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- November 1, 2007 at 3:54 am#70100
ParticipantRecently I was told that I could not understand matters of the bible (I assume Jewish or Christian) because I didn't know Jesus. So here is my question. Who is Jesus to you? Then ask yourself if the Jesus you know is the Jesus other Christians claim to know.
Here are the basics I'd like for you reveal
(1) What is his divine status? Is he G-d, a god, an angel, or a man?
(2) Did he always exist, was there a time he didn't exist or did he come into existence through Mary?I know you have all been discussing these things on other threads but I want this thread to be very basic and with little debate. In fact I will not post again in this thread unless someone needs clarification. I will not debate a word that is written.
When you get through, think to yourself: Can the Jesus you know be the Jesus another Christian knows if you disagree on these two major points? If not, who really knows the true Jesus?
November 1, 2007 at 7:51 am#70114Stu
ParticipantI admire your optimism, Towshab. The thread on the doctrine of Trinity has reached 896 pages as I type this. Without reading it I would guess you are right that a lot of it is cut-and-paste KJV, nevertheless I don't remember seeing a biology textbook that ran to p.896! By comparison the atheist case can be made in one sentence.
The history of christian churches is one of schism after schism. Cat herding would be child's play compared to fundamentalists agreeing on one version of a mythological religious doctrine!
November 1, 2007 at 10:25 am#70116Laurel
Just so you know, Stu is a self proclaimed athiest. As for me, well I am kind of a loner in the doctrine area, since I do not follow man's doctrine.I believe in one El (God) YHWH (Yehweh), Creator of ALL things.
I believe in the Son of Elohim. Y'shua Messiah.
I believe the Spirit is a supernatural power our Creator uses to communicate and do what He pleases. The power of the Spirit is so strong, that we can become a part of our Father in heaven through it.
I believe Y'shua Messiah was created before anything else in the universe. The Messiah, now in the “fullness” of the Set-apart Spirit, can righteously claim “perfection” something no other human being can or ever will on this earth.
Children are not born with sin. Sin is something we are bound to do, because we are flesh, and flesh is not spirit.
If we choose to follow the Messiah, which is the only Way to everlasting life, we will be blessed with the Set-apart Spirit, which comforts us, and teaches us all things if we only ask.
The Set-apart Spirit is now available to ALL mankind, since the Messiah overcame sin, even to death.
The only thing we can do to keep us from everlasting life, ultimately, is to deny the Spirit.
All people who do have the Spirit in them, are not equal. Some have grown more than others, according to YHWH's blessing.
All members of the Spirit are considered parts of the body, which make the body whole, no matter how many or how few Spiritual gifts each has received.
One can turn away from Elohim once saved. When this happens, they lose the Spirit in them.
Having everlasting life require “2 things” not 1. First we must believe Y'shua is the Messiah, the Son of ELohim, and 2nd, we must guard the commands of YHWH our ELohim.
The gospel of the good news is three part. First we must worship our Creator. Second we must repent of our old sins and be born again in the Spirit, and 3rd, the kingdom of Elohim is at hand. That means we must be ready at any given time for the end is near!!!
I believe upon death, we sleep until the return of our Messiah, who will be as King, and Judge.
I believe Y'shua Messiah died on the Passover, which fell on the 4th day of the week. Wednesday on the Roman calander.
I believe Y'ahua Messiah was in the tomb “exactly three days and three nights, as forshadowed in the Passover, and according to His own Words.I believe Y'shua Messiah rose on the Sabbath just before evening.
While in the tomb, He slept. Messiah is Master of the Sabbath.YHWH our ELohim, our Father in heaven, caused His Son to live again!
I believe we should keep the 10 commandments, as written in the Torah (the first 5 books of the O.T.)
The Sabbath is the 4th commandment. The Sabbath IS the 7th day of the week, in every language. It is Saturday on the Roman calander.
Because the 4th commandment tells us to keep the Sabbath, I also believe we should keep the Feasts of YHWH our Elohim. He wrote the Book. He wrote the rules. He created us. The Feasts of YHWH are included with the weekly Sabbath, as His appointed times in Leviticus 23. They are set-appart gatherings for His people Israel.
I believe I am Isreal, since according to Scripture, if you follow the Messiah, then you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise.
I believe the path that leads to righteousness and to heaven is narrow and there are few who find it.
I believe YHWH wants all of mankind to share in His blessings, and to receive everlasting life. It is mankind who choose to be “selfish”.
I believe the opposite of love is self.
