Who really is baal gad ?

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    This Article is not intended to infringe on any person's beliefs, but only for consideration of information concerning this topic.

    This Post may or may not be of intrest to some on here, and also this article uses the true( Hebrew to English) name of the Creator.

    In Isaiah 65:11 is a very interesting statement made by the Creator through Isaiah the prophet, which many people have never really investigated in depth in the original texts of scripture.

    The Old King James Version has this verse translated thus… “”But ye are they that forsake ” the LORD”,( Note YHWH==Strongs Exaustive Concordance, S.E.C.Heb.Num.3050,3068 , that forget my holy mountain, that prepare a table for ” that troop”,( Note see margin-GAD==GAWD=GOD=S.E.C. Heb. Num.1408,1409==A Babylonian Deity called Baal Gad), and that furnish the drink offering unto that number.””

    This Babylonian Deity called Baal Gad mentioned in (Joshua 11:17; 12:7; 13:5), was was later worshipped by the children of Israel, and the true Creator YAH( Psalms 68:4) considered it Idolatry.

    If you look in to the “” Webster's Unabridged Deluxe Dictionary, Second Edition, Page 746, “” GAD, 1.IN THE BIBLE, a son of Jacob. 2. A tribe of Israel descended from him. 3. The land where this tribe lived. GAD, gad, interj. A mild oath or expression of suprise, disgust, e.t.c., A EUPHEMISM FOR GOD. “”

    Then, when you look at the word “” Baal”( S.E.C. Heb.Num.1167,1168), then you will see that one of its definitions of meaning is “”LORD””.

    Now, I ask that you ” get out ” your Old K.J.V., and one with a “” CENTER REFERENCE COLUMN “” in the center, and LOOK very close in detail of these scriptures as these is pointed out to you, and you will be astounded at this revealed truth.

    First, I want to let the K.J.V. point out the meaning of “” BAALI “” in detail, and show you that people are calling YAH this title name, and to point out that He does not approve of it either, and that He is going to remove it forcefully from peoples mouths.

    Turn to ( Hosea 2:16 ), but please NOTICE the little small ” NUMBERS” and ” LETTERS ” that are in the verse( as this is for the center reference column).

    There is a “” NUMBER 12 “” in the verse 16 of a center reference column only K.J.V..

    This “” NUMBER 12 “” in the verse 16 will SHOW You where to LOOK in the CENTER REFERENCE COLUMN by its number for ” THE TRUE MEANING ” of that word from English to Hebrew.

    Look at the number 12 in the “” CENTER REFERENCE COLUMN “”.

    But, first I'm going to write the verse of ( Hosea 2:16), so that you can compare it to the ORIGINAL MEANING OF SCRIPTURES when we are finished.

    K.J.V.== “” And it shall be at that day, saith “” the LORD “”, that thou shalt call me Ishi ; and shalt call me no more Baali.””

    This word “” BAALI “” has a number “” 12 “” just beside it, and now look at the “” center reference column “” at the number “” 12 “”.

    Number 12 center reference column says, “” THAT IS, MY LORD””.

    Now, when this verse with its names is correctly ” transliterated ” it will read thus blelow, and it is inescapable that the title name “” BAALI “” means “” LORD “”..

    “” And it shall be at that day, saith YHWH=YAH( 3050,3068, see Strongs of word 'lord'), that thou shalt call me( YHWH) my Husband( Ishi, see number 11 in center reference), and shalt call me( YHWH=YAH) NO MORE my “” LORD””.( Hosea 2:16).

    Now, the center reference column in the K.J.V. absolutely leaves NO DOUBT as to the true meaning of the “” title name of BAALI “”, for it means “” LORD “”, and that is exactly what people are calling YHWH=YAH( Psalms 68:4) today.

    Now look at ( Hosea 2:17) for it says, “” For I will take away the (titles) names of BAALIM( Plural==lord=baal and god=gad) OUT OF HER MOUTH, and they shall no more be remembered by their( titles) names.

    Now, please NOTICE the letter “” P “” in this 17th verse, and in ” THE CENTER REFERENCE COLUMN “, and then, in the center reference column, the letter “” P “” refers you to ( Exodus 23:13).

    Then, look at ( Exodus 23:13) as this is a COMMANDMENT that is being disobeyed and broken today by churchianity, for if you LOOK at the “” CENTER REFERENCE COLUMN “” and the letter “” N “” that is in ( Exodus 23:13) verse, then, look at the center reference column it refers you BACK to ( Hosea 2:17).

    Study this very close with the center reference column in your own K.J.V., and can you truely deny to yourself the truth about people calling the true Father YAH( Psalms 68:4) by the pagan title names of ” lord “== baali ” ?

    Read ( Exodus 23:13) as it is a Command TO NOT EVEN MENTION the title names of pagan ” gods==deities ” out of our mouths, but worse, people are also applying them to YHWH=YAH( Psalms 68:4), and what is even more worse, is that the translators mis-transliterated the true Creator's Name in the most popular K.J.V. scriptures.

    Now, will you believe your own eyes, as you read the true meaning of ” BAAL=LORD” in your own K.J.V. scriptures ?

    If YAH( Psalms 68:4) is going to remove and take away the title names of BAALIM =LORD and GOD=GAD out of people's mouths in the future, then should we not get an early start at doing that today?

    When the title of “” LORD GOD”” is transliterated back into the Hebrew( notice the vowel pointing), it is the same title of “” Baal Gad””, a Babylonian Deity that was condemned by YHWH.( Remember Old Eliyahu the Prophet that faced the Baal prophets?).

    This word ” GOD==GAD==GAWD” is pronounced the same, and has been applied to the true Creator YHWH, and even in most all the English translations of scriptures too.

    The true Creator spoke through Jeremiah the prophet and said this would happen in the last days…”” How long shall this be in the heart( mind) of the prophets that prophesy lies?…Which think to cause my people to FORGET MY NAME( YHWH==YAH=3050,3068, see Psalms 68:4)…as their ( fore)fathers have forgotten MY NAME( YHWH==3050,3068 for (Baal Gad==LORD GOD).””( Jer.23:26-27).

    Also, He says that He would remove the names( plural) of Balim( lord and god) out of their mouths( See also Hosea 2:16-17).

    Have you investigated this matter fully? The children of Israel was condemned for such Idolatry, and the Apostle said, “” There are LORDS MANY and GODS MANY, and there is not in every man this knowledge.””( 1 Cor.8:5-7).

    YHWH commanded to NOT EVEN MENTION other nation idol deities( Exod.23:13, Joshua 23:7, Deut.5:7), and the English ” god==gad” is of pagan origin( See Encyclopedieas, especially the Brittannica), even tracing back to the time of the Israelites.

    To apply other pagan deities to YHWH is expressly forbidden, and violates the ” 1st, 2nd, and 3rd” commandments( Exod.20:2-7), as most all english translations of scriptures have done also.

    Even Solomon succommed to practiceing ” Syncretisim”, or combinning pagan deities to YHWH because of his 700 wives and 300 concubines, and he too was condemned for his Idolatry( 1 Kings 11:4-6,33).

    People will point out in the scriptures concerning other evil ” Kings ” of Israel that ” did evil in the sight of YHWH “, but they just skim over or ignor the lesson concerning Solomon who committed abominations of Idolatry, and he too ” DID EVIL IN THE SIGHT OF THE L-RD(YHWH= YAH=3050, 3068–)( 1 Kings 11:6–).

    And in every place in the scriptures that ” Ashtoreth= Astarte= Easter “( The Female deity) was practiced( as it is today), so was the Idolatry worship of ” Baal=Lord and Gad=God”( The male diety counterpart of Astarte), and this same thing is being practiced on a world wide scale today by modern churchianity.

    In every place that “” Ashtoroth==Astarte==Easter” was practiced( See Ezek.8:14-18–), so was the worship of the Babylonian deity called “” Baal Gad=Lord God””( Judges 2:11,13, 1 Kings 11:33–), and it was condemned by YHWH= YAH, and it even condemned Solomon too( 1 Kings 11:6–).

    When I p
    oint this out to people concerning Solomon, they are in absolute shock, because most have not fully realized this lesson concerning Solomon and the practice of Idolatry by syncretisim.

    Carry this same example on down to today.

    Does YHWH accept ” syncrenization ” of the pagan ” Easter=Astarte=Ashoreth ” custom with Him and His true worship ? I think You and I BOTH know the answer to that question; well neither does YHWH accept its male deity counterpart of ” Baal=Lord and Gad=God ” applied to Him either.

    In every place that “” Ashtoroth==Astarte==Easter”( Female deity) was practiced, so was the worship of the Babylonian deity called “” Baal Gad=Lord God””( Astarte's Male counterpart)( Judges 2:11,13, 1 Kings 11:33), and it was condemned by YHWH= YAH.

    The word “god” comes from the Old German “”Gott, Guth””, which originated from worship of tarus the bull( See All Encyclopedieas especially the Brittanica of word “god”).

    So Solomon too did ” think there was nothing wrong” with combinning pagan deities to YHWH either, but YAH certainly did think it was wrong, and this resulted in rending the Kingdom from him, and the split of the Kingdom, and the rejection of Solomon.

    There are many examples in scriptures where the children of Israel were taken captive by other nations for practicing ” syncretisim” of pagan deities to YHWH=YAH( Psalms 68:4)..

    In ( Acts 14:12-15) of the pagan Jupiter, which is another example of combining pagan deities to YHWH, but to the Romans, Jupiter was the suppreme being, but he was NOT the suppreme being according to the Apostle either.

