Who is michael the archagel?

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    Is 1:18

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ April 20 2009,18:04)
    scriptual underpinning.[/quote]
    Hi Isa 1:18

    Not only that, but if he is now an Angel then he could not be a man.

    I know. No matter which way you look at it, it's nonsense.


    Quote (david @ April 20 2009,10:13)
    It is a very interesting point (and one I haven't heard) that WJ raises, about descending “with an archangels voice” and “with God's trumpet” and to be consistent, we should believe that if he is the archangel, we also have to believe he is God.

    WJ, what would you say to this:

    John 5:25,28 “the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God.”  

    So in 1 thessalonians, its the archangel's voice, but in John 5, it is the voice of the Son of God! One cannot be wrong and the other right.

    In both Thessalonians and John we see that the voice causes the resurrection of life. The dead in Christ will rise when they hear His voice! This is the same event and so it seems Jesus and Michael must be the same person.

    Hi David

    Not at all the same person.

    If you read Revelation you will see there is a lot that takes place at his coming.

    Just because it says he is coming with the voice of the Archangel and in another place the voice of Jesus raises the dead proves nothing except to me that Jesus is coming and has armies of Angels following him.

    Why do we not have Paul saying Jesus, who is Michael the Archangel is coming with a shout and with the trump of God?

    What you have is a lot of inference, and that is all!

    There is no scripture that says Jesus is an Angel. There is  scripture that says certain men like John the Baptist is a messenger, “aggelos”, but that Greek word never once is applied to Yeshua in the NT. Do you think John the Baptist was an “Angel”?

    And he shall send his “angels with a great sound of a trumpet“, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Matt 24:31

    Here we see that the “Angels” in the plural are coming with the sound of a trumpet which would indicate that “The trump of God” in Thess incorporates a whole lot of stuff happening at the same time including the voice of Jesus raising the dead.

    As you can see in the Above verse that “Trump of God” is also the Trump of Angels!

    For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.

    Again I quote…

    “First, it does not say that Jesus is the One Who is doing the shouting.  It says He will descend WITH a shout.  The word “with” means “accompanied by”.  For example….”I went to the store WITH my wife.”  Does that mean that I am the same person as my wife?  No.  It means that she accompanied me to the store.  In fact, there are some verses that clearly say that, when Jesus comes, all of the angels will be coming WITH Him.

    Check out the following verses:  Matthew 25:31, Mark 8:38.  It makes sense that the arrival and coming of a King would be announced by a loyal subject, which in this case, will be Michael the Archangel.  There will be a shout from Michael, and then the blowing of the trumpet to announce the King's arrival in the rapture.

    Suffice it to say, there is nothing in 1 Thess. 4:16 that states that Michael and Jesus are the same Person.”


    In all of the scriptures that speak of his comming there is not one that mentions Jesus as one of the Angels or an Archangel.



    Quote (david @ April 20 2009,10:17)

    I believe any sane person can see the shallow nature of the Watchtower reasoning.  The fact is:  THEY DO NOT HAVE ONE SINGLE SCRIPTURE THAT THEY CAN POINT TO, SAYING CLEARLY THAT JESUS CHRIST IS MICHAEL.  Do not let the JWs get away from this fact, but press them on it.


    I find this argument extraordinarily odd and bizarre given your belief in the trinity.

    I believe many trinitarians on here (and me as well on the other side) have admitted that there is no single scripture that clearly says God is a trinity.  Yet, you believe it.

    I guess this means, according to your very own argument, you must walk away from that belief.

    Hi David

    No I will not walk away from mine no more than you will walk away from yours.

    I find it hillarious that you are admitting to making the same argument of a Trinitarian. Now it seems to me that you have been hypocritical knowing that you believed you were making the same argument.

    You see David we are not making the same argument, for the Trinitarian has scriptures that support their belief.

    There is no scripture that calls an Angel of God “Theos”, but there are scriptures that call Jesus “Theos”.

    You would have a better argument if there was some scripture somewhere that called an Angel of God theos.


    Is 1:18

    Hi WJ,
    Yes I found it surprising that David was making that argument as well. He sort of inadvertedly invalidated his own doctrine. I guess there is a key difference between the trinity and Jesus=michael doctrines though. To my mind the trinity resolves contradictions whereas the Jesus=Michael doctrine creates them.

    Is 1:18



    Hi Is1.18,
    But the same principle that truth does not have to be written but can be deduced led to both.
    The trinity idea divides most believers from the source of written truth.



    First of all NEVER confuse an Arch Angel with God

    God created Everything!!

    After the war in Heaven was won by those who chose God.

