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- September 18, 2005 at 5:26 am#21484
ParticipantListen Is 1:18 ,
Your prayers don't go above the ceiling of your dwelling, if you pray in those pagan name title deities.
I'm not ” angry “, and my language is no different from what is used in the scriptures.
Are you inferring that the word “” pisseth “” is not used in scriptures, and that its wrong to use it?
Then you do error by not knowing the scriptures.
Scuss bucket is what they call disgusting things down south that attacks people personally with words of condemnation IF they can't dis-prove a person, and wilfully refuse to answer a question when they themselves will ask hundreds of them.
Evidently you fit that shoe, because you NEVER answered even ONE of my questions that I asked You?
September 18, 2005 at 5:44 am#21485david
Participant“fits of anger” are listed in the Bible as a ‘work of the flesh,’ something Christians have to fight to overcome. (Gal. 5:19, 20)
“Be wrathful, and yet do not sin.” (Eph. 4:26)ELIJAH, It's true that Jesus showed righteous indignation at times. His character is unquestionable. Yours is not. I suggest if you want to appear to be taken seriously, you avoid questioning if the administrator is an 'idiot' or calling other guests 'scuzzbucket.'
Remember the case of Simeon and Levi, brothers of Dinah. Gen 34. This illustrates an important point. Often there is real provocation for anger. But losing self-control can lead to words and deeds that are later regretted.
Jesus would often not respond to people when he knew it was useless. Elijah, it might be advisable to do the same in some situations.
Interestingly, there are several references in 1 and 2nd kings and 1 samuel to people “urinating against a wall,” with reference to men. It's an idiom for males.dave
September 18, 2005 at 6:47 am#21486david
Back in 1796 Dominikus von Brentano used the divine name at places in his German translation of the “New Testament.”
Consider, for example, Mark 12:29. Jesus had been asked, “Which is the foremost commandment?” Brentano’s translation then reads:
“The foremost commandment, answered Jesus, is this: Hear Israel! Jehovah, our God, is the only God.”
“Das allervornehmste Gebot, antwortete Jesus, ist dieß: Höre Israel! Jehovah, unser Gott, ist der einige Gott”Elijah writes:
“The word “god” comes from the Old German “”Gott, Guth””, which originated from worship of tarus the bull….”Now I looked up the German word “Gott” and heres what I got:
Unter Gott versteht man entweder allgemein ein (meist) unsterbliches, übernatürliches und mit großer Macht ausgestattetes Wesen (im Polytheismus), oder im besonderen ein einziges höchstes personales Wesen (im Monotheismus), das zugleich als der unendliche Grund allen Seins verstanden wird. Es gibt keine allgemein anerkannten Beweise für die Existenz eines solchen Wesens. Ein solcher Beweis wird vielfach deswegen nicht für notwendig erachtet, da es sich hier um Glauben handelt: Woran man glaubt, muss man nicht beweisen.I REST MY CASE.
Actually, it's all greek to me.As you can see, I should go to sleep now.
(This post is meant to lighten the mood)
September 18, 2005 at 7:28 am#21487Eliyah
ParticipantDavid, can you read, or are you too sleepy to read?
I said “”
Quote I'm not ” angry “, and my language is no different from what is used in the scriptures. Evidently you must believe EVERYTHING someone says and THINKS on this forum about me whether wrong or not?
As far as the German and his translation, he was using his own languages deity in translation same as the English has done, and everywhere the greek deity of “” theos “” is used from copies of copies of the N.T. writings, and naturally his 1796 translation would have his own language deity mentioned.
And your quote of “”
Quote “Das allervornehmste Gebot, antwortete Jesus, ist dieß: Höre Israel! Jehovah, unser Gott, ist der einige Gott” by their use of “” Gott”” proves my point of every nation applying their own pagan deity to YHWH.
David, even THE NEW WORLD TRANSLATION in its Appendix states that YHWH'S Name was SUBSTITUTED by those title's.
You seem to ignore your own Organizations remarks concerning YHWH'S Name being substituted by pagan titles, as they also mentioned that the scribes made 134 scribal changes to YHWH'S Name in favor of a “” title””.
All this PROVES ( Jer.8:8) correct concerning alterations to Yah's word.
As far as your remark about “” righteous indignation “” by Messiah, He also called those in ( John 8:44) CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL, as that was their father.
I seem to recall that He also called them of His day”” VIPERS AND SNAKES “”, and also HYPOCRITS too.
If I have “” sinned “” as some of you seem to condemn me, for using words that describe LIARS, SNAKES, HYPOCRITS and DECEIVERS, then did Messiah sin too?
The Messiah was NOT the little timid “” give your heart to the Larrrd “” type as all the modern day Baal ministers portray Him today.
And, IF He were here today, He would speak the same as He did then, and MOST of you would try to kill Him all over again.
Or, is it that most of you don't like the truth concerning being called “” devil worshippers “” by Messiah and John in ( Rev.9:20; Rev.13:3-4, 8) through satan's deceptions( Rev.12:9) as he plainly said it for using the WHORE of ( Rev.17 and 18) title names deities of Blasphemy?
Eliyah C. still here.
Eliyah C.
September 18, 2005 at 8:02 am#21488BrandonIke
ParticipantTHAT WAS SO AMAZING, ELIYAH. WOW. I DEFINITELY DID NOT REMEMBER IT BECAUSE I READ A DIFFERENT WORD. i must research more what you're posting to us. “Notice the all the root words of this “” pursuing “” in a strongs hebrew dictionary, which the k.j.v. uses this as a private place, and meditation too.”
it's like flipping teachings, understandings upside down. some of the things i've learned on the internet.