    It may not seem to make a difference to human beings, but it certainly does to YHWH, as His Word absolutely proves that it does matter.

    The Hebrew words ” EL” and ” Elohim” existed long BEFORE( According to scriptures) and it was originally a pure word title applied to YAH; but pagan cultures adopted it and applied it to their deities; but the word ” gad=god” was used exclusively to a pagan Babylonian deity of Baal( =lord) Gad(= god), and used for worship of taurus the bull.

    Inspite of what commentaries, lexicons, e.t.c. say, the word ” god= gad” is not a correct transliteration from the word ” EL” in Hebrew.

    The Titles of ” EL and Elohim” was originally pure Titles applied to YAH, but the word ” god=gad” was and is applied to a Babylonian deity, which is condemned in ( Isaiah 65:11).

    In ( Jer.8:8) it was prophesied that the scribes and translators would alter the scriptures texts.

    And an example of that is by comparing N.T. texts as quoted from the original scriptures, with that of the O.T.texts.

    Example of alteration from Hebrew to Greek to English is as follows below.

    In the ( O.K.J.V.) of ( Matt.4:4; Luke 4:4) where Messiah said “”…but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of “” GOD( English)””, and “” Theos( Greek)””.

    Here, the Messiah quoted( compare) from ( Deut.8:3)
    which should read, “” …. but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of “” THE LORD”( K.J.V.)( =S.E.C. Heb.Numbs. 3050,3068==YAH) doth man live.””

    Why is the word “” god”” used in ( Matt.4:4; Luke 4:4) and the word “” LORD” is used in ( Deut.8:3), but both leave out the true name of YAH( 3050,3068)??

    The Greeks used their ” deity” of ” Theos” in translation, and the English merely used theirs of “” God””, but the original text says “” YAH “(S.E.C. 3050,3068).

    This is one prime example of alteration and syncretisim, and covering up the true Creator's name with pagan titles in other cultures languages.

    To the Greeks and Romans, their ” Theos deity” was Zeus and Jupiter, not the true Creator YAH, and whenever the scriptures were translated into other cultures languages, the translators merely inserted their own ” Deity” in place of the true Name of YAH( See Psalms 68:4, for the short form).

    This may come as an EYE OPENER and a shock to many, but the Book of Revelation says that in the last days the whole earth would be worshipping satan the devil( See Rev.12:9; Rev.13:3-4,8; Rev.13:8) through his deception.

    Paul certainly NEVER used the pagan title of ” theos”, because Paul admitted that he observed the entirety of the law( Acts 24:14), and that would include ( Exod.20:2-7; Exod.23:13; Deut.5:7;Joshua 23:7).

    Also, Paul was against their ” pagan theos of Jupiter” in ( Acts 14:11-15).

    But, no matter how much proof from scriptures that is given to people, and even examples such as Solomon that practiced ” syncretisim”, which was, and still is prohibitted and condemned by YHWH, people will still do what they see right in their own eyes( Remember the Proverb?).

    I do believe that there are honest people out there, and those who are truely TRUTH SEEKERS will eventually see this truth.

    Otherwise, how could satan the devil deceive the whole world and its inhabitants into worshipping him in THE END TIMES( Rev.9:20;Rev.12:9; Rev.13:3-4, 8) ? Think about it, and pray about it.

    Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this article.

    Eliyah C.


    (Ba´al) [Owner; Master].


    first, let's mention the things that don't apply and get them out of the way:

    1. The fourth-listed son of Jeiel, a Benjamite.—1Ch 8:29, 30; 9:35, 36.
    2. A Reubenite whose son Beerah was among those taken captive by the Assyrian king Tiglath-pileser III.—1Ch 5:5, 6, 26.
    3. A Simeonite enclave city within the territory of Judah, apparently the same as Baalath-beer and Ramah of the south (or Negeb).—Compare 1Ch 4:32, 33 and Jos 19:7-9.

    (Ba´al) [Owner; Master].

    4. In the Scriptures, the Hebrew word ba´`al is employed with reference to
    (1) a husband as owner of his wife (Ge 20:3);
    (2) landowners (Jos 24:11, ftn);
    (3) “owners of the nations” (Isa 16:8, ftn);
    (4) “confederates” (literally, “owners [masters] of the covenant”) (Ge 14:13, ftn);
    (5) owners or possessors of tangibles (Ex 21:28, 34; 22:8; 2Ki 1:8, ftn);
    (6) persons or things having something that is characteristic of their nature, manner, occupation, and the like, for example, an archer (literally, “owner of arrows”) (Ge 49:23), a “creditor of the debt” (literally, “owner of a debt of his hand”) (De 15:2), “anyone given to anger” (literally, “owner of anger”) (Pr 22:24), “judicial antagonist” (literally, “owner of judgment”) (Isa 50:8, ftn);
    (7) Jehovah (Ho 2:16);
    (8) false gods (Jg 2:11, 13).

    Notice number 7.

    HOSEA 2:16
    “And it must occur in that day,’ is the utterance of Jehovah, ‘that you will call [me] My husband, and you will no longer call me My owner [or, “My baal.” Heb., ba`·li´].

    Since we can easily establish the general meaning of “baal” simply by looking at the other references above, there doesn't have to be any hidden evil connection between Jehovah and the hebrew word baal. It seems to mean: Owner, Master, or as you stated, Lord. If Jehovah wanted to describe himself as “owner” in that verse, than so be it.

    The fact that Baal gods were worshiped really doesn't have anything to do with Hosea 2:16, does it?

    The term hab·Ba´`al (the Baal) is the designation applied to the false god Baal. The expression hab·Be`a·lim´ (the Baals) refers to the various local deities thought of as owning or possessing and having influence over particular places.

    At times in Israel’s history JEHOVAH WAS REFERRED TO AS BAAL, in the sense of his being the Owner or Husband of the nation. (Isa 54:5) Also, THE ISREALITEES MAY HAVE IMPROPERLY ASSOCIATED JEHOVAH WITH BAAL IN THEIR APOSTASY. The latter appears to be borne out by Hosea’s prophecy that the time would come when Israel, after going into and being restored from exile, would repentantly call Jehovah “My husband,” and no more “My owner” (“My Baal,” AT). The context suggests that the designation “Baal” and its associations with the false god would never again pass the lips of the Israelites. (Ho 2:9-17)

    The bad connotation that appears to have become attached to the Hebrew word ba´`al because of its association with the degraded worship of Baal is thought by some to be the reason the writer of Second Samuel used the names “Ish-bosheth” and “Mephibosheth” (bo´sheth means shame) instead of “Eshbaal” and “Merib-baal.”—2Sa 2:8; 9:6; 1Ch 8:33, 34;

    (Ba´al-gad) [Owner of Gad (Good Fortune)].

    A town in the valley plain of Lebanon at the base of Mount Hermon, on its W side. It is used to describe the most northerly point of Joshua’s conquest of the land of Canaan, as compared with the southerly point of Mount Halak in the Negeb. (Jos 11:17; 12:7; 13:5) The exact location is uncertain, but it is generally identified with Hasbaiya in the Wadi et-Teim or a site nearby.


    The “” evil conotations ” as you have said, is when people replace YHWH'S Name with the title of ” lord=baal and gad=god”( as churchianity has done today) as in a proper name in substitute for His Name.

    The same has happened today as it did in Old Eliyahu The Prophet's day, and let me elaborate this happening compared to today.

    Old Elijah the Prophet pointed out to those of his day concerning YHWH'S Name=YAH( Exod.15:2;Psalms 68:4), and WHOM TO CALL UPON, whether ” lord god=baal gad”, or YAH.

    Let's examine this amazing story of Eliyahu (Elijah) now in First Kings (First Melakim) 18:17-40 using the King James Version that people are familiar with so you get the overview of that passage prior to seeing revealed truth.

    17 And it came to pass, when Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab said unto him, (Art) thou he that troubleth Israel?

    18 And he answered, I have not troubled Israel; but thou, and thy father's house, in that ye have forsaken the commandments of the LORD, and thou hast followed Baalim.

    19 Now therefore send, [and] gather to me all Israel unto mount Carmel, and the prophets of Baal four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the groves four hundred, which eat at Jezebel's table.

    20 So Ahab sent unto all the children of Israel, and gathered the prophets together unto mount Carmel.

    21 And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD (be) God, follow him: but if Baal, (then) follow him. And the people answered him not a word. (opinions: or, thoughts?)

    22 Then said Elijah unto the people, I, (even) I only, remain a prophet of the LORD; but Baal's prophets (are) four hundred and fifty men.

    23 Let them therefore give us two bullocks; and let them choose one bullock for themselves, and cut it in pieces, and lay (it) on wood, and put no fire (under) : and I will dress the other bullock, and lay (it) on wood, and put no fire (under) :

    24 And call ye on the name of your gods( deity), and I will call on the name of the LORD: and the God that answereth by fire, let him be God. And all the people answered and said, It is well spoken. (It is in…: Heb. The word is good)

    25 And Elijah said unto the prophets of Baal, Choose you one bullock for yourselves, and dress (it) first; for ye (are) many; and call on the name of your gods( deity), but put no fire (under).

