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- May 6, 2009 at 7:46 pm#130137
ParticipantIn order to know who this Man is, it would first be necessary to carefully examine the words of Paul, where he speaks about this Man! I will now cite this scripture in its entirety, Capitalizing every word that will show that this Man is a Religious entity.
Reading from 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 we find these words of Paul: “However, brothers, respecting the PRESENCE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST and our being gatherd together to him, we request of you not to be quickly shaken nor TO BE EXITED EITHER THROUGH AN INSPIRED EXPRESSION or through A VERBAL MESSAGE or THROUGH A LETTER AS THOUGH FROM US to the effect that the Day of Jehovah is here. Let NO ONE SEDUCE YOU in any manner because it will not come until the APOSTASY COMES FIRST and the Man of Lawlessness gets revealed, the Son of destruction. He is set IN OPPOSITION and LIFTS HIMSELF UP OVER EVERYONE WHO IS CALLED “GOD” or an OBJECT OF REVERERENCE, so that he SITS DOWN IN THE TEMPLE OF GOD, PUBLICLY SHOWING HIMSELF TO BE A god.”
Firstly, from this we know that this man was to be on the scene during the presence of Christ. This religious entity I spoke about was to have a 'message' or 'a letter' that would appear to come from the true anointed class. Then Paul directs us not to be seduced by this one. Next he tells us that he is set in opposition, and lifts himself up over everyone who is called god or an object of reverence. Then he next tells us that this Religious entity sits down in the Temple of God showing himself to be a god. All of that should show us that this man in question is a Religious entity!
Now, this next statement will likely cause a mini-riot, but the foretold great Apostasy is already in evidence right at this very moment in time. That can be seen,by viewing the massive size of all of the False Religious bodies that now permeate, and encompass our Globe. That truly is a Great Apostasy!
Now, in what way can this religious body be 'set in opposition and lift themselves up over everyone who is called god or an object of reverence?'
Now, I will go into an article that deals with certain quotes of the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society, that I've already placed on the Board; but being as there are so many statements made by them, that expose them for what they really are, I will have to pick and choose the only ones that will bolster what I'm saying here, and trust, that those really interested, will go into those quotes and read them all for themselves; so that they will really come to know that the reasoning I will set forth here is correct.
Now, to continue: This statement by Paul about the message or the letter,'AS THOUGH FROM US' Consider the following statement made in these Watchtower quotes: “It should be expected that the Lord would have a means of communicating to his people on the earth, and he has clearly shown that THE MAGAZINE CALLED THE WATCHTOWER is used for that purpose.” {1939 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses- P85
“Christ Jesus has caused the understanding of the prophetic dramas and pictures to be clear AND SET FORTH IN THE WATCHTOWER PUBLICATIONS{Watchtower, Dec, 15 1942 P. 376} So, there are your 'letters, and when they arrive at your door, you receive a 'verbal message,' as they go into their presentations, just as Paul predicted in this passage of scripture. So, we see now, a glimmer of light might just be appearing, but there's more, much more!
“All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the “greatly diversified wisdom of God” can become known ONLY THROUGH JEHOVAH'S CHANNEL OF COMMUNICATION, THE FAITHFUL AND DISCREET SLAVE.” {Watchtower Oct. 1, 1994 p. 8} So, they set themselves up over everyone by saying that, and that would put them in opposition over everything that is called God or an object of reference.
Now, in saying that, they, are this 'Faithful and discreet slave,' they are telling us, that they are the true anointed Brothers of Christ, that is why their message and letter appears to come from the true anointed class, when in actuality they are really imposters.
Now, how would it be that they `SIT DOWN IN THE TEMPLE OF GOD, PUBLICALLY SHOWING THEMSELVES TO BE GOD.' Notice now, what Paul had to say about this Temple in question here: “Do you not know that YOU PEOPLE ARE GOD'S TEMPLE, and that the SPIRIT OF GOD DWELLS IN YOU … “For the TEMPLE OF GOD IS HOLY WHICH TEMPLE YOU PEOPLE ARE.” {1 Corinthians 3:16,17} Then Pauls words at Ephesians 2: 17-21: but specifically verse 22 where we learn this: “In union with him{Jesus} you, too, are being built up together into A PLACE FOR GOD TO INHABIT BY SPIRIT!.”
