Which Religion

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  • #31752

    Hey David! So are you saying that the Jehovahs witnesses are introducing a new religion and that many are rejecting it therefore are rejecting Jehovah and the true Church?

    I don't remember saying anything like that.  Please read it again W.


    Dont understand your point I guess! Sorry I refrain my question!




    Quote (Sultan @ Nov. 04 2006,00:54)
    Here is the only RIGHT religion.

    Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. (James. 1:27)

    Amen sultan,
    False religion is rampant and useless folly. Satan must rub his hands in glee at his success in convincing man that God is not One but a trinity and traditions are greater than the Word of God.
    But the followers of Christ love his teachings ahead of any human traditions and are reminded of them by the Spirit.
    Jn 14
    “23Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

    24He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.

    25These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you.

    26But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.”


    I apologize to everyone I may have offended in these forums.

    Please don't look at me as an example of what a JW is, I haven't been one in over 10 years.

    Anyway, I'm sorry for anyone in these forums that I've upset. I'm going to get my life on track, so I will no longer be joining in on these conversations for quite some time, if ever again.

    I don't want my opinions to offend anymore people, so again I apologize to all.

    The complete board is back to being your's Nick……………may your efforts of spreading “your” truth bring you all the happiness you can get from it.

    And to anyone on this site that bashes the witnesses, please remember this, It's not the witnesses you are bashing, but Jehovah.

    And to all you “born again” Christians who love using Jesus name……..please think about this info:

    God’s name is Jehovah

    “We do not say that “Jehovah” is the correct pronunciation of God's name. For that matter, neither is “Jesus” the correct pronunciation of Christ's name. But according to the Aramaic language which Christ and his apostles spoke, his name was pronounced “Yeshu'a”……. But “Jesus” is only our colloquial way of pronouncing his name, and we do not find fault with you for using it instead of Yeshu'a.

    It might be added here what the meaning of the Son of God's name “Jesus” is, whilst he dwelt on earth as a man, as used by all translations. According to Weymouth this name means “Jehovah is Salvation.”(The New Testament in Modern Speech, ftnote 21 under Matthew 1:21.) He is entirely right. So every time anyone uses this name, Jesus, (which is not the original pronunciation of it in the 1st century) he is using and supporting a form of The Divine Name JEHOVAH

    “Those who reject the English “Jehovah” and insist on using the Hebrew pronunciation[Yahweh] would do well to ask themselves why they say “Jesus Christ,” when that was not the way his name was pronounced in Hebrew. That is the English way, derived from the Greek language. In Hebrew, Jesus would be closer to “Yehshua” and Christ would be “Mash'edahh.” So, as we say “Jesus Christ” in the English language, we also say “Jehovah,” both being correct when speaking English.”

    I again apologize to everyone I may have offended….

    My only request was that you quit arguing over stupid stuff, and focus on the more important issues in these last days, but even I can't seem to stop arguing, so I'm bowing out to go do what I know I need to do to get my life back on track.

    There's no need to respond to my messages anymore, because I'm now saying good buy to you all…………….

    May all of your searches for “truth” bring you to what it is you are searching for.

    Peace to all….I'm out!


    goodbye again again again..

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