September 18, 2005 at 9:30 am#21489Eliyah
The modern religious world does not even KNOW the true real Messiah of the scriptures.
Religious denominations will say phrases as…
Quote Give your heart to the L-rd . Or, “”
Quote If you accept chr-st . The Messiah and neither did the Desciples NEVER said either of those, and the Messiah never asked anyone to ACCEPT Him.
The Messiah called Herod a “” fox “” in ( Luke 13:31-32), most every time Messiah was in Jerusalem the religious leaders wanted to kill Him( which they ended up doing so), He was even accused of casting out demons by the power of Belzubub which is another title for satan.
You will also read in ( Luke 4:28-30) where they were about to cast Him down headlong over the hill of that city, because He read from ( Isaiah 61:1-2) and pronounced the true Name YHWH=Yah which was then forbidden to mention by the common people by the religious leaders.
As I have studied much concerning Messiah's true teachings, I have often wondered if He was here in Person as He was then, would the religious leaders today still try to murder Him all over again, because He would teach the same as He did then, but those today have gotten so far off track from His teachings, that they would hate Him.
Eliyah C.
September 18, 2005 at 9:55 am#21490Eliyah
Ba·al ( P ) Pronunciation Key (bl)
n. pl. Ba·als or Ba·al·im (–lm)
Any of various local fertility and nature gods of the ancient Semitic peoples considered to be false gods by the Hebrews.
often baal A false god or idol.——————————————————————————–
[Hebrew ba‘al, lord, Baal. See bl in Semitic Roots.]
Baalism n.[Download Now or Buy the Book]
Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.Baal
n : any of numerous local fertility and nature deities worshipped by ancient Semitic peoples; the Hebrews considered Baal a false god [syn: Baal]
Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University
lord. (1.) The name appropriated to the principal male god of the Phoenicians.
It is found in several places in the plural BAALIM (Judg. 2:11; 10:10; 1 Kings
18:18; Jer. 2:23; Hos. 2:17). Baal is identified with Molech (Jer. 19:5). It
was known to the Israelites as Baal-peor (Num. 25:3; Deut. 4:3), was worshipped
till the time of Samuel (1 Sam 7:4), and was afterwards the religion of the ten
tribes in the time of Ahab (1 Kings 16:31-33; 18:19, 22). It prevailed also for
a time in the kingdom of Judah (2 Kings 8:27; comp. 11:18; 16:3; 2 Chr. 28:2),
till finally put an end to by the severe discipline of the Captivity (Zeph.
1:4-6). The priests of Baal were in great numbers (1 Kings 18:19), and of
various classes (2 Kings 10:19). Their mode of offering sacrifices is described
in 1 Kings 18:25-29. The sun-god, under the general title of Baal, or “lord,”
was the chief object of worship of the Canaanites. Each locality had its
special Baal, and the various local Baals were summed up under the name of
Baalim, or “lords.” Each Baal had a wife, who was a colourless reflection of
There is no doubt about the word ” Lord ” is the same as ” Baal ” when ( lord ) is used as a title noun name as it is in the English translations in substitute for YAHWEH'S Name, as it is forbidden in ( Exod.20:2-7) of original Hebrew scriptures.
Eliyah C
September 18, 2005 at 10:21 am#21491BrandonIke
Participanti want to say thanks to the admins here, including nick hassan, for letting this discussion continue in comparison to the admins that banned eliyah in other forums according to what he posted.
honestly, this is an important issue to me. i don't want to get angry and argue with others here, but i want to learn the truth.
September 18, 2005 at 10:34 am#21492BrandonIke
Participanti understand your anger, eliyah. i remember in the old testament, elisha encountered a group of kids mocking at his bald head, but then elisha curse them and got bears to kill them.
i'm having trouble understanding what exactly is going on with the hebrew words: na'ar and qalas http://www.christiancourier.com/archives/elishaBear.htm
September 18, 2005 at 10:36 am#21493BrandonIke
Participanti'd also like to know how to correctly pronounce the name “elisha.” does it rhyme with elijah as it says here? http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=elisha
September 18, 2005 at 8:30 pm#21494david
ParticipantIsn't it pronounced just like Elijah, except the “J” sound is replaced with a “sh” sound?
September 18, 2005 at 8:37 pm#21495Eliyah
ParticipantBrandonIke, I'm not angry, but certain ones on here will avoid answering my questions, and they will ask me hundreds of questions which i have answered for them, then they will purposly twist my words as a tactic to turn others against me on this forum.
As for the modern Pronounciation for Eli-sha( soft sh) go to
But even the English of “” Eli-jah “” ( soft J to g- sound) is not Pronounced as the Hebrew “” Eli-yah “”( soft Y sound).
December 28, 2005 at 7:47 am#21497Eliyah
ParticipantBaal Gad= LORD GOD=GAWD is the name of the idol image created by satan( Rev.13:2) that the Beast of ( Rev.13:11) uses and causes all the people to worship satan the dragon through Deception( Rev.12:9; Rev.13:3-4 and verse –8).
Eliyah C.
December 28, 2005 at 8:41 am#21498Eliyah
ParticipantArticle concerning the word ” GOD ” in http://88.1911encyclopedia.org/G/GO/GOD.htm and scroll down to read.
GOD, the common Teutonic word for a personal object of religious worship. It is thus, like the Gr. Oe6s and Lat. dens, applied to all those superhuman beings of the heathen mythologies who exercise power over nature and man and are often identified with some particular sphere of activity; and also to the visible material objects, whether an image of the supernatural being or a tree, pillar, &c. used as a symbol, an idol. The word god, on the conversion of the Teutonic races to Christianity, was adopted as the name of the one Supreme Being, the Creator of the universe, and of the Persons of the Trinity.