    26 And they took the bullock which was given them, and they dressed [it], and called on the name of Baal from morning even until noon, saying, O Baal, hear us. But [there was] no voice, nor any that answered. And they leaped upon the altar which was made. (hear: or, answer) (answered: or, heard) (leaped…: or, leaped up and down at the altar)

    27 And it came to pass at noon, that Elijah mocked them, and said, Cry aloud: for he (is)a god; either he is talking, or he is pursuing, or he is in a journey, (or) peradventure he sleepeth, and must be awaked. {aloud: Heb. with a great voice} {he is talking: or, he meditateth) (is pursuing: Heb. hath a pursuit)

    28 And they cried aloud, and cut themselves after their manner with knives and lancets, till the blood gushed out upon them. {the blood…: Heb. poured out blood upon them}

    29 And it came to pass, when midday was past, and they prophesied until the [time] of the offering of the [evening] sacrifice, that [there was] neither voice, nor any to answer, nor any that regarded. {offering: Heb. ascending} {that regarded: Heb. attention}

    30 And Elijah said unto all the people, Come near unto me. And all the people came near unto him. And he repaired the altar of the LORD (that was) broken down.

    31 And Elijah took twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, unto whom the word of the LORD came, saying, Israel shall be thy name:

    32 And with the stones he built an altar in the name of the LORD: and he made a trench about the altar, as great as would contain two measures of seed.

    33 And he put the wood in order, and cut the bullock in pieces, and laid [him] on the wood, and said, Fill four barrels with water, and pour (it) on the burnt sacrifice, and on the wood.

    34 And he said, Do (it) the second time. And they did (it) the second time. And he said, Do (it) the third time. And they did (it) the third time.

    35 And the water ran round about the altar; and he filled the trench also with water. {ran: Heb. went)

    36 And it came to pass at (the time of) the offering of the (evening) sacrifice, that Elijah the prophet came near, and said, LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, let it be known this day that thou (art) God in Israel, and (that) I (am) thy servant, and (that) I have done all these things at thy word.

    37 Hear me, O LORD, hear me, that this people may know that thou (art) the LORD God, and [that] thou hast turned their heart back again.

    38 Then the fire of the LORD fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that [was] in the trench.

    39 And when all the people saw [it], they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he [is] the God; the LORD, he [is] the God.

    39 And when all the people saw [it], they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he [is] the God; the LORD, he [is] the God.

    40 And Elijah said unto them, Take the prophets of Baal; let not one of them escape. And they took them: and Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon, and slew them there.

    That is an awesome story that many of us have been told or read from at a very early age. But reading it the way the translators have written it to you IS very misleading.

    There is something much deeper in here that has not been revealed to you and how a large portion of this scripture passage is a mirror image to this very day we live in for you will soon see that the “Prophets of Ba'al” (including Ba'al worship) are still in existence all around you and I each and every day.

    Prepare to brace yourself, this could make you very uncomfortable at least when it is revealed to you just how close to home this really comes to you.

    Now we need to digress to a short passage in Shemoth (Exodus) 3:13-15 where Moses is asking our Heavenly Father, the Elohim of Israel what he is to say the children of Israel (ISR Version):

    13. …and they say to (ask of) me, “What is His Name?” what shall I say to them?”

    14. And Elohim said to Mosheh (Moses), “I am that which I am.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Yisra'el, “I am has sent me to you.”

    15. And Elohim said further to Mosheh, “Thus you are to say to the children of Yisra'el, “YHWH Elohim … This is My Name forever, and this is My remembrance( Memorial) to all generations.”

    Here we see that Yah (YHWH) indirectly answered Mosheh's question of “whom shall I say has sent me” with “I am that which I am” and “I am has sent me to you”.

    What our Heavenly Father told Mosheh was the MEANING OF HIS NAME first before He actually told him His Name! Yes, many people have never heard the Name, Yah (YHWH), and did/do not know the MEANING OF HIS NAME. Yah means “I am – I exist – I will be”. “I will be what I will be”. “I will be a burning bush”, “I will be a pillar of fire by night”, “I will be a cloud by day”, “I will be a mighty rushing wind”, etc. etc.

    Yah was demonstrating that the MEANING of NAMES is extremely important and that He wanted His people to know what His Name meant before He actually revealed His One Name!

    And in( Exodus)Shemoth 6:2 His One Name is reiterated again. “And Elohim spoke to Mosheh and said to him, “I am YHWH.”

    6:3 says “…And by my Name, YHWH, was I not known to them?” ( Notice the question mark there?)

    6:6 says “Say, therefore, to the children of Yisra'el, I am YHWH”

    See also verses 7, 8, 29.

    ( Exodus)Shemoth 15:3 says “YHWH is a
    man of battle, YHWH is His Name.”

    The point being elaborated here is of extreme importance. NAMES are IMPORTANT and the MEANINGS of NAMES are equally IMPORTANT. If you take the modern Bible versions (over the last 400 plus years) you will see that “the LORD” could not possibly be our Heavenly Father's Name.

    It should have never been added to (Prov. 30:6) neither anything taken away (Rev. 22:19). REMOVING the One True Name of YHWH and ADDING “the LORD” is an abomination and judgment will result accordingly to His purpose.

    Now we might have struck a nerve here and you might not want to proceed with the truth of the Eliyahu passage above.

    YHWH does not mean “the LORD” it means “I am – I exist”.

    Also, there are two Hebrew words that do have a meaning of “lord”. They are:

    1) Adonai meaning “lord, master” as in a TITLE and,
    2) Ba'al meaning “LORD” as in a PROPER NAME. (See any good dictionary and look up Baal. It means “LORD”, plain and simple. When you say “LORD” outloud you cannot distinguish between all capital letters or all small letter, it hears the same in your ears and YHWH's ears.

    Are you ready now for the truth of First( 1 Kings) Melakim 18?

    Below you will find the same passage of First ( 1 Kings)Melakim 18 with the meaning of the name of Ba'al in place of Ba'al. When you see this, you will recognize that this passage hits as close to home as any passage can get.

    The following should prove to you that the people who followed the Prophets of Ba'al ( or lord) were a very religious people and might very well resemble many whom call themselves Christians today.

    1) They BELIEVED in the One True Elohim ( or as is said today God=Gad).

    2) They BELIEVED He would answer their prayers or they would not have said in Verse 24 “The word is good.”.

    3) They BELIEVED that the One True LORD God would accept their offering/sacrifice of the bull on the altar they built. He had obviously accepted their offerings before or they would have been reluctant and unwilling to attempt an unproven effort. They were, after all, Israelites, right? Of course!

    4) They BELIEVED with all their hearts that Their LORD knew their hearts and that He would accept them just the way they were in their religious state of activities and affairs.

    Also remember, these Scriptures were ORIGINALLY WRITTEN in HEBREW not Greek or Latin or English. When they spoke in Hebrew and “called upon the name of the LORD”, they called and said the Hebrew word “Ba'al” (Hebrew meaning “Lord”). Where the English version have replaced the Hebrew Tetragrammaton YHWH (Yah's Name) with “LORD” or “GOD”, here is the subtlety of deception and the clouding of the Truth. This REPLACEMENT did not just happen a few times; but try 6,823 times!!!

    Your King James Version, your NIV, or any of the other “modern non-restored name versions” should have YHWH in place of “the LORD” and you should at least know that where you read “Ba'al” in any version it means “the LORD” to the Hebrew people in the Hebrew language. You are about to see why Eliyahu was so HATED by King Ahab and the prophets of Ba'al and the people who followed the prophets of Ba'al. (See also Jeremiah) 23:26-27 and Hoshea 2:16-17).

    Now, let's RE-EXAMINE the amazing story of Eliyahu now in First Melakim (1 Kings) 18:17-40:

    17. And it came to be, when Ahab saw Eliyahu, that Ahab said to him, “Is that you, 0 disturber of Yisra'el?”

    18. And he answered, “I have not disturbed Yisra'el, but you and your father's house, in that you have forsaken the commands of YHWH, and you have followed the ways of the Lord(=Baal).”

    19. “And now, send and gather all Yisra'el to me on Mount Karmel, the four hundred and fifty prophets [preachers] of the Lord( Baal), and the four hundred prophets of Asherah [Easter- Astarte-Ashtoreth-Ishtar priests], who eat at Izabel's (Jezebel's) table.”

    20. Ahab then sent for all the children of Yisra'el( Israel), and gathered the prophets on Mount Karmel.

    21. And Eliyahu( Elijah) came to all the people and said, “How long would you keep hopping between two opinions? If YHWH is Elohim, follow Him; and if the Lord( Baal), follow him.” But the people answered him not a word.

    22.And Eliyahu said to the people, “I alone am left a prophet of YHWH, but the prophets [preachers] of the Lord( Baal) are four hundred and fifty men.”

    23. “Now let them give us two bulls. And let them choose one bull for themselves, and cut it in pieces, and lay it on the wood, but set no fire. And I, I prepare the other bull, and shall lay it on the wood, but set no fire.”

    24.”And you shall call on the name of your mighty one [the Lord=Baal], and I, I call on the Name of YHWH. And the Elohim who answers by fire, His is Elohim.” So all the people answered and said, “The word is good.” [they were in total agreement]

    Pause here first, Compare the above verse 24 of “” CALL ON THE NAME OF YOUR( Lord=Baal), with “” Whosoever SHALL CALL ON THE NAME YHWH=YAH( Joel 2:32; Acts 2:21; Rom.10:13)SHALL BE SAVED.


    25. And Eliyahu said to the prophets [preachers] of the Lord( Baal), “Choose one bull for yourselves and prepare it first, for you are many. And call on the name of your mighty one( Lord=Baal), but set no fire.”

    26. So they took the bull which was given them, and prepared it, and called upon the name of the Lord( Baal) from morning even until noon, saying, “O Lord( Baal), answer us!” But there was no voice and no one answered. And they leaped about the altar which they had made.

