Who really is baal gad ?

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    No David, http://www.eliYahforums.com

    IS NOT ME, nor my forum.

    That is ANOTHER ” EliYah “, that is not me.

    But, you can search for the words “” Strongs Exaustive Concordance “” by James H.Strongs .

    My name is Eliyah( Elijah=English)Collette


    Once again, I have no idea of what you're talking about. Why is that?

    Yes, the word easter is improperly used in the KJV where “passover” should be. Yes the word easter comes from “astarte” or “ashtoreth” false gods, and yes, ashtoreth worship obviously was condemned in the scriptures, along with baal worship.

    Your point is what exactly?

    Yes, they took up serving the baals and ashtoreth images. (judges 2)

    Right, I'm with you so far. You haven't really said anything though.

    Then, you jump to your conclusion saying: “When one was practiced the, as it is practiced today too….”
    But you haven't proved anything by what you've said.

    You then mention Rev 2:14 which discusses Balaam, son of Peor. (Num 22:5,18.)
    ““‘Nevertheless, I have a few things against you, that you have there those holding fast the teaching of Ba´laam, who went teaching Ba´lak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit fornication.”

    What does this have to do with what we're talking about? Does this prove that baal gad = lord god? No.



    What about the Muslim deity of ” Alah ” do the Muslims worship the true Creator of the Universe?

    Is it ok to apply the Muslim deity of ” Alah ” to the Hebrew scriptural name of Yah ?

    Well, to the Romans and Greeks during Paul's time, their “theos”= deities were “” Jupiter and Zeus “”, was it ok to apply those names and titles to the true Creator YAH( Psalms 68:4) ??

    Think about it.


    Go on back in the posts a little more David.

    The point I was trying to make was that BOTH DEITIES ARE THE SAME, one ( Astarte=easter) is the female deity, and the OTHER Baal gad is its( Astarte's) male counterpart, AND BOTH ARE BEING PRACTICED TODAY as was then.

    Is 1:18

    Hi Eliyah,
    What day of the week is it where you live?


    The Gregorian is “” the 7th “, but the scriptural is “” the 6th Yom “”


    Everyone, go look up Hebrew Numbers 1409=gawd, 1464=guwd, type them in and listen to the PRONOUNCIATION .

    Posted: Sep. 17 2005,07:09

    David, go look up these Hebrew word “” gawd” and ” guwd “numbers 1409, 1464

    You may have to ” type in the words and or Numbers ” in the Strongs Exaustive Concordance, and also LISTEN TO THE PRONOUNCIATION OF THESE WORDS at this place.

    Strong's Number: 01409 Browse Lexicon
    Original Word Word Origin
    dg from (01464) (in the sense of distributing)
    Transliterated Word TDNT Entry
    Gad TWOT – 313d
    Phonetic Spelling Parts of Speech
    gawd Noun Masculine


    Or http://www.crosswalk.com


    Look all these up in the Strongs “” Heb.Num.1408,1409= gad=GAWD from 1413, and =gaw-dad, comp. 1464= guwd akin to 1413, and 1413 takes you back again to 1464.

    You will recognize all these with the English word ” god =German of gott=guth, and the Danish and Swedish have ” gud” which you will recognize in number 1464= GUwD.


    Is 1:18

    Quote (Eliyah @ Sep. 17 2005,07:15)
    The Gregorian is “” the 7th “, but the scriptural is “” the 6th Yom “”

    I wonder do you use Hebraic chronological terminology when you ring up to make a dentist appointment or book a plumber? Also, when someone asks you the time do you reference the Egyptian-designed 24 hr clock? What about the months? Have you completely eliminated all semblence of paganism from you life Eliyah?? No slip ups?? ever? If so…..congratulations your the ultimate legalist. :)


    You said “”

    I wonder do you use Hebraic chronological terminology when you ring up to make a dentist appointment or book a plumber? Also, when someone asks you the time do you reference the Egyptian-designed 24 hr clock? What about the months? Have you completely eliminated all semblence of paganism from you life Eliyah?? No slip ups?? ever? If so…..congratulations your the ultimate legalist.

    You seem to imply that because I obey Yah and Messiah's Torah that ” your( i'm) the ultimate legalist “.

    Well, all those WHO wilfully don't are “” illegalists “” in Yah's Word and to Him, but, the Messiah called them, and the Taught One John ( St. John 8:44; 1 John 2:4; 1 John 3:4; 1 John 3:8) called them…..


