion allotted to the tribe of Gad was on the east of Jordan, and comprehended the half of Gilead, a region of great beauty and fertility (Deut. 3:12), bounded on the east by the Arabian desert, on the west by the Jordan (Josh. 13:27), and on the north by the river Jabbok. It thus included the whole of the Jordan valley as far north as to the Sea of Galilee, where it narrowed almost to a point. This tribe was fierce and warlike; they were “strong men of might, men of war for the battle, that could handle shield and buckler, their faces the faces of lions, and like roes upon the mountains for swiftness” (1 Chr. 12:8; 5:19-22). Barzillai (2 Sam. 17:27) and Elijah (1 Kings 17:1) were of this tribe. It was carried into captivity at the same time as the other tribes of the northern kingdom by
    Tiglath-pileser (1 Chr. 5:26), and in the time of Jeremiah (49:1) their cities
    were inhabited by the Ammonites.

    (2.) A prophet who joined David in the “hold,”
    and at whose advice he quitted it for the forest of Hareth (1 Chr. 29:29; 2 Chr. 29:25; 1 Sam. 22:5). Many years after we find mention made of him in connection with th
    e punishment inflicted for numbering the people (2 Sam. 24:11-19; 1 Chr. 21:9-19). He wrote a book called the “Acts of David” (1 Chr. 29:29), and assisted in the arrangements for the musical services of the “house of God” (2 Chr. 29:25). He bore the title of “the king's seer” (2 Sam. 24:11, 13; 1 Chr. 21:9).

    Before we go further, a note on the KJV which seems to be the basis for Elijah’s opening words in this thread. It’s not the most trustworthy translation. I think that has already been stated in this forum.

    HOSEA 2:16
    “And it must occur in that day,’ is the utterance of Jehovah, ‘that you will call [me] My husband [ishi] and you will no longer call me My owner [baali].’”

    Elijah wrote:
    “Now, when this verse with its names is correctly ” transliterated ” it [Hosea 2:16] will read thus blelow, and it is inescapable that the title name “” BAALI “” means “” LORD “”..

    Well, according to the scriptures, there is about 8 things it could mean which are stated at the beginning of this thread. Which makes the most sence in the context of Hosea 2:16?

    Eliha writes:
    “Now, the center reference column in the K.J.V. absolutely leaves NO DOUBT as to the true meaning of the “” title name of BAALI “”, for it means “” LORD “”, and that is exactly what people are calling YHWH=YAH( Psalms 68:4) today.”
    Whether the center reference column in the KJV says that or not, the scriptures themselves indicated what the word “baal” means. It can mean several things. Again, see above.

    HOSEA 2:17
    ““‘And I will remove the names of the Báal images from her mouth, and they will no longer be remembered by their name.”

    EXODUS 23:13
    ““And YOU are to be on your guard respecting all that I have said to YOU; and YOU must not mention the name of other gods. It should not be heard upon your mouth.”

    Elijah writes:
    “Now, will you believe your own eyes, as you read the true meaning of ” BAAL=LORD” in your own K.J.V. scriptures ?”

    I’m following your line of reasoning, reading everything you write several times and so far, no, I’m not putting great trust in “baal=lord” in the KJV. Although I don’t presently have a KJV, I have followed what you said.
    Elijah, I often show people the name Jehovah in their “own KJV,” at Ps 83:18. If you take what the KJV says without question, then I take it you will start using “Jehovah” as your pronunciation of God’s name.

    The first 6 ways that the word “baal” is used is as some sort of “owner.” “Besides this, it is also used in connection with Jehovah (#7) and used to refer to false gods (#8)

    Let’s look at it again.

    HOSEA 2:16-17
    “And it must occur in that day,’ is the utterance of Jehovah, ‘that you will call [me] My husband, and you will no longer call me My owner [or, my “baal”].’ “‘And I will remove the names of the Báal images from her mouth, and they will no longer be remembered by their name.”