I believe knowing the Feasts and what they represent, teach us all things such as the end times, and when that will take place, at least what season it will be.
The Sabbath and the Feasts were created in Genesis and have been around since Adam and Eve.
YHWH taught Adam about the Messiah. YHWH clothed Adam and Eve in animal skins because they had sinned and were “showing” it. The animal skins represented a blood sacrifice that forshadowed the Messiah!
Even Adam and Eve had to believe in Messiah to be “saved” from the second death!
I believe the end was told from the beginning.I believe the O.T. is the law, and the N.T. prooves it!
I believe YHWH our Elohim is the Head of all things. I believe the Messiah is at His right hand. Messiah is the head of all men. He is the Mediator, and the High Priest in the order of Melchtzedek.
There are no longer sacrifices of animals for sin because our Messiah was that once and for all sacrifice for all time.
I believe YHWH and Y'shua are one by the power of the Set-apart Spirit. This means that because YHWH is in charge, and His will will be done on earth as it is in heaven, that Y'shua did pre-exist in His Spirit. Scripture states clearly that YHWH created all through Messiah!!!
I know this has been long, but I could go on more about the anti-messiah and other things, lets just stop here for the sake of the readers.
November 5, 2007 at 11:34 am#70653Morningstar
ParticipantQuote (Towshab @ Nov. 01 2007,15:54) Recently I was told that I could not understand matters of the bible (I assume Jewish or Christian) because I didn't know Jesus. So here is my question. Who is Jesus to you? Then ask yourself if the Jesus you know is the Jesus other Christians claim to know. Here are the basics I'd like for you reveal
(1) What is his divine status? Is he G-d, a god, an angel, or a man?
(2) Did he always exist, was there a time he didn't exist or did he come into existence through Mary?I know you have all been discussing these things on other threads but I want this thread to be very basic and with little debate. In fact I will not post again in this thread unless someone needs clarification. I will not debate a word that is written.
When you get through, think to yourself: Can the Jesus you know be the Jesus another Christian knows if you disagree on these two major points? If not, who really knows the true Jesus?
1) He is divine. He is God of God, Light of Light. He is not the Father but the exact image of the Father's glory. He was begotten from the Father before all things. He has appeared to us as an angel in the old testament and as a man in the new testament but is not limited to being defined by these things. So yes, all 3 of your options God, angel and man.2) The substance that Christ is made of has always existed. It is like one candle lighting another candle and passing the flame on. The first candle does not deminish but the fire from the second candle yet had existed prior to being passed on. I do not think Jesus was sentient before his being begotten in the beginning. He became his own person at that point being the Son of God.
November 5, 2007 at 11:40 am#70654Morningstar
ParticipantKnowing Jesus is not just about factual information. It's about a relationship.
I was married to my wife for 3 years and did not realize she was really good at playing a certain musical instrument. It was really odd one day watching her pull out of an old chest her instrument and start playing it. She sounded great.
Her friend was there and she knew that my wife could play that instrument. It was strange that it had never came up in conversation.
I have no doubt that both my wife's friend and I both knew the same woman. It was just that I had some data wrong. Guess what, it didn't negatively affect our relationship at all. In fact learning something knew that I hadn't known before felt like a good thing not a bad thing.
November 5, 2007 at 7:25 pm#70682Not3in1
Jesus is the literal Son of the Living God; therefore, he is not God himself, but his divine offspring.
Jesus was truly conceived by God's holy spirit in Mary. Jesus underwent true conception whereby his divine genes were fused to human genes. Jesus is a new, never existing before, divine-human being.
He was not incarnated from a previous life, nor did a previously existing spirit/angel grow along-side-of the flesh in Mary as to not combine with her DNA (which is true conception).
He ain't heavy, he's my brother!
November 6, 2007 at 10:52 pm#70739acertainchap
ParticipantQuote (Stu @ Nov. 01 2007,19:51) I admire your optimism, Towshab. The thread on the doctrine of Trinity has reached 896 pages as I type this. Without reading it I would guess you are right that a lot of it is cut-and-paste KJV, nevertheless I don't remember seeing a biology textbook that ran to p.896! By comparison the atheist case can be made in one sentence. The history of christian churches is one of schism after schism. Cat herding would be child's play compared to fundamentalists agreeing on one version of a mythological religious doctrine!
Does it matter if it's cut and paste. You know how long it would take typing all these verses up? Oh yeah nice pic.November 8, 2007 at 9:40 am#70919Stu
ParticipantHi acertainchap
Nice pic yourself!