The New English Dictionary points cut that whereas the old Teutonic type of the word is neuter, corresponding to the Latin numen, in the Christian applications it becomes masculine, and that even where the earlier neuter form is still kept, as in Gothic and Old Norwegian, the construction is masculine. Popular etymology has connected the word with good ; this is exemplified by the corruption of God be with you into good-bye.
God is a word common to all Teutonic languages. In Gothic it is Guth; Dutch has the same form as English; Danish and Swedish have Gud, German Gott. According to the New English Dictionary, the original may be found in two Aryan roots, both of the form gheu, one of which means to invoke, the other to pour (ci. Gr. x~av); the last is used of sacrificial offerings. The word would thus mean the object either of religious invocation or of religious worship by sacrifice. It has been also suggested that the word might mean a molten image from the sense of pour.
End of Article from the Britannica.
Notice this word ” GOD” comes from the ” TEUTONIC”( ie- Germans=ie= Asryians==Aryan)that took the Northern 10 tribes of Isaelites captive in the scriptures.
Look up these Hebrew word Numbers in Strongs Hebrew Dictionary of “”1409=Gad=Gawd=God, 1464==Guwd. You can see from the Article that the “” Danish and Swedish form have “” GUD “” which you can see in Hebrew Number 1464=GUwD, and both words are related to Hebrew Number 1413 of “” CUT SELVES” as in the time that the “” Baal Prophets “” in Old Eliyahu(Elijah) the Prophets time when they CUT THEMSELVES by the worship of “” BAAL GAD== LORD GAWD=GOD “”.
Also notice this in the Article….”””The word god, on the conversion of the Teutonic races to Christianity, was adopted as the name of the one Supreme Being, the Creator of the universe, and of the Persons of the Trinity.””Unquote
Also notice this in the Article….”””According to the New English Dictionary, the original may be found in two Aryan roots, both of the form gheu, one of which means to invoke, the other to pour (ci. Gr. x~av); the last is used of sacrificial offerings. The word would thus mean the object either of religious invocation or of religious worship by sacrifice. It has been also suggested that the word might mean a molten image from the sense of pour.”” Unquote
This fits with ( Rev.13:15; Rev.17 and 18) of an imaginary idol image, which is “” The Babylonian Deity ( Isa.65:11) called BAAL GAWD, and people today have the “” NAME OF GAWD=GOD THE BEAST””( Rev.13:17) in THEIR FOREHEADS OR MINDS and are CALLING ON THE TITLE NAME OF THE BEAST which is BAAL=LORD GAWD=GOD, and this title name is even on the U.S.A s Money for fortune.
And ( Rev.13:2) says that the Dragon ie satan( Rev.12:9) gave him his power and great seat of authority( GAWD=GOD is satan's title and Authority)
Then, on the other hand, there are the true people of YHWH=Yah that “” ARE SEALED WITH THE FATHER'S NAME OF YHWH=YAH( Exod.3:13-15; Exod.15:2;Psalms 68:4)WEH ** IN THEIR FOREHEADS( Rev.7:1-9; Rev.14:1; Rev.22:3-4)**, and that CALL ON THE NAME OF YHWH=YAH for salvation( Joel 2:32; Acts 2:21; Acts 4:10-12; Rom.10:13), the same as ELIYAHU THE OLD PROPHET DID in ( 1 Kings 18:24).
I pray you can see the pagan origin of this Babylonian Deity, and satan's beasts name( his power and authority) as compared to YAH'S NAME( ie Authority and Power) that the 2 class of people's have in their FOREHEADS OR MINDS in the last days.
Eliyah C.
January 3, 2006 at 11:41 am#21496Eliyah
ParticipantThe word “” GOD=-GAWD=GUWD””( Isa. 65:11 of Strongs Hebrew Dictionary Numbers 1409, 1413, 1464) is the title name of A Babylonian Deity of Fortune “” which is the blasphemous title name of satan and the beast ( Rev.13:1; Rev.13:15, 17) that people use today of the Babylonian W.h.o.r.e of ( Rev.13, 17, 18)
This word ” GOD ” is of pagan origin and was adopted by the Teutonic( ie Germans, ie- Assyrians) race upon conversion to christianity.
Look up this Hebrew title names in ( Strongs Concordance Hebrew Dictionary)of ” GAD=1409,GUWD “= 1464 that is used in ( Isa.65:11) of “” THAT TROOP “” see center reference column, the English uses ” God from German Gott= Guth and the English ” GOD= GAD=Number 1409 from 1464= GUWDand is the same word.
Scroll down and Click on the little speaker and listen to the pronounciation of this word GAD=GOD=GUWD at this address Dictionary below.
http://bible.crosswalk.com/Lexicon….n=kjv&a mp;type=eng&submit=Find
Now be honest with yourself, is this not the same word as “”GOD=GAD=GAWD “” and pronounced the same ?
The Swedish and DANISH use ” GUD ” as their title for the English ” GOD”, and you can recognize the DANISH form of ” Gud ” in Strongs Hebrew number 1464 as GUwD.
YHWH= Yah( Psalms 68:4) the true Creator has been forsaken for “” Baal GAWD=God( Isa.65:11) in the end times as the prophecies say( See Jer.23:20, 26-27) and ( Hosea 2:16-17)( See and read my Article very carefully concerning ” LORD= Baal and God=Gad).
Have we not considered it perfectly IN THE LATTER DAYS( Jer.23:20)?