    Those who fought against God were cast down. and lost their place in Heaven

    An Arch Angel is the leader of the Angels

    Stronger smarter and generally a much better Angel

    BUT! the angels themselves are indeed capable. though not Arch Angel

    Yes Arch Angel Michael is indeed capable and would lead Gods angels Against Satan and his angels

    But God is Not an Angel God is God

    Jesus is God the son

    the bible clearly states that

    God the Son and one part of God the Holy Trinity

    Angels whether they be Arch Angel or not are still just servants of God

    Read Hebrews chapter 1 verse 4 – 14

    on verse 5 refer to Psal 2: 7 ” Sanuel 7: 14
    on verse 6 refer to Psalm: 97 verse 7
    on verse 7 refer to Psalm: 104 verse 4
    on verse 9 refer to Psalm 45 verse 6 and 7
    on verse 12 refer to Psalm 102 verse 25 – 27
    on verse 13 refer to Pasalm 110 verse 1

    Do not be mistaken Angels are servants of God

    they themselves are NOT God

    they are sent to help us

    I don't mean to offend I just mean to enlighten but I can not lie to you on this

    You should focus on Jesus

    read about Jesus

    Matthew 1 and 2. Luke 1 and 2
    Matthew 4 verse 1 – 11
    Mark 1 verse 12 – 13
    Luke 4 verse 1 – 13
    Matthew 8 and 9
    Mark 6 verse 30 – 56
    Luke 17 verse 11. 22 verse 50 – 51.
    John 2 verse 1 – 11
    Matthew 17 verse 1 – 13
    Mark 9 verse 2 – 13
    Luke 9 verse 28 – 36
    Matthew 21 verse 12 – 13
    John 2 verse 13 -17
    Matthew 26 verse 17 – 30
    Luke 22 verse 1 – 20
    John 13
    Matthew chapter 26 from verse 56 – chpater 27 verse 66
    Mark 15
    Luke chapter 22 from verse 66 – chapter 23 verse 56
    John chapter 20 – 21
    1 corinthians 15 vers 5 – 8
    Matthew 2 verse 16 – 27. 26 verse 63 – 64
    John 1 verse 14

    (I do not do this to mock you)

    I suggest you purchase a study bible

    And pray to God before and after you read the word remember Matthew 7 verse 7 and 8

    The Bible is unlike any other book on the planet

    Even if you know it word for word from Genesis to Revelation you will always learn something new EVERYTIME you reread it

    Peace and God bless you


    We all should not forget that the Devil Knows the Bible

    And he is a master DECIEVER

    The Bible speaks the truth about everything

    So yea Arch Angel Michael is a very capable angel

    BUT he is JUST an Angel

    Nobody can compare God to anything

    Texas it sounds like you have been decieved

    Although many people have been

    Know the Difference between Jesus and Michael

    God and Arch Angel

    The Bible makes it clear who Jesus is

    So Yes God is Going to lead the Holy into battle

    Armaggeddon is the Final Battle between the light and the Dark

    Though there is going to be a war before then

    And ALL the Holy (including michael) will take part in it

    To end this War that Started in Heaven

    Once and for all

    Michael is NOT the Messiah Jesus is
    Michael was not Crucified for our sins Jesus was
    Michael is NOT God Jesus is
    Michael Is but a servan of God. Jesus is God, The Son of the Father and one part of the Holy trininty
    Though it may seem disrespectful

    Michael is JUST an Angel

    However capable they are Angels have limits God does not
    How ever Intelligent they are their knowledge has Limits God does not

    God is Infinite

    So please stop this

    Jesus is God
    Michael is his servant

    NOTHING can compare to God

    you should read John 1 verse 1 – 3

    Focus on verse 3

    God is God!!

    Michael is JUST AN ANGEL although an Arch angel yes more capable than other angels but still

    God is far beyond EVERYTHING

    Though he came down to our level when he became one of us (humans)

    Went threw what we went through

    Ate with us

    Cried with us

    Spoke with us

    Taught us

    Healed us

    Died to set us free

    To spare us the WRATH OF GOD

    Jesus faced that so we don't have to

    Angels are often sent to HELP humans

    but There is no comparison to ANYTHING and God

    Satan was once an Angel Ezekial 26

    Though it seems like i may be mocking you

    I am not

    Jesus is THE Messiah
    Michael is an Angel

    Not sure how a new chief angel was chosen when morning star fell

    Though an Arch Angel is JUST an angel


    Seriously come back to the Light

    The Light of the world is Jesus

    Pray to God ask him to help you

    Jesus said that I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father eccept by me


    When he Promised the Holy Spirit. The Bible called him the Spirit of Truth

    I know that God the Father does not lie.