There is not particular point about cutting and pasting scripture in the Trinity thread. I was considering that in a biology text you would likely find mostly original writing, but in a discussion on a point of doctrine a fair proportion of the (now 900) pages would be quotations from the bible. I reckon it's probably about 1/4 scripture by volume, but that doesn't matter. What really strikes me is how dull it is as a discussion (from the little I have read of it, admittedly). Angels dancing on pinheads. What do you think of it?
November 8, 2007 at 6:31 pm#70946Not3in1
ParticipantThe fact that the Trinity thread is 900 pages should not be shocking. This subject matter has been of some debate since, well, since Jesus! I suspect that it will be the subject of debate until the end of times…… The reason I believe that there will be no meeting of the minds, is because the scriptures lend themselves to too many interpretations (which is evident by our 900 pages of debate).
We are using a man-made document(s) that are believed to be inspired, at least partially if not totally (depending on which particular you fall). For me, I've stopped debating the Trinity. Mainly, and this may come as a shock to some, I believe that it is possible that “God” is a Trinity OR a Single person. Scripture points to both. So, I just have faith that I believe that he exists and that he sent his Son. I think I'm good and safe to believe thus.
Each side believes they hold the corner market for salvation. Each side believes the other side to be wrong. Each side has a following. Each side believes the “truth”. Each person in each side believes they have the Spirit. Hmmmmm…… Again, I think I'm safe to assume that this Trinity debate is open for interpretation. Whatever is open to interpretation is not crystal clear. And if it is not crystal clear, should we really condemn those who do not believe as we do? I wonder…..
November 8, 2007 at 6:32 pm#70947Not3in1
ParticipantSorry, I realize I'm commenting on the Trinity thread IN the Who is Jesus thread. It just seemed appropriate in response to Stu's post. Thanks.
November 9, 2007 at 11:12 am#71068Stu
ParticipantQuote (Not3in1 @ Nov. 09 2007,05:31) The fact that the Trinity thread is 900 pages should not be shocking. This subject matter has been of some debate since, well, since Jesus! I suspect that it will be the subject of debate until the end of times…… The reason I believe that there will be no meeting of the minds, is because the scriptures lend themselves to too many interpretations (which is evident by our 900 pages of debate). We are using a man-made document(s) that are believed to be inspired, at least partially if not totally (depending on which particular you fall). For me, I've stopped debating the Trinity. Mainly, and this may come as a shock to some, I believe that it is possible that “God” is a Trinity OR a Single person. Scripture points to both. So, I just have faith that I believe that he exists and that he sent his Son. I think I'm good and safe to believe thus.
Each side believes they hold the corner market for salvation. Each side believes the other side to be wrong. Each side has a following. Each side believes the “truth”. Each person in each side believes they have the Spirit. Hmmmmm…… Again, I think I'm safe to assume that this Trinity debate is open for interpretation. Whatever is open to interpretation is not crystal clear. And if it is not crystal clear, should we really condemn those who do not believe as we do? I wonder…..
Well I think you are talking great sense here.If god is hung up on whether his followers are trinitarians or not then what salvation value is there in him*? Maybe everyone is supposed to be Amish, and all others are an abomination in his sight. How would one know for sure?
If you follow it to its logical conclusion, there is no point at which you could settle on any scripture as being “the way to salvation” because there is just about none that isn't open to interpretation. That's a reason why I have little time for christianity even as a philosophy – why should it be right and everyone else wrong? There is no natural justice in that. As you know what really galls me is when fundamentalists decide that scientific eidence is up for their biased interpretation. That demonstrates the inevitable absurdity of making everything fit ones own version of the stories in the book.
*Here I speak hypothetically, of course!
November 9, 2007 at 3:20 pm#71081Morningstar
ParticipantQuote (Stu @ Nov. 09 2007,22:12) Quote (Not3in1 @ Nov. 09 2007,05:31) The fact that the Trinity thread is 900 pages should not be shocking. This subject matter has been of some debate since, well, since Jesus! I suspect that it will be the subject of debate until the end of times…… The reason I believe that there will be no meeting of the minds, is because the scriptures lend themselves to too many interpretations (which is evident by our 900 pages of debate). We are using a man-made document(s) that are believed to be inspired, at least partially if not totally (depending on which particular you fall). For me, I've stopped debating the Trinity. Mainly, and this may come as a shock to some, I believe that it is possible that “God” is a Trinity OR a Single person. Scripture points to both. So, I just have faith that I believe that he exists and that he sent his Son. I think I'm good and safe to believe thus.