So, then, any of the first century Christians who took their seats in the congregations of their time period, in association with the true Temple class, the Apostles, was, in actuality, seated in the Temple of God. Is that not correct? Now, in-as-much, as Jehovah himself appointed all of those ones to that high office; by the Governing Body making claim that they constitute the 'faithful slave of the parable in Matthew 24:45;' that they are 'God's Organization,' that they are the 'anointed class,' the 'Mother of all of those associated with them', and choosing that high office for themselves, that means, that they are sitting in the Temple of God, professing to be God, because, as I said, Jehovah is the only one who could appoint those ones to that high office. So they had to be the ones that Paul was making reference to. In short, that means the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society is the 'Man of Lawlessness' that Paul spoke about in this scripture at 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4! It could be, no other!
Now, I could have supplied much more information than I have, but had I of done that, I'd have wriitten my own Book on the subject, and I wanted to cover it as quickly as I could, to spare others of all of the reading that they would have had to do. Having said that, I think I supplied enough to show up the Governing Body of the WTS for what they really are: “The Man of Lawlessness, that Paul warned us, not to be seduced by!
Now, why is it, that the followers of the WTS do not actually discern what the Governing Body is all about? For the following reason: “But the Lawless one's presence, is according to the operation of satan with every powerful work and lying signs and portents and with every unrighteous deception for those who are perishing, as a retribution because they did not accept the love of the Truth that they might be saved. So, that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing the lie, in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness.”
For anyone who might believe that this scripture doesn't apply to the Leaders of the WTS, try and tell any of their followers that the Governing Body is not the faithful slave, that their organization is not God's Organization, and believe me, you will wind up with your hands full; I know that for a fact. When I was in association with them, I made those statements to other witnesses, who immediately closed their minds. One, I remember got as mad as hell at me for saying that. You see, the Governing Body has all of the minds of their followers sealed tightly shut, and nothing can penetrate them. You don't ever dare to speak against their so called faithful slave. If their faithful slave hasn't said it, don't you dare say anything beyond what they say. That would get you disfellowshipped almost on
the spot. So, even though they will tell you that they are the only ones who walk in the way of the Truth, that they love the truth; try and tell them the real truth of the Bible and you're in for a battle, like you wouldn't believe.Just a brief note on verses 9-12 from 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2: Notice, if you will, who exactly is behind the Man of Lawlessness and exactly what it is he causes his followers to accomplish. It says here: “But the Lawless ones presence is according to the operation of satan with every powerful work and lying signs and portents and with every unrighteous deception for those who are perishing as a retribution because they did not accept the love of the truth that they might be saved. So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing the lie, in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness.” Now, what were these powerful works, lying signs and portents? So, the works that this Man was doing, was an 'amazing work,' because those serving this Man became 'powerful in word and in deeds' {Acts 7:22} as Moses was, as the early Apostles were, and like the early Christians they spent 'every day in the Temple and from house to house they continued without letup teaching and declaring the good news about the Christ, Jesus.” This work would serve as a Sign and a wonder to outsiders viewing their preaching activity.{Acts 5:42} So, this work they was doing, at this time served as a portent, in-as-much as it was an amazing work, to outsiders who viewed this work being done and, in-as-much as 'God let an operation of error go the them,' what they had to preach was a 'lying sign' and 'wonder,' in an effort to mislead the remainder of this World of Mankind; those that satan did'nt hold 'in his power' and was not 'misled' by him.
He would know that many from among this World would not accept the teachings of his Religious empire. Teachings such as, The Trinity Doctrine, the immortality of the human soul, the hell-fire doctrine, and others. He knew, that he would have to devise a Religious entity that would seemingly reject all of these teachings, and the fact that they did that, would really make them LOOK-LIKE the true Religion; when in actuality they were not. The governing Body of the Watchtower Society is the only one that fills the bill here; they, as a body, must constitue the main priciple part of this Man of Lawlessness!
Now, which Religion on this earth today spends 'every day in the Temple going house to house' with the seeming message of the good news about the Christ? That can only be the followers of the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society, because they are the only ones who have that 'letter' or verbal message that appears to be coming from the true anointed class; as Paul Stated: “As though from us.” {Acts 7:22; 5:42} These ones are the ones that are 'powerful in their words and deeds,' as was Moses, as was all of the true Apostles of Christ, the true anointed class.