    Hence the OTHER meaning of “” THE FATHERS””( Mal.4:6).

    Eliyah C.

    Is 1:18

    You didn't answer this question:

    Have you completely eliminated all semblence of paganism from you life Eliyah?? No slip ups?? ever?

    Have you used any of the following words in the last week Eliyah:

    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday?

    An honest answer please.


    Is 1:18,

    Now, I want to ask YOU, where do the scriptures ” name the dys.” after the pagans, as modern baal religionists use??

    Everyone will give account for every ” idle word ” later.

    Who said that?


    Read the Book of Job real close, those who mention pagan names of the day call up Levithan.

    Who is the great dragon of Levithan?

    See ( Rev.12:9).

    Who is the false ” father “?

    See( John 8:44).

    Is 1:18

    Evasion, evasion, evasion. I guess I have my answer. Don't put burdens o others that you are unable to bear Eliyah.

    Be well.


    No, I do not, and my ABOVE post tells you WHY too.

    I only use the days as the scriptures use, and ALL Hebrew ( Yom) are numbered, 1st, 2nd,3rd,4th,5th,and the 6th is called ” Preparation “, and the 7th is called the Shabbat.

    I only use ” pagan words ” to point out the truth as it pertains to Yah and His Word, and even then, I ask Him to forgive me for using them.

    I will give you some advice , and whether you choose to do it, is up to you, but you had better LOVE THE TRUTH OF SCRIPTURES enough to search out the truth, because it is those that do not who are dammed( Read that from Paul).


    Your the ONE that is “evading “, because You did NOT answer my question asked of You above?

    Why not?


    Please Type in the Number “” 1409 “” in the address below and LISTEN TO THE PRONOUNCIATION of the word “”Quote
    gawd=Strongs Hebrew number 1409 used in ( Isa.65:11)= gad of that Babylonian deity.


    Be honest with yourself, does this word not SOUND IN PRONOUNCIATION exactly like the English ” G-D “??


    IS 1:18,

    You asked “”

    Have you completely eliminated all semblence of paganism from you life Eliyah?? No slip ups?? ever?

    Yes, when I first discovered this I made “” slip ups “”,but if one is persistant and honest in asking Yah for help to remove them, He will help you .

    However, there is a “” DIFFERENCE “” in someone who is honest and really trying to stop using pagan words in their worship and walk with Yahweh and who “” slip up “”
    as you call it, and ask in forgiveness each and every day for ” those slip ups ” as you call it.

    However, there is a BIG DIFFERENCE when someone who KNOWS the truth as has been shown, and that ONE purposely ignoring it and is not even interested in willingness to correcting themselves, and are wilfully ignorant in asking forgiveness and repenting each day.

    For WHO was it that said “” Be ye therefore(Strive) perfect, as your ( true) FATHER IN HEAVEN IS PERFECT””.

    Who said that?

    He did NOT say “” Be ye therefore wilfully dumb and ignorant as your false father( satan the devil-John 8:44) which roams this earth who is perverted from being perfect.””

    What do the scriptures say about wilfully ignorant people?

    You seem to think that Striving for perfection in Messiah , that it is a ” burden ” to do so.

    Did Messiah say it was a ” burden ” to OBEY Yah's Commands and to live by and in every Word of scriptures?

    Well, it seems that You imply to condemn me for teaching and living in the very principals of scriptures that Messiah Himself taught, and claim that they are a ” burden “, then you yourself claim to obey and follow the true Messiah of scriptures.

    I have answered your questions, but you will not answer mine with scriptures will you?

    Eliyah C.


    david, what eliyah is asking of you is, why do you accept jehovah's witnesses' acceptance of the 1911 britannica as a reference against paganism? why do you then reject eliyah's reference to the same 1911 britannica for the paganism of the title “god”?

    on 9/17/2005, 07:47 is 1:18 asked, “Have you completely eliminated all semblence of paganism from you life Eliyah?? No slip ups??” c'mon, is 1:18, that's like shooting the messenger. let's take a look at the message.

    the people wanted to kill the adulteress with stones. then jesus said that whoever has not sinned throw the first stone. is 1:18, are you going to throw? don't attack the messenger personally. i want to know to the truth, but i'm not going to deny by trying to hold eliyah up to such tough strict standards.


    edit- “i want to know the truth…”

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