    His name is Higher than any other Name

    A lot of people Call on Jesus all the time

    Calling on Michael WILL NOT SAVE YOU


    Hi FOJ,
    Jesus said he is the son of God.
    Paul tells us God was in him and he was our Lord.
    But you teach that he is God Himself? So by whose authority?



    Learn about the Holy Trinity

    remember in the Bible when he said that “those who have seen me have seen the Father” (can't remember the verse right now)

    God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit

    Though they are different they are on and the same

    Am physically to tired to explain properly


    Jesus he is the Messiah and one part of God the Holy trinity

    read John 1 verse 1 and 2

    Read all the Bible has to Say about Jesus

    Luke 2 verse 11, 14


    Hi FOJ,
    No trinity in the bible.
    Is you god not the God of Jesus spoken of in Jn20.17?


    Quote (david @ April 14 2009,23:13)

    If you are to state he is Jesus you diminish the Son of God.

    Is it diminishing to call the son of God a malwahk?

    Then I guess the Bible diminishes the son of God, in Nick's opinion.

    Who is wrong–the Bible or Nick?

    What is a malwahk?


    A JW?


    What is a malwahk?

    If memory serves me, that is the spelling T8 used of the Hebrew “Malakh”. (Or, maybe I was just spelling it wrong.)
    Malakh is the word that literally means “messenger.” It is also translated “angel.”


    I find it hillarious that you are admitting to making the same argument of a Trinitarian.


    Yes I found it surprising that David was making that argument as well. He sort of inadvertedly invalidated his own doctrine.

    –Is 1:18

    If I invalidated my own doctrine, as you say Is 1:18, then I must have also invalidated yours. I was simply pointing out WJ's very own words, where he said: “The fact is: THEY DO NOT HAVE ONE SINGLE SCRIPTURE THAT THEY CAN POINT TO, SAYING CLEARLY THAT JESUS CHRIST IS MICHAEL. “
    It is also undeniably a fact that trinitarians do not have a single scripture that they can point to and say: “Here is a scripture that proves the trinity.” For, if such a scripture existed, that would be the end of it.
    The fact that no single scripture exists for either, does not in itself prove anything. And I didn't say that it did.

    Is 1:18

    Quote (Is 1:18 @ April 20 2009,20:22)
    Hi WJ,
    Yes I found it surprising that David was making that argument as well. He sort of inadvertedly invalidated his own doctrine. I guess there is a key difference between the trinity and Jesus=michael doctrines though. To my mind the trinity resolves contradictions whereas the Jesus=Michael doctrine creates them.

    Is 1:18


    Here's the full quote. And yes, I still stand by this statement. Additionally, I think the inferential evidence for the trinity is vastly more impressive that that for Jesus = Michael. But that's not really claiming much! Scripturally, nothing tangible points to Jesus being Michael. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

    Hope you're well David.


    Hi Is 1.18,
    Is INFERENTIAL EVIDENCE ever sufficient for serious bible students?

    Is 1:18

    Plenty of inference in your theology too.

    Is 1:18

    As you have already admitted in the inference thread…

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 21 2007,21:37)
    Hi Is 1.18,
    If the whole value of what you are doing is that you are trying to show how I use inference too then I am sure you are right.



    Hi Is 1.18,
    Are you using inference to try to prove that Jesus was wrong when he said he was the Son of God and that his God and the God of the Jews is his Father?



    I would never Deny anything Jesus said

    I know he can be trusted, he cannot lie

    Often when Jesus Speaks in the Bible he said “I tell you the truth”

    Not sure what inference means

    Jehovah is God (Father)
    Jesus is God (Son)
    Holy Spirit is God (Holy Spirit)

    Yes he is Gods son

    But he himself is God

    Like the name Follower of Jesus

    That is what I try to do. Follow Jesus

    I don't like to label myself with titles such as

    Methodist, Nazerene, Anglican, Baptist etc…

    For I believe we are all one in the Body of Christ

    Though the Holy Trinity

    Although 3 they are one

    Each is God

    It's hard to explain

    Jesus is God

    Sin is an offence against God

    therefore only God can forgive sins

    Through God the Son. Jesus Christ we are forgiven, redeemed, set free

    By Gods Grace we are saved

    For God came down

    became Human

    Ate with us

    Cried with us

    Suffered with us

    Taught us

    Then died to take OUR punishment,

    For all had sinned and have fallen short of the Glory of God

    Gods standard is Perfection

    NOBODY can prove God wrong

    He is always right

    Even though we may not agree with him, and how he does things

    Often it is our (humans) misinterpretation of the word that leads to complications

    So try to Pray before and or after you read the Bible

    To ask God to give you insight and understanding into his word Matthew 7 verse 8

    Peace and God bless all of you

    I digress

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