Each side believes they hold the corner market for salvation. Each side believes the other side to be wrong. Each side has a following. Each side believes the “truth”. Each person in each side believes they have the Spirit. Hmmmmm…… Again, I think I'm safe to assume that this Trinity debate is open for interpretation. Whatever is open to interpretation is not crystal clear. And if it is not crystal clear, should we really condemn those who do not believe as we do? I wonder…..
Well I think you are talking great sense here.If god is hung up on whether his followers are trinitarians or not then what salvation value is there in him*? Maybe everyone is supposed to be Amish, and all others are an abomination in his sight. How would one know for sure?
If you follow it to its logical conclusion, there is no point at which you could settle on any scripture as being “the way to salvation” because there is just about none that isn't open to interpretation. That's a reason why I have little time for christianity even as a philosophy – why should it be right and everyone else wrong? There is no natural justice in that. As you know what really galls me is when fundamentalists decide that scientific eidence is up for their biased interpretation. That demonstrates the inevitable absurdity of making everything fit ones own version of the stories in the book.
*Here I speak hypothetically, of course!
You made a good point stu.Doctrines are not salvation issues for the most part.
Living like the amish is far closer to the truth than christians would want to admit. (I don't mean lack of technology here, the rest of the amish lifestyle rather)
this is what Jesus says he will judge man on when he returns.
The Sheep and the Goats
31″When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. 32All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.
34″Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'37″Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'
40″The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'
41″Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.'
44″They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?'
45″He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'
46″Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”
November 9, 2007 at 5:16 pm#71092Not3in1
ParticipantWell said Stu and Morning Star!
I am sensing a new freedom in my spirit lately. It's one that I probably won't share a whole lot about here. Mainly it has come to my attention that I am free to believe and serve “God” because he has, I believe, made himself known to me. But I am also free to let go of man-made doctrines and restrictions (especially those that are supposed to be inforced on other's who do not believe OR who may come into the family of God).
I believe there has been sufficient evidence here on HeavenNet that there are way too many interpretations out there to settle down on just one. After all, there are a great many spiritual intellects here that I respect, and believe know God and his Word. If we cannot come to some consensus on the basics (who and what God is AND who and what his Son is (if) there is a Son), then I am free to come to my own conclusions.
I will never deny God exists for I have had to many encounter's with my God. However, I am beginning to let go of some of the teachings of the Bible. This sounds heretical, blasphemous even, but to my spirit it is freedom to love God and love his people. It is freedom to embrace science and admit, “Hey, this makes sense to me!” and to not be afraid that it makes sense to me. It's freedom to look at the arguments and admit, “Hey, they ALL have a point!” and not be afraid to realize that there is not just ONE WAY to know God.
November 10, 2007 at 5:41 pm#71210kenrch
ParticipantQuote (Not3in1 @ Nov. 10 2007,04:16) Well said Stu and Morning Star! I am sensing a new freedom in my spirit lately. It's one that I probably won't share a whole lot about here. Mainly it has come to my attention that I am free to believe and serve “God” because he has, I believe, made himself known to me. But I am also free to let go of man-made doctrines and restrictions (especially those that are supposed to be inforced on other's who do not believe OR who may come into the family of God).
I believe there has been sufficient evidence here on HeavenNet that there are way too many interpretations out there to settle down on just one. After all, there are a great many spiritual intellects here that I respect, and believe know God and his Word. If we cannot come to some consensus on the basics (who and what God is AND who and what his Son is (if) there is a Son), then I am free to come to my own conclusions.
I will never deny God exists for I have had to many encounter's with my God. However, I am beginning to let go of some of the teachings of the Bible. This sounds heretical, blasphemous even, but to my spirit it is freedom to love God and love his people. It is freedom to embrace science and admit, “Hey, this makes sense to me!” and to not be afraid that it makes sense to me. It's freedom to look at the arguments and admit, “Hey, they ALL have a point!” and not be afraid to realize that there is not just ONE WAY to know God.
That's right and If I choose to obey God then I will and if I don't then I won't. I'll just do what I want! Hum where have I heard that before?Don't eat from that tree~WHY~what are you scared of? I free to disobey God and love Him TOO!
What did God say to do and NOT to do?
This is what we have to settle within ourselves.
FOR ME~bottom line~ What matters is keeping the commandments of God and having faith in Jesus.
Is God 3 in one? Two in one? 100 in one? I don't care because GOD IS ONE!
