Who really is baal gad ?

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    Quote (Eliyah @ Sep. 14 2005,08:13)
    Nick, you wouldn't know ” love ” if it bit you on the “a” .


    Well WHY don't you DO and obey these ( Exod.20:2-7;Exod.23:13)?????????????????? Hyppo.

    Eliyah C.

    Hi e,
    You are not in a position to judge me or others on any of these or other matters.
    The verse in 1 Jn shows that those who are anointed with the Spirit of YHWH fulfill His commands. They do not invoke other gods.
    There is nothing to say that they may not quote what others have written. Such is not said to be sin.

    You are at risk of making yourself to be a baal or tinpot god by constantly predicting doom for those who do not accept all you say.


    Nick, You said, “”

    Hi e,
    You are not in a position to judge me or others on any of these or other matters.
    The verse in 1 Jn shows that those who are anointed with the Spirit of YHWH fulfill His commands. They do not invoke other gods.
    There is nothing to say that they may not quote what others have written. Such is not said to be sin.

    You are at risk of making yourself to be a baal or tinpot god by constantly predicting doom for those who do not accept all you say.

    Nick, I'm not ” judging ” anyone, I simply ASKED YOU a question above.

    Nick, I don't give a damm either way with you whether you accept what I say or not, because I'm not here to get everyone to accept what I say, but I am here to give you an exclusive WARNING concerning the practice of Idolatry by ” syncretisim ” and modern Baal = satan worship( Rev.9:20; Rev.13:3-4, 8) that religious denominations are practicing through satan's deception( Rev.12:9).

    However, Whether people on here choose to believe and accept it, is entirely up to them, but people better start really checking into this, and thinking about it, because judgement of this world's so-called pagan baal religious system is coming very soon.

    Now, you can accuse me of judging all you want, it is you who wants to control other people's minds on this forum, after all, this is your forum and not mine, and naturally your going to try and dis-credit anything I have to say, BUT You cannot dis-prove what I have written concerning modern day Baal Ministers and their Idolatry practices.

    Is this what bothers you so bad, that maybe your one of those??

    Your accusing me want change a thing.

    Eliyah C.


    Somehow, I don't see Jesus speaking quite this way.

    Elijah, you say you don't …um…. care if Nick listens to you or not, but that you're just here to warn him. Is that love?

    I'm afraid your demenor has shown you for what you are.
    The things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these defile a man. (Mat 15:18,19)

    By their fruits you will recognize such men.


    David, You seem to be ignoring Nick's posts, could this be because you WILL NOT ANSWER THAT QUESTION I ASKED OF YOU FROM 3 days ago??

    Or, do I have to RE-POST IT again the 3rd time in this topic.

    Why are you afraid of “” that question “??


    David, Please read it very close.

    Will you answer the Questions at the Bottom, or are you afraid of them?

    GOD, the common Teutonic word for a personal object of religious worship. It is thus, like the Gr. Oe6s and Lat. dens, applied to all those superhuman beings of the heathen mythologies who exercise power over nature and man and are often identified with some particular sphere of activity; and also to the visible material objects, whether an image of the supernatural being or a tree, pillar, &c. used as a symbol, an idol. The word god, on the conversion of the Teutonic races to Christianity, was adopted as the name of the one Supreme Being, the Creator of the universe, and of the Persons of the Trinity. The New English Dictionary points cut that whereas the old Teutonic type of the word is neuter, corresponding to the Latin numen, in the Christian applications it becomes masculine, and that even where the earlier neuter form is still kept, as in Gothic and Old Norwegian, the construction is masculine. Popular etymology has connected the word with good ; this is exemplified by the corruption of God be with you into good-bye. God is a word common to all Teutonic languages. In Gothic it is Guth; Dutch has the same form as English; Danish and Swedish have Gud, German Gott. According to the New English Dictionary, the original may be found in two Aryan roots, both of the form gheu, one of which means to invoke, the other to pour (ci. Gr. x~av); the last is used of sacrificial offerings. The word would thus mean the object either of religious invocation or of religious worship by sacrifice. It has been also suggested that the word might mean a molten image from the sense of pour.”” Unquote.

    Read it yourself and FOLLOW THE LINKS. under 'god'.


    And “”Quote
    Please look at the ” Etyemology ” of this word ” god” from the Oxford English Dictionary” at


    or at http://www.etymonline.com/

    Here it is below.