    Elijah writes:
    “If YAH( Psalms 68:4) is going to remove and take away the title names of BAALIM =LORD and GOD=GAD out of people's mouths in the future, then should we not get an early start at doing that today? “
    Fist off, God does not equal Gad. It just doesn’t.
    Secondly, yes, Jehovah said he would remove the names of the Baal images from the Israelites.
    Next, Elijah quotes this scripture:
    JEREMIAH 23:26-27
    “How long will it exist in the heart of the prophets who are prophesying the falsehood and who are prophets of the trickiness of their own heart? They are thinking of making my people forget my name by means of their dreams that they keep relating each one to the other, just as their fathers forgot my name by means of Báal.”
    Yes, The Isrealites were turned away from pure and undefiled worship towards baal worship and this caused them to “forget” Jehovah’s name because of this baal worship.
    What does this prove? What doesn’t it prove?

    Next, Elijah writes:
    “Also, He says that He would remove the names( plural) of Balim( lord and god) out of their mouths( See also Hosea 2:16-17).”
    Yes, Jehovah would remove the names of the baal images from their mouth.
    What does this prove? What doesn’t it prove?
    You say to check the encyclopedia britannica on the definition of “gad.”

    Main Entry: 1gad
    Pronunciation: 'gad
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Middle English, spike, from Old Norse gaddr; akin to Old English geard rod — more at YARD
    1 : a chisel or pointed iron or steel bar for loosening ore or rock
    2 chiefly dialect : a long stick

    Elijah writes:
    “In every place that “” Ashtoroth==Astarte==Easter” was practiced( See Ezek.8:14-18–), so was the worship of the Babylonian deity called “” Baal Gad=Lord God””( Judges 2:11,13, 1 Kings 11:33–), and it was condemned by YHWH= YAH, and it even condemned Solomon too( 1 Kings 11:6–). ”
    This statement is true except for the Baal Gad=Lord God part.
    Right, worshiping false gods is wrong. Ashtoroth, wrong. Baal, wrong. Good point.

    These are the only points you make on baal gad=lord god. They seem to be a bit of a stretch. For someone that has several forums with this topic on them, and has been studying this for years, I would think it could be proven a little more clearly and with more proof.


    I'm off to look into the etymology of the word “god.”


    David, what's the difference in paganisim origin of “” christmas “” mentioned by the JWs in their article from the Encyclopedia Britannica, and the origin pagan of ” god ” in the Same Encyclopedia Britannica ??

    How can the JWs accept the ONE article from that Encyclodedia, and pretend to reject the OTHER from the same Encyclopedia ??

    That's being a hypo.

    You never answered my questions David.


    ONE main “”* gawd “” you gave = Strongs 1464, and this is in reference to that same “” baal gad “” babylonian deity.

    You really do need to learn some Hebrew words and their meanings David.

    You still have never answered thos questions David.


    As I'VE SAID
    I was responding to the baal gad thing.



    And then I said, if you read it, which I guess you didn't….then I said, I was going to look into the etymology of the word “god.”


    How could you have missed them?



    Look all these up in the Strongs “” Heb.Num.1408,1409= gad=GAWD from 1413, and =gaw-dad, comp. 1464= guwd akin to 1413, and 1413 takes you back again to 1464.

    You will recognize all these with the English word ” god =German of gott=guth, and the Danish and Swedish have ” gud” which you will recognize in number 1464= GUwD.


    Ok, sorry David, but I didn'y miss them.


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    The word ” easter ” is mentioned in ( Acts 12:4) of the K.J.V. but, that word under ” easter ” is “” Passover “.

    This ” easter ” is the same as ” Astarte= Ashtoreth=” is mentioned several times in scriptures, and it is condemned and explained in ( Ezek.8:14), and everywhere in scriptures this is mentioned ( Judges Chapter 2 an Book of Kings) of BOTH Baal gad and Astarte=easter.

    When ONE was practiced then, as it is practiced today too, so was the worship of the Babylonian deity called baal gad lord god, or baal god.

    Even one of the ” seven assemblies ” mentioned in ( Rev.2:14) was practicing the same, read also about that too.

    People better wake up to what is going on today and look at ( Rev.9:20; Rev.13:3-4 and verse 8) concering satan worship.

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