Otherwise how has satan the devil deceived the whole world( Rev.12:9) into worshipping him in the LATTER DAYS( Rev.9:20-21; Rev.13:3-4, verse–8 ??
Who do you worship and serve, the Babylonian deity”” Baal GOD=GAD=GAWD “” or the true YHWH= Yah( Exod.3:13-15; Exod.15:2; Psalms 68:4) ?
How can you NOT keep the pagan Christmass and Easter, which is pagan to the core, and still keep using and calling the true Creator YHWH= YAH( N.K.J.V. Psalms 68:4) by the pagan origin Babylonian Deity( Isa.65:11) title of “” GOD=GAWD=GUWD “” ??
Scroll down and Click on the little speaker and listen to the pronounciation of this word “” GAD=GOD=GAWD=GUWD “” at this address Dictionary below.
http://bible.crosswalk.com/Lexicon….n=kjv&a mp;type=eng&submit=Find
Does not a little leaven of the sin ( Exod.20:2-7; Exod.23:13; Joshua 23:7) of paganisim leaven the whole lump similar as the Apostle said too ? Remember?
Eliyah C.
January 6, 2006 at 9:45 am#21499Eliyah
Look up these Hebrew words in ( Strongs Concordance Hebrew Dictionary)of ” GAD=1408, and variation of 1409=GAWD, and from number= 1464= GUWD, and akin to 1413, that is used in ( Isa.65:11) of “” THAT TROOP “” see center reference column, the English uses ” God from German Gott= Guth and the English ” GOD= GAD=Number 1408, and variation of 1409= GAWD from 1464= GUWD and is the same words.
Scroll down and Click on the little speaker and listen to the pronounciation of this word GAD=GOD=GAWD=GUWD at this address Dictionary below.Scroll down and click on the little speaker and listen to its pronounciation of this idol Babylonian deity.
Eliyah C.
January 6, 2006 at 9:58 am#21500Eliyah
ParticipantPeople say to the effect of how the name/title “God” is “perfectly acceptable.” Acceptable to whom, I ask! Certainly not to the Almighty YAH!!
Why would He condemn the worship of a Babylonian idol deity whose name is pronounced “gawd,”( Isa.65:11) and then turn around and say, “But it's okay to call Me your 'God' which in Yah's ears has the same sound and pronounciation” ?
Eliyah C.
February 2, 2006 at 9:53 am#21501Eliyah
ParticipantThis post may be very long, however, it will prove through the Etymology or study of ancient to modern English words that the words that the SYNCRETISIM of ( Isa.65:11)GOD=GAWD=GUD=GUWD= Germanic GOTT and GUD to English ” GAD=GOD is in fact the same idol deity of JUPITER ie- ZEUS which is the name of the idol image of the beast in (Daniel's 4th beast, Dan.7:23 and John's 1st beast in Revelation 13:1-17) are THE ONE AND THE SAME idol deity, and this title/name is branded on the very forehead of the mother and her harlots( Rev.17:5) that people are ignorantly calling on today through satan's deception( Rev.12:9), and in fact are worshipping him ( Rev.13:3-4; Rev.13:8) in deception and ignorance( ie- by not knowing it).
If you are intrested in reading this Article, you can read it in post numberposted 01-30-2006 05:56 AM at the address below, however, I will tell you, and warn you now, that the forum listed below is not my forum and is not owned and opperated by me either.
My name that I use on the forum listed below is Elyahc= Eljah C. because of not confusing identification of the other “”” EliYah “” with a capitol ” Y ” in his name, whereas my name is ” Eliyah C. “” with a lowercase ” y ” and a Capitol ” C. ”
Read post number posted 01-30-2006 05:56 AM at the bottom of the last page in this article at the adress below….
Quote Jupiter (god)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In Roman mythology, Jupiter held the same role as Zeus in the Greek pantheon He was CALLED JUPITER OPTIMUS MAXIMUS (Jupiter Highest, Greatest) as the patron deity of the Roman state, in charge of laws and social order.The name of the god was also adopted as the name of the planet Jupiter, and was the original namesake of the weekday that would come to be known in English as Thursday (the etymological root is more apparent in French jeudi, from Jovis Dies). Ironically, linguistic studies identify him as deriving from the same god as the Germanic Tiwaz (and Zeus), whose name was given to Tuesday. Another etymological reference is Dyaus Pita of the Vedic religion.
Quote Greek Zeus,
Roman Jupiter (from Deus Pater),
Vedic Dyaus Pita,
Germanic Tiwaz (later known as Tyr),
Baltic Dievas,
Slavic Div,
Gaulish Dis Pater,
and probably Phrygian Sabazios (from Saba Zeus).
Also etymologically connected is the Latin word for 'god', deus, the word for the Christian God used by the Roman Catholic Church. The latin word is also continued in English divine, deity, and the original Germanic word remains visible in Tuesday (originally “Day of Tiwaz”).Dyeus was addressed as Dyeu Phter, literally “Sky Father” or “shining father”, as reflected in Latin Jupiter, Greek Zeu pater, Sanskrit Dyau Pita. In his aspect as a Father God, his consort was Pltvi Mhter, “Earth Mother”.
As the pantheons of the individual Indo-European mythologies evolved, attributes of Dyeus were sometimes redistributed to other, newer gods. In Greek and Roman mythology, Dyeus remained the chief god, while in Vedic and Germanic mythology, the etymological continuants of Dyeus became pale, rather featureless gods, and his original attributes, and his dominance over other gods, were transferred to gods whose names cannot be reconstructed for Proto-Indo-European times, such as ODIN , THOR
NOTICE THESE CONNECTIONS OF WODANAZ, ODIN, MERCURY, WODEN of the Anglo Saxan, Tyr, Tiwaz Germanic, and Roman JUPITER as tracing to the Old English Anglo Saxan of ODINN, and the English word ” GOD “, C.F. the book of Acts 14:12-13.