At this point it should be remembered that the Christ foretold a Religious Organization that would be on this earth during the time of his invisible presence. One that was teaching so close to the truth, that, 'They would mislead, IF POSSIBLE even the chosen ones.' So, this was satan's last kick at the Cat, as it were; his last effort to gain all of the rest of mankind that wasn't under his power and control. That power and control is gained for him through the Governmental Authorities, and his great religious empire BABYLON THE GREAT! Only the chosen ones are not under that power and control! They are the only ones who refuse to bow to the Wild Beast, who refuse to have anything to do with the empire of false religion, BABYLON THE GREAT!
As I've been typing this article, something of great importance came to mind, and that was, this: Paul indicated that even in his own day that man was in evidence, for he stated:
“And so now you know the thing that acts as a restraint, with a view of his being revealed in his own due time.
True, the mystery of this lawlessness; is already at work, but only till he who is right now is acting as a restraint gets to be out of the way. Then indeed the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will do away with by the spirit of his mouth and bring to nothing by the manifestation of his presence.”Now, we know, that Jehovah's Holy Spirit was operative on the twelve Apostles while they walked this earth, and that Holy Spirit would hold in check, while on those men, the lawlessness that existed in Pauls day. Only when the last Apostle faded from the scene,would that, Holy Spirit, that acted as a restraint, come to be out of the way, then the lawless one would be revealed. It would be after that, that this lawlessness would gain any prominence. So, there would be a long period of time, while Jehovah's Holy Spirit was missing from among men, that this lawlessness would begin to grow and flourish. That Holy Spirit was not to be poured out again until the last days, as is pointed out in {Joel 2:28,29} – {Acts 2:17,18} This occured first in the days of the first Century Christians, but would also occur in our day, because we are living in the last days of this system of things. So, now would be the time for this man of lawlessness to be revealed.
Jesus made reference to this long period of time when he gave the parable of the wheat and the weeds, and he showed in that parable who was responsible for these weed-like Christians. {Matthew 13:24-30–36-43} Jesus, in this parable mentioned this long period of time, for he said: “While men WERE SLEEPING his enemy came and oversowed weeds in among the wheat.” This would be the time when this man of lawlessness would begin to grow and flourish, and Jesus also pointed out just who was responsible for all of this growth. He said: “The enemy that sowed them is the devil.” {Matthew 13:39} Then he showed at what time period these weed-like Christians would be cleaned out from the kingdom, and exactly who it was that cleaned them out.
Jesus explains the situation that would exsist just prior to the end of this system of things, in the following words: In response he said: “The sower of the fine seed is the Son of Man; the field is the World; as for the fine seed, these are the Sons of the kingdom; but the weeds are the Sons of the wicked one, and the enemy that sowed them is the devil. The harvest is a conclusion of a system of things, and the reapers are Angels.” “Therefore just as the weeds are collected and burned with fire, so it will be in the conclusion of the system of things. The Son of Man will send forth his Angels, and they will collect out from his kingdom all things that cause stumbling, and persons who are doing lawlessness, and they will pitch them into the fiery furnace. There is where their weeping and the gnashing of their teeth will be.”
From all of this we should be able to see, that this man of lawlessness was a composite man made up of the many apostate religions that arose while 'men were sleeping.' They include BABYLON THE GREAT; the entire empire of false religion that exists on this earth, right at this present moment in time; of which, the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses is the main principle part of. They are the ones, seated in the Temple of God, professing themselves to be God! Their end is very close at hand!
Now, most of us are well-aware of the high and lofty claims the Governing Body has made about themselves, and we have also learned that they have LIFTED THEMSELVES UP OVER EVERYONE WHO IS CALLED god OR AN OBJECT OF REVERENCE, so according to the Prophet Isaiah they must be toppled from their high and lofty self-exalted position. We are also not unfamiliar with the arrogant attitude that is displayed by Christendoms Clergy-Men. This,with their exhalted titles,, such as Father-Most Holy Fathe
r- Reverend- right reverend, and such-like lofty titles. Titles that belong solely to Jehovah God!Isaiah wrote: “Enter into the rocks and hide yourself in the dust because of the dreadfulness of Jehovah, and from his splendid superiority. The haughtiness of earthling man must become low, and the loftiness of men must bow down; and Jehovah alone must be put on high in that day. For it is the day belonging to Jehovah of armies. It is upon everyone self-exalted and lofty and upon everyone lifted up or low; and upon all the cedars of leb' a- non that are lofty and lifted up and upon all the massive trees of Ba'shan; and upon all the lofty mountains and upon all the hills that are lifted up; and upon every high tower and upon every fortified wall; upon all the ships of tar' shish and upon all desirable boats. And the haughtiness of the earthling man must bow down, and the loftiness of men must become low; and Jehovah alone must be put on high in that day. And the valueless gods themselves will pass away completly. And people will enter into the caves of the rocks and into the holes of the dust because of the dreadfulness of Jehovah and from his splendid superiority, when he rises up for the earth to suffer shocks. In that day the earthling man will throw his worthless gods of silver and his valueless gods of gold that they had made for him to bow before to the shrewmice and to the bats, in order to enter into the holes in the rocks and into the clefts of the crags, because of the dreadfulness of Jehovah, and from his splendid superiority, when he rises up for the earth to suffer shocks.” So, a heavy price for all of the self-exalted Apostate ones!