    Pause Again here second, Compare the above verse 26 of “” CALLED UPON THE NAME OF LORD( BAAL)”” as the Baal=Lord prophets were doing with “” Whosoever shall CALL UPON THE NAME OF YHWH(=3050,3068=YAH)( Joel 2:32; Acts 2:21; Rom.10:13) SHALL BE DELIVERED OR SAVED.””

    Surely You can SEE this comparison of ” WHICH NAME TO CALL UPON, whether YHWH-YAH, or whether to call upon ” LORD= BAAL and Gad=God”?

    Continue now.

    27. And it came to be at noon, that Eliyahu taunted them and said, “Cry aloud, for he is a mighty one; he is meditating, or he is busy, or he is on a journey, or it could be that he is asleep and has to be awakened!”

    28. And they cried aloud, and cut themselves, according to their ruling, with knives and spears, until the blood gushed out on them.

    29. And it came to be when midday was past, that they prophesied until the time of the bringing of the evening offering. But there was no voice and no one answered, and no one paying attention.

    30. Then Eliyahu said to all the people, “Come closer to me.” And all the people came closer to him. And he repaired the altar of YHWH that was broken down.

    31. And Eliyahu took twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Ya'aqob (Jacob), to whom the word of YHWH had come, saying, “Yisra'el is your name.”

    32. And with the stones he built an altar in the Name of YHWH. And he made a trench around the altar large enough to hold two seahs [about 5 gallons] of seed.

    33. And he arranged the wood, and cut the bull in pieces, and laid it on the wood, and said, “Fill four jars with water, and pour it on the burnt offering and on the wood.”

    34. Then he said, “Do it a second time,” and they did it a second time. And he said, “do it a third time,” and they did it a third time.

    35. And the water flowed around the altar, and he filled the trench with water, too.

    36. And it came to be, at the time of the bringing of the evening offering, that Eliyahu the prophet came near and said, “YHWH Elohim of Abraham, Yitshaq (Isaac), and Yisra'el, let it be known today: You are the Elohim in Israel, and I Your servant, have done all these matters by Your word.

    37. “Answer me, O YHWH, answer me, and let this people know that You are YHWH Elohim, and You shall turn their hearts back to You again.”

    Then the fire of YHWH fell and consumed the burnt offering, and the wood and the stones and the dust, and it licked up the water that was in the trench.

    39. And all the people saw, and fell on their faces, and said, “YHWH, He is the Elohim! YHWH, He is the Elohim!”

    40. And Eliyahu said to them, “Seize the prophets [preachers] of the Lord( Baal)! Do not let them escape!” So they seized them, and Eliyahu brought them down to the wadi Qishon and slaughtered them there.

    Is it not inescapeable to NOT SEE WHO TO CALL UPON FOR SALVATION, whether YHWH, or whether ” Baal Gad==LORD GOD” ?

    Think about this if you will. If you were separated from your parents from birth and raised by a different family and later you became of age to be on your own. When you were old enough to be on your own, you might find yourself drawn to finding your parents. The primary piece of the puzzle to finding your long lost family WOULD BE TO KNOW YOUR FATHER'S NAME and you might also need to find out if your father's name had been changed or he was being called by something other than his true name.

    Likewise, we were all “conceived in sin” and separated from our Heavenly Father. The ONLY WAY we can find our way back to our Heavenly Father is by KNOWING and CALLING upon the OnlyTRUE Name under Heaven whereby we might be rescued (saved)! The prophets of Eliyahu's day didn't think His Name was important so they just called him “the LORD”= Ba'al. What about you?

    Old Eliyahu The Prophet was there to tell, according to YHWH's timing, all the Northern Tribes of Yisra'el that their “flavor” of worshiping the one true creator was Not YAH'S WAY but rather it was the way of “the LORD” (Baal worship).

    It is the same for us today. We have inherited lies but now truth has been revealed and we can no longer claim ignorance as an excuse. YHWH has brought you to this point in your life to read this teaching according to His perfect plan for you. “I know the plans I have for you, declares YHWH”. YermeYahu 29:11 (Jeremiah).

    Old Eliyahu The Prophet was sent there by YHWH, as ONE MAN ALONE, to tell the RELIGIOUS children of Yisra'el that denying or calling Him Baal=Lord, and then applying it to and praying to Yah, the NAME OF THE ONE TRUE ELOHIM was not going to “cut it” anymore. Calling the Heavenly Father by titles or attributes or “Ba'al” or “the LORD” as people do in English today is just plain violation of scripture( Exod.20:1-7; Exod.23:13; Deut.5:7; Joshua 23:7) once we come out of our ignorance that we have been born into and realize it.

    We all know that while we were yet in ignorance, we had our prayers answered by our Heavenly Father when we called upon Him as “the LORD”. Right? It is extremely hard to justify changing what we perceive is not broken. Therefore, we have a natural tendency to “stick with the proven” rather than explore what we would believe is NEW and unproven.

    It is no different today, and there is a great true lesson concerning old Elijah the Prophet, as compared to Messiah's statements in ( John 8:44) and ( John 17:11) of “” THE TWO FATHERS “.

    Yah( Psalms 68:4) is called the true Holy Father By Messiah in ( S.John 17:11), and satan the devil is also called an evil false ” father ” by Messiah in ( John 8:44).

    There is also spiritual ” children of the devil “( 1 John 3:8-10) and ” The Children of YAH”.

    Compare these 2 parrellels of Elijah's day, with that of today, concerning WHAT NAME AND WHOM to call on to be delivered or saved from sin, and for you to receive SALVATION and Eternal Life.

    Compare ( 1 Kings 18:24) of those who”” CALL ON YOUR ELOHIM(lords and gods)”, as compared to ( Joel 2:32; Acts 2:21; Rom.10:13), of “” Whosoever shall call on THE NAME OF ” the lord”( = YHWH=YAH, 3050,3068) SHALL BE DELIVERED OR SAVED.

    The K.J.V. uses ” the LORD “, a pagan title.

    Well what is ” THE LORD'S ” NAME ? Why it is YHWH= YAH( Psalms 68:4).

    Compare these texts.

    And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of YHWH=Yah shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as YHWH=Yah hath said, and in the remnant whom YHWH=Yah shall call. (Joel 2:32 AV)

    For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of YHWH=Yah, to serve him with one consent. (Zephaniah 3:9 AV)

    And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, YHWH=Yah is my Elohim. (Zechariah 13:9 AV)

    Then they that feared YHWH=Yah spake often one to another: and YHWH=Yah hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared YHWH=Yah, and that thought upon his name. (Malachi 3:16 AV)

    And call ye on the name of your deities( lords and gods), and I will call on the name of YHWH=Yah: and the Elohim that answereth by fire, let him be Elohim. And all the people answered and said, It is well spoken. And Eliyahu( Elijah) said unto the prophets of Baal( lord), Choose you one bullock for yourselves, and dress it first; for ye are many; and call on the name of your( idol) deities( lords and gods), but put no fire under. (1 Kings 18:24-25 AV).

    The True Creator YAH( Psalms 68:4) said through Isaiah the Prophet( and this is a prophecy referring to our time) ” “” But ye are they that FORSAKE YHWH( S.C.D.3050,3068=YAH), THAT FORGET my holy mountain, that prepare a table for ” THAT TROOP( Strongs.C.D. Numbers 1408,1409== GAD=GOD=GAWD, see margin)..( Isa.65:11).

    This ” deity” called ” GOD= GAD= GAWD= BAAL GAD= LORD GOD ” is the very deity( See my original post) that people are calling the true Creator YAH today, exactly as the prophecy says.

    Then, again, in ( Jer.23:26-27) He says again speaking about todays prophets , “” Which think to cause my people TO FORGET MY NAME( YHWH=YAH, not titles)… as their ( fore) fathers have forgotten my NAME( YHWH=YAH, not titles) for BAAL( = LORD AND GOD= BAAL GAD= LORD GOD).

    Then again He says, “” For I will take the NAMES( PLURAL) OF BAALIM( = LORD GOD, BAAL GAD) OUT OF THEIR MOUTHS( Hosea 2:16-17).

    If He is going to take the names of BAALIM( = lord god=baal gad) out of peoples mouths, then why not get an early start at doing that today ?

    These verses are very clear as to WHAT people are calling Him today, and He certainly does NOT approve of it either.

    There is another Prophecy pertaining to ” the false BAAL MINISTERS ” of today, and it is in ( Mal.2:1-4-) which says, “”” And now O YE PRIESTS( Modern ministers), this commandment is for YOU.
    If you will not hear( listen), and if you will not lay it to HEART( MIND), TO GIVE GLORY UNTO MY NAME( = YAH– not titles lord and gad), saith YHWH( = YAH= 3050,3068) of hosts, I will even send a curse on you, and I will curse your blessings: YEA, I have cursed them already, because YOU DO NOT LAY IT TO HEART( or your mind).

    Behold, I will corrupt your seed( children), AND SPREAD DUNG( Manour) upon your faces, even the dung of your solemn feasts, and one shall take you away with it( Mal.2:1-4).””

    Strong words there from YHWH( =YAH), and He even says that the modern day priests and prophets have ROBBED HIM( Mal.3), and EVEN ROBBED HIM OF HIS NAME( YAH) for titles of BAALIM, and that is exactly what is going on today in churchianity.

    History repeats itself.