Quote Woden
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaWoden is the deity in Anglo-Saxon polytheism corresponding to Norse Odin, both continuations of a Proto-Germanic deity, *Wodanaz. Other West Germanic forms of the name include Old Franconian Wodan, Alemannic Wuodan, and German Wotan.
WODEN was worshipped during the Migration period, until the 7th or 8th century, when Germanic paganism was gradually replaced by Christianity. In Anglo-Saxon England, Woden was rationalized as a historical king, and remnants of worship were continued into modern times as folklore, Wodan figuring prominently in both English and Continental folklore as the leader of the Wild Hunt.
Anglo-Saxon Woden
The Anglo-Saxon tribes brought their pagan faith to England around the 5th and 6th centuries and continued in that form of worship until nearly all were converted to Christianity by the 9th century, at which point the old gods and any records of them were almost completely lost
This process of conversion followed an established pattern that is attested in accounts of the same from continental Europe- leaders were baptised for varied reasons, and the conversion of their respective peoples almost always inevitably followed, sometimes in the space of a few years, but more often over the course of a few generations.For the Anglo-Saxons, WODEN was the carrier-off of the dead, but not necessarily with the exact same attributes of the Norse Odin – there do not appear to have been the concepts of Valkyries and Valhalla in the Norse sense, although there is a word for the former, Waelcyrge.
In addition to the roles named here, Woden was considered to be the leader of the Wild Hunt. The familial relationships are the same between Woden and the other Anglo-Saxon gods as they are for the Norse.
Wednesday (Wōdnes dæg, “Woden's day”) is named for him, his link with the dead making him the appropriate match to the Roman Mercury. (Compare with the French mercredi or Italian mercoledì for Wednesday.).
The Anglo-Saxon kings claimed descent from Woden. According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and the Historia Britonum, Woden had the sons Wecta, Baeldaeg, Casere and Wihtlaeg.
The name Tyr meant “god”(cf. Hangatyr, the “god of the hanged” as one of Odin's names) and goes back to a Proto-Germanic Tîwaz, continuing Proto-Indo-European Dyeus, originally the chief god, the precursor also of e. g. Zeus in Greek mythology, and Dyaus Pitar in Vedic religion.The oldest attestation of the god is Gothic Tyz (Vienna cod. 140 [1])
Tîwaz was overtaken in popularity and in authority by Odin at some point in both the North Germanic and West Germanic traditions. Among East Germanic tribes, however, he seems to have remained the supreme god: the Goths of the 3rd century were feared because they sacrificed the captives they took in battle to Tyz, their god of war, and then hung the arms of the victims in trees as a token-offering.
This custom of human sacrifice seems to have been transferred to Odin in Scandinavia, as reported by Adam von Bremen in the 11th century (compare also Odin himself hanging from a tree as a sacrifice to himself in the
Havamal).It is possible that the transfer of supremacy from Tyr to Odin was facilitated by the Germanic custom of diarchy (see Germanic king and c.f. e.g. Hengest and Horsa, Yngvi and Alf and Erik and Alrik), so that the two gods might have ruled the early Germanic pantheon as equals at some point. A trace of their relationship may be seen in the appearance of Tyr as Odin's son in Norse mythology, and also in Anglo-Saxon, if Tiw is identified with Saxnot (Seaxneat), the 'war-god' and son of Woden, who was revered as the ancestor of the Saxons. In an earlier version, Tyr may have been the son of Hymir, as he is in Hymiskviða (cf. Zeus being a son of Chronos).
Hence the connection of all these idol deities to the English “GOD=GAUWD,GUD,GUDENEZ,JUPITER, ZEUS,TIWAZ, as TYR GUDNEZ”.
Quote Greek Zeus,
Roman Jupiter (from Deus Pater),
Vedic Dyaus Pita,
Germanic Tiwaz (later known as Tyr),
Baltic Dievas,
Slavic Div,
Gaulish Dis Pater,
and probably Phrygian Sabazios (from Saba Zeus).
Also etymologically connected is the Latin word for 'god', deus, the word for the Christian God used by the Roman Catholic Church. The latin word is also continued in English divine, deity, and the original Germanic word remains visible in Tuesday (originally “Day of Tiwaz”).http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyeus
Quote God
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia EtymologyEarliest attestation of the Germanic word in the 6th century Codex Argenteus (Mt 5:9)The word God continues Old English/Germanic god (guþ, gudis in Gothic, gud in modern Scandinavian and Gott in modern German), from Proto-Germanic *Guđan. The original meaning and etymology of the Germanic word god has been hotly disputed, though most agree to a reconstructed Proto-Indo-European form *khutóm, which is the neuter passive perfect participle of the root *khu-, which likely meant “libation”, “sacrifice”. Compare:-
Vedic Sanskrit hu- = “to sacrifice”.
Greek khu-, kheu- = “to pour”.
Common Germanic strong verb *geutan (Anglo-Saxon gēotan) = “to pour”, English in-got.