When that does occur, there will be no more BABYLON THE GREAT, NO MORE GOVERNING BODY OF JEHOVAH”S WITNESSES! All will be gone, but the survivors Jehovah himself chooses to survive! Will you all be among them? Will I? That yet remains to be seen! Only time will tell just who those suirvivors will be! It is fairly safe to say, though, that those who fail to heed the command in the Revelation account, to, “Come out of her, my people” will most likely fall when BABYLON THE GREAT FALLS!
Revelation 18:4} {Joel 2:32} Texas!May 6, 2009 at 8:09 pm#130138NickHassan
ParticipantHi Texas,
The watchtower is just a minion and has no significant spiritual relevance.May 7, 2009 at 12:00 am#130155Texas
ParticipantQuote (Nick Hassan @ May 07 2009,08:09) Hi Texas,
The watchtower is just a minion and has no significant spiritual relevance.
Maybe not to you Nick, but it sure does to Jehovah God! Who really are YOU? You're nobody Nick, nobody! TexasMay 7, 2009 at 2:07 am#130168NickHassan
ParticipantHi texas,
It is understandable that the Watchtower seems like the big green monster when you leave it.
But you cling to them when you want to teach that Jesus is some archangel.
Let the dead bury the dead.May 7, 2009 at 2:16 am#130169NickHassan
ParticipantHi texas,
It is good to be a nobody.
Everybody is in divine terms but some cannot grasp it.May 7, 2009 at 4:44 am#130198Proclaimer
ParticipantHi Texas.
Well thought out and presented.
I do not agree that the Watchtower is the man of lawlessness though, but I could see that it might be a messenger of lawlessness. The RCC is much bigger than the JWs for example and there are lots of denominations and cults that call themselves the true Church and their creeds differ with scripture.
The man of lawlessness could be a man. He could be a political or/and religious figure, but I don't think that the Watchtower is fulfillment of that prophecy.
Then we have the identity of Babylon to contend with. Babylon could well encompass the Watchtower and any other denomination that has their own creed.
But is Babylon the same as the man of lawlessness?
May 7, 2009 at 2:36 pm#130224Cindy
As always, you have put a lot of effort into your article. I know for a fact, what you say about the JWs is true, as I have had many visits from them, due to my own choosing. We talked for hours at times, I knew their intention, but instead showed them where they were wrong; they finally gave up on me.
As far as the man of lawlessness, Paul was the first to mention him, and Jesus was no longer around then.
What main stream Christianity believes of this man of lawlessness is, that he will appear, sometime soon now, make a peace treaty in the middle east, build a temple in Jerusalem, convince the whole world to worship him as god, and if you don't, you can't by or sell; that is just as wrong as to think the JWs are the man of lawlessness; they are just one of the many false religion.
False “Christian” teaching had its beginning with the apostles, they were after all the first to preach the gospel. False teacher were only interested in a following, it made for an easy living; no different to day. During the second Century they became more organized, and after Constantine stopped all the persecution in the early third century, they really took off. Constantine even gave it their name when he declared this religion to become the empires religion, the “ROMAN UNIVERSAL CHURCH”.
There were many bishops then, many called themselves pope (father). In 533 AD, Justinian decided that only the pope of Rome should hold that title, and be the head of all religious leaders.
It was the ambition of every pope to be called “PONTIFEX MAXIMUS”, chief religious leader, but none dared to claim that title because it belonged to the Emperor of Rome; he was the restrainer of the “man of lawlessness”.
In 565 AD Justinian died, no other eastern emperor was able to maintain control over the western part of Rome, the restrainer was gone; what used to be the western leg of Rome, was now under the control of the Pope.