    Many of the ” Churches of God ” groups claim that ( Mal.3:8-10) is referring to the people of the nation that has robbed the Creator of MONEY or TITHES, but this verse is referring TO THE ” PRIESTS AND PROPHETS( Mal. 2:1-4- THIS COMM. IS FOR YOU O PRIESTS) that have robbed the Creator, and even ROBBED HIM of HIS NAME( of YHWH=YAH- Psalms 68:4-).

    Some Examples and some Questions: Let's say someone( mother ) had a ” son ” and he was 16 years old, and that ” son ” when tal
    king to his Mother in public, that ” son ” would call his Mother by the name of ” Dummy “( not that he had a speach problem tho.), instead of calling her ” Mommy “, would that ” Mother ” still NOT TRY to correct that ” son ” from calling her ” Dummy ” ?

    Another Question : How would you like it, if someone repeatedly called you by a ” name ” ( such as Alah or Bin laden), that you know you do not like or do not want to be called such a ” name “?

    Let's say your name was ” Mike “, and someone out of ignorance called you ” Spike “, then, you would probably ” wink at such ignorance ” the first time, but, if that person repeatedly kept calling you ” Spike ” every time that you talked to that person, even though you TRIED to correct them, would you still let that person keep calling you ” Spike ” , even though that person knew your name was ” Mike ” ?

    It seems that people want to call the Creator YAH by any and every other name or title( which He states He does not approve), but except by the name that He- Himself- gave to Himself.

    This has nothing to do with a person having a speech problem, but if a 16 year old repeatedly called you ” Dummy ” instead of ” Mommy- Mom” in public or private, would you continuely allow that child of your's to do so ?

    No person in their ” right mind ” will continually allow another person to call them by a ” name “( unless that person does have a speech handicap) that you do not like or want to be called such a name, which you do not like repeatedly over and over.

    You would eventually get annoyed, and avoid, and ignor ” that person “.

    Or, is it like the ” Johnny Cash ” song ? Call him ” Bill, George, but anything except ” sue ” ?

    Well, it seems there are a whole lot of so-called children( adults in traditional christianity) that do not even know the Creator's true Name of YHWH=YAH( Psalms 68:4), they merely call Him by the ” titles ” like ” Mr.” or ” sir ” or ” master “, but never by the Name that He- Himself even referred to Himself with.

    Well, how about the ” Children ” showing and respecting the ” Heavenly Father ” and His Great Name of YHWH=YAH ( Psalms 68:4-) ? Otherwise, how do you know for certain just really WHOM you worship and serve( the false father satan, John 8:44-) or the TRUE HEAVENLY FATHER( John 17:11-) of YHWH=YAH ?

    The Messiah( Christ) made many similar examples of this( as I pointed out above) in the 4 Gospels, yet people claim to live by them, but in reality, they skip over them in ignorance, and say ” its silly “.

    And He( Messiah) shall turn the hearts( minds) of the ” Fathers ” to the children, and the hearts( minds) of the children to their ” Fathers”, unless I come and smite the earth with a curse( Mal.4:6-).

    I have another question for people.

    How do you KNOW for certain just WHO you pray to and worship, IF you do not know the true Creator Father and His real true Name of YHWH=YAH( Psalms 68:4)?

    The devil is called a ” father ” by Messiah (Christ) in ( S. John 8:44), and he is also called a ” god ” in ( 2 Cor.4:4), and satan is also a ” master=lord” of deception( Rev.12:9).

    Some few people know and realize that ( Mal.4:6) has the meaning of ” ” turning the hearts( minds) of the children to the fathers, and the hearts( Minds) of the fathers to their children “” to mean turning people's minds back to the belief and teachings of ” Abraham, Moses, e.tc.”.

    But, there is another spiritual meaning to that verse( Mal.4:6); for there are ” spiritual children of the devil( 1 John 3:8)”, and satan the devil is called a ” father ” by Messiah in ( St. John 8:44) as I pointed out above.

    And, I might add, that those who merely ” believed on Him”( they had faith in Him without obedience) the Messiah in ( St. John 8:30-31), but they actually wanted TO KILL HIM( St.John 8:37,40), and Messiah said ” that their father was the devil( St. John 8:44).

    And, there are ” millions ” today, that merely ” believe on Him “, and act the part like those ” Jews which believed on Him ” as above.

    Also, the Desciple Peter explicitly stated, “” There is salvation in NONE OTHER NAME( or Person of Authority), for there is NONE OTHER NAME, given among men under heaven, WHEREBY WE MUST BE SAVED( Joel 2:32; Acts 2:21; Acts 4:1-12; Rom.10:13).

    Those who get the victory over the beast and satan, they have the true ” Father's Name of YHWH=YAH ” sealed ( Rev.7:3) in their foreheads( or in their Minds)( Rev.14:1; Rev.22:4).

    Also, according to ( Jer.10:25) referring to HIS( Yah's) fury( His Wrath- See Rev. of the plaques) is going to be poured out on ALL THOSE who do not call on His NAME YHWH=YAH( not titles of- lord and god), and on all the families of the earth, that do not know Him.

    The Book of Revelation ( Rev.9:20; Rev.12:9; Rev.13:3-4,8) says that in the end times( and we are living in them now), that all the world's inhabbitants would be worshipping satan the devil through his deception.

    If you do not know the TRUE FATHER YHWH'S Name, then how do you know for certain, WHOM you worship and serve ; the TRUE FATHER( YHWH=YAH)( John 17:11), or the ” false father satan”( John 8:44) ?

    Hence ( Mal.4:6).

    You can clearly SEE these TWO parrelles, and this is WHY I asked the question below, as compared to the words of Messiah Himself.

    If you do not know the TRUE FATHER YHWH'S Name, then how do you know for certain, WHOM you worship and serve ; the TRUE FATHER( YHWH=YAH)( John 17:11), or the ” false father satan”( John 8:44) ?

    Thank You for taking the time to read this Article.

    Eliyah C.


    Well worth pondering Eliyah. What do you say to those who insist we worship Jesus?


    Hi eli,
    You quote about YHWH Acts 4.12
    ” And there is salvation in no one else for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men, by which we must be saved”
    But this refers to Jesus Christ who is the only way to YHWH???


    Hi y,
    Jesus told us, who are his brothers, to pray to “Our Father..”
    That would seem to solve the name problem when it comes to prayer surely?


    Greetings Nick,

    Can I ask you a question before I answer yours ?

    Since you are the Administrator, do you remove or lock out others posts, that do not exactly agree with your posts on scriptural subjects in this forum, or have you ever done that before?


    Eliyah C.


    I predict Elijah's last question will mysteriously disappear.

    Just kidding Nick
    Good question though.


    Never have, never would.


    Then your a better man than many i've met on the internet, because since i've been back on the net for 2 months( I have not be on the net for almost 6 years) my posts and discussions as ABOVE have been removed from several forums, and I was barred from 2 forums( just because I posted the same Baal Gad topic as you read above),and those two forums have suddenly shut down and disappeared, but I did not do anything to close them down.

    If I ran a forum( but I do not), I would be as You, I would NEVER remove another person's post( let alone bar them out of the forum) merely because their post did not agree with me and my posts, or others on it.

    Thank you Nick, I perceive that your a fair man, and i'll take you for your word.

    David, that one made me laugh :D You all have a sence of humor too, thats nice!

    Just curious, but where are all of you from or at?

    I'm in the Daniel Boon National Forest, the mountain regions of Ky. USA

    I was browsing the forums and saw the post on YHWH'S Name, that is what caught my attention to read a couple of posts, and saw that someone asked if Messiah spoke the Father's Name, and I just had to join and post a reply to that question.

    Eliyah C.


    P.S. I'll answer your questions tho., I'm hungry and tired from today, I'll be back in a few.


    Hi Ely,
    The site is base in New Zealand and t8 is the main administrator. There was one occasion when a post contained offensive matters that could have been an issue but even that post was not removed and that person has moved on.
    The ways of our Father are certainly not expressed by denominational doctrines and our search is for the ways of our Father. We are not denomination based but scripture based and Berean in our outlook which causes us to come under a lot of attack. We are interested to learn what pleases and what offends our Father that we might grow closer to Him in Jesus.


    Yea, I know well what “” being under attack “” is like, I've had a lot of that too, and especially by Administrators of certain forums.

    My friend, people hate me because I point out your statement of “”

    The ways of our Father are certainly not expressed by denominational doctrines and our search is for the ways of our Father.

    , and because I point out satan's deception, and also point out to them what our true Father YAH( Psalms 68:4) hates too!

    The whole religious world is practicing Idolatry through
    “” syncretisim “” of paganistic idol deities and customs, then, they try to apply it to the true Father YAH, but He will NOT accept such Idolatry worship applied to Him, but satan the deivil does( Rev.9:20; Rev.13:3-4,8).

    Even Solomon succommed to practiceing ” Syncretisim”, or combinning pagan deities to YHWH because of his 700 wives and 300 concubines, and he too was condemned for his Idolatry( 1 Kings 11:4-6,33).

    People will point out in the scriptures concerning other evil ” Kings ” of Israel that ” did evil in the sight of YHWH “, but they just skim over or ignor the lesson concerning Solomon who committed abominations of Idolatry, and he too ” DID EVIL IN THE SIGHT OF THE L-RD(YHWH= YAH=3050, 3068–)( 1 Kings 11:6–).

    And in every place in the scriptures that ” Ashtoreth= Astarte= Easter “( The Female deity) was practiced( as it is today), so was the Idolatry worship of ” Baal=Lord and Gad=God”( The male diety counterpart of Astarte), and this same thing is being practiced on a world wide scale today by modern churchianity.