The connection between these meanings is likely via the meaning “pour a libation”. Another possible meaning of *khutóm is “invocation”, related to Sanskrit hūta.The same root appears in the names of three related Germanic tribes, the Geats, the Goths and the Gutar. These names may be derived from an eponymous chieftain Gaut who was subsequently deified, who sometimes appears in early Medieval sagas as a name of Odin or one of his descendants, a former king of the Geats (Gaut(i)), an ancestor of the Gutar (Guti), of the Goths (Gothus) and of the royal line of Wessex (Geats) and as a previous hero of the Goths (Gapt). The Lombardic form of Odin, Godan, may derive from cognate Proto-Germanic *Guđánaz.
Quote Greek Zeus,
Roman Jupiter (from Deus Pater),
Vedic Dyaus Pita,
Germanic Tiwaz (later known as Tyr),
Baltic Dievas,
Slavic Div,
Gaulish Dis Pater,
and probably Phrygian Sabazios (from Saba Zeus).Also etymologically connected is the Latin word for 'god', deus, the word for the Christian God used by the Roman Catholic Church. The latin word is also continued in English divine, deity, and the original Germanic word remains visible in Tuesday (originally “Day of Tiwaz”).
Dyeus was addressed as Dyeu Phter, literally “Sky Father” or “shining father”, as reflected in Latin Jupiter, Greek Zeu pater, Sanskrit Dyau Pita. In his aspect as a Father God, his consort was Pltvi Mhter, “Earth Mother”.
So, as you can SEE the whole world universally worships the idol image of the Roman beast and satan the devil( Rev.13:3-4; Rev.13:8; Rev.13:16-17) through deception( Rev.12:9) by this universal Babylonian deity of fortune=GAD=GAWD 1408, 1409=GOD( Isa.65:11)==the Roman( Dan.7:23, 4th beast, John's 1st and extended beast( Rev.13:1-17) of which is an image of JUPITER / ZEUS .
Notice that all this was adopted into the Roman Catholic church.
Quote Also etymologically connected is the Latin word for 'god', deus, the word for the Christian God used by the Roman Catholic Church. The latin word is also continued in English divine, deity, and the original Germanic word remains visible in Tuesday (originally “Day of Tiwaz”). Do you still think that its a nice idea to continue to re-define idol title/ name deities such as GAD=GAWD( Isa.65:11)=GOD=GOTT= TYR= ODIN= WODEN=TIWAZ=ZEUS=JUPITER and apply these re-defined meanings of idol title/ name deities TO YHWH= YAH ??
If you still think its ok, then you had better read about the practice of SYNCRETISIM of other nations idol gods or deities to YHWH in ( 2 Kings 17:32-41 ) and the whole chapter starting with verse 1., however here is the gist of this practice of syncretisim of other idol elohim or deities , while fearing YHWH at the same time.
Quote 32. So they feared YHWH, and made unto themselves of the lowest of them priests of the high places, which sacrificed for them in the houses of the high places. 33. They feared YHWH, and served their own elohim( deities), after the manner of the nations whom they carried away from thence.
34. Unto this day they do after the former manners: they fear not YHWH, neither do they after their statutes, or after their ordinances, or after the law and commandment which YHWH commanded the children of Jacob, whom he named Israel;
35. With whom YHWH had made a covenant, and charged them, saying, Ye shall not fear other elohim( or idol deities ), nor bow yourselves to them, nor serve them, nor sacrifice to them.
36. But YHWH, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt with great power and a stretched out arm, him shall ye fear, and him shall ye worship, and to him shall ye do sacrifice.
37. And the statutes, and the ordinances, and the law, and the commandment, which he wrote for you, ye shall observe to do for evermore ; and ye shall not fear other elohim( or idol deities).
38. And the covenant that I have made with you ye shall not forget ; neither shall ye fear other elohim( or idol deities).
39. But YHWH your Almighty ye shall fear; and he shall deliver you out of the hand of all your enemies.
40. Howbeit they did not hearken( listen), but they did after their former manner.
41. So these nations feared YHWH, and served their graven images, both their children, and their children's children: as did their fathers, so do they unto this day.
]( 2 Kings 17:32-41 ).
And syncr
etisim of other idol elohim or deities still goes on even today for i quote…Quote So these nations feared YHWH, and served their graven images, both their children, and their children's children: as did their fathers, so do they unto this day. Isn't that scripture ever still true today?
The Practice of syncretisim to YHWH=YAHhas been going on for thousands of years, and this is a prime example, and it is forbidden to do so, or to replace and substitute His Name of YHWH==YAH( Exodus 15:2; Psalms 68:4) with idol titles and names as “” LORD AND GOD “” is breaking or violation of the 3rd Commandment, for you shall not bring His YHWH'S Name to naught=vain= or to nothingness ( See Exodus 20:1-7; Deut.5:7,11) and to NOT even mention other idol title name deities out of your mouth. See Exodus 23:13; Joshua 23:7).
Stop and Think, to YHWH= YAH the true Creator, when you call Him by that idol title name of GOD=JUPITER=MERCURY= ZEUS, then you are in fact calling Him all those idol title names, for they all mean the one and the same to Him, as they have been used by those civilazations for thousands of years.
Does anyone want to stake their Eternal life on doing such things to the real true Creator YHWH= YAH ?
Or, do you want to continue to follow the Babylonian mother and her harlots, See ( Rev.17:5 ) ??
Or, do you want to continue to follow the Catholic church in their adoption of such idol title names of blasphemy ?
Another question is…
Do you want to continue using and calling on the idol title names of blasphemy of the Babylonian mother and her harlots( Rev.17:5) and the idol title name of the IMAGE OF THE BEAST- ie -BABYLON to ROME( The first and last Gentile ruling kingdoms in Daniel) which is “”( Isa.65:11) of GAD=GAWD=GOD= Strongs 1408, 1409,= JUPITER=ZEUS= MERCURY= Germanic TIWAZ= English of ODIN=GOTT=GOD( See Acts 14:12-13) that is worshipped in the latter days( Rev.13:3-4; Rev.13:8; Rev.13:16-17) ??