    O.E. god “supreme being, deity,” from P.Gmc. *guthan (cf. Du. god, Ger. Gott, O.N. guð, Goth. guþ), from PIE *ghut- “that which is invoked” (cf. Skt. huta- “invoked,” an epithet of Indra), from root *gheu(e)- “to call, invoke.” But some trace it to PIE *ghu-to- “poured,” from root *gheu- “to pour, pour a libation” (source of Gk. khein “to pour,” khoane “funnel” and khymos “juice;” also in the phrase khute gaia “poured earth,” referring to a burial mound). “Given the Greek facts, the Germanic form may have referred in the first instance to the spirit immanent in a burial mound” [Watkins]. Not related to good. Originally neut. in Gmc., the gender shifted to masc. after the coming of Christianity. O.E. god was probably closer in sense to L. numen. A better word to translate deus might have been P.Gmc. *ansuz, but this was only used of the highest deities in the Gmc. religion.


    Notice it comes from German, and was shifted to English ' god ' after coming to christianity.

    This word ” god” is of Pagan origin, look into the Encyclopaedia Brittanica, 11th edition under the word ' god'.

    I know that You and the JW witnesses do not believe in the practice of “” Easter==Astare “” , and rightely so, which is pagan Idolatry worship.

    And in every place in the scriptures that ” Ashtoreth= Astarte= Easter “( The Female deity) was practiced( as it is today), so was the Idolatry worship of ” Baal=Lord and Gad=God”( The male diety counterpart of Astarte), and this same thing is being practiced on a world wide scale today by modern churchianity.

    In every place that “” Ashtoroth==Astarte==Easter” was practiced( See Ezek.8:14-18–), so was the worship of the Babylonian deity called “” Baal Gad=Lord God””( Judges 2:11,13, 1 Kings 11:33–), and it was condemned by YHWH= YAH, and it even condemned Solomon too( 1 Kings 11:6–).

    Why do the Jw.s Condemn the Protestants for there pagan practice of ” easter ” which is pagan in origin, and they themselves are standing in the SAME manour pile of the pagan origin of the ” male counter part ” called Baal Gad??

    What's the difference in the pagan origin of ” Easter= Astarte ” and the pagan origin of the titles of ” lord=baal and god=gad “” which BOTH was practiced then( see scriptures above) and today????

    David, I'm going to point out to you, and ask you the same questions that I asked 2 different “” Watchtower Theology Teachers “” in person.

    In ( The Watchtower, announcing Jehovah's Kingdom, January 15th, 2005 issue, called ' Can You control your future', Page 18 ).. “””Quote
    In time, these so-called Christians ADOPTED PAGAN FESTIVALS, PRACTICES, AND TEACHINGS, even labeling them ” Christian “. For example, Christmas has its origin in rites involving the worship of the PAGAN DEITIES Mithra and Saturn. But what induced professed Christians TO ADOPT THESE UNCHRISTIAN CELEBRATIONS ? Says “” The New Encyclopaedia Britannica ( 1974) “” Christmas the festival of the birth of Jesus Christ, was established in connection with a fading of the expectation of Christ's imminent return””

    Unquote of the JWs Article from Encyclopaedia Britannica.

    Now, here are the JW'S pointing out the pagan origin of “” christmas “” from ( The Encyclopaedia Britannica).

    Well, WHY don't they also look into the same (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1911 edition) under the pagan origin word ' god ', that was also ADOPTED BY CHRISTIANITY upon conversion of the Teutonic races??

    Didn't Messiah say, that ye behold the splinter in your brother's eye, but, behold, you have a rafter in your own eye?

    What did Messiah call those who did such ? He called them Hypocrits.

    Go back and read the ( Britannica 1911 edition ) article that was given to BrandonIke previously , and its address where you can read it for yourself.

    What's the difference in so-called christians ADOPTING THE PAGAN “” Christmas and Easter “”, and also ADOPTING THE PAGAN WORD TITLE OF ' god ' from the TEUTONICS and BABYLONIANS?

    Answer that David, will you please?


    Actually, i really don't remember the question. I know you've asked a couple times. Probably something about baal=lord, god=satan theory.
    Truthfully, you say a lot on this forum, and I can't read it all. I'm too busy with the Bible.
    I must have missed Nick's post where he calls you an 'idiot.' I only saw the one where you call him that. You also seem very stressed out, on the verge of some sort of breakdown. Of course, I'm only deducing this from your words, and may be wrong.

    Elijah, if you want someone to accept what you say, you don't yell at him from the other side of the room. You walk over to him, take him by the hand and bring him to where you are.