    In every place that “” Ashtoroth==Astarte==Easter” was practiced( See Ezek.8:14-18–), so was the worship of the Babylonian deity called “” Baal Gad=Lord God””( Judges 2:11,13, 1 Kings 11:33–), and it was condemned by YHWH= YAH, and it even condemned Solomon too( 1 Kings 11:6–).

    This is why people hate and attack me, because I point out the truth of scriptures that YHWH=YAH changes not( Mal. 3:6) concerning such Idolatry practices.

    Yea, I know very well what you mean my friend, that is WHY I asked you, if you were going to lock my posts or remove them, and if you were going to lock me out of the forum.

    I have found that Messiah's words are true, and if ye speak truth, most people will hate ye for it, and even try to kill ye, as they did the prophets of old and even the Messiah too.

    Yea, i've had a lot of that lately my friend.

    But, I want to thank You- the Administrators for allowing the posts to stay up, you are a few and far between people.

    Shalom( Peace),

    Eliyah C.


    Hi Ely,
    The only issue I have is your implication that those who served the baals did so in the belief that they were still serving our God. But when I read the verses you gave instead there is the indication that they forsook worship of our God to do so. They seemed to deliberately set out into idolatry because they did not believe our God was helping them and they were trying other sources of such help.
    Today however men are not seeking to be idolatrous but do so out of ignorance of scripture and presumptuous following of deceived men. They believe they are being righteous and do not expect the power of God in signs and wonders to follow their path instead believing in traditional religious observance to save them.Such is folly.


    It seems to me that the Israelites having fallen away did believe they were serving Jehovah while also being invovled in Baal worship.

    It's not an unusual thing. When the golden calf was made, they had a party and called it a “festival to Jehovah” if memory serves me. So it is today with most holidays, most traditions and most religious customs in the realm of fallen Christianity.

    The Israelites were warned: “[The Canaanite] gods will serve as a lure to you.”—Judg. 2:3.

    The most prominent of the Canaanite gods was Baal. Each locality in Canaan and in other lands where Baalism existed had its own Baal or, as the name “Baal” signifies, its own “lord,” “master” or “owner.” The local Baal was often given a name denoting his being attached to a specific locality. One example of this is the “Baal of Peor.” This deity took his name from Mount Peor. Although there were many of such local Baals, the Canaanites and neighboring peoples understood that the local Baals were all merely manifestations of the one god Baal.

    Baal worshipers believed that their engaging in prescribed rituals at their religious festivals would serve to stimulate the gods to follow the same pattern. Hence, to celebrate Baal’s awakening to life, to be mated with Ashtoreth, they engaged in sexual orgies of unrestrained debauchery. This was a sort of sympathetic magic, carried out in the hope that the gods would imitate their worshipers and thereby guarantee a fertile and prosperous agricultural year.

    Understandably Jehovah, as a loving Father, wanted to protect his people, the Israelites, from abominable Baal worship. His Law given through Moses made idolatry an offense worthy of death. (Deut. 13:6-10) Jehovah God commanded the Israelites to destroy every appendage of false worship and to keep free from alliances with idolaters. (Deut. 7:2-5) He instructed the Israelites not even to “mention the name of other gods,” that is, not to mention them with worshipful regard or in such a way as to credit any existence to them.—Ex. 23:13.

    But the Israelites disobeyed and were allured by the worship of Baal, Ashtoreth and Asherah.

    Once settled in the Promised Land, the Israelites may have observed that their Canaanite neighbors were having generally good success with the land, perhaps bringing in a fine harvest. Since the Israelites had not had much experience in cultivating the soil, it would not have been unusual for an Israelite to ask a Canaanite about agriculture. As far as the Canaanite was concerned, Baal had to be appeased in order to enjoy a prosperous agricultural year. If the Israelite was disturbed by the suggestion that he should also appease the local Baal, the Canaanite could have calmed his neighbor’s fears by saying that there was no objection to the Israelite’s continuing to worship Jehovah. It was merely a matter of acknowledging and pleasing the local Baal also.

    Not recognizing that experience and knowledge of the land were the real reasons for whatever success the Canaanites had, an Israelite may have allowed his desire for material gain to become a snare to him. Wanting to get the best yield from his land, he may have justified erecting an altar to Baal in his field and placing a sacred pillar and a sacred pole alongside it. Why, he may have reasoned, ‘I’m still worshiping Jehovah.’

    Another factor responsible for involvement with false gods was marriage to nonworshipers of Jehovah. Even wise King Solomon deviated from true worship because of marrying women who served false gods and goddesses. (1 Ki. 11:1-8) There is no indication that Solomon wholly abandoned the worship of Jehovah and the sacrifices at the temple on Mount Moriah. He apparently practiced a sort of interfaith to please his foreign wives, but this displeased Jehovah.

    The unrestrained sexual indulgence associated with false worship ensnared still others. At Shittim, on the plains of Moab, thousands of Israelites yielded to this temptation and engaged in false worship. The Bible reports: “The people started to have immoral relations with the daughters of Moab. And the women came calling the people to the sacrifices of their gods, and the people began to eat and to bow down to their gods.”—Num. 25:1, 2.

    Furthermore, uncertainty about the future (on account of a lack of faith or a guilty conscience toward Jehovah) prompted many to seek help through false religion, hoping that they might get some assurance that things would go well for them. A case in point is Israelite King Ahaziah, the son of Ahab and Jezebel. Injured in an accident, he sent messengers to inquire of Baal-zebub the god of Ekron, to find out whether he would recover.—2 Ki. 1:2, 3.

    There is no clear cut line in most peoples minds. It's easy to justify interfaith for a lot of people. Today, people believe they are worshipping God, but they, letting themselves be misled with “false stories” by the religious leaders don't know enough about him to understand that celebrating Easter, with all of it's fertility rites, and it's very name, is pagan.
    It seems to me that the Israelties were doing exactly the same thing.


    You said “”

    “”Even wise King Solomon deviated from true worship because of marrying women who served false gods and goddesses. (1 Ki. 11:1-8) There is no indication that Solomon wholly abandoned the worship of Jehovah and the sacrifices at the temple on Mount Moriah. He apparently practiced a sort of interfaith to please his foreign wives, but this displeased Jehovah


    That is exactly what I pointed out of, “”

    Even Solomon succommed to practiceing ” Syncretisim”, or combinning pagan deities to YHWH because of his 700 wives and 300 concubines, and he too was condemned for his Idolatry( 1 Kings 11:4-6,33).

    People will point out in the scriptures concerning other evil ” Kings ” of Israel that ” did evil in the sight of YHWH “, but they just skim over or ignor the lesson concerning Solomon who committed abominations of Idolatry, and he too ” DID EVIL IN THE SIGHT OF THE LORD(YHWH= YAH=Strongs 3050, 3068–)( 1 Kings 11:6–).

    This word title ” god=gad=gawd ” are ALL the one and the same, and they are heathen pagan titles of other deities, that are being applied to YHWH today by modern churchanity, and even all the English translations have violated ( Exodus 20:1-7; Exodus 23:13: Deut.5; Josh.23:7) and have led the people to do the same today.

    If you look in to the “” Webster's Unabridged Deluxe Dictionary, Second Edition, Page 746, “” GAD, 1.IN THE BIBLE, a son of Jacob. 2. A tribe of Israel descended from him. 3. The land where this tribe lived. GAD, gad, interj. A mild oath or expression of suprise, disgust, e.t.c., A EUPHEMISM FOR GOD. “” ( See Isaiah 65:11 of “” that troop “=god=gad=gawd=guwd )

    This same word title of ” god ” comes from the German teutonic races of “” Gott=Guth, and in Danish= GUwD “as it was adopted by the catholic traditional christianity upon conversion of the Teutonic race( See Encyclopedia Brittanica under word ' god'.

    Also, check the “” NEW ENGLISH DICTIONARY, Vol.12:Page 169, this word title ' god ' is 'gheu', which was used in worship of a molten image of Tuarus the Bull “”

    People may change the meaning of that word, and justify that it is ok( like catholics and Protestants have done the ' Easter= Astarte=Ashtoreth custom ' too) to apply it to the Creator, but to YHWH WHO never changes( Mal.3:6) it is still Idolatry, because it brings His Great Name to “” VAIN== TO NOTHING “”( Exod.20).

    People are still practicing ” syncretisim ” today( as Solomon did), and Solomon was condemned for such Idolatry( 1 Kings 11:6).

    I've been trying to warn people of this Idolatry that Catholicoisms has brought the word ” god=gad=gawd “, and people are violating the Commandments by applying it to YHWH= YAH( Exod.15:2; Psalms 68:4 ), and committing Idolatry world wide.

    Check into a Strongs Exaustive Concordance Hebrew Dictionary of the words “” gad=gawd= guwd 1408, 1409, 1464″
    you can recognize the Danish word of ' GUD ' in 'GUWD=1464'

    YHWH=Yah says that He will not give His Glory to pagan graven images, and share His Glory with them either. Remember?

    Please check into this people, and remember the Proverb “” that which seems right to men””.

    And people today do what seems right in their own eyes.


    Eliyah C.


    Did Jesus ever call his Father “God”? eg in Jn 8 v 40,42,,47, 54, etc?
    If he did then that is sufficient reason for us to do the same surely?


    I'm a little slow. I'm not really sure what Elijah is saying about god=gad=gawd. Based on what Nick said in responce, it seems to me that Elijah is saying we shouldn't call Jehovah God. Is this what you're saying Elijah?
    I again ask for you to sum up all these paragraphs into one concise easy to understand sentence.