All English translations of scriptures such as ( R.S.V.), ( N.I.V.) E.T.C. is based on the ( K.J.V.), as the translators were Latin Catholic and their influence.
“”””” Modern Bibles such as the New American Standard Bible and the English Standard Version are largely revisions of its text; it has deeply influenced Bibles such as the New International Version that do not claim to be revisions of its text.”””””” Unquote.
Scroll down and read it for yourself.
See also these addresses….
You can read this entire article and discussion at the address below, however, remember, this forum is not mine, and neither is it owned or opperated by me either.
I use the name of Elyahc== Eljah C. in my posts on this forum to avoid confusion of names.
This is the last article of discussion written on this forum post at the bottom here below….
Eliyah C.
February 4, 2006 at 7:46 am#21502Eliyah
ParticipantThe name Tyr meant ' god '(cf. Hangatyr, the “god of the hanged” as one of Odin's names) and goes back to a Proto-Germanic”” Tîwaz “”, continuing Proto-Indo-European”” Dyeus “”, originally the chief god, the precursor also of “” e. g. Zeus in Greek mythology, “” and “” Dyaus Pitar ” in Vedic religion.The oldest attestation of the god is Gothic”” Tyz “”(Vienna cod. 140 [1])
“”Tîwaz “” was overtaken in popularity and in authority by “”Odin “”at some point in both the North Germanic and West Germanic traditions. were feared because they sacrificed the captives they took in battle to Tyz, their god of war, and then hung the arms of the victims in trees as a token-offering. This custom of human sacrifice seems to have been transferred to Odin in Scandinavia, as reported by Adam of Bremen in the 11th century (compare also Odin himself hanging from a tree as a sacrifice to himself in the Havamal).
It is possible that the transfer of supremacy from Tyr to Odin was facilitated by the Germanic custom of diarchy (see Germanic king and c.f. e.g. Hengest and Horsa, Yngvi and Alf and Erik and Alrik), so that the two gods might have ruled the early Germanic pantheon as equals at some point
Among East Germanic tribes, however, he seems to have remained the supreme god: the Goths of the 3rd century were feared because they sacrificed the captives they took in battle to “” Tyz,”” their god of war, and then hung the arms of the victims in trees as a token-offering.
This custom of human sacrifice seems to have been transferred to “” Odin “”in Scandinavia, as reported by Adam von Bremen in the 11th century (compare also Odin himself hanging from a tree as a sacrifice to himself in the Havamal).
It is possible that the transfer of supremacy from “” Tyr “”to “” Odin “”was facilitated by the Germanic custom of diarchy (see Germanic king and c.f. e.g. Hengest and Horsa, Yngvi and Alf and Erik and Alrik), so that the two gods might have ruled the early Germanic pantheon as equals at some point.””” A trace of their relationship may be seen in the appearance of Tyr as Odin's son in Norse mythology,””” and also”” in Anglo-Saxon, if Tiw “” is identified with “” Saxnot (Seaxneat), “” the 'war-god' and son of “” Woden, “” who was revered as the ancestor of the Saxons. In an earlier version, “” Tyr may have been the son of Hymir, as he is in Hymiskviða (cf. Zeus being a son of Chronos).””
There is sketchy evidence of a consort, in German named Zisa: Tacitus mentions one Germanic tribe who worshipped “Isis”, and Jacob Grimm pointed to Cisa/Zisa, the patroness of Augsburg, in this connection. The name Zisa would be derived from Ziu etymologically, in agreement with other consorts to the chief god in Indo-European pantheons, e. g. Zeus and Dione.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In religion, folklore, and mythology a demon or demoness is a supernatural being that has generally been described as a malevolent spirit but daemon and djinn. A demon is frequently depicted as a force that may be conjured and insecurely controlled. The “good” demon in recent use is largely a literary device (eg: Maxwell's demon). In common language, “demonizing” one's opponent is an aspersion.As the Indo-Iranian Avestan and Vedic traditions and also other branches of Indo-European mythologies show, the notion of demon has existed for many centuries.
The Greek conception of a daemon (δαίμων) appears in the works of Plato and many other ancient authors, but without the evil connotations which are apparent in the Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Bible and in the Greek originals of the New Testament. The medieval and neo-medieval conception of a “demon” in Western civilization (see the Medieval grimoire called the Ars Goetia) derives seamlessly from the ambient popular culture of Late (Roman) Antiquity: Greco-Roman concepts of daemons that passed into Christian culture are discussed in the entry daemon.The Hellenistic “Demon” eventually came to include many Semitic and Near Eastern gods as evaluated by Christianity.
In some present-day cultures, demons are still feared in popular superstition, largely due to their alleged power to possess humans, and they are an important concept in many modern religions and occultist traditions.
In the contemporary Western occultist tradition (perhaps epitomized by the work of Aleister Crowley) a demon, such as Choronzon, the “Demon of the Abyss”, is a useful metaphor for certain inner psychological processes, though some may also regard it as an objectively real phenomenon.
Etymology of Demon
The idea of”” demons is as old as religion itself,”” and the word “demon” seems to have ancient origins. The Merriam-Webster dictionary gives the etymology of the word as Greek daimon, probably from the verb daiesthai meaning “to divide, distribute.””” The Proto-Indo-European root *deiwos for god, “”” originally an adjective meaning “celestial” or “bright, shining” has retained this meaning in many related Indo-European languages and cultures””” (Sanskrit deva, Latin deus, German Tiw), “””but also provided another other common word for demon in “” Avestan daeva. “”
Now the connection of the word demon with TIW ==TYR == GOD .