    Yes, please repost whatever question you asked.


    oh, you just posted it I see.
    Again, It's going to seem like I'm ignoring you. But I really do have to go to a meeting now. We go to meetings, Theocratic Ministry School, and Service Meeting tonight.
    HEBREWS 10:24-25
    “And let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, AS SOME HAVE THE CUSTOM, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as YOU behold the day drawing near.”


    David, I did NOT yell at anyone, and yes I ASKED Nick..

    Was he some kind of idiot for TWISTING my words to mean something otherwise?

    David, You can IGNOR those questions, and better yet, why don't you copy that post of mine down, and let all those J wantens at “” ministry school “” answer those questions ??


    ok, i skimmed it. The first website doesn't work. I'm fuzzy on the baal=lord, gad=god thing.
    I think this is the difference between celebrating Easter and using the word god. We don't celebrate Easter. But we do use the name easter when refering to …. easter. If we were to change the name of easter for ourselves, and refer to that pagan holiday by another name, people wouldn't know what we are talking about. We don't celebrate Easter, because easter is pagan. We use the name though, for understanding. We don't worship ancient pagan baals, but we do use the word God, for understanding.

    Does that make any sence to anyone out there?

    I really have to go now.


    And now, in the words of Elijah,



    You never answered the questions David.

    Here thay are again.

    Well, WHY don't they also look into the same (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1911 edition) under the pagan origin word ' god ', that was also ADOPTED BY CHRISTIANITY upon conversion of the Teutonic races??

    Didn't Messiah say, that ye behold the splinter in your brother's eye, but, behold, you have a rafter in your own eye?

    What did Messiah call those who did such ? He called them Hypocrits.

    Go back and read the ( Britannica 1911 edition ) article that was given to BrandonIke previously , and its address where you can read it for yourself.

    What's the difference in so-called christians ADOPTING THE PAGAN “” Christmas and Easter “”, and also ADOPTING THE PAGAN WORD TITLE OF ' god ' from the TEUTONICS and BABYLONIANS?

    Answer that David, will you please?

    Ha, Ha, Ha,


    1. How do you know they didn't?
    2. yes
    3. hypocrites
    4. I've tried to answer already in my second to last post.


    Quote (david @ Sep. 15 2005,01:29)
    Actually, i really don't remember the question.  I know you've asked a couple times.  Probably something about baal=lord, god=satan theory.
    Truthfully, you say a lot on this forum, and I can't read it all.  I'm too busy with the Bible.
    I must have missed Nick's post where he calls you an 'idiot.'  I only saw the one where you call him that.  You also seem very stressed out, on the verge of some sort of breakdown.  Of course, I'm only deducing this from your words, and may be wrong.

    Elijah, if you want someone to accept what you say, you don't yell at him from the other side of the room.  You walk over to him, take him by the hand and bring him to where you are.

    Yes, please repost whatever question you asked.

    Hi david,
    I have never called anyone an idiot or any other name on this site. I am far from perfect and do not want to draw judgement on myself


    I know, Elijah called you one. And Elijah said that you were speaking as Elijah was.
    I commented that I missed you Nick calling Elijah an idiot.
    I know you didn't. That was my point.


    I didn't call him one, I asked If he was an Idiot.

    David, here is the JW article.

    In ( The Watchtower, announcing Jehovah's Kingdom, January 15th, 2005 issue, called ' Can You control your future', Page 18 ).. “””Quote
    In time, these so-called Christians ADOPTED PAGAN FESTIVALS, PRACTICES, AND TEACHINGS, even labeling them ” Christian “. For example, Christmas has its origin in rites involving the worship of the PAGAN DEITIES Mithra and Saturn. But what induced professed Christians TO ADOPT THESE UNCHRISTIAN CELEBRATIONS ? Says “” The New Encyclopaedia Britannica ( 1974) “” Christmas the festival of the birth of Jesus Christ, was established in connection with a fading of the expectation of Christ's imminent return”

    Unquote of the JWs Article from the Encyclopaedia Britannica.

    Now, here are the JW'S pointing out the pagan origin of “” christmas “” from ( The Encyclopaedia Britannica).

    Well, WHY don't they also look into the same (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1911 edition) under the pagan origin word ' god ', that was also ADOPTED BY CHRISTIANITY upon conversion of the Teutonic races??

    Didn't Messiah say, that ye behold the splinter in your brother's eye, but, behold, you have a rafter in your own eye?

    What did Messiah call those who did such ? He called them Hypocrits.