He declared himself absolute ruler over state and religion, any disobedience ended in death.
He declared himself to be the “Vicar of the son of God”, with absolute power granted to him by God.
Any one that would not except his doctrine (right hand), or believe and practice it (forehead), would be killed.
He became the great persecutor of true Christian, he had kings and nobles carry out the executions, he was the ruler of rulers (god of gods).
It has been estimated that over 50 million people were killed under his authority; not until 1834 did the Vatican abolish torture.
It was the pope who also caused the great apostasy; when you consider the number of people who gave their live as a testimony of their faith, how many more would you think gave in to the threats, and fear of torture. Only true believers can become apostate; are there any today?May 7, 2009 at 4:41 pm#130233Texas
ParticipantQuote (Cindy @ May 08 2009,02:36) Texas As always, you have put a lot of effort into your article. I know for a fact, what you say about the JWs is true, as I have had many visits from them, due to my own choosing. We talked for hours at times, I knew their intention, but instead showed them where they were wrong; they finally gave up on me.
As far as the man of lawlessness, Paul was the first to mention him, and Jesus was no longer around then.
What main stream Christianity believes of this man of lawlessness is, that he will appear, sometime soon now, make a peace treaty in the middle east, build a temple in Jerusalem, convince the whole world to worship him as god, and if you don't, you can't by or sell; that is just as wrong as to think the JWs are the man of lawlessness; they are just one of the many false religion.
False “Christian” teaching had its beginning with the apostles, they were after all the first to preach the gospel. False teacher were only interested in a following, it made for an easy living; no different to day. During the second Century they became more organized, and after Constantine stopped all the persecution in the early third century, they really took off. Constantine even gave it their name when he declared this religion to become the empires religion, the “ROMAN UNIVERSAL CHURCH”.
There were many bishops then, many called themselves pope (father). In 533 AD, Justinian decided that only the pope of Rome should hold that title, and be the head of all religious leaders.
It was the ambition of every pope to be called “PONTIFEX MAXIMUS”, chief religious leader, but none dared to claim that title because it belonged to the Emperor of Rome; he was the restrainer of the “man of lawlessness”.
In 565 AD Justinian died, no other eastern emperor was able to maintain control over the western part of Rome, the restrainer was gone; what used to be the western leg of Rome, was now under the control of the Pope.
He declared himself absolute ruler over state and religion, any disobedience ended in death.
He declared himself to be the “Vicar of the son of God”, with absolute power granted to him by God.
Any one that would not except his doctrine (right hand), or believe and practice it (forehead), would be killed.
He became the great persecutor of true Christian, he had kings and nobles carry out the executions, he was the ruler of rulers (god of gods).
It has been estimated that over 50 million people were killed under his authority; not until 1834 did the Vatican abolish torture.
It was the pope who also caused the great apostasy; when you consider the number of people who gave their live as a testimony of their faith, how many more would you think gave in to the threats, and fear of torture. Only true believers can become apostate; are there any today?
Sorry Cindy! You're wrong! It was the Holy Spirit operating on the Apostles that was the restrainer. Because the Spirit was the truth! As long as the Apostles was around to preach the truth of the Bible, the Man of lawlessness could not gain a foot-hold, because the great aspostasy would begin to grow and flourish only after those that taught the truth of the Bible disappeared from the scene. When they disappeared so did the restrainer that held everything in check around to keep this man under control, because that Holy Spirit was upon them while they lived. After they all died, the restrainer was was taken away, not to be poured out again until our day as the prophet Joel foretold. Texas!May 7, 2009 at 4:48 pm#130234Cindy
ParticipantThe JWs could not be convinced either.
Frankly, I think the JWs could not ask for a better advocate.
May 7, 2009 at 9:45 pm#130275Texas
ParticipantQuote (Cindy @ May 08 2009,04:48) The JWs could not be convinced either. Frankly, I think the JWs could not ask for a better advocate.
It becomes clear to me, that you have not read all of my posts that tear the Governing Body of the Watchtower society to shreds. You'd best read all of my posts on that subject, and you'll quickly learn that I'm not an advocate of them at all. Not at all! Open your eyes Cindy, open them wide! Texas!May 8, 2009 at 1:52 am#130295Cindy
ParticipantTexas, you are like Nick, you both declare “you're wrong”, but never challenge me on what point.
I give you historical times, names, and places, plus scripture; which I purposely left out this time, and all you give us wild speculations, not to mention those long posts. - AuthorPosts
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