Did Jesus preexist? Was Jesus Michael the Archangel? Was Jesus the son of Man who became the Son of God? I don't care HE gave His (anyway you look at it) divine life for me. Weather human or spirit before human HE HAD NO SIN!
You guessed it I'm tired of the bickering.
November 10, 2007 at 6:50 pm#71215IM4Truth
ParticipantQuote (kenrch @ Nov. 11 2007,04:41) Quote (Not3in1 @ Nov. 10 2007,04:16) Well said Stu and Morning Star! I am sensing a new freedom in my spirit lately. It's one that I probably won't share a whole lot about here. Mainly it has come to my attention that I am free to believe and serve “God” because he has, I believe, made himself known to me. But I am also free to let go of man-made doctrines and restrictions (especially those that are supposed to be inforced on other's who do not believe OR who may come into the family of God).
I believe there has been sufficient evidence here on HeavenNet that there are way too many interpretations out there to settle down on just one. After all, there are a great many spiritual intellects here that I respect, and believe know God and his Word. If we cannot come to some consensus on the basics (who and what God is AND who and what his Son is (if) there is a Son), then I am free to come to my own conclusions.
I will never deny God exists for I have had to many encounter's with my God. However, I am beginning to let go of some of the teachings of the Bible. This sounds heretical, blasphemous even, but to my spirit it is freedom to love God and love his people. It is freedom to embrace science and admit, “Hey, this makes sense to me!” and to not be afraid that it makes sense to me. It's freedom to look at the arguments and admit, “Hey, they ALL have a point!” and not be afraid to realize that there is not just ONE WAY to know God.
That's right and If I choose to obey God then I will and if I don't then I won't. I'll just do what I want! Hum where have I heard that before?Don't eat from that tree~WHY~what are you scared of? I free to disobey God and love Him TOO!
What did God say to do and NOT to do?
This is what we have to settle within ourselves.
FOR ME~bottom line~ What matters is keeping the commandments of God and having faith in Jesus.
Is God 3 in one? Two in one? 100 in one? I don't care because GOD IS ONE!
Did Jesus preexist? Was Jesus Michael the Archangel? Was Jesus the son of Man who became the Son of God? I don't care HE gave His (anyway you look at it) divine life for me. Weather human or spirit before human HE HAD NO SIN!
You guessed it I'm tired of the bickering.
Ken I am very surprised at you. You are tired of all the bickering, that I like. But please do not give up and tell us the truth. There are new faces here. Just be kind, like you have been doing for awhile now. I for one do appreciate all that you have done. It has strengthen my faith and it has taught me not to be so sensitive to criticism.Peace and Love Mrs.
November 10, 2007 at 9:30 pm#71221kenrch
ParticipantQuote (IM4Truth @ Nov. 11 2007,05:50) Quote (kenrch @ Nov. 11 2007,04:41) Quote (Not3in1 @ Nov. 10 2007,04:16) Well said Stu and Morning Star! I am sensing a new freedom in my spirit lately. It's one that I probably won't share a whole lot about here. Mainly it has come to my attention that I am free to believe and serve “God” because he has, I believe, made himself known to me. But I am also free to let go of man-made doctrines and restrictions (especially those that are supposed to be inforced on other's who do not believe OR who may come into the family of God).
I believe there has been sufficient evidence here on HeavenNet that there are way too many interpretations out there to settle down on just one. After all, there are a great many spiritual intellects here that I respect, and believe know God and his Word. If we cannot come to some consensus on the basics (who and what God is AND who and what his Son is (if) there is a Son), then I am free to come to my own conclusions.
I will never deny God exists for I have had to many encounter's with my God. However, I am beginning to let go of some of the teachings of the Bible. This sounds heretical, blasphemous even, but to my spirit it is freedom to love God and love his people. It is freedom to embrace science and admit, “Hey, this makes sense to me!” and to not be afraid that it makes sense to me. It's freedom to look at the arguments and admit, “Hey, they ALL have a point!” and not be afraid to realize that there is not just ONE WAY to know God.
That's right and If I choose to obey God then I will and if I don't then I won't. I'll just do what I want! Hum where have I heard that before?Don't eat from that tree~WHY~what are you scared of? I free to disobey God and love Him TOO!
What did God say to do and NOT to do?
This is what we have to settle within ourselves.
FOR ME~bottom line~ What matters is keeping the commandments of God and having faith in Jesus.
Is God 3 in one? Two in one? 100 in one? I don't care because GOD IS ONE!
