Who is michael the archangel?

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  • #132763

    Angel's are created for a special purpose for God and are like God. Created celestial beings. Jesus came forth from the Father, the only begotten son. A perfect example of the heart of God. Everything was made for, by and through Jesus Christ and even angels. Everything the Father has created belongs to Jesus His son. He is ruler and King in Heaven. Jesus left His throne and came down to sacrifice His life to save the world and rule as King here too. On earth as it is in Heaven. Jesus is chief of everything in heaven, shepard of all on earth. No one goes to the Father except through Him. I know Jesus Christ will not share His Glory with anyone for what He did. It wasn't anyone that saved us but Jesus Christ alone in whom the Father sent to do this for all of us because He wanted and loved us so much, and Michael the arch-angel did not have a part in His task on earth to help accomplish this. Angel's obey their creator, are made for and love their creator. Jesus Christ is God, not a created being. He never was and never will be. I do believe that Michael was made especially for God and is like Him. Angels are Holy spirits that work and serve God unless they disobey. They adore their King and will fight to protect His honor at all cost and will do anything for Him. Jesus will share His Glory with no one, not man nor angel's. :)
    Please forgive me if I have offended you in any way. I think we will all know soon enough what is true and what is not. I think in my understanding, if God sent Michael to earth for a task and people found out that he was the angel Michael in whatever form he showed up in, i don't think God would want them to worship him as Jesus Christ. Jesus preceeded forth from the Father, Michael was created for Jesus. We are not to worship angels, we are to worship God only.
    This is based on what i know through my relationship with Jesus and my Heavenly Father. We will see in due time, probably alot sooner than everyone thinks.
    God Bless you


    Hi MH,
    Michael is said to be the angel of Israel, an archangel, one of the chief princes in Scripture.


    Hi David,
    When are any humans called angels?

    Ask me that question in either Hebrew or Greek, and I will explain how silly you are.


    Hi david,
    So when are men called angels?[in any language]

    Do you have trouble distinguishing them when you read the bible or walk the streets?


    Yeah Id like to know where it says humans are angels as well. Where do you get this stuff man?

    I did not say “humans are angels.”

    “Angel” is an english word translated from both the Hebrew mal·’akh′ and the Greek ag′ge·los.

    Both words “malakh” and “aggelos” are applied to humans many many many many many times.

    If you don't believe me, ask Nick.

    Angels are seen as being like men in several places but no verses say angels are men.
    More smokescreens to uphold the false JW dogma.

    As far as smokescreens go, NICK, would creating a false argument such as JW's saying “angels are men” be a “smokescreen.”? If you don't mind, I'll add this to the other 157 times you've mis-stated our beliefs.


    Hi david,
    So when are men called angels?[in any language]

    Do you have trouble distinguishing them when you read the bible or walk the streets?

    Rather than “any language” don't you think this question would make more sense in Hebrew or Greek, the language the word was originally written in?

    I noticed you forgot to ask it to me in Hebrew or Greek. I'll make it easier for you: Ask the question in English, but insert “Malahk” or “angellos” into the question. This should be fun.


    I'll do it for you:

    Nick says:
    When are men called malakh (or aggelos)?

    Are you suggesting men are never called by these words in scripture?  If I showed you several hundred places where they are, will that be enough?


    Hi David,
    So you get mixed up between angels and messengers.
    Reading Scripture must be a terrible nightmare for you.

    Any ones really confuse you or do you know the difference really?


    Nick, I've been around this site for years. The same pattern emerges with almost everyone who confronts you. They spend anywhere between 2 and 8 months of conversing with you.

    By “CONVERSING” I of course mean, them answering your questions, them asking you questions, and you ignoring their questions completely while you ask other questions. Then, they confront you about this. You ignore them and ask more questions. They get frustrated. About 1/3 of the time, they say they are done with this “conversing.”

    Nick, if you can't learn to answer questions that anyone with a dictionary can answer, then how can you learn ….anything?


    When are men called malakh (or aggelos)?

    Are you suggesting men are never called by these words in scripture? If I showed you several hundred places where they are, will that be enough?

    Nick, your silence will tell us what the obvious answer is. We know why you refuse to answer.


    Hi David,
    Do you get confused between men and angels in scripture?

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