Who is HE, what is HIS name?

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  • #781013

    I believe the Son is an eternal, divine spiritual being of the order of Creator Sons. Angels are of a distinct class of created beings.



    Are you suggesting that there are two beings in Heaven named Michael? Does it seem right to you that God’s Son doesn’t have His OWN name? Are you suggesting that GOD  named two beings in Heaven the same name? One being a Michael who is an Angel and a Michael Who is The Christ? That suggests that God’s imagination is rather limited, doesn’t it?

    Isaiah 40:26
    26Lift up your eyes on high And see who has created these stars, The One who leads forth their host by number, He calls them all by name; Because of the greatness of His might and the strength of His power, Not one of them is missing.

    Psalm 147:4
    4He counts the number of the stars; He gives names to all of them. 5Great is our Lord and abundant in strength; His understanding is infinite.…


    Do not these scriptures show and suggest that each star has it’s OWN name? How much more special is God’s OWN Son in comparison to stars or angels? Does it make sense that God would not choose a name for HIS Only Begotten Son that is different and unique from other beings in Heaven? A name that no other in Heaven can claim?


    1 Corinthians 14:33

    33 For God is not a God of (God is not the author of) confusion but of peace.

    As in all the churches of the saints,


    Does not scripture say that our God is not a God of confusion? Wouldn’t two Michaels in Heaven, one being The Christ, cause immense confusion in The Church?




    Grasshopper, it is said that even the hairs on our head are numbered, so I think God or any other being in heaven can tell the difference between Michael an archangel an Christ Michael.

    …29″Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. 30″But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31″So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.

    Ed J

    Hi Mr. Spock,

    If Michael of Revelation is not an angel, what is he?
    And what evidence have you to come to that conclusion?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
    http://www.holycitybiblecode.org _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    ”Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” – JEHOVAH GOD


    Thanks for your reply.

    you said:

    I believe the Son is an eternal, divine spiritual being of the order of Creator Sons.

    And how many eternal Creator Sons do you believe exist?


    Michael of the revelation that John was given on Patmos is our creator brother, he incarnate as Jesus. The reference to the “war in heaven” was about the Lucifer rebellion. The battle was won by Jesus while he was on the earth. The devil was defeated.

    My theology comes from the Urantia revelation which covers much more of these truths in detail.


    In my theology Michael is the creator of 10,000,000 inhabited worlds. The universe has roughly 7 trillion inhabited planets with over 700,000 creator Sons.


    ::faints from the thought that you might ACTUALLY believe that::

    You, Sir, have officially blown my mind with that statement…WOW!

    In disbelief and shock


    Hi Wakeup

    I know who he is in 4 words.
    The question has gone off track into some other topic.


    Grasshoper & company,

    Please, stick with the Bible, don’t consider that there may be more truth anywhere. It is safe to stick with the Bible, its even more safe to trust the preachers who explain that God wrote the Bible, that it has no errors except those of translation. Not only is everything in the Bible true, but everything that is true about God is in the Bible, because if you add anything to the Bible God will cause plagues and bugs and terrible things to happen to you as explained at the end of the Bible. Again, stick with the scripture like the Jews did, call me a fruitcake, a fool, misguided, form Satan etc. Call me all the things they called Jesus. Oh no, its just NOT POSSIBLE that God could reveal anything more now or at anytime in the future. Revelation stopped, it was settled with John on Patmos. Don’t dare think for yourself, that’s just Satan, you should feel guilty if you ever question anything spoon fed to you by the priest class. Again, stick with the bible, call me what you need to call me.

    Even though every point of light in this deep field shot from Hubble is a galaxy, our tiny planet is the only one populated in all the 200,000,000,000 galaxy’s that we estimate exist at this time.


    You wrote:

    In my theology Michael is the creator of 10,000,000 inhabited worlds. The universe has roughly 7 trillion inhabited planets with over 700,000 creator Sons.

    When you say that there are “over 700,000 creator Sons”, do you claim then, that they are Begotten Sons, as well?



    Yes, but only in the sense of their uniqueness. But it is important to point out that in my religion Jesus is not the second person of the Paradise Trinity, the creator Sons are a creation of Triune deity. They embody the nature of their Paradise parents.

    T8 doesn’t like these discussions on the Bible boards so I will need to leave it at that.



    Now here comes the next logical question to you….What exactly IS your religion?



    I’m a disciple of Jesus.

    My religion is the religion of Jesus that he taught before the cross, before the gospel changed.

    I rely on the Urantia Book for the most up to date information/revelation.

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