    Greetings Nick, believe it or not, but the Messiah( Christ) never referred to the Father YAH by the pagan idol title of the English word ” god “, as this would have violated ( Exod.20:1-7; Exod.23:13) and would have constituted sin, and we know that Messiah NEVER sinned / ie- trangressed the law or torah( 1 John 3:4).

    The Titles of ” EL and Elohim” was originally pure Titles applied only to YAH, but the word ” god=gad=gawd” was and is applied to a Babylonian deity, which is condemned in ( Isaiah 65:11 of ' gad '= Strongs Heb. Dict.1408, 1409).

    And we do know for certain that Messiah did call the true Father by His Name ( Compare Matt.4:4; Luke 4:4 with Deut.8:3), but the Greek translators inserted their pagan title of ' theos ', which to the ancient Greeks and Romans their ” Theos deity ” was ” Zeus and Jupiter “, not the true Creator YHWH.

    There is no way that the true Messiah or Christ would have ever called YHWH by a heathen( learn not the way of the heathen, Remember ?) origin pagan title such as ” baal gad =lord god “, it would have been Idolatry to do so.


    Eliyah C.


    Greeting David, You asked, “”

    I'm not really sure what Elijah is saying about god=gad=gawd. Based on what Nick said in responce, it seems to me that Elijah is saying we shouldn't call Jehovah–=' God '. Is this what you're saying Elijah?

    This is exactly what i'm saying, because it( the pagan origin title= gad=gawd=god is of Babylonian origin) is Idolatry to apply a heathen pagan idol deity to YHWH( Exod.20:1-7; Exod.23:13) this is exactly what got Solomon in trouble with YHWH– Remember?

    I have ONE more rather leanthy article to put up here, and I ask that You read it ” very carefully ” and notice carefully of the ” Strongs Exaustive Concordance Dictionary Numbers ” in this article to see exactly what I mean about WHOM traditional christianity is really worshipping today.

    The Article is next.




    Scripture says that the old serpent called the Devil and Satan has deceived the whole world (Rev. 12:9). Do you realize just how deep that deception is? This article will reveal some of the depths of deception to those who are able to receive it.

    Do You also realize that the Book of Revelation says that in the END TIMES, that the Earth inhabbitants would be worshipping satan the devil ( Rev.9:20; Rev.13:3-4, and verse 8 ) ?

    To many Christians the above questions would be blasphemous to even contemplate! They would never even consider the thought much less study like “” the noble Bereans “” of whom it is written in the Scriptures: “Now these were more noble than those in Thessalonica who received the word with great eagerness, and searched the Scriptures daily, if these words were so.” (Acts 17:11)

    But knowing that the Scriptures reveal to us: “And the great dragon was thrown out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who leads all the world astray.” (Rev. 12:9)

    In light of this, does it not behoove us to study the Scriptures in order to see if we too have been led astray by the old serpent, called the Devil and Satan? More so in light of the following Scripture which explicitly tells us that salvation comes in only one exclusive name: “And there is no deliverance in anyone else, for there is no other name under the heaven given among men by which we need to be saved.” (Acts 4:12)

    Is it not evident then according to the above quoted verse that if Satan wants to keep us from being saved or delivered from sin and have eternal life, all he has to do is to deceive us into calling on another name rather than the one exclusive name that has been given for that very purpose by our Creator?

    I am always shocked and amazed at the ignorance of the Creator's professed christian people who cannot understand the simple fact that one is one and never two, three, four, five, etc… Now surely if there is only one name given how can these professed believers say that it doesn’t matter what name they call on?

    Are they not deceived by that old serpent Satan the Devil if they are calling on any other name other than that one exclusive name that was given by our Creator Himself? Surely you can see that the only answer to our questions is—yes, they have most definitely been deceived!


    To find the answer to this question a good place to begin is using the Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary.

    #1167 ba’al, bah’al; from 1166; a master; hence a husband, or (fig.) owner (often used with another noun in modification of this latter sense):- + archer, + babbler, + bird, captain, chief man, + confederate, + have to do, + dreamer, those to whom it is due, + furious, those that are given to it, great, + hairy, he that hath it, have, +horseman, husband, lord, man, + married, master, person, + sworn, they of.

    Now if these were the only uses of the word baal we really couldn’t complain could we? Why? Because even Scripture reveals that YAH was a husband to Israel. (cf. Isa. 54:5; Jer. 31:32). This in Hebrew would be YAH is baal to Israel. Thus, baal is used in a good sense. But this is not the only usage of the word base as we shall show.

    #1168 ba’al, bah’al; the same as 1167; Baal, a Phoenician deity:-Baal, (plur.) Baalim.

    Here we bind another Baal, a bad one, a false deity. Can we find out more about this false deity? Yes, let me quote page 1212 in the Explanatory Notes of The Scriptures:

    Ba’al: This word it seems, gradually became a proper name. A similar Semitic word derives from the Aryan root Bhal, which means “to shine,” according to some. According to W. H. Roscher’s well-known lexicon of mythology, Ba’al (Bel, Belos) was the ancestral and national deity of the Semites, and says that Ba’al was the founder of Babel (Babylon), according to secular history.

    He is identified with Zeus, Jupiter, Ammon, Asshur, Assur, Kronos, and Bel-Markud. Morris Jastrow, Max Müller, and W. H. Roscher all three agree: Baal is the Babylonian sun deity. The Ba’als of the nations were sun deities, and Ba’al worship means sun worship.

    Quite revealing isn’t it? Now, would YAH appreciate it if we called Him after the name of a false deity? A closer look at a couple of Scriptures will answer that question easily! Let us see just what the Mind of YAH is in regards to the above question.

    “And in all that I have said to you take heed. And make no mention of the name of other mighty ones, let it not be heard from your mouth,” (Ex. 23:13).

    “…And make no mention of the name of their mighty ones, nor swear by them, nor serve them, nor bow down to them,” (Josh. 23:7).

    YAH( Exo.15:2; Psalms 68:4) has explicitly spoken to us by the above verses of Scripture not to mention the name of the other mighty ones( deities) even to the point that they not be heard coming out of our lips.

    So the answer to our question is: NO! YAH would not be pleased if we called Him by the name of any other mighty one or heathen deity! So YAH would not be pleased if we called Him Baal in the bad sense.

    But how is it we can call Him Baal in a good sense and be right but yet use the same word and it be in a wrong sense and YAH’S anger burn against us? What is the answer to this apparent contradiction of YAH'S word?

    To find the answer look again at Strong’s #1167. Read it again, please. Did you see the answer? It’s really simple! Notice that it says: #1167 Baal is…. (often used with another noun in modification of this latter sense.):

    But what does this mean? To find the answer we need to research a few more Scriptures that will shed much needed light on the subject. The three Scriptures I want us to look at relate to a place in Syria called Baal Gad.

    “Thus Joshua took all this land: the mountain country, and all the South, and all the land of Goshen, and the low country, and the desert plain, and the mountains of Yisrael and its low lands, from Mount Halag that goes up to Seir, and as far as Baal Gad in the valley of Lebanon below Mount Hermon…,” (Josh. 11:16-17).

    “And these are the sovereigns of the land which Joshua and the children of Israel smote beyond the Jordan, on the west, from Baal Gad in the valley of Lebanon as far as Mount Halaq that goes up to Seir, which Joshua gave to the tribes of Israel as a Possession according to their divisions,”( Josh. 12:7).

    “And the land of the Gebalites, and all Lebanon toward the sunrise, from Baal Gad below Mount Hermon as far as the entrance to Hamath,” (Josh. 13:5).

    Have you noticed that in each of the above quoted texts reference is made to a place called Baal Gad? Just what and where was this place called Baal Gad? Let’s again go to the Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary for the answer.

    #1171 Baal Gad, bah’al gawd; from 1168 and 1409; Baal of Fortune: Baal Gad, a place in Syria:- Baal-gad.

    Now that wasn’t much of an answer was it? We still haven’t found out who or what Baal of Fortune was. Let us dig deeper to find out the truth by looking up the reference that was given under Strong’s Hebrew #1409 for more light.

    #1409 gad, gawd; from 1464 (in the sense of distributing); fortune:- troop.


    Now that still doesn’t give us much light, you might say. You’re just giving us the run around with word games, you might say. Well, that’s exactly what Satan, that old deceiver wants you to think! You see, he doesn’t want you to be diligent seekers for truth. He doesn’t want you digging up in the treasure house of the Hebrew language, because if you do, he knows you will find out the deceptive word games he’s played on you!

    Didn’t Yahshua Messiah tell us our search for truth would be like searching for hidden treasure? (c.f. Mt. 13:44). Do you find hidden treasure just lying on top of the ground or do you have to take a spade or shovel and work hard, digging to find it?

    me, the answer was revealed under Strong’s #1409 if you know where to find the Scripture that reveals this false deity—Baal of fortune! Actually it will be quite revealing once you see it!

    “But you are those who forsake YAH, who forget My set-apart mountain, who prepare a table for Gad [that troop, KJV], and who fill a drink offering for Meni [than number, KJV]. And I shall allot you to the sword, and let you bow down to the slaughter, because I called and you did not answer, I spoke and you did not hear, and you did evil before My eyes and chose that in which I did not delight,” (Isa. 65:11-12).

    If you have a KJV Bible, you will find for Gad it says “that troop” (Strong’s #1409). In fact many Bibles have center or side column references that inform the readers that (that troop) or Gad is a false Babylonian deity!

    This can also be discovered by looking at Strong’s #1408.