“” Tyr “”
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“”Tyr (Old Norse: Týr)”” is the god of warfare and battle in Norse mythology, portrayed as a one-handed man.”” He was a son of either Odin or Hymir “”.
Corresponding names in other Germanic languages include “” Tyz (Gothic),”” and “” Ty (Old Norwegian),”” and “” Ti (Old Swedish), “” and “” Tiw, or “” Tiu or Tew (Old English) “” Týr “”(Modern Icelandic), and “” Ziu “”(Old High German).
The name “” Tyr “” meant “” “god” (cf. Hangatyr, the “god of the hanged” as one of “” Odin's “” names) and goes back to a Proto-Germanic “” Tîwaz “” continuing Proto-Indo-European ” Dyeus,” originally the chief god, the precursor also of “” e. g. Zeus in Greek “” mythology, and”” Dyaus Pitar in Vedic religion.”” The oldest attestation of the god is Gothic”” Tyz “” (Vienna cod. 140 [1])
“” Tîwaz “” was overtaken in popularity and in authority by “” Odin “” at some point in both the North Germanic and West Germanic traditions. Among East Germanic tribes, however, he seems to have remained the supreme god:”” the Goths of the 3rd century “”were feared because they sacrificed the captives they took in battle to “” Tyz, their god of war,”” and then hung the arms of the victims in trees as a token-offering. This custom of human sacrifice seems to have been transferred to “” Odin in Scandinavia, “” as reported by Adam of Bremen in the 11th century (compare also Odin himself hanging from a tree as a sacrifice to himself in the Havamal).
It is possible that the transfer of supremacy from”” Tyr “” to “”Odin “” was facilitated by the Germanic custom of diarchy (see Germanic king and c.f. e.g. Hengest and Horsa, Yngvi and Alf and Erik and Alrik), so that the two gods might have ruled the early Germanic pantheon as equals at some point.
A trace of their relationship may be seen in the appearance of “” Tyr as Odin's son “” in Norse mythology, and also “” in Anglo-Saxon, if Tiw is identified with Saxnot (Seaxneat), the 'war-god' and son of Woden,”” who was revered as the ancestor of the Saxons. “” In an earlier version, “” Tyr “” may have been the son of “” Hymir, as he is in Hymiskviða (cf. Zeus being a son of Chronos)””.
There can be NO DO
UBT of the connection of the Old English TYR= GOD= ODIN to the English word DEMON. as does all these idol title name deities.Hence the connection of all these deities to the English
“GOD=GAUWD,GUD,GUDENEZ,JUPITER, ZEUS,TIWAZ, ODIN WODEN, WOTAN , as TYR is GOD =GUDNEZ” all = DEMONS.Hence look at the word DEMON that is connected to all of these deities below, and how they all are the same in different cultures, however, merely either transferred or RE-DEFINED to another of each other meaning ” GOD “.
Quote Greek Zeus,
Roman Jupiter (from Deus Pater),
Vedic Dyaus Pita,
Germanic Tiwaz (later known as Tyr),
Baltic Dievas,
Slavic Div,
Gaulish Dis Pater,
and probably Phrygian Sabazios (from Saba Zeus).“” Also etymologically connected is the Latin word for 'god', deus, the word for the Christian God used by the Roman Catholic Church. The latin word is also continued in English divine, deity,”” and the original Germanic word remains visible in Tuesday (originally “Day of Tiwaz”).
“” Dyeus “” was addressed as “” Dyeu Phter,”” literally “Sky Father” or “shining father”, as reflected in ” Latin Jupiter “, ” Greek Zeu pater “, ” Sanskrit Dyau Pita.” In his aspect as a Father God, his consort was Pltvi Mhter, “Earth Mother”.
Now, I have traced this back even to the 3rd Century, however, I can also trace this back to 600 B.C. from the Sanskrit language through to the Germanic to English
They are all connected together here and read how they fit together.
I Quote
Quote “” Also etymologically connected is the Latin word for 'god', 'deus', the word for the Christian God used by the Roman Catholic Church. The latin word is also continued in ” ” English divine, deity,”” and the original Germanic word remains visible in Tuesday (originally “Day of Tiwaz”). Do you still think that you are HONORING the true Father YHWH of the scriptures by referring to Him as ALL THEE ABOVE that connects to the English GAD=GOD=GUD=TYR to the Germanic GOTT= GUTH= TIWAZ = ZEUS to the Roman JUPITER that are all titles of DEMONS ??
It is no wonder why YHWH said TWO TIMES in the scriptures “” And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other ' gods' ( ie -idol deities), neither let it be heard out of thy mouth.( See Exodus 23:13; Joshua 23:7), for when you call out to, and use these, you are in fact calling on DEMONS ie- satan the devil.
Do you still think ' g-d ' Honors YHWH of the scriptures?
Eliyah C. exposing modern day demon and devil worship in ignorance( or by not knowing it) ( See Rev.9:20-21; Rev.13:3-4; Rev.13:8) through satan the devil dragon's deception ( Rev.12: 9) that is causing the whole world to worship him and the idol image of GOD= JUPITER ( Rev.13:15-17), and exposing the idol title blasphemous names on and in the very foreheads or minds the the Babylonian Harlot mother and her daughters( Rev.17:5)
March 19, 2006 at 6:26 am#21503Jamie
ParticipantFor Iyyob to read above.
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