Did Jesus preexist? Was Jesus Michael the Archangel? Was Jesus the son of Man who became the Son of God? I don't care HE gave His (anyway you look at it) divine life for me. Weather human or spirit before human HE HAD NO SIN!
You guessed it I'm tired of the bickering.
Ken I am very surprised at you. You are tired of all the bickering, that I like. But please do not give up and tell us the truth. There are new faces here. Just be kind, like you have been doing for awhile now. I for one do appreciate all that you have done. It has strengthen my faith and it has taught me not to be so sensitive to criticism.Peace and Love Mrs.
What's the point? Nine hundred pages of the SAME SCRIPTURES AND NO ONE IS WRONG!Scripture says NOT to give an ear to those who don't believe the doctrine of Christ. No one seems to care what scriptures say.
2Jo 1:6 And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it.
2Jo 1:7 For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.
2Jo 1:8 Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward.
2Jo 1:9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.
2Jo 1:10 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:
2Jo 1:11 For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.Is this a “CHRISTIAN” site? Who is the head of this organization?
Because it sure ain't Jesus! If it were Jesus then people would listen to the above scriptures. Instead they ignore them!
Outside of the Commandments and Jesus the rest of the scripture are NOTHING but here say!!! 1Cor. 7:19
God is ONE! Does this speak of how many gods their are OR what is the Family of God is? God is one with members of His family. No one is greater than the Father but all his children are of GOD.
Is the Holy Spirit a third person I don't believe BUT SO WHAT! That's my “opinion”. If the Holy Spirit is or isn't a person does that make God any less God the Father?
The enemy is right here in your camp and you still fight among yourselves
This is what I suppose it is just another internet site and NOTHING more! But maybe less since no other “Christian” site would put up with the enemy being in their camp.
What shepherd allows wolves in a herd of sheep. I see the life being sucked right out of this place right under your nose.
My spirit grieves within me. What should I do?
I will keep the Commandments of God and have faith in Jesus.
November 11, 2007 at 12:57 am#71254IM4Truth
ParticipantKen You are right in what you are saying, and I don't like those coming in here that do not even believe in a God, but what can we do about that? We can either live with it or leave, and that I do not want you to do, or neither do I want to do that. So we have to put up with it.
You seem to be tired. I will pray for you. I have said not to answer them, but nobody listens to that either.
It is a sad world we live in and I am going to be glad when it is all over with. For me it might be sooner then later.
So, my Brother in Christ hang in there, better days are coming, says the Lord. Praise God, He loves all of us.Peace and Love Mrs.
November 11, 2007 at 7:24 am#71298Not3in1
ParticipantBrother Ken,
Do not let me be a stumbling block in your path. Stay the course. Receive the blessings.
Strong men of God are of a high premium these days. Stand. When you've done everything there is to do; Stand.
You are a man of faith. Let nothing move you.
Your sis,
MandyNovember 11, 2007 at 8:18 am#71302Stu
ParticipantQuote (kenrch @ Nov. 11 2007,08:30) This is what I suppose it is just another internet site and NOTHING more! But maybe less since no other “Christian” site would put up with the enemy being in their camp. What shepherd allows wolves in a herd of sheep. I see the life being sucked right out of this place right under your nose.
My spirit grieves within me. What should I do?
Hi KenrchI think you need to enjoy the diversity of belief here. I'm not speaking of my posts, but of the huge range of opinions on display (yes even the absurd 900+ pages of trinity talk). If your faith is strong, nothing I post should be of concern to you, after all, I am wrong, aren't I? The closest arguments here are fought between those whose doctrines differ by the smallest amounts – this is true in any field of human endeavour.
If people here had responded to me with something like “what you say is fine for you, and I agree the scientific evidence does seem to back up what you say, but I choose to believe differently because my reality is scripture”, then I think there would not be much of a discussion. What actually happens is that people here make claims that are absurd, then feel hurt when they are challenged on those claims.
I care for the truth (as I am sure you do) and I think it is only fair that there is a rational / empirical voice to speak up against the lies some people tell or the genuine misconceptions that they have. If I post something that contradicts scripture, as Good Christian you are scripturally obliged to evangelise to me, and point out the error of my ways, even if I am in my own mind correcting a misleading statement. That's where much of the controversy arises, I think.
Of course you can ask the moderators / t8 to require a declaration of belief in a higher power on registration (like they do in the Boy Scouts) but I think this forum would then lose something useful.
November 11, 2007 at 8:26 am#71305david
ParticipantQuote I am beginning to let go of some of the teachings of the Bible. This sounds heretical, blasphemous even, Yes, it does.
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