    #1408 Gad, gad; a var. of 1409; Fortune, a Bab. Deity:- that troop.

    Here is where Satan has played word games to deceive the whole world into worshipping a false Babylonian deity of Fortune!

    But who is really being worshipped behind the name of this ancient idol Baal-Gad? And how has Satan accomplished this so easily? Word Games! Remember Acts 4:12 (Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven whereby we must be saved. Remember that YAHshua also said, “…if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.”)( John 5:43)

    Notice under Strong’s #1167, one of the definitions of the word Baal into English is 'lord '!


    #1176 Baal Zebuwb, bah’al zeb-oob; from 1168 and 2070; Baal of (the) fly; Baal-zebub, a special deity of the Ekronites: – Baal-Zebub.

    Remember when the Pharisees called YAHshua the Messiah Beelzebub (Mat. 10:25) and claimed that He cast out the demons by the prince of demons (Mat. 12:24, 27; Mk. 3:22; Lk. 11:15, 18, 19). Well, now go to Strong’s #954 and be ready for a shock!

    #954 Beelzeboul, beh-el-zeb-ool’; of Chald. Or. [by parody upon 1176]; dung-god; Beelzebul, a name of Satan: – Beelzebub. WOW!!


    Are you beginning to see that Baal = lord or LORD or master and that Baal is none other than Satan himself?! But coupled with Satan’s title of Baal which equals lord, or Lord, or LORD, or master is the word Gad.

    Gad meant Fortune or that troop. Could the old saying about a person sold their soul to Satan have any bearing here? Satan will give you a fortune for your soul, but once you have sold it to him, he will usually double cross you and take your life (soul) away! How many troops of lost souls does Satan have through his deceptions?!

    Notice how the Massoretics vowel pointed the word 'Gad 'in Hebrew in 1409 like this: dG:. When pointed like this, the word is pronounced Gawd or God or god in Hebrew. Now if we translate Baal Gad into English what does it become?

    Does it not become LORD GOD? Or lord god? Or Lord God? The capitalization doesn’t change the sound of the word in any way and even so the fact is Baal Gad is the Lord God who is Lord Satan or Master Satan!


    Let me quote another explanatory note from pages 1214-1215 of The Scriptures: Gad: Apart from Gad, the son of Ya’aqob (Jacob) there was another “Gad.” The astrologers of Babel called Jupiter (Zeus) by the name “Gad.” He was also well known among the Canaanites (the Kena’anites) where his name was often coupled with Baal, Baal Gad, which according to the Massoretic vowel pointing in the book of Yehoshua (Joshua) is pronounced:” Baal God “.

    This same name is discovered in the ancient Germanic languages as Gott, Goda, Gode, God, Gud, Gade. And searching further back into its Indo-Germanic (Indo-European) roots, we find that it traces back to the word GHODH, which means “union” even “sexual union.” No wonder this meaning is still evident in the Dutch and German gode. It is also not difficult to see it in the English “gadfly” and “gadding about.”

    It is no wonder then that Satan was termed Baal Zebuwb in Hebrew and Beel Zeboul in Greek! So we have seen that both mean Lord of the flies (See Brown, Driver & Briggs Hebrew Lexicon to the Old Testament under number 1176).

    How ironic that Satan was pictured as a gadfly or as one who gads about! A look at the definition of these two words in Webster’s New World Dictionary is quite revealing: gad·fly n., pl. flies’ [GAD² + FLY²] 1. a large fly that bites livestock 2. One who annoys others.

    gad·a·bout n. a person who gads about; restless seeker after fun, etc.

    Gad¹ (gad) [Heb. gadh, lit., fortune] Bible 1. The seventh son of Jacob 2. The tribe of Israel descended from him

    Gad² (gad) interj. [euphemism for GOD] [also god] a mild oath or expression of surprise, disgust, etc.

    gad¹ (gad) vi. gad’ded, gad’ding [LME gadden, to hurry, perhaps back-formation < gadeling, companion in arms < OE. gædeling: for IE. Base see GATHER] to wander about in an idle or restless way, as in seeking amusement—n. an act of gadding: chiefly in the phrase on (or upon) the gad, gadding about—gad’der n.

    Now let’s compare the meanings here with (Isa. 65:11) where Gad has been translated as “that troop.” 1. A troop is defined as a group of persons, animals, or, formerly, things; herd, flock, band, etc. 2. Loosely, a great number; lot 3. A body of soldiers 4. A subdivision of a calvary regiment that corresponds to a company of infantry 5. A unit of Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts under an adult leader 6. [Archaic] a group of actors; troupe, etc. (Webster’s New World Dictionary).

    These definitions would cause the meaning of this word to fall in the category of gad¹ in the sense of “gather” which is why the translators rendered Gad as “that troop.” Gad¹ corresponds with the meaning of the deity of fortune which also was YAH’S intended purpose for using the word, while Gad² ties it all together in the sense of a “euphemism for God.”

    In the book of Job, when Satan appeared with the sons of Elohim before YAH, he was asked, “Whence comest thou?” Satan’s answer was, “From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.” (Job. 1:7, 2:2) Satan as Baal-Zebub (Lord of flies) does exactly what a gadfly and a gadabout does. He is a restless seeker after fun. He goes to and fro, up and down seeking to annoy others (especially man, but also YAH) which he thinks is fun.

    Satan does have a terrible bite and he can be very annoying too—just like a gadfly! Also he gads about looking for souls to devour and it must be a lot of fun for him to deceive and cause so much misery and suffering upon humanity. (c.f. Job chapters 1 & 2 again; 1 Pet. 5:8). No wonder Mr. Strong said that Beelzeboul was a name for Satan (c.f. Strong’s #954 Greek Dictionary).

    So what have we learned from our study of a few Scriptures using the inspired Hebrew language and a few Greek words? We have learned that 'God ' was originally the name of an idol once worshipped in Babel (Babylon). It was later spread throughout the land of Canaan being picked up by the Canaanites and adopted by the children of Israel when they went into apostasy!

    We also have learned from (Isa. 65:11-12 ) the shocking truth that many of YAH’S people have been tricked into forsaking YAH for this pagan idol by Satan playing word games. (c.f. Jer. 2:10-13 )

    The saddest part of all is that behind this pagan idol called Baal Gad=Lord God stands the real being who is worshipped by the whole Christian world—Satan himself! (c.f. Isa. 13:12-14; Ez. 28:12-19; 2 Thes. 2:3-12).

    Yes, Christians are awaiting a final anti-Christ to come but do not realize he is already in their midst and worshipped! Christians are preparing a feast table for God—Satan and they don’t even know it and wouldn’t believe it even if you told them! Christians just don’t realize who stan
    ds behind the idol and its name to receive its praise and worship (c.f. Lev. 17:7; Dt. 32:17; Ps. 106:37; 2 Chron. 11:15; 2 Cor. 10:21-22).
    See also ( Rev.9:20; Rev.13:3-4, 8 ).

    Baal Gad is the LORD God of the Christians but don’t try to tell them I told you so because they wouldn’t believe it even if you showed it to them out of the Hebrew Scriptures themselves! But if you are a Christian and you see the truth herein presented, what should you do about it? The Scriptures have the answer: “Truly, then, having overlooked these times of ignorance, YAH now commands all men everywhere to repent,” (Acts 17:30).

    “Come, and let us turn back to YAH. For He has torn but He does heal us. He has stricken but He binds us up. After two days He shall revive us, on the third day He will raise us up, so that we may live before Him. So let us know, let pursue to know YAH. His going forth is as certain as the morning. And He comes to us like the rain, like the latter rain watering the earth,” (Hos. 6:1-3).

    “O Yisrael, return to YAH your Elohim, for you have stumbled by your crookedness. Take words with you, and return to YAH. Say to Him, ‘Take away all crookedness, and accept what is good, and we will render the bulls of our lips. Ashshur does not save us. We do not ride on horses, nor ever again do we say to the work of our hands, ‘Our mighty ones.’ For the fatherless finds compassion in you,” (Hos. 14:1-3).

    And YAH says in response to our repentence: “I shall heal their backsliding, I shall love them spontaneously, for Thy displeasure has turned away from Him. I shall be like the dew to Yisrael. He shall blossom like the lily, and cast out His roots like Lebanon. His branches shall spread, and His splendour shall be like an olive tree, and His fragrance like Lebanon. Those who dwell under His shadow shall return. They shall revive like grain, and blossom like the vine, and become as fragrant as the wine of Lebanon. What more had Ephraim to do with idols? It is I Who answer and look after him. I am like a green cypress tree, your fruit comes from Me. Who is wise and understands these words, discerning and knows them? For the ways of YAHWEH are straight, and the righteous walk in them, but the transgressors stumble in them,” (Hos. 14:4-9).

    Those who get the victory over the beast and satan will be sealed in the foreheads( minds) with the true FATHER'S NAME( YAH– not titles)( Rev.14:1; Rev.22:3-4).

    Now, contrast the ABOVE starement from ( Rev.14:1) with the scripture below.

    Also, according to ( Jer.10:25) referring to HIS( Yah's) fury( His Wrath- See Rev. of the plaques) is going to be poured out on ALL THOSE who do not call on His NAME YAH( not titles of lord and god), and on all the families of the earth, that do not know Him.

    If the above is not true, then how else can you answer the question below?

    Otherwise, how could satan the devil deceive the whole world and its inhabitants into worshipping him in THE END TIMES( Rev.9:20;Rev.12:9; Rev.13:3-4, 😎 if it is not by Idolatry ?


    Eliyah C.

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