    Go back and read the ( Britannica 1911 edition ) article that was given to BrandonIke previously , and its address where you can read it for yourself.

    What's the difference in so-called christians ADOPTING THE PAGAN “” Christmas and Easter “”, and also ADOPTING THE PAGAN WORD TITLE OF ' god ' from the TEUTONICS and BABYLONIANS?

    Answer that David, will you please?


    Are you suggesting we stop speaking english.

    sorry. You're right. You twice asked him if he was an idiot.


    No David, I'm not saying that.

    Please read where the JWs quote on the origin of “” christmas “” from ( Encyclopaedia Britannica “”, then go read the article about ” god ” origin from the same Encyclopaedia.

    Then answer those questions concerning the JWs???


    Encyclopaedia Britannica 1911

    GOD, the common Teutonic word for a personal object of religious worship. It is thus, like the Gr. Oe6s and Lat. dens, applied to all those superhuman beings of the heathen mythologies who exercise power over nature and man and are often identified with some particular sphere of activity; and also to the visible material objects, whether an image of the supernatural being or a tree, pillar, &c. used as a symbol, an idol. The word god, on the conversion of the Teutonic races to Christianity, was adopted as the name of the one Supreme Being, the Creator of the universe, and of the Persons of the Trinity. The New English Dictionary points cut that whereas the old Teutonic type of the word is neuter, corresponding to the Latin numen, in the Christian applications it becomes masculine, and that even where the earlier neuter form is still kept, as in Gothic and Old Norwegian, the construction is masculine. Popular etymology has connected the word with good ; this is exemplified by the corruption of God be with you into good-bye. God is a word common to all Teutonic languages. In Gothic it is Guth; Dutch has the same form as English; Danish and Swedish have Gud, German Gott. According to the New English Dictionary, the original may be found in two Aryan roots, both of the form gheu, one of which means to invoke, the other to pour (ci. Gr. x~av); the last is used of sacrificial offerings. The word would thus mean the object either of religious invocation or of religious worship by sacrifice. It has been also suggested that the word might mean a molten image from the sense of pour.”” Unquote.

    Read it yourself and FOLLOW THE LINKS. under 'god'.



    Here is the Article from the JWs.on christmas from same Encyclopaedia.

    In ( The Watchtower, announcing Jehovah's Kingdom, January 15th, 2005 issue, called ' Can You control your future', Page 18 ).. “””Quote
    In time, these so-called Christians ADOPTED PAGAN FESTIVALS, PRACTICES, AND TEACHINGS, even labeling them ” Christian “. For example, Christmas has its origin in rites involving the worship of the PAGAN DEITIES Mithra and Saturn. But what induced professed Christians TO ADOPT THESE UNCHRISTIAN CELEBRATIONS ? Says “” The New Encyclopaedia Britannica ( 1974) “” Christmas the festival of the birth of Jesus Christ, was established in connection with a fading of the expectation of Christ's imminent return””

    Unquote of the JWs Article from Encyclopaedia Britannica.

    Now, here are the JW'S pointing out the pagan origin of “” christmas “” from ( The Encyclopaedia Britannica).

    Well, WHY don't they also look into the same (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1911 edition) under the pagan origin word ' god ', that was also ADOPTED BY CHRISTIANITY upon conversion of the Teutonic races??

    Didn't Messiah say, that ye behold the splinter in your brother's eye, but, behold, you have a rafter in your own eye?

    What did Messiah call those who did such ? He called them Hypocrits.

    Go back and read the ( Britannica 1911 edition ) article that was previously given, and its address where you can read it for yourself.

    What's the difference in so-called christians ADOPTING THE PAGAN “” Christmas and Easter “”, and also ADOPTING THE PAGAN WORD TITLE OF ' god ' from the TEUTONICS and BABYLONIANS?


    Encyclopaedia Brittanica is a very useful thing to refer to and I use it quite a lot on historical aspects of our faith. Whether I would give it as much credence as eliyah does I am not so sure.


    Yea Nick, you prefer to play “” pick and choose “” from it, like you do the scriptures, and like a ” dinner table ” that you can pick and choose to eat, or as whatever fits your belief and doctrines, but what does not fit your ” taste “, or your ” doctrine or belief ” then you just merely discard it and throw it out.

    You evidently teach a pick and choose feel good( choose whatever fits, but throw the rest out) doctrine and whatever fits your conscious, and do like the proverb of whatever seems right in your own eyes and mind.

    Isn't that the real you Nick?

    You know who.

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